Archive for Musicals.Net Musicals.Net |
SomeoneLikeYou |
It is truly unfortunate that the bashing and negative energy are causing things like this to happen in the thread. So many people just take things so seriously! I feel bad for you, mastachen...all you wanted to do was have a little fun with a great musical...and you have to put up with stuff. |
bigR |
Maybe it is Mastachen who's taking it too seriously. He is the only one in the whole forum who is obsessed with keeping the no-nominations and specially the no-cross gender rule. He still can open the forum cast to everyone. Allowing nominations and ,most important, cross-gender auditions won't spoil anything. The newbies will still have a chance (no need for over-dramatized retractations), and every body willbe happy.
You say that we want to make this exclusive but it's just the oposite: we are trying to make it more open so that everyone in the forum (girls who want to have a shot at male roles, aswell as people too shy to audition for a role but who could be nominated by someone else) could have a chance at the cast. Why is Mastachen so set in mantaining an unfair rule nobody but him is set in mantaining is really beyond me. Really, is any one else oposed to cross-gender auditions or nominations? Speak up, please! And if it is not too much to ask, what are your reasons? |
elizabethjaneforrest |
This is sad. ![]() I thought this was a way to meet new people, but it seems to be establishing more rivalries than friendships. Come on, guys. Lighten up. Instead of getting angry that new members are auditioning, why don't you get to know them? I'm sure they won't bite. |
curlyhairedsoprano91 |
BigR, if I'm not mistaken, Aimee, the moderator who approved this forum cast, posted and said that we were to abide by mastachen's rules. Please guys, stop fighting. And for the love of God, stop bitching at newbies for wanting to participate. |
Brunnhilde |
We want cross-gender cast!
People who agree, copy-paste and sign this. - Br�nnhilde - - - - - - - Damn their warnings, damn their lies! They will see the people rise! |
psych_out |
I agree. And, speaking as a new person, I apologize if I've caused any trouble. I'm a bit too stubborn to give up my favorite barricade boy, but I am taking myself out of the running for Cosette, as I understand that people with more experience on the forum probably deserve larger roles. (I'll edit my post to avoid confusion) Again, sorry if I've contributed to a problem. I come in peace, I promise. ![]() |
curlyhairedsoprano91 |
You know what? It hurts my heart to do this, but I'm taking myself out of the running for Cosette as well, even though I'm relatively "not new" to the Les Mis forum.
I'm sorry, Mastachen ... I think you've done a wonderful job, but, no matter how much I like these forum members, there are a few who apparently cannot tolerate not getting their way and are trying to ruin it for other people. It's causing drama, and I don't like drama (the off-stage kind). So, props to Mastachen, and I'll probably vote if I feel like it. |
acc921 |
Agreed. I'll take myself out for Eponine ![]() |
SomeoneLikeYou |
Oh no, curlyhairedsoprano91 not you too! I was totally going to vote for you because I know how much you love Cosette...
This is very, very sad that it's come to this...with all this stupid drama. I mean, this isn't even a real cast! Could you imagine what this would be like if there was an actual show involved?! Again, very sad. People can be so higher-than-thou, and make such a scene over not serious matters. ![]() |
SmallTownIngenue |
I never knew that forum casts were only for the experienced posters....As a new poster (although I've joined these forums a while ago, I've just lurked), I don't think it's fair to step out of the running for one of the larger roles just because I'm a newbie. I want to participate too! Forum casts seemed like fun, and I wanted to join in. | ||||||||||
Orestes Fasting |
Um, wow, for a bunch of people who claim to hate drama so much, that's a pretty impressive amount of flouncing over a complete strawman argument.
There is nobody here who wants to chase newbies around with pitchforks and ban them from the forum-cast proceedings. I don't even think there's anyone (except perhaps Fantine) who thinks that established posters should have any sort of privilege whatsoever over new ones. Four or five of us take issue with the gender-specific casting, is all, and we rather like the old nominations process for reasons that have nothing to do with excluding anybody. Opening up the forum cast to gender-neutral casting would actually benefit new members, because the competition wouldn't be as fierce with everyone competing for the full cast, as opposed to the majority of the forum competing for four main roles. |
psych_out |
Really? That's too bad; I was definitely planning on voting for you.
