Archive for Musicals.Net Musicals.Net |
Violet |
I must admit, I presumed that the BIG NAMES would be well respected performers including people with a connection to the show. I'm clearly too much of an optimist! |
kalms |
No you're not... you have faith in the show you love. It's refreshing to find in the forums. Most people look for negatives. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
1) It's Antony. No H.
2) I'm glad Antony didn't accept a six month contract just to make room for Gareth Gates. He's better than that. 3) There has been a discussion before this whole "Oh, you'll get some big names so stop moaning" stuff came up about why short stints are not a good idea at all. I'm sick of pretending like just because it's the 25th Anniversary we have to put up with every PR decision the production team wants to go for. It's a musical, it's got a story, it's got characters, it's not just some concert where you can replace a guitarist for the evening. Les Mis doesn't need some big names, if they can sing or not to fill in for the normal performers, and those big names don't need to be given an "opportunity" to be in the show for a few shows on their terms. Yes, Rhydian Roberts's comment about how he can now negotiate these things comes to mind and I'm tired of it. If they truly cared about the show this wouldn't be necessary, they would put up the best bloody original production and best cast they could and pay some respect to the beauty of it instead of going for big names and publicity. ETA. AND. I'm also sick and tired of being accused of negativity. I've put nothing but energy and optimism into Les Mis for the past year, and caring for this show, for the London production in particular is nothing to be ashamed of or to stop doing. |
kalms |
1) I do actually agree with your point
2) Antony wasn't offered any Marius contract (short or long) 3) Antony from 'Any Dream Will do' and Nancy from 'I'd Do Anything' - both did pretty fine jobs! 4) Rhydian auditioned for Enjolras and lost out to Killian, so they still have the shows best interests at heart. |
Eppie-Sue |
I wasn't actually implying that Antony was offered a contract, I was referring to Violet's post that, surely, Antony should be delighted to get a short Marius contract only to be replaced after half a year for Gates. I'm sorry if it came across as speculation.
I don't know what's meant to be conveyed with the "I'd do anything" and "Any dream will do" point. Yes, they did great jobs indeed, but I never questioned musical theatre casting show contestants and their ability to perform well. It's about casting big names for a few shows that's doing my head in. And the point about Killian - I'm feeling like I'm supposed to be thankful, when casting him seems the most obvious thing in the world to me. They would have been absolutely INSANE to cast an Enjolras for a few months, let's face it, and to me the fact that they cast Killian is not so much down to a stroke of genius from the casting team, but simple talent from Killian and much spadework from David. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I don't think anyone here has problems casting people from those shows, provided that they are genuinely cast because they're good and right for the role rather than as 'big names'. Notice no fuss has been made over Samantha Barks - the jury is out on that one until we see her perform. EDIT Is one of those people mentioned Camilla Kerslake? That would fit with the Camille, and Kerslake is in there ... |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm sure. And the other name is "lucas" for Matt Lucas, as there were rumours about this before. I'm actually frustrated with this now. Martin Ball is just not going to be Th�nardier, because they've found someone they want to showcase for a short stint. How utterly disgusting. And I think I've overheard a bit about this at one point, and I suppose it's the reason Alistair will not be playing "Marius" for the first three weeks. They'll all still be in the ensemble, but not in their principal roles, because of some ---- big names, am I right? What's the last syllables? Jonas. Surely, SURELY not. Please not. Please. That would be ridiculous. This is disgraceful and patronising and I couldn't be more disappointed and upset. What a SHAME. |
MizH |
Matt Lucas as Thenardier? I've only ever seen him in Little Britain, so it's probably unfair of me to judge, but I really can't imagine him as Thenardier. Mme Thenardier, maybe. I don't see the point in putting random celebrities into Les Mis. It's managed almost 25 years without doing that, and from what I gather, it's selling well most days. Is there any word on the new Javert?
I can't imagine the cast will be too happy if they were sidelined for famous faces, especially if they've been playing the roles very well for a year now. |
aquirkofmatter |
I have actually heard about this but chose to ignore it because I thought it was an absolutely mental idea. Clearly I overestimated CamMack and the cast-ers. |
beyondthebarricade |
This is distasteful. Les Mis isn't this small time musical which has just hit the stage and is struggling for survival, therefore needing certain big names to perhaps increase the popularity of it among theatregoers and fans. It's the worlds longest running musical, it's a grand classic, ooh let's see, forgive me if I'm wrong, but surely they can survive without the help of Disney Channel and reality TV? I don't know what the casting team is up to, and I don't know why they think Les Mis needs support from these people who have been on the screen. I'm disgusted, frankly.
Thanks for making me choke on my food, but how could they? I know that baby Jonas played Gavroche in Broadway 2003 (then the show closed) but there's no reason to give him the role of Marius unless what they want is to turn Les Mis into a teeny-bopper musical attracting more "Epo9!!!11!!1!1" fangirls, which there are enough of. Alistair may not be the perfect Marius, but there is no need to cast him aside and reduce him to an ensemble? role (wait is he going to be a student? Then what happens to the existing students? Swings?) just to make way for him in a 3 week stint. I've got some Jonas albums (they were given to me!) and he can't sing. I don't care if he's Disney's biggest star, but that doesn't change that fact one bit. While we're at it, lets get Miley as Eponine and Efron as Enjolras, shall we? Oh it doesn't matter that Killian's already been cast, he's not a big name, he doesn't matter. Sorry. I sounded deranged. But really... This whole casting process is mental. I regret wasting a good 60 bucks on the first day of the new cast, with these big screen stars and no chemistry between the cast formed whatsoever. |
Orestes Fasting |
Guys. Can we wait the, what, week or so until announcements are made before pre-emptively ripping the casting team a new one? Stunt casting is a mixed bag--sometimes nothing but fail comes out of it, sometimes it ends up amazing. And I am not surprised that they're doing weird things with the casting on the 25th anniversary year. Just chill and wait for the announcement. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Yeah, well, maybe some of us care a bit more than others and are not alright with the normal performers being told that, for a few weeks, they're going to have to stand back and watch someone else play a role, and have everything arranged around those people just because they're a big name. Or with the show becoming solely about that. Maybe we're put off by the idea that instead of making this about Les Mis�rables, it's once again about celebrities and suddenly about stunt casting. It would be different if the casting was for a whole season - I'd still not be convinced they'd be cast for pure talent, but at least it would give the whole cast time to work with each other and to develop some kind of harmony and chemistry - but to change actors constantly and to "give big names the opportunity" is disgraceful for a show that has never needed stunt casting and is doing mighty fine.
