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School Edition Photos

I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I was wondering if anyone had any photos from any of the SE productions? Preferably photos from actually on stage as oppposed to backstage...I'm just curious to see what it looks like.

Also, this is probably a stupid question, but why can schools put it on but adult local theatre companies can't? I'm too old to do a school production but we have a great local theatre here and I would love to see them do it Smile


The rights for the adult version aren't out anywhere yet (except for Australia). You can google 'Les Miserables' and you'll find tons of School Edition pictures (actually I was shocked the other day when I found very little official pictures and a lot of the school editions). Also take in mind that one school edition is very different from the other. Some are good, some are terribly bad.

Re: School Edition Photos

Vicam wrote:
Also, this is probably a stupid question, but why can schools put it on but adult local theatre companies can't? I'm too old to do a school production but we have a great local theatre here and I would love to see them do it Smile

Presumably because there are still professional companies running. It's rumoured that when the 3NT finishes (it appears to be on it's final circuit), then it won't be long until the Amateur rights are released for al ages in the US.
The Very Angry Woman

Re: School Edition Photos

Vicam wrote:
I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I was wondering if anyone had any photos from any of the SE productions?

Try reading older topics. There are about three million.

This is a few I found here on the site. Smile

I have tons. Is there anything specific you're looking for?

Also and click on Les Mis.
The Very Angry Woman

Have any of you ever envisioned Bishop/Valjean slash?
Emperor of the Fiends

The Very Angry Woman wrote:
Have any of you ever envisioned Bishop/Valjean slash?


I think I need to go scrub my brain out now.

The Very Angry Woman wrote:
Have any of you ever envisioned Bishop/Valjean slash?

No, but I've seen more than one Javert give Valjean the once-over.

The Very Angry Woman wrote:
Have any of you ever envisioned Bishop/Valjean slash?
Oh my goodness! TVAW get your dirty fanfic ideas out of my head! Wink
The Very Angry Woman

Look out, Samara has come back out of your TV -- with a sex change!

Aimee wrote:
This is a few I found here on the site. Smile

That one is mine. Pretty much awesome show.

The Very Angry Woman wrote:
Have any of you ever envisioned Bishop/Valjean slash?

I am intrigued, but the link doesn't work. I am disturbed, however, by seeing "Bishop/Valjean slash" and "christianschool" all in one sentence. Laughing
The Very Angry Woman

Aw. They appear to have renamed or deleted their drama directory.

At any rate, the picture was from the prologue, with the Bishop giving Valjean the candlesticks. Valjean was kneeling right in front of and very close to the Bishop, so you can imagine what this looked like.
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