Oh, I know that there are no pitchforks involved. I also have no particular issue with cross-gender casting, if it works out that way. I just didn't want anyone to think that I was being presumptuous in asking for a lead. |
Brigantine |
No, no, no... don't everyone drop out...
I just pulled out because I got to thinking "I've already done a forum cast, and it means a lot more to other people here than it does to me so I'll just get out of the way..." As for Cross-Gender casting... rules are rules, I guess. If you don't like 'em, don't play. I understand the frustration, but... ?? He already had an exception- IF not many auditions are posted for the men then he'll open it up... am I remembering right? So there you go. How he defines "Not a lot of people" is up for interpretation. Less than 5? 10? 2? Less than the amount who auditioned for Eponine? ![]() |
elizabethjaneforrest |
I'm staying in.
You know why? Because I deserve the same amount as respect as anyone else here. I expect you all to be adults and give me the same consideration as the more seasoned board members. However, at the same time, we have to remember that this casting bias goes on in the real world as well. Directors often cast who they've worked with before. The only way to break out of the "new" category is to make yourself visible. So here I am, forum. Tell me that I'm not good enough because I'm new. I dare you. ![]() |
mastachen |
Wow.. the carnage.
Well ok, as sad as it makes me to see the people drop out, I totally understand why you have to do what you do. Like I said to Brigantine, I want everyone to feel welcome here, and if you don't feel welcome, then you have to do what you have to do. Unfortunately, I can't control what other people say or feel in this thread, so I do the best I can. When the complaining started, this was the one thing I was afraid of. And since auditions are open for another week, I'm afraid that people who might've wanted to audition have all been scared off. I know if I came into a thread like this, even as a frequent poster, I would not want to audition. Orestes, while I understand that your intent isn't to exclude newer members, by doing nominations, it will inherently lead to exclusion because you'll only nominate people you know. Having nominations and auditions together is a bad idea also for the following reasons: A) It's more work for me, and I already have a lot on my plate with schoolwork, volunteer, research, and planning an upcoming vacation. B) If somebody wins a role through nominations and someone else wins through auditions, how do I decide who wins? What if they each got 3 nominations and 3 votes and that was enough for them to win in both categories? I'd have to come up with a whole new set of rules and be transparent about it, and honestly, that will cause a lot more problems than it'll solve. I have also read the remark by Orestes that implied I was sexist and the sarcastic post by BigR that is clearly a personal attack. I'm not going to respond to it though, but just acknowledge it. As for the cross-gender auditioning, between February and August (the amount of time I waited to do this forum cast), I read through 7 forum casts (the 3 that happened this year, and the 4 I could find that happened last year) to determine what rules to use. Not one of them allowed cross-gender auditioning initially (the POTO one did after not enough guys auditioned, but it wasn't really an issue b/c no girls auditioned for male's parts) So, no BigR, I didn't make up any of these rules. These rules were compiled by other people who have run forum casts before. I didn't even picked the ones that I liked. I basically chose the rules that appeared the most in all the forum casts, and one of them happened to be "no cross-gender auditioning" so I picked it. Psych_out, nobody should think you're being presumptious for wanting to be Cosette. You have as much right to that role as anybody else here. To anybody else who's dropping out, I'll wait for Saturday night to remove your names. That way, if you still want to stay in, you can. Brigantine, I already removed your name but you have the option of rejoining if you want. Stay classy, mdn! |
psych_out |
Thanks, Mastachen; I'll think about it. |
star2ballie |
I wanna send a giant E-Hug to alex cuz crazies are scary. Yikes!! | ||||||||||
Orestes Fasting |
Point taken that nominations would complicate the process a little, although I was thinking more along the lines of nominations being just another way to get on the candidate list, not a separate process altogether.