It's not about the job they'll be doing, so I don't agree with some what beyondthebarricade has said, but I reserve the right to be pissed off at what news we have gotten so far and I don't think we should feel the need to defend our opinions and initial reactions, who are perfectly natural and, IMHO, logical given the prospect and especially as apparently we're supposed to be happy that we're getting some BIG NAMES, just because some feel differently about it. So, um, no. Maybe I don't feel like "chilling" and holding back, especially as this is somewhat close to me. And the casting team has made enough questionable decisions over the past years and I have no reason to be alright or understandable or considerate with whatever is coming up. It's about the whole concept. |
flying_pigs |
Well, there's nothing we can do but wait and see.
I'm quite curious as to what is going to happen, as Orestes Fasting said, it could be a complete fail or it could be quite exciting. Obviously we're all hoping for the later! |
Elbow |
I am interested to see how this pans out. I shan't say whether I'm overjoyed/apprehensive/unimpressed since opinion and speculation on here appears to now be frowned upon. | ||||||
ecaet |
What a mess this seems to be turning into. I will of course wait for official announcements and then wait to judge until I have seen the people perform but it really does seem really odd to 1. Force people into the ensemble and watch others perform their role and 2. Have all this chopping and changing of the cast over the coming months. I feel there are shows that could and do get away with it (Chicago for example) but Les Mis is such an ensemble based show in the meaning that everyone has to gel for it to truly work I feel. People coming in and out of the cast so quickly surely won't give them enough time to truly settle in and act like a team will it? I've heard a similar thing is happening at Phantom, although it isn't a big name going in for 3 months but someone who just happens to be well connected with the current cast. Ludicrous! | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
A discussion forum where people get attacked for posting an opinion is a sad place, indeed. It is also not fair on the people who post here regularly and devote quite a large amount of time to the forum, to have their posts and opinions attacked when someone else feels the need to point out the fact that they don't, in fact, care about the show that much and are nevertheless the expert on all things Les Mis, and who like to take the opportunity to show off their greater experience and maturity.
As for the issues that have been raised, I think the point is very much about the attitude towards the casting that is being shown. Regardless of which specific rumour is being taken as word, there are far too many parallels that do indicate a large part of the general idea behind these 'celebrations'. The problem with stunt casting is not the people themselves but the reasoning behind their being cast, and the effect this may have on the show. I think there is enough evidence, through rumours, facts, and from speaking to cast members, that there is going to be things like this happening. So it seems pointless to dispute it. Stunt casting in the sense of giving someone famous a role in the show to boost ticket sales, that I can live with. I would argue whether it was necessary, and I would probably have my doubts about their suitability at first. But if they proved they were capable of giving decent performances, I certainly wouldn't murder the casting team, even if they had given them preference over others who may have been slightly better. The problem here is the attitude that seems to be evident. It seems the they think that a suitable means to celebrate the anniversary of the show is by stunt casting, which I fundamentally disagree with. Then there is the fact that it seems to be for only three weeks. That automatically makes each individual person bigger than the show. I am not going to get into what I think of the people involved - for the sake of argument, I shall assume that they are all wonderfully talented singers and actors, and would easily deserve to be cast for a full contract. Nevertheless, it is humiliating to the actors who hold the roles properly - they are expected to maintain the show for a year, keep it running at a high standard, and yet give way when it's in the spotlight to some people who have been cast for their name. I fail to see what is exciting about seeing someone relatively famous play a role for a short space of time, when I cannot see that they will do as good a job, in terms of a 'complete' performance, as someone who has been in the role for a year. It is so much an ensemble piece, that I honestly cannot see it working. I don't think beyondthebarricade and others were right in bringing reality TV and Disney into this, I think it completely misses the point (although it may be a separate issue, but I think it applies much more to individuals and whether they're suited to a role than to the casting in general) - I don't care where the cast come from provided they have been cast for the right reasons. That is, talent with or without a big name, and a willingness to do a full contract. |
beyondthebarricade |
Just for the record:
I'm not blaming Disney or reality TV. I'm just stating the sources where these "big names" got their fame from, and I'm referencing them when talking about these celebrity guest stars. I know it's not Disney or reality TV's fault. And I know I'm not a regular around here, but you don't have to be one to see the disparity in these casting decisions. I particularly like this cast too, as they're my first Les Mis cast and all, so I feel strongly when outside stars with a questionable amount of talent come in. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
beyondthebarricade, that post wasn't directed at you at all. I mentioned your bringing up reality TV and Disney - but others have done that or similar as well. And I certainly wasn't saying that you were blaming them. I don't see how they can be blamed for casting at Queen's in any way at all. That doesn't make sense. I was just making the point that I don't care where they come from - whether they're a Disney star, an X factor winner, or someone who has worked hard and become famous; whether they're talented or not - the point is that whoever it is, they shouldn't be cast on this basis. This isn't a "Nick Jonas (or whichever brother it may prove to be) is a Disney star and therefore an awful singer and actor and I don't want Les Mis to be associated with Disney in any way". It's "I don't want Nick Jonas to be cast for three weeks because he is a big name, even if he proves to be a wonderful actor/singer". This isn't at all about whether their talent is questionable. It's about the reasons for casting them. Which is exactly what I said in my last post. |
beyondthebarricade |
Whoops I may have misread your point about the casting crew allowing them to have a short stint of lets say, 3 weeks which is not the stipulated length of most contracts just because they're already famed. But I do agree with your point. |
Orestes Fasting |
Whoa, who's being attacked now?
