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Favorite Fantine?

Personally, my favorite is Ruthie Henshall. Randy Graff is a close second though.

Acting-wise, I really liked Jessica Bogart in the Walnut Street production last summer, but her voice was weak and somewhat shrill.

My favorite overall is Nikki Renee Daniels - I love both her voice and acting.

And I do like Ruthie Henshall.

Of the ones I've seen onstage, probably Lea Salonga. I liked Joanna Ampil too, though, and I remember being impressed by Tonya Dixon, though unfortunately I only saw her once, long ago, so I don't remember much about her.

On the recordings, Ruthie is by far my favorite English-language Fantine, but if we're also counting foreign ones, she's tied with Cornelia Drese.


-Elinore O'Connel (2nd NT, 1989)
-Susan Gilmour (1st NT, 1991)
-Jill Geddes (3rd NT, 1992)
-Lea Salonga (Broadway Revival)


-Randy Graff ( a most underrated Fantine, imo)
-Ruthie Henshall
-Sona MacDonald (Vienna, Austria)
-Cornelia Drese (Duisburg, Germany)
-Louise Pitre (Paris, France)

Ruthie Henshall as I find her voice startling. Smile

-Gema Casta�o, from the Madrid cast.

-Second place, between Louise Pitre and a couple of german speaking ones. But since the french lyrics for IDAD are so beautiful, I'll pick Louise.

-None of the "famous" english speaking Fantines does anything special to me.

How could I forget Gema? She is definitely one of my favorites. The best Spanish-language Fantine. Such a passionate, beautiful voice.

Ruthiiiiiiiiiie. Don't hate.

Of the ones I've heard/seen on bootleg, Ruthie and Lea.
The Very Angry Woman

Of the Fantines I've seen live: Tonya Dixon, Lea Salonga, and Linda Pierson-Huff. Not in any order.

When I say Lea, you say Salonga! Lea Salonga!

[Sorry. I felt sort of unoriginal, so I decided to spice it up.]

Well, I'm gonna keep going the non-original way and say Ruthie Henshall.
I also saw Genevieve Charest in Quebec City last summer and she was amazing... can't wait for the cd to come out so I can listen to her rendition of IDAD again and again...

Lea Salonga is my favorite, but I like Ruthie Henshall as well.

My favorite is Ruthie Henshall, but out of those whom I have seen (Joanna Ampil, Kerry Ellis and Nurlaila Karim) I liked Joanna Ampil best.

Ruthie Henshall. Closely followed by Lea Salonga. Very, very closely.
music is my life!!!

^ Same, but i saw Sophia Ragavelas in 2007 and adored her (She's now playing Chloe in "Never Forget")

Ruthie Henshall. But I liked Lea Salonga aswell.

Lea Salonga's Fantine is terrific, but I can't stand her Eponine. I wish she were more well-known for Fantine than the Epster.

Really? I liked Lea's Eponine. She was so much better than the nasal laser voice of doom that belongs to Frances Ruffelle.

Lea Salonga

RUTHIE!!!! lol

music is my life!!! wrote:
^ Same, but i saw Sophia Ragavelas in 2007 and adored her (She's now playing Chloe in "Never Forget")

I'm fairly sure that Joanna Ampil had taken over as Fantine by 2007...

Out of all the Fantines I've seen live, my favourite is Kerry Ellis, closely followed by Joanna Ampil.

Funny how Joanna Ampil has so many followers. I saw her live and I found her Fantine very weak.

CabaretGirl wrote:
I also saw Genevieve Charest in Quebec City last summer and she was amazing... can't wait for the cd to come out so I can listen to her rendition of IDAD again and again...

Genevi�ve Charest was really good.
Not my favorite Fantine of all-time, but she has a great voice.

When is the cd suppose to come out?

I'm going to be very unoriginal here, and say Ruthie Henshall, but she is excellent.

Also, I went to see the show in London back in October, and I thought Allyson Brown was a great Fantine. =)
Ulla Dance Again!

It may just be out of bias, but I like Andrea McArdle as Fantine.

... and the lady I saw on the third national tour in Boston whose name escapes me at the moment.
Orestes Fasting

The Broadway revival had a trio of wonderful Fantines: plenty of people have mentioned Lea Salonga, but if anything her understudies were even better. Nikki Ren�e Daniels is by far the best-sung Fantine I've ever seen, and Haviland Stillwell probably the best-acted.

MunkustrapQC wrote:
CabaretGirl wrote:
I also saw Genevieve Charest in Quebec City last summer and she was amazing... can't wait for the cd to come out so I can listen to her rendition of IDAD again and again...

Genevi�ve Charest was really good.
Not my favorite Fantine of all-time, but she has a great voice.

When is the cd suppose to come out?

Le 3 f�vrier, cher Munkustrap du Qu�bec Razz

Orestes Fasting wrote:
The Broadway revival had a trio of wonderful Fantines: plenty of people have mentioned Lea Salonga, but if anything her understudies were even better. Nikki Ren�e Daniels is by far the best-sung Fantine I've ever seen, and Haviland Stillwell probably the best-acted.

WONDERFUL?! You do realise that Daphnie Vega- Rubin was in the show?

Well, she didn't mention Daphne in the "trio of wonderfulness", did she?
Orestes Fasting

I don't remember Genevi�ve Charest's performance except that she went rather off-pitch at the end of IDAD. Perhaps she was getting emotional because it was the final performance; I seem to recall she was otherwise pretty good.

...also, I said the Broadway revival had a trio of wonderful Fantines, not that all their Fantines were wonderful. Daphne was awful, Judy Kuhn had redeeming qualities but I hate her voice, and Rona Figueroa was good but not as standout as Nikki and Havi. Mostly what I remember about Rona is that she's tiny. She looked about fourteen years old, which was heartbreaking in Lovely Ladies but it made me wonder how exactly she had an eight-year-old kid.

I can't imagine Judy Kuhn as Fantine at all. I don't like her voice very much as Cosette either.

Wow. I've always loved Judy Kuhn's voice. I never knew she was Fantine once though. Hmm.

Judy Kuhn's Cosette is my favorite vocally. Never saw her Fantine but reeeally wanted to see her do it.

I saw Judy Kuhn live and I thought she was... boring.

Yeah. Judy wasn't the worst Fantine ever, but I have to second "boring." I seem to remember that during IDAD she just kind of ...sat there.

I love Judy lots, and I think she sounded good as Cosette, but she sort of has the wrong voice for Fantine.

Lisa Capps was probably my favorite Fantine, that I saw on stage, she had such a pretty voice. Tonya Dixon was good too. I thought Joan Almedilla was inconsistant vocally, but I liked her acting for the most part.

Orestes Fasting, I saw Rona Figueroa as Eponine, on tour, yes she did seem tiny. I thought she was a great Eponine, a good combination of troughness, and saddness. It would have been interesting to see her as Fantine.
The Very Angry Woman

Disney-Bway27 wrote:
Wow. I've always loved Judy Kuhn's voice. I never knew she was Fantine once though. Hmm.

The three best I've ever seen are Jayne Paterson, Tonya Dixon, and Susan Spencer, in that order.

Kerry Ellis and Ruthie Henshall

Fantine wrote:
My favorite is Ruthie Henshall, but out of those whom I have seen (Joanna Ampil, Kerry Ellis and Nurlaila Karim) I liked Joanna Ampil best.

Agreed, although the ones i have seen might not be 100% identical.

Lea Salonga and Nikki Renee Daniels were fabulous! I think they win it for me.
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