Orestes Fasting
The Dead Horse ThreadFlog away, everyone!
Cosette vs. Eponine: I really don't think enough attention has been paid to the sad plight of the show's greatest romantic: Mme Th�nardier.
Warlow vs. Maguire: Julien Combey.
Lea vs. Frances: Lock me in a room with two dozen fourteen-year-olds who think On My Own is a great audition piece and I'd find someone better than both of them combined!
Favorite cast recording: The Korean one, obviously, with the Hungarian, Dutch, and Vienna ones all close runners-up.
British accents: It would really bring out the character and hidden meaning of the show if the whole thing were performed in broad Yorkshire.
Dream cast: Gary Morris, Terrence Mann, Patti LuPone, Kaho Shimada, David Bryant, Tracy Shayne, David Burt, Gary Beach, and Gay Soper. YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT.
Favorite song: Turning. And the Runaway Cart.
Cosette vs. Eponine- Grantaire.
Warlow vs. Maguire- Aaron Lazar's rear.
Lea vs. Frances- Diana Kaarina.
Favorite cast recording- the non-existent revival cast one.
British accents- only if we change the setting from Paris to London.
Dream cast- Drew Sarich. As everyone.
Favorite song- Dog Eat Dog
Mademoiselle Lanoire
Re: The Dead Horse ThreadWarlow vs. Maguire: Julien Combey.
Lea vs. Frances: Frances, of course.
Favorite cast recording: The Korean one, with the Swedish in second place.
While I know this is a sarcastic thread, I am bored... so here are my answers
Cosette vs. Eponine: I refuse to answer this one... both characters have their good and bad points.
Warlow vs. Maguire: Lazar, and Karimloo (I think that is his last name)
Lea vs. Frances: Frances
Favorite cast recording:I prefer one of my many bootlegs, but if I had to choose, I would say TAC
British accents: They are French...
Dream cast: John Owen Jones, Phil Quast, Lea Salonga (Fantine), Celia Keenan Bolger (Eponine), Ali Ewoldt, Hayden Tee (best Marius, hands down), Ramin Karimloo, Jenny Galloway, Drew Sarich (Grantaire)
Favorite song: On My Own, One Day More, At the End of the Day, Stars
The Very Angry Woman
Re: The Dead Horse ThreadCosette vs. Eponine: It really should be Cosette/Eponine. Because that's hot.
Warlow vs. Maguire: I don't know, ask Susan Stroman.
Lea vs. Frances: Asians, because of Affirmative Action.
Favorite cast recording: the ones made on minidisc. Erm, I mean...
British accents: ALLO GUVNH.
Dream cast: Drew Sarich as everybody.
Favorite song: Boys Will Be Boys
Cosette vs. Eponine: Neither. I like that mean factory girl the best.
Warlow vs. Maguire: Maguire. He's still sexy after all these years.
Lea vs. Frances: Um. Frances...cuz her mother is a dame. That's pretty badass.
Favorite cast recording: the original revival cast, if they made one, b/c that cast was absolutely perfect!!
British accents: sure
Dream cast: Les Mis forum cast.
Favorite song: The Sewers (Before Dog eats Dog)
Orestes Fasting
herkind wrote: | Dream cast- Drew Sarich. As everyone. |
Okay, I renounce my original dream cast. Actually, I would pay a sum equivalent to all the money I've ever spent on Les Mis tickets to see that happen.
Drew, are you reading this?
VAW, I spit my drink out after reading your favorite song
Cosette vs. Eponine: Oh does it really matter who I vote for? We all know the Republicans ALWAYS win...
Warlow vs. Maguire: yes, please. Both, and naked.
Lea vs. Frances: Judi Dench, because SHE IS a dame, that's pretty bad ass...
Favorite cast recording: Lestat. Oh! You mean Les Mis album? Silly me...
British accents: Drew Sarich of course. Wait...what was the question?
Dream cast: Drew Sarich, especially as Eponine. skirt and all. Actually no, he should be naked too...
Favorite song: I hear Boublil can fart out his own works...on tune
The Very Angry Woman
Meliara wrote: | Warlow vs. Maguire: yes, please. Both, and naked. |
I take it you haven't seen the eBay "beefcake" photos, then? (Or maybe you have...)