Believe me, I'm not particularly enthused about the idea of stunt casting, but if the mere fact of saying "can we calm down and wait to see how it really pans out" means that (1) I'm attacking people, and (2) I don't give a crap about the show and I'm just trying to lord it over you guys... then clearly the "calm down" was needed, although obviously useless. If I'm trying to bring perspective into this, it's because I was in the exact same position as you guys during the Broadway revival, which was just as full of screwed-up stunt casting and understudies getting passed over and with the addition of random, completely unjustified firings. I'm wary of stunt casting, I think it's utter shit that people like Antony and Jeff N keep getting passed over for promotion, and whenever Cammack announces he's doing something ~~special for the show I do a mental facepalm. Sometimes I think that everyone who gets attached to a particular production or a particular cast ends up bitter towards Cammack and the Powers That Be, and even though I've passed on to the point of realizing that's unfortunately the way things work and being able to joke and roll my eyes about the random firings and the awful sell-out casting decisions, I remember how much it hurts when it's Your Cast. It's not you guys' opinions I'm attacking, or your dim view of the 25th anniversary festivities (although I'm probably a lot more cautious in my pessimism and open to being surprised). It's the automatic dogpile on anyone who has a different opinion or doesn't express their opinion strongly and viciously enough, the automatic accusations of not knowing or caring about the show or the actors, and the claims that you're being attacked whenever someone hints you're going too far. Your opinions and the vehemence you hold them with are not the litmus test for being a Real Fan(TM) or caring about the show, and I find it bizarre that the mere fact of saying that apparently means I am simultaneously flashing street cred and don't really care. I wouldn't be here if I didn't care. For a long time this board has been All London Cast All The Time and posts about other things get ignored, and I would like to be able to participate and talk about the London cast without feeling like I'm playing devil's advocate for expressing slightly more reserved versions of the same opinions you guys have. |
xDaisyPetalx |
Sorry to cut in, might be a silly question but didn't really want to read through all 192 pages... when is the London Cast change? | ||||||
flying_pigs |
19th June. |
xDaisyPetalx |
Thank you ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
19th June is the last day of the current cast. The new cast start on the 21st. However, it looks like Lucie won't be starting for another three weeks after that, at the moment. | ||||||
Violet |
I think the rumours about Nick Jonas are true, if his twitter has anything to do with it. I'm really not interested in him one way or another, except he'll get a lot of American tourists interested in the show.
Putting aside the issues of casting etiquette, I'm fascinated by the idea of Matt Lucas in the show. Sorry for spelling Antony's name incorrectly earlier, but I still think he'd be mad to turn down a short contract as a principal in Les Mis out of some kind of mis-placed protest, which is why I believe that he was never offered the part. If the intention was always to bring in someone else next January (forget who it might be for now), then whoever was offered the contract wasn't "being replaced" just simply offered a shorter contract, and for Antony it would be a promotion, so yes, he should be pleased about that. That would be better than returning to a touring version of Joseph. There's no way of knowing who they plan to bring in next year, as there have been several, contradictory rumours, but being replaced by someone who was previously offered the West End part, and has since had critical praise, and everything that goes with being on an official recording (and a famous name) is surely less "humiliating" than the other rumour that they've got someone fresh out of stage school who they want to give ensemble experience to first. Over on the WOS boards people were joking about Rhydian's mum posting, because some of his fans had no perspective, and took things to heart, and I get a bit of that here too, except it's not just for one performer, but for the "London cast". It's admirable that people feel protective towards them and want to stick up for them, but I hope you don't give them career advice. |
KatyRoseLand |
You're right, it really does sound like it's true. He's been talking about a big announcement and his clue is: This riddle is a hint for the big announcement... "One time I forgot what Day it was. so my friend told me to look at a calendar More" My head is screaming "Noooo"... and also, if he were in it there would be no. chance. whatsoever. of BB seats. However, depending on how long he was in it for, I'd actually be quite interested to see him. I assume he'd be playing Marius even though he still looks like he could play Gavroche. ETA: I suppose it could be about the 25th anniversary concert. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Seeing as Alistair was intending to leave anyway, we've never talked about there being humiliation about him being replaced by, say, Gareth Gates when he leaves. When we talk about humiliation it's in relation to principals being relegated to only their ensemble tracks while someone cast purely for their name plays the principal role for a very short stint of three weeks. Totally different scenario. |
Orestes Fasting |
If this is true (especially if it's the West End cast) then Cameron Mackintosh has surpassed himself in asshattery and I am right there with you guys wanting his head on a stake. There's stunt casting and then there's stupid. |
Violet |
My point was specifically in response to the person who said it was "beneath him" [Anthony] to accept a short-term contract just to be replaced by a more famous person. I'm sorry, I can't remember who said it, and it's too much of a faff to go back now to check, but it was said. I agreed that the short-term Summer casting is a bit of a mess, and a bit unecessary, but it all depends on the attitude of all of those involved. |
hannahmjb |
Nick jonas les misThis riddle is a hint for the big announcement... "One time I forgot what Day it was. so my friend told me to look at a calendar More"My head is screaming "Noooo"... and also, if he were in it there would be no. chance. whatsoever. of BB seats. However, depending on how long he was in it for, I'd actually be quite interested to see him. I assume he'd be playing Marius even though he still looks like he could play Gavroche ETA: I suppose it could be about the 25th anniversary concert. Okay this is to everyone who is being really judgemental and rude to Nick Jonas. he may or may not be in this show but if he is they are lucky to have him and he definatley deserves it! i don't know what all the hate comments are about? yeah i am biased as ia m a huge fan of his. he is extremely talented in music, singing and acting so just because he's disney don't diss. try really giving him a chance, maybe listen to some of his music?? He is a truly great guy, honest kind and genrally a good person. look at the genuine charity work he does. he cares about other people and he cares about his music and career so stop the hate and give him a chance as he deserves it more than anyone! (BTW i am not American) sorry but i fell strongly about this and this boy definatley does not deserve what is being said. give a shot and take a look at his work thanks |
Wandering Ranger |
here's an ideaWhy don't we wait and see if these rumours are true before getting all bent out of shape? As far as I can see this kicked off when someone posted a riddle here with three names in it. He could have made some or all of them up! Nick Jonas going in as Marius or anyone is not too likely since I think the two Jonas brothers are organising a tour for the not too distant future anyway. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Re: Nick jonas les mis
This isn't about Nick Jonas hate, at least not from my perspective. Yes, I have my doubts about whether he would make a good Marius or not. However, I am more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that score for the time being. What you see as 'Nick Jonas hate' is not directed at him at all, but at Cammack and co. who are considering casting him for three weeks as some crazy form of 'celebration'. And as for what you say about him, charity work is totally irrelevant. And I strongly object to the idea that Les Mis should be grateful to have anyone, Nick Jonas or anyone else, at all. There is no way you can make me look at this and think that any of the actors, however talented, however famous, are merely doing the show a favour. Oh, and Wandering Ranger, I wish I could be as optimistic as you. That twitter thing makes it look fairly definite. And if two Jonas brothers are doing a tour ... what happens to the third?! |
Wandering Ranger |
right sorry if this post comes off as a bit abrasive but that post by hannajb really got my goat.