And I stand by the sexism comment. I'm not saying it's intentional, but that being male, you don't get screwed over by gendered casting, and thus you didn't really have to think about the ramifications of that rule or the fact that it did, in fact, privilege the male third of the forum. And when the girls, who were getting the shaft over it, brought the problem to your attention, you basically told them you'd consider listening to them but only if the boys didn't show up. Sexism comes in more forms than just "get back in the kitchen and make me a sammich," and the fact that it wasn't intentional doesn't make it any less insulting. |
mezzo_soprano |
Please don't do this soprano! |
mezzo_soprano |
Um can I audition for young eponine too?
I think I could be young Eponine because I usually play roles without speaking and I think it can be a challange! |
bigR |
1. Can anyone read here? Where did we say that we want to exclude the newbies? Actually, Brunnhilde has been here only a month (hi, brunnhilde), and I would vote for her if she had the right to audition!!!.
2. When I was talking about "nominations" I never though they would count as votes. I was thinking in the same line as Orestes. That they would be "auditions" proposed by a third person. I still think it would be nice because it would help shy people. I'm sure that, like Psych_out, a lot of people don't audition for parts they would like for fear that other people would think that they are presumptious. Nominations would only help them out. But I never thought that they should count as votes. Just as a way to propose someone for an audition. 3. The non cross-gender: I think that we all agree that it wouldn't go against the newbies. Actually, nearly every newbie has auditioned for �ponine, so, by allowing the girls to audition for male parts it will only give them more chances to get casted. And, like Orestes, I still think that it is really amazing the way you even refuse to answer the complaints. I really don't understand you. You are THE ONLY ONE here who absolutely wants the non-cross gender rule. A lot of people don't care about it (mostly because they all want to be �ponine), and a bunch of people are agaisnt it. Why do you refuse to change it when nobody is activelly supporting you and it wouldn't hurt nobody? And I'm not being sarcastic or ironic or anything. I honestly wonder why are you so set on keeping that silly rule when it would be so easy to change it and make everybody happy. 4. I really don't get where all the drama comes from. We've made two proposals: a) nominations (not as a way to get votes, but only to propose someone as a candidate). it would made the cast more open, and it would help shy people. b) cross-gender casting. it would give everybody and equal chance, and it would even be good for the newbeis because they would be less people fighting for cosette or �ponine. Now, you've given a very understandable reason for not wanting to do "nominations", but I think that you didn't understand what we were proposing. We think of it only as a way to say "I want X to audition for that part", not as any kind of vote. But really, the most weird thing: you've not given any reason yet for the non-cross gender rule. Really, if you are so set on it, you must have really good reasons. Let us know them at least. Why are you against cross gender casting? (again I'm not being ironic, and it is not a rethorical question) |
Sythar |
Actually - I'd like to withdraw from Eponine and Fantine. I know (as a relatively new face around here) that there's probably little chance of me getting either - but heck. I'm not that hung up on either part (I wanna do Javert! *sobs hysterically*). It'll help open things up for the people who really want those parts. I'd be completely happy with Courfeyrac. ![]() I'll admit to being a little sad about the non cross-gendering rules. I love Javert very much, and I could come up with a whole raft of reasons as to why I'd like to play him. And after all - I'm never going to get the chance to play him in real life, am I? A forum cast'd be my only shot. But - eh. Rules is rules I guess. ![]() Just so I'm clear - this isn't me getting upset about the 'newbie' issue. I didn't read anyone as saying they wanted to exclude us. I just think - as there's a lot of competition for these roles - that I should leave the field more clear for the people who really want them. And I love Courfeyrac - just not as much as I love Grantaire and Javert. ![]() |
Brunnhilde |
Okay. I still don't understand ONE thing. Why does ONE person make the rules? Don't we live in a Republic? If not, barricades should arise, comrades.
