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Pictures ....... new ones added.

These are the ones I took at the last night at The Palace.

I will put others up, from different occasions, soon.

Enjoy! Very Happy

Sweeney Hyde

Great Pictures Aimee! I'm so glad you put them up for us!

Those are very nice pictures! Some of them it seems that you're so close you're laying on the stage.
Timmy_Wishes he was Quast

Whats the cast list?

I spotted Mr McCarthy but i'm unsure on the rest!!

Valjean: Jeff Leyton
Javert: MicMac
Fantine: Jo Ampil
Th�nardiers: Stephen Tate and Katy Secombe
Cosette: Lydia Griffiths
Enjolras: Oliver Thornton
Marius: Jon Lee
Eponine: Sophia Ragavelas

christinadaae wrote:
Those are very nice pictures! Some of them it seems that you're so close you're laying on the stage.
LOL, I was in the front row and using a zoom lens too. Smile
The Very Angry Woman

I feel like I'm in a time warp. Why is the date stamp from yesterday when I swear I've seen this pictures in various incarnations for the past two years?

Is this Broadway/West End?

I thought it was illegal to take pictures/video, even of the curtain calls...
The Very Angry Woman

pish123c wrote:
Is this Broadway/West End?

It's West End -- Sophia Ragavelas is Eponine.

are the laws different there?

Cuz when I whipped out my phone to snap a few pictures at the curtain call at Chicago on Broadway, the damn usher yelled at me! Mad
The Very Angry Woman

pish123c wrote:
are the laws different there?

I don't know.

Cuz when I whipped out my phone to snap a few pictures at the curtain call at Chicago on Broadway, the damn usher yelled at me! Mad

As well they should have.

yeah, im not blaming them, i always just assumed that the curtain calls were not protected by copyright.

This was a special occasion, nearly the whole audience had cameras. Laughing

Beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for posting!

You had me drooling over that shot of Enjolras. Laughing

Aimee!!! I HATE you sooo much!!! Twisted Evil

I would give ANYTHING to have seen it at the Palace. It was a dream of mine that will never come true. Crying or Very sad

Thanks for the pics. They're great. =)

This was a press night at The Queens, shortly after the move.


Lovely pics! Is that the overally cute Daniel Reeves as Marius?

Ah yes, the lovely Daniel. He's such a nice guy. I'll never forget his last day in the cast, he sobbed [so did I] as there were so many of the cast leaving that day, including Michael McCarthy.

Ahh Daniel... I had a dream about him once...


goodness me! Gorgeous photos! Thanks heaps!

Aimee, would you mind if I used a few of these to make a wallpaper for my desktop? I love fooling around in Photoshop.
Lazarus (Adam G)

flying_pigs wrote:
Valjean: Jeff Leyton
Javert: MicMac
Fantine: Jo Ampil
Th�nardiers: Stephen Tate and Katy Secombe
Cosette: Lydia Griffiths
Enjolras: Oliver Thornton
Marius: Jon Lee
Eponine: Sophia Ragavelas

NO WAY. Stephen Tate...of JCS fame (Judas in London)?!

LittleGavroche wrote:
Aimee, would you mind if I used a few of these to make a wallpaper for my desktop? I love fooling around in Photoshop.
I don't mind a bit. Very Happy Thanks for asking and not just doing it.

Lazarus (Adam G) wrote:

NO WAY. Stephen Tate...of JCS fame (Judas in London)?!

Yep. He was considerably better as Thenardier. Very Happy

He was wonderful as Thenardier, I agree.

[Hi Moci Very Happy ]
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