First off "if he is they are lucky to have him". Oh please, Les Mis is a show that has been going 25 years in London that is longer than he has been alive or somewhere close to that and has a fanbase which is more established than Nick Jonas or any disney artist that has emerged in recent years. If anything HE is lucky to be in the show if that is indeed what is to happen. Second of all you have totally missed the point of the discussion. No one has said Nick Jonas specifically shouldn't do it because he will be rubbish or unable to do the role. The issue is with the concept of stunt casting in general which Les Mis does not need and, to be frank, cheapens the show slightly in my view as it makes it look like its popularity is waning which it is not. Incidentally, "just because he's disney" is perhaps a reason why he is ill suited to the role of Marius or indeed any other role in Les Mis. The score demands trained voices not the pop style he has. However, as I said, that is not the issue being discussed here I just thought I would point that one out to you. Thirdly, "he deserves it more than anyone". Aside from the fact this too misses the point of the discussion who are you to say who deserves the chance to be in Les Mis more than anyone else? I'd say the understudies who support the principals and have stepped in countless times when required deserve it more than someone who has zero connection with the production and is to be cast simply for his "name". Wouldn't you? right, rant over. l'invirgone, I gotta be optimistic, if I didn't I am pretty sure I would go stir crazy hehe! |
SnowWhite4518 |
What weeks would this be for? The first three weeks or just a random period of three weeks? |
Elbow |
Re: Nick jonas les mis
There is no rudeness being directed at Jonas. The same reaction would be had for any stunt, short term celebrity casting. Also, I for one couldn't give a shit whether he's a nice person who regularly helps old ladies cross the road or whether he's a massive idiot. I will be looking at his performance, not how many cats he's saved from trees. As is the same for any new performer in Les Mis, famous or not. The issue here is with Cameron Macintosh's strange ideas about casting, however. |
flying_pigs |
Isn't 17 a bit too young to be playing Marius?! | ||||||
mm10 |
Well now I feel like a dinosaur cos I have no idea who Jonas is so if it is stunt casting it is lost on me!!
I do think this may be more to do with the concert than the current cast though but it is all very strange. I�m going to reserve judgement until an official announcement is made |
xDaisyPetalx |
How legitimate are the rumours about Joe Jonas... I can imagine what it would be like. Regardless of his talent and acting ability teenage girls would be flocking to see it and screaming.
I remember when George Sampson was in a production ( and he was nowhere near as big as Jonas) and teenage girls screamed so much no one could hear any dialogue. |
Wandering Ranger |
to be honestI don't think they are true but I am sitting tight and waiting for official confirmation one way or the other. |
HannahM |
Just back from London after seeing the matinee today which was fantastic as usual. I think I'll review tomorrow morning as I actually managed to remember a lot more of the details this time. I can offer a "3rd time seeing the show" perspective I suppose. ![]() ETA: Wow, I go away for one day and it gets very dramatic in here... |
KatyRoseLand |
Re: Nick jonas les mis
Not quite sure why you quoted me in your post when I said I'd actually be interested to see him. Any negativity isn't about Nick Jonas as a performer (at least not from me, and I'm sure not from any of us), but about the idea of stunt casting for very short periods of time, and if you read a few posts back, you'd know that's what all our debating has been about. I think you misread what you believed to be people being "judgmental and rude". We weren't. |
Eppie-Sue |
Alright. I saw the show tonight and it was an amazing performance. But that's not the point of this post.
First off... I know this appears on page one-hundred-ninety-something of this thread, and only a small percentage of people will actually read it or care for it, and it's not like it's of big importance. But I'll post it anyway. I think this show is a thing of beauty. What we're seeing there on stage is such an epic story, so deep and so beautiful and touching, and it's so much more than what you get on most other West End stages. I grew up with it, and I don't expect anyone to share this kind of connection or, well, protectiveness, but this show is about goodness and sacrifice and very, very much about the ensemble. In all honesty, I'm not a musical theatre expert, but there aren't many shows out there that not only give the whole ensemble actual characters to work with, a background, a context, but that, from what I have heard tonight, also expect these ensemble members to base their interpretation on the original source, a novel that was written 150 years ago. The ensemble and the connection between all cast members is absolutely vital for the show. It's a joy to watch, and I've been very, very lucky to be able to watch it develop over the course of nine months now. There is an immense security in the cast that you can't achieve over a short period of time, and this trust also stems from the fact that most of the principals, except for the two leads, appear in ensemble scenes. And they are all part of ensemble numbers, they are all part of a clockwork that has to function well in order to make it enjoyable for everyone and to relax in the characters and truly act instead of following mental notes. It should be obvious from the fact alone that the cast board makes no difference between principals and ensemble, actually. This show works incredibly well without stars, without big names, without any kind of cheap publicity that relies on casting shows and short stints of people that are only called in to make "Les Mis�rables" appear in the media. It has worked well for 25 years, and that is an amazingly long time. This story is so emotional and brings so many factors together, so many aspects, and it's called "Les Mis�rables", the wretched, the miserable ones, the poor, the outcasts, an ENSEMBLE. Not just one fate, it's about everyone. It's about the story and not the faces. I realise that with a 25th Anniversary coming up, something big and major was expected, but especially with a show like this, it makes me incredibly sad to see something like this happening. To say that you "give people the opportunity" to be in the show, to even expect fans of the show to "feel lucky" that some celebrity grants us a few weeks of their time, is ridiculous. Les Mis�rables is a perfect example of how many unknown performers have truly given it all for certain roles, have worked their way up and stayed close and faithful to the show, working hard, and in some cases, they have finally been noticed. There are lots of examples, and they have come up and the names are not important at the moment. There are performers among these who have truly, intensely shaped the show and who care about it and who have been a joy to watch. There are performers who will maybe never get the recognition they deserve, but who have left audiences speechless and in tears at the end of a performance. Yes, there are also performers who have maybe disappointed, who have given performances that were lacking, that felt incomplete or were just plainly bad. But the energy that goes into playing these roles, into truly investing yourself, into keeping the energy up for over four-hundred performances a year, eight shows a week, that can't be valued enough. There are people who are in Les Mis for years and years, without ever even being cast in a principal role, and who are doing a marvellous job. there are people out there who have gone through drama school, who have immense talent and who might never end up getting cast in anything, lots of actors out of work and without a perspective. I am in awe of the work - emotional, physical and vocal - that is goes into a performance that is easily taken for granted. And it worries me to see that it is not just taken for granted by ordinary audience members, but by a production team. Of course this isn't a perfect world, and there's only business in showbusiness, and the romantic idea of working for the craft only comes true in very rare cases - luckily, though, it does - but that shouldn't stop us from hoping things could be different and protesting, even in the most feeble way, on a message board, against this. It can't be helped, but I, for one, am terrified of the moment when liking Les Mis will be the new thing. It's hugely popular already, but it seems like the appeal for younger audiences who blindly follow what pop culture defines as cool is going to be the main emphasis. I wish it was possible without Les Mis losing its essence and wholeness. I don't want it to become about a name. I don't want it to become about one character, one song, one tagline. It's such a wonderful thing, and every time I see it, this beauty is right there on stage, and you see the audience being stunned by what they're being presented with. I would hate to lose that for some "big names", no matter how good they are. It might sound overdramatic, but in the end, it will just be a very shallow and hypocritical way of getting people to talk about the show, and that, I think, is incredibly saddening. |
MizH |
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Jonas brothers | ||||||
lovesinging |
Ok, woah. Sorry to ask, but can someone give me a quick summary of all this Jonas chaos and when we'll probably find out if it's true? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
So far we only know that there will be some "big names" of showbusiness coming in for short stints of a few weeks at some point in the season. Not all at once, but over the course of a few months. And from what I've gathered, the celebrities coming in would only play the principal roles, not the ensemble bits that come with it.