What do we care other forum cast rules? Women are more here. There are only four adult female roles (not counting factory girls and whores with one line) and there are a lot of male roles. We have few men. |
mastachen |
Honestly, the cross-gender auditioning rule was to give the guys a chance. I knew that females far outnumber males in ANY forum casts, not just this one. That is why all the other forum casts had the rule. I knew that a ton of girls here wanted to audition for male parts and I thoguht that it could easily become a forum cast where only 2 guys are cast or a forum cast where it's all girls, which we all know is true. It wasn't that I was trying to screw girls over. I was trying to prevent guys from getting screwed over. And if you want to start all this sexist bullshit again, Orestes, you should really stop being a hypocrite because what you're advocating is clearly not equality. You and BigR have accused me of wanting to keep the best roles for ourselves when both of you are doing the exact same thing. I'm trying to make it so that about the same number of guys and girls get cast. It's not my fault that you think the female roles suck. I didn't write the roles, ok? And no, bigR, I'm not the only one here who wants the no cross-gender auditions.
As for caring about other rules... um... that's like asking why do we study history? I'm going to be extremely blunt here. I did not make up the rules. I did research on the best rules (the ones used most often) while everyone else for 6 whole months was just "oh let's do a les mis forum cast. I dont want to start one b/c im lazy and have better things to do but if someone does it I'll do it because i really really really want one" I was the only one that took initiative. You people only like to talk but when it comes down to actually having to take initiative, you just sit around on your asses with your various excuses, and then complain when things don't go your way. And I don't understand how any of you people can call the people dropping out dramatic when you were the ones starting this entire drama. And seriously, for the second time, quit quoting Les Mis, Brunnhilde. It's ---- annoying. The Starlight Express forum cast in 2007 had a rule that said "don't complain about the rules." Maybe I should've included that one. To those who auditioned, and imed me and pmed me and that one e-hug from Allie (<3), thanks for your support. Allie was right: crazies are scary. |
bigR |
1. Now, I really can't believe it. What you are saying is that something like 5% of the people here are guys and you set up a rule to garantee that this 5% of the people got the better roles. NICE. Now I ask again, why do this people need special roles reserved for them? Are they impared somehow? I still don't need why you keep focusing on the gender of the forum members. ALL people should have equal chance, whether they are guys or girls. Of course if they are 30 girls and 3 guys the cast with result on less guys than girls, but that's only fair. And it's not just Orestes, the fact that you think that guys should have an advantage over girls, and should necessarely get some kind of role, just because they are guys is sexist. Why don't you stop thinking about people as guys and girls, and start thinking about them as just people, with equal chances? Guys won't be screwed over in a cross-gender casting because they would have the same chance for any part than girls do. Every person would have the same chance for every character. Now, if for you equality means than the men are screwed up. You belong in another century, my friend. 2-No, I don't want any role for myself. I won't audition for any part if you change that stupid non-cross gender rule, that you admited you stablished just because you want to be Javert or Enjolras. 3- Really? Aren't you the only one who wants the non-cross gender audition? Because I don't see any one supporting you. 4-Sythar, join us! You're being screwed over aswell. If you like Javert and Grantaire you should get a chance at them! 5. And I love your Les Mis quote, Brunnhilde. |
Fantine |
I like to think that it's all about personality. And with personality, there is no gender limit.
For example, Orestes would always be my Enjolras. Moci will forever be my Marius, Aimee is my Jean Valjean. |
Fantine |
I seriously take offence, Orestes. I have always been talking about personality, the inside character of people, as the way in which I'd like to cast this. It has nothing to do with how much time everyone spent here, but it does have everything to do with how well I know people. Open nominations, so that we can pick people and match them with Les Mis characters. Cross-gender, just like the forum cast from one or two years ago. The only thing I thought was ironic is that all these new faces showed up only for this Forum Cast, while none of them ever show any interest in the rest of the forum and it's people. |
SmallTownIngenue |
How do you know that we've never showed interest in the forum or its people? Have you personally tracked us and everything we do on the forum? You can never know for sure. I've been a member of this forum for a year, but I've never really posted, but now I feel more comfortable and I wanted to audition for a forum cast because they seem like fun, it's not like I'm coming out of lurking just for the forum cast. I post on other threads too. | ||||||||||
Fantine |
Sure dear, I checked and the only things you seem to care about is telling everyone how you've played Fantine in Les Mis, and posting pictures of yourself. |
wicked_boy |
That was kinda snobbishy. |
SmallTownIngenue |
I just finished playing the role, of course I'm going to be excited about it, that's what was going on in my life. You seem to have absolutely no faith in people. I don't know if I want to participate in this if it's full of people like you. You sure are good at making people feel welcome here. | ||||||||||
Fantine |
It's not: we just want a fair forum cast in which everyone can be chosen for any role, as long as it fits them.
