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Same logo, but still different ...

From an upcoming production in Denmark:

wow. that girl is creepy.

That looks like it would make a good poster for a horror movie.

That looks like it would make a good poster for a horror movie.

Note to any potential marketers: Taking a widely reconginized animated logo and turning it into a real life picture is not a good marketing approach. I LOVE Les Miz. I bet this little Cosette has a great voice. I would hate to see this production.

She looks like Zombie Cosette.
The Very Angry Woman

Eponine93 wrote:
Note to any potential marketers: Taking a widely reconginized animated logo and turning it into a real life picture is not a good marketing approach.

I dunno, I think it would be hysterical to have a masked Phantom actor laying on a black floor with a rose next to him.

Very reminiscent of murderous demon doll Chucky.

Eponine93 wrote:

She looks like Zombie Cosette.
My thoughts exactly. Laughing

       Musicals.Net Forums -> Les Miserables
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