The names that have come up so far are Camilla Kerslake (as Cosette for the first three weeks), but also Matt Lucas (as Th�nardier) and, also, Nick Jonas, who has hinted at it on his Twitter. As Marius, for three weeks at the beginning. And, well, there's upset over that. As explained in length... |
SnowWhite4518 |
There are rumors that Nick Jonas may be "stunt cast" for three weeks as Marius to draw crowds. This has been psuedo-confirmed by a very "lame," if I do say so myself, riddle on his twitter account that alludes to "One Day More!" (and probably managed to thoroughly confuse all his fans, lol.) | ||||||
lovesinging |
Well, s***. Eppie-Sue, I think you put it quite nicely in your lengthy post. Stunt-casting will hurt this show more than help it. And I'd really like it to still be running in two years when I can hopefully make it over there. | ||||||
mastachen |
^ This show has has been running for 25 years, and you're afraid that a little stunt casting can hurt the show enough to close within 2 years?
I don't understand why there's all the hatred with stunt casting. Disney/child actors have at times grown up to receive excellent reviews on stage - Christy Carlson Romano in Beauty and the Beast and Avenue Q, Daniel Radcliffe in Equus, Corbin Bleu in In the Heights, to name a few. Other successful stunt casting includes Chandra Wilson in Chicago, Hunter Parrish in Spring Awakening, and Clay Aiken in Spamalot. They all were famous for work outside of the theater when they were cast, and they all went on to be successful on stage. There's no reason that Nick Jonas, who's already been in Les Mis once before, can't succeed. And if he's good, then what does it matter who deserves it more than him? If he's good, then doesn't he deserve a shot at the part as well? |
mastachen |
PS. I find it disingenuous for anyone to suggest that they care more about Les Mis more than Orestes. | ||||||
The Very Angry Woman |
Les Miz survived Ricky Martin, overtime cuts, 10,000 years of JP Dougherty and crappy-ass revival orchestrations. It can survive a Jonas brother. Honestly, if it bothers you all that much, just stay away from the show -- whichever production it may be -- while he's there. No damage done, you save some money, and he might even bring in new fans. |
lovesinging |
Mmk, let me clarify. I want the show as I know and love it to stay open. I'm afraid it's going to fall into a trap like 'Chicago' where all they seem to do is stunt cast. I'm also afraid of the 'Disney-ization' that might take place if tons of Disney names come in. It's not just the Jonas brother that I'm concerned about (for all we know, he might be good!), it's the idea of a constant stream that might overtake the show and the obnoxious fans that come for the ride (i.e. those who never learned theatre etiquitte and decide to talk/text/whatever during the show).
Sorry I didn't put that in quite the right way before, I was just a bit overwhelmed and running from one thing to the next. p.s. I never meant to imply I care more about Les Mis than Orestes. I highly respect and seem to agree with everything she's said. Sorry if anything I said came out wrong. ![]() |
mastachen |
^ Is there a rash of Disney stars being cast into Les Mis or rumored to be cast into Les Mis that I'm not aware of? Although in my fantasy world I would LOVE to see Christy Romano as Eponine...and Kristin Bell, but she's not Disney lol As for obnoxious Les Mis fans, well, that's nothing new, right?
I wasn't referring to your post. |
Quique |
Um, no offense aimed at Orestes (whom I very much like and respect), but since when was she officially crowned person who loves Les Mis more than Quique, Eppie-Sue, TVAW, and the other hordes of fiercely devoted fans? ![]() I don't mind the casting of Nick Jonas, to be honest. Partly because he is a Les Mis alumnus but mostly because he doesn't strike me as the kind of celebrity who'd "cheapen" a show by merely being in it. If they went ahead and cast, say, Paris Hilton as Fantine, then I'd be foaming at the mouth right about now. At the same time, I understand where Eppie-Sue is coming from. Back during the show's worst Broadway era--mid to late 90's--all the stunt casting disgusted me too. And while I've always adored the show's cute, creative Cosette ads, they started to make the show look like a joke during the same era. I remember thinking at the time that Les Mis is a serious musical at its core and all the silly casting and cutesy ads were giving it this really tacky image or reputation. Little did I know then that the show would suffer far more serious and permanent changes in the future. I can relate to the over-protectiveness one tends to feel especially these days when your faith in the creative team has waned and you actually feel like you will never experience the same show live on stage again. I haven't seen the current cast but I know I would develop a tremendous attachment to them if I had the opportunity to see the show almost nightly. They have reached out and made me grow quite attached to them myself and that's only via several audios. |
mastachen |
Well hey, if some people feel that they can elevate themselves over others in the Les Mis fandom, I feel like elevating other people instead of myself because I'm not so egotistical. As such, I'll elevate the ones that have been here since before I went on my year-long hiatus - Orestes, you, and TVAW and lovesinging. Here are your 19th century French crowns. ![]() |
Quique |
That's more like it. ![]() This queen needs his crown! All kidding aside, I've seen you at the <3Board of Love<3, but you've been away from here for soooo long. Nice to have you back! |
mastachen |
By the way, on the website that I found the picture on, I also found this poem on the Burmese uprising (I'm guessing because I'm not entirely sure what's going there) Changing and replacing a few words, this could be a Les Mis song!
