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Monsieur D'Arque

My Recording of "One Day More"... ALL PARTS

Comments? Ridicule? Anything?

This is amazing.

Your Valjean is amazing! I loved your Eponine too...hahaha.

Your lyrics are different from the lyrics I know, though. Are they different on a different cast recording?

Anyway, nice note at the end of the song!

This amuses me so much. Very Happy

The web site is down. I wanna hear!!!

I'll try again later.


That was hilarious! I especially liked the Eponine bits and the lyric changes.

You don't sound too bad as Enjolras, btw. The volume must've been up really high as there is audio distortion, but it was entertaining, nonetheless. XD

This makes me have no idea... (This isn't ridicule, it's kudos.)


It's like a Forbidden Broadway style... I can imagine you on stage with a bunch of puppets, running between puppets like a maniac to make each sing their part. This isn't a criticism, just a peculiarity, I love how at times when recording say the Thenardier's parts, you're out of time with yourself Laughing

The best bit? After the final note there's an audible *huff* which sounds like it's because of the effort of singing 30 people all at once Laughing

How long did it take you to mix it all together?
Brother Marvin Hinten, S.

GayBoy wrote:
This isn't a criticism, just a peculiarity, I love how at times when recording say the Thenardier's parts, you're out of time with yourself Laughing

That's actually a problem with Audacity, the recording program he used. It happens because there is a small delay between when Audacity starts playing sound and when it actually reaches one's speaker. Audacity does not automatically try to correct for this delay, and it has to be done manually. (And in case anyone with Audacity wants to fix that, to correct this delay, use the Time Shift tool to slide one of the tracks over until they line up - you can use the tool while you are listening to the recording.)

But yeah...your idea works, too.
Monsieur D'Arque

It took me three hours to do the whole thing... As far as the huff, that was actually Marius (well, my recording of the Marius part), out of breath from doing Soprano 1, Valjean and Marius in a row.

As for that last note, originally I recorded (and often actually perform) Thenardier an octave up, but due to the strain of recording all the parts, I wasn't up for a part consisting mainly of high A's, B's and C's, so I dropped him to his normal octave and sang in a "cookie monster" voice. However, I did record the final Thenardier high C during the ensemble part, mainly because I'm proud of it.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

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Thats brilliant!

I want to do one yey!!

Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause
The Pirate King

Very Happy

I've done this before.
Monsieur D'Arque

Heh. My Whiny Bitch Eponine has proven to be more popular than I expected. Maybe I should resurrect her for "On My Own" soon...

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