And it's alright to be exited after playing such a marvellous role. |
Fantine |
Grow a back-bone; we've all been there. |
wicked_boy |
What has saying
"Sure dear, I checked and the only things you seem to care about is telling everyone how you've played Fantine in Les Mis, and posting pictures of yourself." got to do with wanting a fair cast? |
Fantine |
Nothing. |
wicked_boy |
Excactly, was kinda snobbishy /rude, wasn't it? |
SmallTownIngenue |
Thanks for telling me that after making me feel like a complete idiot. | ||||||||||
SomeoneLikeYou |
Lots of cutthroat action going on. |
Fantine |
In one way yes, another no. She was claiming that she was posting lots in other forums and this one, but she hasn't really posted anything relevant; just photo's of herself. Which makes me wonder, why do you feel like an idiot so soon, SmallTownIngenue, you seem kind of self confident. |
wicked_boy |
She doesn't have to be posting, she could have simply been lurking around and reading threads. |
Orestes Fasting |
I think that remark came out wrong--because what I got from your other posts to the thread was that forum casts should be based on what other posters know about one's personality, and that by its very nature gives established members priority. And being an established member is not about how long you've been here or even your post count, but your level of meaningful interaction with the forum. And Mastachen, I'll advocate an equal number of guys and girls in the forum cast when there are equal numbers of guys and girls on the forum. Cross-gender casting isn't about being perfectly "equal" but about being equitable and giving everyone an equal shot at the roles. If only a third of the people on the forum are guys, why should they get two-thirds of the roles? As for trying to trample on the males with my high-heeled feminist Boots of Trampling so that I can get to one of the better parts, I'm just throwing this out here: I didn't put myself forth for Enjolras in the last forum cast, and I'm not going to audition for it this time. My audition post stays the way it is, and if you think I'm that much of an angry cantankerous cynical bastard, you can vote for me as Grantaire. |
Fantine |
That's true. But she also said the above. Anyway, this is not what this thread is about. Yet I doubt that I'll have the last word in this, so... |
SmallTownIngenue |
If you knew me in real life, you would know I am nothing but self-confident. I had a lot of pictures from Les Mis and I wanted to share them. Is that so horrible? I read other threads, ask for audition advice. Like I said, I'm just coming out of lurking for a year, of course I'm not going to have a bunch of relevant posts. For someone who is striving for fairness in this forum casting I don't think it's very fair to personally attack me like this. If you have more to say to me just PM me or leave it alone. | ||||||||||
Fantine |
D'accord, Orestes.
Aye to that. |
Fantine |
I'd like to remind you that you made this a personal matter; you personally took offence by something I said that maybe wasn't even about you, and then you attacked me. So look at yourself first. |
SmallTownIngenue |
I attacked you? Well you certainly returned the favor. | ||||||||||
Orestes Fasting |
You guys? Take it to PM. Please. That's what it's for. | ||||||||||
idTAPthat89 |
i think this is the most intense thread i've ever seen. ![]() |
wicked_boy |
There's been worse... trust me. |
Orestes Fasting |
![]() |
star2ballie |
this casting isn't real life dudes and dudettes. if you are so hell bent on "playing" javert in "cast" of les mis that is done on an "internet website" by "strangers", why don't you make yourself a banner that says "MYNAME as... Javert!!!!" and a nice little pic of him and stuff.
if you dont like the rules, why not "play" or whatever you're calling it. if you dont think it's fair don't participate and stfu. |
bigR |
Go tell Mastachen. He is so obsessed with being casted as javert or enjolras that he has forbidden 80% of the members of the forum to audition/be nominated for the role.