Power to the people Power doesn't belong to the Burmese soldiers firing wildly at anyone and anything or to the one who killed a journalist at point blank range. Power belongs to the people who march in quiet defiance; who dare to speak the truth; who show by peaceful resistance someday justice will prevail. Power is an illusion for the military junta who think that beating monks, arresting and torturing citizens and shooting protesters will secure their rule. The junta might crush this uprising with violence and force, but they can't banish the seeds of freedom sown long ago now growing wildly in the hearts and minds of so many ordinary citizens who, like Aung San Suu Kyi will not give up their rights and accept military rule. The junta may cut communications, but they can't suppress the stories of those who bear witness to their brutality and inhumanity. Power doesn't belong to China or those nations with influence who say nothing and do nothing to stop the bloodshed, as the world watches in horror. Power belongs to the people unafraid to act; to those who raise their voices in opposition; who refuse to accept dictates from those with no right to govern. Power to the people. Oh there's probably more people that are still here since I left. But I literally just picked the ones who's usernames were right below the post, so don't feel offended. Anybody who wants a crown can get a crown! |
hannahmjb |
Okay I am sorry to have angered anyone I was not trying to rant or anything. All I was trying to say was that certain comments were out of order and he should not be judge outlet for being Disney yes I agree it would cause a lot of screaming girls to come but that shouldn't mean he shouldn't get the job. This 3 week thing is true if they want to change the cast they should do it properly. I also agree with the fact that he should be completely judged on his acting ability not necessarily who he is as a person. I just wants people to give him a chance. Sorry for any offence I hav caused. | ||||||
PureDiamondLight |
I won't quote the whole long post as it will take up a lot of space... but VERY WELL SAID, Eppie-Sue. You couldn't have put it better and I couldn't agree more.
It would be awful if Les Mis became popular for the sake of being popular and lost the true depth and meaning of the show. |
Violet |
My knowledge of the Jonas Brothers was rather small, so I didn't realise that the one dropping hints was the youngest one. I'm sure he must be fairly talented, but if they do bring him in as "Disney star Nick" then that will attract a certain sort of fan.
However, it is possible that if Nick is considering this, it is as a means to shift his image towards something more grown-up and less "Disney", in which case concerns about the Disnefication of the show become irrelevant. I have to agree that even if he turns up and is terrible for three weeks and the audiences are filled with annoying fans, the show will survive. Things would go back to normal fairly quickly. By the way, I do think that after all of the fuss made about stunt casting Rhydian, there should be some gratitude that he wasn't cast. It does prove that celebrity, or even a good voice, isn't enough to get a part. Fans can say that it was always obvious to them that Killian should have been promoted, but it was right they held auditions and I'm sure Killian can feel much better about taking over the part knowing that he won it properly. |
Eppie-Sue |
Alright. I think I made my point of view very clear although it's obviously being disregarded.
It has nothing to do with elevating yourself, and I find it ludicrous to propose that someone is the biggest fan of all of Les Mis and that anyone has to be treated like royalty on here and can say or do nothing wrong. That is ridiculous. And well, considering this is about the London production, yes, maybe I care more about it than the average fan. That is not saying I am right or I am a better fan. It just says that I care more. Obviously, I do. Obviously, it therefore seems to be okay to attack my perspective and the points I'm making. I can't believe how hurtful some people in this thread are actually being, maybe without realising, but by ignoring what has been said. So, maybe, some on here are older and more experienced, and for some this is all very exciting and, you know, some were around a year ago when I wasn't and you've seen it all before and well, to be frank, you couldn't really care less about our childish outrage because Les Mis has survived everything. But this is not about that. And, as this is the London thread, and as I have been around for this production for the past year and, if you may allow me to say so, have invested a whole lot in it, I reserve the right to be upset. And to say so. And furthermore, I do think it's interesting to see people only ever posting to attack others' views and positions and have a go at them. How exactly is that justified? Also, if any attention had been paid to the contents of the last pages, it should have become obvious that the problem in this case is not stunt casting for a long run (which is a matter of opinion) or Nick Jonas as a person or any of that sort, but the sheer fact that this show has gotten to the point where stars are booked for short stints of a few weeks and that this is supposed to be the form of celebration that Les Mis�rables is getting. That is disgraceful. I've explained it, others have explained it, and yes, I take offense when people tell me to relax and shut up about it, because if it doesn't bother you and you prefer to act all high and mighty and look down at us (Edit: this is directed at no one in particular, actually, it's just an attitude that I can see in a few posts), that doesn't change anything about the fact that it still bothers me and I have all the reason in the world for it to do. Oh for God's sake, how many more lengthy posts explaining the Why and the How do there have to be? I thought my last one was pretty clear, but it seems like it still wasn't enough to reply to comments about why we think stunt casting is shit because it makes one name bigger than the show, or to explain how someone being cast for a few weeks is not about them being good or deserving it, but about their name alone. Or to evoke comments that we should just stay away from it and ignore it. Perhaps, for us, it's about more than just that one name? Why are people misinterpreting this and making it about one person, one incident? It's about the whole concept. On a side note: If we have reached the point that we should be grateful for no stunt casting... It's not about Killian being cast - yes, we're happy and glad - it's the fact that Rhydian DIDN'T get cast that no one should feel the need to be thankful about, I think. It was suggested that we should be grateful that they "still care about the show" and cast Killian (or, for that matter, any "regular" West End actor) instead of a remotely "big name". That was the issue, at least for me. ETA:
Orestes Fasting |
Whoa drama explosion. Um. I'm really sorry for making a post a few pages back that did nothing to defuse the situation and was only going to escalate it. I was mostly reacting to ivrogne transfigur�'s remarks, and we've been talking it out via PM and I'm pretty sure all is okay now.
I'm also really sorry this has turned into a "who are the real fans" circle-jerk, because the point of my post wasn't that some people are Real Fans(TM) and some aren't, it was that it's hurtful and unnecessary to lay down your opinions as law and fling around accusations that someone else doesn't really care, or doesn't really know anything about the show, or otherwise isn't a Real Fan(TM), if they disagree (or don't agree as strongly, or don't have the opportunity to see the show as often, or don't post as often). It's something that really stung me in ivrogne transfigur�'s post, but I've noticed it in general all over the board. And again, this is not about opinions, it's about behavior. I think if you did an independent poll of all the fans we'd come out with varying shades of the same opinion on most things, so most arguments are probably splitting hairs. (Not that there's anything wrong with splitting hairs; Quique and I have been having absurd nit-picky arguments literally since my first week on the board without ever taking the difference of opinions personally--at least, I don't think we took it personally, although I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks I'm a dunderhead. ![]() On a side note... do we have any confirmation of the rumor about bringing big names in for three-week stints and possibly relegating the usual principals to the ensemble? Not that I'd put it past Cammack, but unlike most of the other 25th anniversary rumors it doesn't sound like anything he's done before. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
As Orestes says, there is rather a drama explosion. And, to be perfectly honest, it seems quite unnecessary.
