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Most famous songs

What do you guys think are the most famous songs from Les Miz. How would you rank them. Here are my choices:

1 I Dreamed a Dream
2 On My Own
3 Bring Him Home
4 Do You Hear the People Sing
5 One Day More
6 Castle on a Cloud
7 Master of the House
8 Stars
9 At the End of the Day
10 Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
And All That Jazz

Agree with that list. Except I would exclude Castle on a Cloud and Master of the House.

Hmm, I don't know about that, as COAC and MOTH seem to be included in every LM compilation played in orchestras etc, and I knew them but hadn't heard of songs such as BHH, ODM, Stars or Empty Chairs (from the first list) before I actually found a recording.

I think it depends on what your exposure is; definitely from an orchestral perspective the only solo songs I knew were Castle, OMO and IDAD. The first 2 excerpts of LM I ever heard (before orchestra) were Castle and DYHTPS. I would definitely say that (from a non-musical viewpoint), DYHTPS is more famous than BHH. It is the first song that comes into most people's heads when you mention Les Mis (at least the people I have come across.)

After Susan Boyle, definitely "I dreamed a dream".

But in the past, "On my own" and "Bring him home"
l'ivrogne transfigur�

I think I'd swap Bring Him Home and Castle On A Cloud in that list. Castle On A Cloud is sung a lot by young girls (and older ones) in singing lessons. I used to hear it so often at music festivals and talent shows and such, that it actually really put me off it.

I'd also rank "I dreamed a dream", "Do you hear the people sing", "On my own" and "Bring Him Home" highest, actually. I love that Les Mis doesn't have that one hit, though, like Cats' "Memory"... Sure, people might argue that now "I dreamed a dream" is that one hit, but it isn't. It's in the first third of the musical and it's not the highlight. It's interesting to sit in the auditorium and notice people reacting when the song starts to play, and some are actually surprised to hear it this early on at this point. And this is the only positive thing I can take away from the hype - the fact that more people experience Les Mis live, not knowing what actually awaits them and being blown away.
: )

The first song I ever heard from Les Mis was At The End of the Day.

I didn't know what les mis was and ATEOTD was really my introduction to musical theatre. I'd never heard anything else from les mis until at least 6 months afterwards. But I think I'm pretty unusual in that respect

I remember I first saw the show cold, with absolutely no prior knowledge. On the way home my mom and I (I was ten) realised we couldn't remember a single melody except Castle on a Cloud. So that was the only song I knew for a while (without lyrics, unfortunately) until my grandparents gave my the OBC for my birthday a few months later.
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