I'm afraid to ask...is this the one with Colm Wilkensen as well? Cause all I could see was him, then I couldn't look anymore because I was so disturbed.
You better send me a link.
The Very Angry Woman
These were taken during (I believe) the Les Miz days:
Fuzzy Maguire. XD
Cosette vs. Eponine: Azelma
Lea vs. Frances: Stephanie Martin, innit.
Favorite cast recording: Oslo. Duh!
The Very Angry Woman wrote: | These were taken during (I believe) the Les Miz days:
That guy has chest hair pouring all out of himself.
The Very Angry Woman wrote: | These were taken during (I believe) the Les Miz days:
What kind of animal is he wearing on his chest? I don't like that picture; I am highly against fur coats.
Oh wait, that's him... whoops...
LOL! *falls out of chair*
I'm actually scarred for life.
I wonder who bought that.
Now I have strong craving for the other photo's....
His chest hair turned me straight...
I still want to see those other pictures....
Those chest hair pictures never fail to shock everyone.
My answer:
Cosette vs. Eponine: I don't know. Ask Marius.
Warlow vs. Maguire: Both please. I'd love to see them as Valjean and Javert now, if Maguire can still sing.
Lea vs. Frances: Umm...that's a toughy. Maybe Frances, 'cause I think she used to marry one of the directors.
Favorite cast recording: Some studio cast recording with Claire Moore and Dave Willetts.
British accents: Never bothered me much actually since I usually don't identify accents.
Dream cast: While the all-Drew cast seems to be hot, I'd really love to see: Daphne Rubin-Vega as Valjean, Patti Lupone as Javert, Terrence Mann as Fantine, Drew Sarich as Cosette, Anthony Warlow as Eponine, Lea Salonga as Enjolras, Kaho Shimada as Marius, Michael Ball as Mme Thenardier, and Philip Quast as Thenardier.
Favorite song: The Runaway Cart.
Cosette vs. Eponine: Eponine
Warlow vs. Maguire: Thaxton
Lea vs. Frances: Lea
Favorite cast recording: Original London Cast
British accents: Better than American
Dream cast: Colm Wilkinson, Roger Allam, Michael Ball, David Thaxton, Jimmy Johnstone, Mrs T from 10th Anniversary, Lea Salonga,
Favorite song: One Day More
Sorry guy's. Bit too serious probably
Cosette vs. Eponine: I wish the show talked more about Fantine/Tholemyes, personally...
Lea vs. Frances: My voice teacher. I'm serious, one time we were hanging out with her little sister after a lesson and we all sang songs from Les Mis and she did the best On my Own and I Dreamed a Dream I have ever heard.
Favorite cast recording: TAC, because Ruthie's IDAD makes me cry. Every. Freakin'. Time.
British accents: No, everyone should fake a ridiculous French accent! (I'd pay to see that, because it would be hilarious.) Seriously, though, it's better than American.
Dream cast: The TAC cast, only with Terrence Mann instead of Philip Quast.
Favorite song: Do You Hear the People Sing?
Re: The Dead Horse ThreadCosette vs. Eponine: Eppi's and Zelma's cat.
Warlow vs. Maguire: Cookies.
Lea vs. Frances: Who's Frances?
Favorite cast recording: The German one. Probably not, actually, because Uwe Kr�ger sucks as Javert, but I'm just biased like that.
British accents: Everyone should talk/sing like a Good Ol' Southern Country Boy/Girl.
Dream cast: I like the forum cast idea.
Favorite song: Whatever they play when everyone bows.
Orestes Fasting
Guys, I made a hideous mistake when I started this thread. I don't know how I'm ever going to reverse the damage and make everyone see the light. I see that my error has been perpetuated and that I can never undo what once has been done, but I might as well come clean and state the truth:
The true and only answer to the Lea vs. Frances question is: Drew Sarich. As Eponine.
That's brilliant!
Isn't Drew Sarich the answer to all our problems, though?
I think Eponine is the only character Drew hasn't played yet in Les Mis.
He'd do better as Eponine than he did as Enjolras.
I saw him on the West End as Cosette. It was a brilliant performance.
curlyhairedsoprano91 wrote: | He'd do better as Eponine than he did as Enjolras. |
He'd do better as Eponine than as he did overall.