Thanks for the tip, but I'm not participating already. It's just that I don't seem to be able to shut up. Maybe it is because of the hot weather... Well, everybody has personality flaws.. |
bigR |
Hey, don't make the poor guy pay for everything now! What has he ever done to be called a bastard? ![]() And "Someone is wrong on the internet": ![]() ![]() ![]() |
mezzo_soprano |
THANK YOU ALLIE!!!!! Guys, chill! If you don't like the way this cast is run, ASK IF YOU CAN RUN THE NEXT ONE! Thank you! |
Elphaba22 |
I'm not dropping out even though I'm not a regular on this forum because there are only a few people who are being completely unreasonable and accusing Mastachen of being unfair/making the rules so he'll get cast as Javert/Enjolras. Which he's not. If you don't like it, don't audition/vote because everyone else was having fun until this argument started.
I know that there are a lot of people who want a fun and friendly forum cast, not an argument. Please everyone stay in. =D |
psych_out |
I think I will stay in as Cosette, actually. Just for the heck of it. | ||||||||||
Elphaba22 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
acc921 |
So i dont really want to get involved in all the fighting, but the point of this entire website is to be able to discuss things with a group of people who have common interests, and the point of Forum Casts, if I'm correct, is to have fun. I don't understand why it's worth arguing and fighting about - it just seems like a waste of everyone's time and energy. If you don't like it then it's obviously fine to say so, but instead of attacking people, it might be more effective to state your opinions in a calm and intelligent manner (don't get me wrong, many of you have). The point is that something like this is, sorry, totally not even worth making an issue of. We all understand that musicals and theater mean a lot to all of us, but the point is that this isn't even a "legitimate" cast. I really do hate to preach, but it's not worth attacking people and saying mean things to them that, to be honest, you probably would never be rude enough to say in person.
Hoorayyyyyyy!!! for being happy and stuff ![]() |
Fantine |
Welcome to the internet. | ||||||||||
Elphaba22 |
I Lol'd for like an hour when I saw this: |
wicked_boy |
Someone has a too much spare time on their hands. |
lostquiche |
*exhales* So...when does the voting start? | ||||||||||
Elphaba22 |
August 15th I believe | ||||||||||
music is my life!!! |
Screen Name...Music is my life!!!
Name... Grace Desired Roles... Fantine, Eponine, Cosette, Factory Girl, Young Eponine, Young Cosette, Joly Why?... When i do this next year with my youththeatre i'll be 16. I'll be going for all the roles i can, because it's one of the few shows that does not require amazing dancers, and is so powerful. Fantine is definately my fave character, as she has so much complexity and only wants to live a decent life. Her range also fits perfectly with my voice. ![]() I used to dream about playing Eponine, and whenever I hear ALFoR I start to sob ![]() ![]() Cosette is the one who I really feel i can relate to, as i am living a wonderful life, and feel priviledged to be fortunate enough to do so. ![]() The factory girl would be a very fun role - getting to taunt Fantine and be the cause of her getting sacked ![]() ![]() Young Eponine (again) is a small but important role. you get to wear the cutest of blue hats and shove little Cosette around... could it get any better?!?! Young Cosette was always the part i wanted when i was little, but they never did auditions where i live for the show, so i never had the chance. It's always going to be a lifetime ambition to, at least figuratively, play her. I felt like LC when iw as at junior schopol.... always being bullied for being "too nice" "too musical" and "too clever" and even "too fat" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Joly is exactly how i am now - happy with life, although i would be heartbroken at the death of Gavroche, as i put my heart and soul into life. If i can't go for Joly because i'm a girl, so be it - there's plenty of other parts up for grabs! ![]() Picture... i'll put one on later... Here is one of my favourites (check out the hair!!!): ![]() |
mastachen |
I've updated the opening post to include all the drop-outs (![]() ![]() For those who have dropped out, you will be welcome back in if you choose to rejoin before voting begins on August 15th. |
curlyhairedsoprano91 |
I've heard through the internetz grapevine that there are a few people who want me back in. So ... I'll take that sort of as a nomination and stay in, if the infighting doesn't get too bad again. | ||||||||||
mastachen |
Did you only audition for Cosette? You deleted your original audition. ![]() |
curlyhairedsoprano91 |
Haha, sorry for that (the deleting) ... I was for Cosette and the Factory Girl. | ||||||||||
mastachen |
Updated! | ||||||||||
SomeoneLikeYou |
Okay, that is officially the best thing EVER! ![]() |
EponineBarker |
I originally wasn't going to audition, 'cause I knew that I didn't have much of a chance, but I figured they'd be nothing to lose, so here's my audition description.