All the stuff about being a "real fan" is a load of rubbish. We're all different fans, and no-one is a better or truer fan than another. However, it is also not fair, particularly for those who don't really know it that well, to dismiss the opinions of those regulars to the London show, who have invested a lot in the production, as over-reactions. If you care about something strongly, you are going to react to anything perceived as negative strongly as well. A bit more sympathy and understanding of everyone's viewpoints wouldn't go amiss. Also, can I make this very clear: there are two separate issues being discussed here. That is, stunt casting and Nick Jonas, and the idea of casting big names for a short period of time as a form of celebration. I don't want to be patronising, but, really, there have been several posts trying to explain this, and yet people continue to slam Disney stars. That is, quite frankly, irrelevant, and is leading to much more argument than I want to see. Also, as a final note, people seem to be all too willing to a) turn every little comment into an argument. You could even just stick a "That's interesting, but I think..." or something in front, and this would become more civilised. Please try to bear in mind the position of others in regard to the show, and be a bit sensitive of that. And b) please try not to read a counter-argument as a personal attack. Most of the time it isn't, even if it is aggressively phrased.
I believe we definitely know that Alistair is not playing Marius for the first three weeks, and I think Lucie Jones being off for the same time is also fairly definite. Well, I say being off. I think they are actually still going to be in their ensemble roles. |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm sorry for any of the drama explosion that was down to me. I have to add, though, that I didn't want it to become a "drama explosion" and I don't mind people approaching it with a different viewpoint, I certainly don't enjoy an argument on here... it was mostly the fact that my, admittedly strong and emotional opinion, which I tried to explain, was being dismissed that stung and gave me the feeling that, well, I seem to care more about the show as it is at the moment than many others. Which is obvious, again. It would quite silly if something I went to see so often didn't make me get attached to it, and, actually, vice versa. Does that make me The Real Fan? No, definitely not. But it's still something I'd hoped people would bear in mind when forming counter arguments.
Therefore, sorry for the strong words, but I can't be sorry for the strong opinions. In general... Orestes has said it and l'ivrogne has put it better than I have...
And also about this:
What I have so far, rather unofficially, so I need you to take my word for it (I'll vouch for it being true), is that there will definitely be "big names" of some sort coming in at various points next year, and I've pretty much got the confirmation that Matt Lucas is one of them. These big names will play short stints of a few weeks. Nick Jonas has tweeted about One Day More and I know that Alistair will 1) not play "Marius" from the 21st June to the 12th July and that, 2) he will apparently be there for the first third of the show (e.g. until The Trial, which is the last point Marius appears in the ensemble). |
The Very Angry Woman |
Les Miz is not run by the Wiesslers, so you can stop worrying. |
riverdawn |
I have to say what I find a little disconcerting about the "stunt casting for short periods of time" thing is that I'm planning to be in London later this year for a few days, with my husband, and we wanted to see the show - one time only - so that he could see what it's all about, and so I can see the new cast...
so what might be a little irritating is that I now there's a chance that I won't actually get to see the new cast, but the new cast with some three-week-stunt-cast actors, and that I may not even know who will be on until close to the time I see the show. Obviously whenever you see live theater there's a chance of seeing an understudy or something, but an understudy is still a regular member of cast. I think I might be a bit disappointed... |
Eppie-Sue |
Just to add to all of this: Camilla Kerslake is working on a "secret project" with three "A-list celebrities". And Jeff tweeted to her. It seems quite likely. ETA: Oh, and riverdawn, I think this might all very well take place in the months leading up to the 25th Anniversary. You're coming over later this year, right...?! As in, after the October celebrations... |
riverdawn |
Yeah. You're probably right that they'll do stuff leading up to October rather than after it, so I should be ok. ![]() And thanks for all the updates and reviews and stuff, by the way. ETA: Tickets for Oct. 8th for the show at the Queens appear to be on sale now, for those of you who want to see the actual 25th anniversary performance. |
MizH |
I suppose a "secret project with 3 A-list celebrities" could mean anything, but it seems to fit. If it is to do with Les Mis, I wonder who the 3 A-list celebrities are. Until about 5 minutes ago, I had no idea who Camilla Kerslake was. Fortunately Google did. She's very young, and should be able to sing the part of Cosette at least. |
Eppie-Sue |
And now for something completely different.