Quote: | I think Eponine is the only character Drew hasn't played yet in Les Mis. |
That's how brilliant his performance was.
Cosette vs. Eponine - Montparnasse.
Warlow vs. Maguire - David Thaxton. And if that's not an option yet it very well should be...
Lea vs. Frances - Drew!
Favorite cast recording - the, um... the live recordings of the current London cast on YouTube
British accents - better than American accents...
Dream cast - Drew Sarich.
Favorite song - the "Here's to pretty boys who went to our heads"-Drink with me from the LesMis Bloppers.
Eppie-Sue wrote: |
Cosette vs. Eponine - Montparnasse.
Hi welcome and I already like you a lot.
Ulkis wrote: | Quote: | I think Eponine is the only character Drew hasn't played yet in Les Mis. |
That's how brilliant his performance was. |
Oh, what acting that was! I'm outraged and utterly flabbergasted that he didn't win any awards!
Orestes Fasting
curlyhairedsoprano91 wrote: | He'd do better as Eponine than he did as Enjolras. |
Well, it would be hard to do worse. The most diplomatic thing I can say about Drew's Enjolras is that sometimes acting involves taking huge risks with a character and seeing them not pay off. At all.
But hey, we know he has the range to pull off Eponine. Or at least he did back in the Gloeckner days.
lesmisloony wrote: | Eppie-Sue wrote: |
Cosette vs. Eponine - Montparnasse.
Hi welcome and I already like you a lot.  |
Aww, thank you! (Have you seen the London production with the current Montparnasse, John Jo Flynn? So much Monty/Eponine interaction. He's even fumbling with his knife while Eponine swoons over Marius... and Marius is afraid of him and all! and he moves like a shadow.)
Oh, and by the way?! You're a legend.
Aww, thanks. Once you get to know me you'll find I'm actually immature and kind of obnoxious... but I appreciate the praise!
As for John Jo Flynn, I'm trapped in the US and have sadly only heard legends on his greatness. These legends continue to torment me to this day...
Ah, that sucks. I could try to describe his performance to you as good as possible... and I can scan all the (quite good) Montparnasse pictures from my brochure, there is one that'll blow you away.
Oh, and can I just say - I love that he's in the Finale as Montparnasse, standing there among the students and random revolutionaries as the dandy of the sepulchre. The entire Patron-Minette is, I believe. Is this the normal way of things or is it special at the West End production?
It was like that in the revival at least. I know when Mike Evariste was Montparnasse he was really easy to spot in each scene being the only African-American in the show. So I saw him playing the random student in the red vest (whom I found out later is unofficially Bahorel) and was shocked and thrilled to see him back in the ugly yellow and pink coat for the finale with his massive dreadlocked wig. I saw the revival with Mike as Montparnasse two days in a row, and I believe I freaked out both times to see him in the finale. The friend who was with me was ready to strangle me both times, I'm pretty sure...
I also nearly had a heart attack when Montparnasse grabbed Cosette during the robbery and Marius freaked out and tried to intervene. It just... it made my life complete. Really, I think it did.
Aforementioned friend studied in Ireland last semester and went into London to see Les Mis (and torment me by repeating "It was sooo good! I just can't describe it..."). Even her mother said she should never have seen the show without me... though I certainly couldn't have afforded to join her... I WILL get her back somehow, though... (come to think of it, she wasn't with me when I finally tracked down Terrence Mann after six years of trying to get an autograph, but that only half makes up for her seeing John Jo Flynn without me...)
...anyway, the point of all that was for me to say that I did manage to get ahold of her souvenir program, and boy did I stare at it. For quite some time.
lesmisloony wrote: | I also nearly had a heart attack when Montparnasse grabbed Cosette during the robbery and Marius freaked out and tried to intervene. It just... it made my life complete. Really, I think it did. |
Seconded - he does in London, too. He grabs her, Marius freaks out, socks him on the jaw (hurts himself by doing that), Montparnasse produces The Knife and then Javert appears. And he's so ready to kill Marius - not only at that point but basically anywhere, just because - it's not even funny. Except - it is .
And I really love that Montparnasse is not part of the "gang" when Javert does the "Another brawl in the square" lines, he just disappears into the shadows. Very close to the book.
Oh, and Eponine/Montparnasse interaction?! Numerous times. And thankfully his costume is quite tolerable.