Les Mis CUT MATERIALI was recently re-reading Edward Behr's great book about the genesis of the musical "The Complete Book of Les Miserables."
In it, they discuss the original London previews, from which "over an hour of material" was cut.
Does anyone have any inkling what this material was or where it fit in the show? I know some of it was the meeting in the woods between Cosette and Valjean -- they discuss this in the book, and it was of course reinstated for the 10th Anniversary overhaul in 1997.
However, that leaves about 57 minutes of other stuff. Any ideas? Anyone ever seen the missing score pages? Anyone attend the first previews in 1985?
I've heard about a chase scene being included with Javert, Little Cosette and Valjean based on the scene with Valjean climbing the wall in The Brick. I believe that Peter Polycarpou would have doubled for Colm Wilkinson when it came to climbing over the wall.
I've read about the Javert chase too. That's why "Stars" is placed before "Look Down" on the OLC instead of after... apparently it originally came after the chase that led to Valjean climbing the wall, instead of after the Paris robbery.
Obviously, the full version of "Little People" and "I Saw Him Once" were also cut. I've also read that that some of the music on the French Concept Album that's cut from the current show was originally included; e.g. the longer versions of "Fantine's Arrest" and "Valjean's Confession," and the little sung prelude to "Castle on a Cloud."