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Lost Files.

Hi, I know I shouldn't do this, but I am extremely annoyed about this, and was hoping someone could help me out... I had two Les Miserables 'Singles' for a while (a few years), however when I've tried playing them recently, my iTunes says it can't find the files. I've searched all over my computer for these two files, but can't find them. Can anyone help me out by uploading them to me? I'd greatly appreciate your help:

1. Dave Willets' Stars

Thank you very much.
Brother Marvin Hinten, S.

And while you're helping him, does anyone have the lyrics James Fenton wrote that were never used?
Mademoiselle Lanoire
Cloudy This Morning

Olly, I can't PM, but I got your message, and I'll have the OMO out to you Monday! Very Happy
Cloudy This Morning

Alright, now, I can't PM, and I can't put it up here, so would anybody care to PM that Techno OMO to him for me?? Anyone?
Lazarus (Adam G)

Anyone who wants it:

Do You Hear the People Sing:

Cloudy: On My Own Dance Remix

Don't ban me...

Laz, that's amazing buddy; thank you so much. I really appreciate it! However could you help me with a problem? I can't seem to save the On My Own track for some reason... Thank you again Very Happy
Cloudy This Morning

Eaaaaagh, here Olly. You can save this. Happy birthday, and such.

Thank you so much Cloudy! It'll be the last demand for a while I feel Wink . Thank you again, and thanks for wishing me happy birthday Very Happy
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