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Video footage from Local SE

The local high school here just did Les Miz... It was wonderful live, and I just found video footage of it on youtube. I thought you guys would enjoy seeing it... I was very impressed when I saw it.

Scenes from Act 1

Act 2

That's really impressive! Kudos to the light and set director especially.

they were good!
And i guarentee you i will NEVER say this again... but... my high school's was better. =]

but for what they were they were really good. I enjoyed this =D

Not bad, not bad at all. I hope I never have to say this again in my life but you guys could have given my high school a run for its money. I haven't seen my high school's production but we definitely have the best performing arts dept. at least in all of Santa Barbara county so I'm sure we were awesome. But that was absolutely one of the best SE I've seen.
       Musicals.Net Forums -> Les Miserables
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