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       Musicals.Net Forums -> Les Miserables

You Know You've Been on this Forum Too Much...

when you start thinking about all sorts of dirty homerotic situations while watching Chariots of Fire in class...

the Topic of Britney Spears always envokes images of Les Miz in your head...

When your finger *mouse click* twitches when you're away from the puter.

When you laugh every time you hear the word subtext. And you open your mouth to say something, realize no one, not even the other Les Mis fans will get it, and shut your mouth again.

The Barricade Boys suddenly become synonamous with slashy and yaoi
lost in the darkness 101

Electricity24601 wrote:
When you laugh every time you hear the word subtext. And you open your mouth to say something, realize no one, not even the other Les Mis fans will get it, and shut your mouth again.

Hahaha i've done that during school sometimes, someone will be like "blah blah blah subtext blah" and i'll be like "OH MY GOD YOU SAID SUBTEXT!!!!!!!!" and then start giggling like an idiot.
And all my friends are like Shocked

When you're in the audience and see Montparnasse pull out a knife, and immediately want to throw a teddy bear onto the stage shouting, "Stabby McStabenstein!"

When you're at the stage door in London, and ask the girl you're standing with is on mdn. She's like "..... No." >.< Well it worked ONCE!

When your mother tries to convince the men selling merchandise in the lobby to sell her the Cosette bust for your birthday. When she tells you of your failed attempts, you say, "Ah, it's okay. Quique has one just like it. I've seen the pictures. I wonder how he got it."


When you've stopped thinking of the characters as humans and started thinking of them as egg-like objects created in MS Paint.

EponineMNFF wrote:
When you're at the stage door in London, and ask the girl you're standing with is on mdn. She's like "..... No." >.< Well it worked ONCE!

One should ALWAYS do this.

You've been on this forum too much when... you have pretty much decided that you MUST go to this California thing because of the number of MdNers that will probably be there, so you begin working extra shifts just in case...
Monsieur D'Arque

You know the song titles to Gay Miserables, and know the lyrics to Eponine's Menstruation Ballad.

YKYBOTFTM...when you can't stop laughing any time someone mentions Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera
       Musicals.Net Forums -> Les Miserables
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