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Annotated edition quest...

I am looking for an annotated edition of Les Miserables in English.Is there one?
Orestes Fasting

Never found one. There are some pretty awesome French ones though.

Unfortunately, I will take my first French lesson ever next week.

Thanks anyway.

Of course someone could put a lot of effort into things and translate all the notes... OF? Wink

Fantine wrote:
Of course someone could put a lot of effort into things and translate all the notes... OF? Wink


musikal_geek wrote:
Fantine wrote:
Of course someone could put a lot of effort into things and translate all the notes... OF? Wink


An annotated thingy is the book with all the "notes" in the back, right?

The best thing I can find so far is SPARKNOTES

It wasn't what you asked for as in heavily explained with side notes ((if they have one it'd be about three thousand pages)); but, it's the next best thing-----until someone finds something better lol.

Annotate books usually have:
LEFT PAGE - Notes, definitions, and explainations of the page on the right.
RIGHT PAGE - actual text of one page
Orestes Fasting

Fantine wrote:
Of course someone could put a lot of effort into things and translate all the notes... OF? Wink

If that ain't a lot of effort, I don't know what more you want from me. Wink

Honestly, that's most of the interesting stuff from Allem's annotated edition. Most of the rest was either:

1. Explanations for Hugo's many allusions and references to contemporary events, most of which could be replaced by some quality time with Google and Wikipedia;
2. Really really long digressions that nobody, not even me, cares enough about to type up;
3. "On page 432, paragraph 3, second sentence, the first draft had 'grinned' instead of 'smiled.'"

Orestes, your efforts just made my day!
Orestes Fasting

the_persian wrote:
Orestes, your efforts just made my day!

Always glad to be of service. Very Happy One of these days, I will own an annotated edition instead of taking it out of the library like I did the Allem one... and then the fun will really begin.

(Incidentally, the Allem edition is quite heavily footnoted, though not quite to the point of one-page-notes/one-page-text. I seem to recall it being about two thousand pages.)
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