Screen Name: EponineBarker Role(s) Desired: Eponine and Fantine Reasons Why: Yeah, yeah, I'm auditioning for Eponine, big surprise...anyway, this is a role I've wanted to play for a long time now. I like Eponine's character, not because of the whole "being able to relate to her because I'm in love with a boy who is in love with another girl and he doesn't even notice me" senario (although I have experienced that and it sucks!) but because (at least in the musical, I haven't finished the book yet) she's human and has flaws, (at least compared to the musical Cosette) which makes her easier to empithize with at times, (considering I also know the feeling of being ignored) even though she had a decent childhood. I also can sing her songs pretty well and love playing out death scenes. I also find it interesting how many ways you can play her. Even though Fantine has a small part and dies early on, (did I mentioned I love doing death scenes? ![]() |
theatrelover18 |
Username: theatrelover18 Name: Maura Role desired : Young Cossette Why: Ever since I first heard castle on a cloud I fell in love with the song it is a pretty song and it fits my vocal range well. I also think I'm the perfect age for the role being the youngest on this forum. I also have a big imagination I am a daydreamer in class and I think it would be a wonderfull role to take on because i have never have had to portray a a charachter like hers before. I really don't know that much about the show so i also think this would be a good time to find out what its like. Happy Voting! ![]() |
Sythar |
Ola! Hey - I completely missed that I could actually audition for Grantaire! (I think when I auditioned he was still counted with the 9 major roles, and not open for cross-gendered auditions) Is it too late to do so? My audition for Courfeyrac stands, of course.
Presuming that the answer is yes - (ignore if it's not ![]() Sythar Auditioning for: Grantaire Reasons: I like both Musical!Grantaire and Book!Grantaire. He's cynical, has a fantastically twisted sense of humour, drinks to excess, and flounders in a strange love/worship/hate relationship with Enjolras. I'm fascinated by how he can be a total cynic in all areas except Enjolras. How he wants to please Enjolras (people - get your minds out of the gutter please! ![]() In the musical I love Grantaire's verse of 'Drink With Me'. He seems to be pleading with Enjolras for reassurance and at the same time gently reminding all the Amis that the end of the Revolution may not be all they had hoped. Oh yeah - and I'd love to be able to poke fun at Marius In Love and offer to kill sodiers with my breath. Go CapitalR! I can drink quite a lot - if that counts. |
Fantine |
It doesn't really matter, you were on my nominations list for Cosette anyway ![]() |
musical4eva |
Reading through again I'd like to add that I would like to be someone who dies. Anyone. I've been in Les Mis twice and still havn't got to die yet. ![]() |
Marie-Rachel |
Hi! ^^ I'm new and I wanna make new friends!! ![]() ![]() Username: Marie-Rachel Role desired : Cosette Because I'm sooo ingenuous, I'm overprotected and I don't know much about the real world, really ^^U. Actually, When I was child I was thinking maybe I will be like �ponine, because she's Azelma's old sister and I'm the old sister of my sister.. and my life wasn't soo cute (Yes, I'm silly for thinking like this, but it was just on my own ^^U) .. But now, recently, I read again the book and I listened the musical again... and... I found a lot of coincidences with my life and Cosette's life (it's soo funny hahaha) .. and these are some of them: I'm in love with a guy who fall in love with me at first sight, but We did not meet in a lot of time, later we were together (I started dressing well when I fell in love) and he isn't with me now T_T (no exactly, at The Barricades hahaha ^^) and I'm here, waiting for him ^^ (but with the technology, we're in contact, obviously)... When Cosette sings, I can feel and understand what she feels, because... I'm in loooove!!! ^^!!! hahaha.. well, at the book, Cosette studied in a Convent, I studied not in a Convent, but I studied in a really Religious School and High School... And some things more... Sorry for my English, I don't know very much ^^U Ah!!! Voil� my photos and my drawings ^^! Have a good day and God bless you!!!! ^^!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fantine |
Haha I always wanted to die in our productions as well. Dunno what that's all about though. |
Jekkienumber24601 |
You can't drop!!! you're too cute! |
elizabethjaneforrest |
Okay, this thread is boring me.
