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Orestes Fasting

Shameless promotion of my Les Mis site

Just got a major update. Very Happy New layout, additions to the book section, javascript thingamawhatsits, new fanfiction, the works. The new layout should be a bit easier on the eyes.

If you haven't seen it before, this is the site that has... *takes a deep breath*

- Information, including cast lists, on every Les Mis cast recording in existence.
- Bits of Victor Hugo's rough drafts of the book, most of which are translated into English by now.
- Maps of Paris from the time of Les Mis. (New and shiny!)
- Articles, pamphlets, etc. from real revolutionary organizations in the 1830s. (Also new and shiny!)
- Other random historical stuff like an overview of the real revolution of 1832, a timeline comparing the events of Les Mis to French history, and approximate conversions for Hugo's units of measure and currency.
- Most of my less-embarrassing fanfiction.
- Most of the Les Mis icons/avatars I've made.
- Odd little bits of coding like a daily reading of a chapter from the book, a Les Mis purity test, and a slash plotbunny generator. (More new, more shiny!)
- It used to have little mini-essays/observations/ill-tempered rantings about the characters, differences between the book and musical, annoying tropes of fanfiction, etc. I've taken them down to be rewritten in a slightly more coherent style, but they're still available via a link to my LiveJournal.

Ordinarily I wouldn't be a-pimpin' like this, but I'm not sure if I advertised my site on the forum before now--and in any case, this is a huge update that I've been putting off since sometime in November. So get thee hence and take a look.

I love it!

I love the cast recordings section and the "Fun Stuff" section...

Les Mis�rables Purity Test - Just how much of a Les Mis slut are you, anyway?

Slashy Clue Generator - I would like to make an accusation. I think it was Enjolras and Grantaire, on the billiards table in Corinthe, with the handcuffs.


Bravo for a job well done!

*Goes to sign guestbook*

Apparently I'm 47% pure, lol.

No!! I'm much more than that! lol. Though I was much, much more of a rabid fanatic when I was younger. I have just slowed down on the trading, don't focus too much on the book, have never really read or written fanfic, and have stopped the stagedoor thing years ago.

Or scream character names out during sex, lol. Laughing

Ok! here are my observations:

Design related issues
Front Page: On my PC the logo on the top is not visible. You only see that cross indicating that there should be a picture there. And i can't even see that beautiful side, so it just looks empty space. I am using IE7. I am not sure why. I tried it on my brother's laptop, and it is visible using AOL browser. I have to say though, that i am having trouble with my browser.
This problem is with all pages.

I think the font is little bit small. One size bigger wouldn't do harm.

On the side menu, the word net is not wholly visible. It is not big deal, but it is easily fixable, and it will give a better impression.


The pages :La Carri�re, Further Adventures of M. Tholomy�s, Notes on Javert, Fragments, A l'opinion publique, 5 and 6 June 1832 (Broken), Units of measure, Lettre de M. Francis de Miollis: . Need to have a "Back" button in my opinion.

I can't see almost all maps, but again, i think it might be my browser.

I can't see the icons.


The content is truly great, and has got some amazing stuff. The old documents are great!.

Well done OF on great job Very Happy Applause

P.S: that test is whacky lol! screaming characters' names during sex in right pronounciation Laughing

The site looks/works perfectly on my computer. Confused
Orestes Fasting and all its subdomains seem to be bizarrely temperamental when it comes to displaying images. In the old layout, the top banner displayed perfectly in the version I had saved to my computer, but didn't show up for me on the website no matter what I did to it. Any other computer and it was fine. I have no clue what causes it or how to fix it.

Oooh I love the site! I remember going to look at it a while ago and being sad that it hadn't been updated in a whiel. I'm 58% pure. ^_^

I LOVE your reviews. We pretty much agree on almost everything (in the recordings I've heard as well, at least).

The "*headdesk*" icon is amaaaazing. I laughed so loudly!

Congrats on having an awesome website! Applause
Orestes Fasting

*is about to pitch a hissyfit at Groupe Hugo and the Biblioth�que Nationale de France* Is it a French thing or an academic thing to put really neat stuff on the web and then design your website to make it bloody impossible to find?!

I just found more pictures of the rue Mond�tour and an analysis of Hugo's place in the historiography of June 1832--through Google. When I actually went to the and Groupe Hugo websites, I couldn't find them even though I knew what I was looking for! Which means I can't browse for related material. Aughhh.


*plots more trips to the library to type up bits of Les r�publicains devant les tribunaux and hopefully make herself feel better that way*

(Haha. I just checked WorldCat to see what other libraries had copies of Les R�volutions du XIXe si�cle, and two or three of the schools I'm thinking of transferring to have it. Score!)

I'm 76 percent pure!

Wow!! Great site with great stuff. Thanks for your work. Applause Applause

Got to explore it more later when I have enough spare time.
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