Can anybody tell me?(Firstly, hello, I'm a newbie, big fan of Les Mis since, well, forever.)
I know it may be a long shot, but in what I think was March/April 1996 Les Miserable TAC was shown on TV, does anybody know the exact date of this?
It's just that this was the first time I ever saw Les Miserables, I was 6 years old and watched it in absolute awe. It was on until late though and I was made to go to bed. However, my grandmother had the video and promised she would sit down with me one day and we'd watch it and she'd explain the story to me, which she did about a week later. and now about 12 years on I'm as big a fan as I was then.
Sorry if I look ignorant for starting a thread about this, but it least it isn't an "omg whos bttr lea salonga or frances ruffelle??????????" style thread.