Time for a high school cast Les Miserables dance party! |
actor |
Username: Actor
Role desired: Marius Marius has been a dream role of mine for years. I can really connect with the character and I am the perfect voice type too (tenor). Also, I have a real audition for Les Miserables in a few weeks and getting Marius on here would be a really good sign ![]() ![]() |
TylerMcMahon |
I hope this isn't too late as it's still August 14th where i live and it's 10:53
Name: TylerMcMahon Roles: Jean ValJean & Thenardier Why I want the Roles: Jean ValJean is a huge dream role for me. I love the story and his character. He's so complex yet in a simple way. He's so much the man he wants to be yet not. Plus I can hit a high F sharp for "Bring Him Home" I'd love to be Thenardier just cause it's a hilarious and fun villain role. |
mastachen |
Voting will begin Aug. 15th, 12am PT.
So nope you're not too late. ![]() |
mastachen |
IT'S VOTING TIME!! To vote, PM your votes to me. Here are the roles that you vote for and the people who auditioned for them.
Jean Valjean Jekkienumber24601, UniquePerspective, TylerMcMahon Javert musictheatre00, mastachen, UniquePerspective Fantine le_moofin, Curlyhairedsoprano91, SmallTownIngenue, Brunnhilde, Catherine, sweetsoprano, audreydarling, musical4eva, mezzo_soprano, music is my life!!!, EponineBarker Thernardier musictheatre00, Jarrod001, BroadwayBeast, TylerMcMahon Madame Thernardier elizabethjaneforrest, Lostquiche, Robinflamingo Cosette lizavert, psych_out, SmallTownIngenue, SomeoneLikeYou, Lostquiche, sweetsoprano, Jasmine28, NoOneMournsTheWicked, audreydarling, music is my life!!!, curlyhairedsoprano91, Marie-Rachel Marius jarrod001, dcrowley, Trevor reincarnate, UniquePerspective, Actor Enjolras mastachen, dcrowley, Trevor reincarnate, UniquePerspective Eponine le_moofin, SomeoneLikeYou, Brunnhilde, Elphaba22, EponineMNFF, broadway babii x0, LittleGavroche, Jasmine28, NoOneMournsTheWicked, audreydarling, mezzo_soprano, music is my life!!!, EponineBarker The Barricade Boys: Grantaire mastachen, Orestes Fasting, Sythar Courferyac mezzo_soprano, Sythar Combeferre Orestes Fasting Feuilly lizavert, Brunnhilde Joly music is my life!!!, bramblefox Jean Prouvaire psych_out, Catherine Thernardier's Gang: Babet mezzo_soprano Claquesous Catherine Montparnesse dcrowley, lesmisloony The Kids: Young Cosette fjays, broadway babii x0, LittleGavroche, remnantpark, music is my life!!!, theatrelover18 Young Eponine mezzo_soprano, music is my life!!! Gavroche jackissensational, acc921, jarrod001, wicked_boy, broadway babii x0, LittleGavroche, remnantpark Other Miscellaneous Roles: The Bishop lostquiche Factory Girl Curlyhairedsoprano91, DontDoSadnessxx, EponineMNFF, Catherine, sweetsoprano, mezzo_soprano, music is my life!!! Please take your time to read through all the auditions and vote for all the roles. Remember, this is all for fun. Happy voting!!! |
Aimee |
Hi, I have locked this, so no more entries now, and so that people cannot 'campaign' for their roles.
Good luck all!! |