Lady Jemima
Choice of row F or K: where should I sit?I'm SO excited to finally see Les Mis on Broadway--several years ago in high school my class went, but due to health problems I couldn't attend, and was incredibly devestated. I've seen the tour but Broadway is always in a league of its own.
Telecharge gives me the option of rows F and K (both near the aisle). Having never been in the Broadhurst theater before, I'm not sure if F is too close. Opinions?
No idea but in London its better to be that bit closer.
Orestes Fasting
F, definitely. I don't know whether it's giving you mezzanine or orchestra, but if you sit too far back in the orchestra, the mezz overhang blocks your view of things like the top of the barricade and the bridge in Look Down. And Row K in the mezzanine is not only so far back that you can't see well, it makes everything look so small that the staging loses a bit of its grandeur.
There's really no such thing as too close in the Broadhurst, unless you're in the cheap restricted view seats; my friend sat in the front row on Saturday and had a blast.
Lady Jemima
I'm sorry; I forgot to specify that I was referring to Orchestra. I'm going to wait the rest of the afternoon to give others time to post, but my gut feeling was F to begin with.
F is definately the best idea. It's not too close at all! I just saw Les Mis two weeks ago and I was in row E, so F is really good!
The closer the better. Some shows, like Phantom, are better a bit farther away. There's something uniquely magical about seeing this show up close.
Orestes Fasting
Quique wrote: | The closer the better. Some shows, like Phantom, are better a bit farther away. There's something uniquely magical about seeing this show up close. |
Though you might want to bring an umbrella if you wind up left-center in the first three rows or so. Alex is a spitter.
Orestes Fasting wrote: |
Though you might want to bring an umbrella if you wind up left-center in the first three rows or so. Alex is a spitter.  |
ha... yeah... that was fun.