The show on Wednesday night was great. I remember HannahM said she saw the matinee and thought it was amazing, and if it - or at least a part of it - was anything like the evening show, then I'll just second that. At one point a while ago I told myself to stop going to Wednesday evening shows, simply because I consider Wednesday to be the toughest day... the audience isn't that great half the time, it's a matinee day, and it's not like on Saturday when there is a day and a half off afterwards: You still have three days to go. Somehow, though, I ended up with a ticket, so I shall review, although this review will be awfully unbalanced and very much dominated by two people, I fear. (Eppie) Sue me. Heeeh. Jonathan was the only understudy (which I was very selfishly happy about, because I started taking him for granted and, after seeing Bowman twice, I was reminded just how good Jonathan really is, if I may say so), but there were a few people off in the ensemble - Joe, Rachel and AJ, I think. Killian was in Jonathan's track, which proved to be hilarious, Katy in AJ's, Emma in Rachel's and Greg in Joe's. Mark H did the warnings and was wonderfully loud and strong, I thought. I'm glad he's staying. I'm also glad that Killian is staying, but that said, I'm sad to lose him in the ensemble. Now that he knows he's going to be A Boring Principal in a month (if only. three and a half weeks.), he seems to give the ensemble roles he gets that little extra. Or maybe I just pay more attention and think of it as "The last time..." - he was amazing in Jonathan's track. He's the only one that ever interacts with David!bad cop in Fantine's Arrest, stepping forward, gesturing to Fantine and asking questions, he does the most heartwrenching outburst as Champmathieu in the Trial, wringing his hands at Javert, and then yelling at him in the "I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME!" manner, bursting into tears, he owned MotH by being Very Drunk and trying to make friends with Jeff!traveller, and then went on with being random, drunk and loud in the caf�. The only other reason why I don't want Killian to become principal, is, of course, David. I can't properly describe his performance without repeating all the reviews that I have made in this thread already, but it was absolutely complete on Wednesday night, and, vocally, while he always delivers, even when he is losing his voice that very moment (like a few months ago), that performance must have been one of the strongest and most stirring ones I've experienced, and you find yourself sitting there, thinking "Yes, this is what Enjolras IS like. Should be like. Has to be like." and it's impossible to imagine anything better, all the way from Look Down to The Final Battle and beyond (the barricade...). It's amazing, the effect "Red and Black" has on the audience, you can sense that everyone's sitting up a bit straighter and being just a bit more attentive and in awe at the first "REEEEEED" he sings, and the change of atmosphere during "Lamarque is dead". There is so much depth and such a grasp on the character and such devotion and energy and understanding in his performance, and, although it's Killian who is taking over and whom I love dearly, he will be incredibly missed. There are so many things coming together in this performance, it's unreal and it stings to think about it, and to remind yourself that, well, it's very unlikely that he will ever play Enjolras again and that he will ever sing those lines again and do that jump again and stand on that cart again after 19th June and so on. Um yes. So other notes. Nancy was really good. Maybe not outstanding, vocally, but let's face it, that has never been the strongest part of her performance. Acting-wise, though, she killed it, and I am still drawn in by her "On my own", something I can't say for many other solos. If you make yourself pay attention, you can see just how much goes into that moment, and into ALFOR. Gavin was AWESOME. Especially as, for once, I've paid attention to him at the moment Javert is handed over to Valjean and everyone screams blue murder, so that David has to get all loud and bossy and growly for "HOLD YOURSELVES IN READINESS" (which I love) - Gavin, being so very Combeferre, just stood there, next to an outraged Dylan!Joly and an absolutely livid Mark!Courfeyrac who was this close to fire down at The Bastard from his spot on the barricade, and watched the scene, raised his eyebrows, gave the others one look of complete Combeferreness and didn't shout ONCE. He also still gives David that " leave you alone for one second..." look as he's waving the flag, and it doesn't get any less heartbreaking. Helen sang the "Lord, I'm weary, sick enough to drop" the way it is sung on the tour - following the actual melody the orchestra is playing instead of being awesome and perfect. WOE. I hope it was some odd one-off thing to do and isn't a hint at what they're doing in rehearsals. Simon's Babet was badass and bullying everyone he could possibly bully. I've been told he's supposed to make Babet more like the Brick next year, which will be interesting, because with the exception of Montparnasse, the Patron-Minette is nothing like it is in the book, actually... Jonathan was amazing, safe for a few high notes maybe. But acting-wise it was so raw and yet understated, I thought it was very enjoyable. I love how he acts in Valjean's Revenge, he's completely honest instead of acting superior to Javert. Sophie! I will miss Sophie so much. She is the perfect Factory Bitch, she's got the look on her face down so perfectly and aw. She's one of the few of the ensemble I remember from when I saw the 08/09 Cast in June 09 (which is almost a year ago which is very, very sad and scary), and she just is the definite Factory Bitch to me. And I refuse to call her Factory Girl. The audience was pretty good and, as usual, had the most hilarious reaction to little William!Gavroche dying. It looks so staged, which is totally not the kid's fault but the stupid direction's, but he has done such a MARVELLOUS job throughout the whole performance, and as soon as he's "dead", there is this loud, sad "AWWWWWW!" going through the entire auditorium. Bless. Oh, and Samantha Barks plus two new ensemble girls were in and seemed very enthusiastic and lovely about the show at Curtain Call from what I could spot. |
lovesinging |
Ha. You speak the truth. Sorry for my naivety, I really don't know much about West End. Feel free to educate me, everyone ![]() ![]() |
Pan |
'Nick Jonas will play Marius in Les Miserables for 3 weeks starting June 21st in London.' from JonasUnion twitter
'I am so excited to announce that I will be performing in Les Miserables once again! The amazing Cameron Macintosh reached out to me last year about portraying the role of Marius in London at the West End. When I was ten years old I was in Les Miserables as Gavroche. On my closing night in 2003 I told my parents that I would come back to be Marius one day. It is truly a dream come true. More details will be coming soon. Can't wait to see the fans who make it out to the show! Love you all. Special thanks to Cameron for this amazing opportunity. "I Dreamed a Dream" and they seem to be coming true. P.S. To all of you who figured out the riddle... Well done. ' Nick's tweet. Because the riddle was oh so hard. Now, it is almost 5am so bedtime for me. ETA: Thankyou for the review Eppie-Sue (: Ahh, 9 days till I'm going to see it, at this hour nothing but 'squee' can some it up. |
The Very Angry Woman |
Source: |
Quique |
Looks like he's going to be my Marius, hehe. If all goes well, I'm definitely booking my trip next week for sometime in August.
I think it's neat. I saw him as Gavroche on Broadway in 2003. Seems like yesterday. Can't believe he's all grown up and will be seeing him as friggen Marius! Time flies by waaaaaay too fast!! |
The Very Angry Woman |
You should really bring a playbill from his time as Gavroche, then! I can't imagine many fans in London will have one. | ||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Ah , you really should. I've heard some clips of him singing Little People on YouTube and he has this fake British accent which works pretty well, in fact. So. Now I'm trying to be all open minded and I actually don't mind at all seeing him. His first break into showbiz was through theatre so it's not like he's this pop singer who doesn't know a thing or two. I've seen a Jonas Brothers concert before (Yes, I have. Four years ago.) and there was a point when I was all OMG JOBROS, but I'd definitely take him over his two brothers. I'd like to see how it works out, actually. I'm really interested. But at the same time, yes, I still find it unfair for Alistair, and I think that if he really wants, he should take a few years off to concentrate on theatre. I imagine he'd take some time to train his voice up again, too. ETA: Still hate the stupid use of IDAD and how it all comes true. That's not what the song is about at all, no? |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Sorry to break it to you, Quique, but three weeks from June 21st is going to be finished in mid-July. If you're going in August, he'll be gone. |
flying_pigs |
I'm not sure what to think about this, but I guess I'll give him a chance. Just feel a bit sorry for Alistair. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
THIS. I hate that it has now been confirmed and I hate that the only time I'll see the new cast until mid-August when I'm back in London will be with a "big name" in it (if there are ANY TICKETS LEFT THAT IS.) and I'm frustrated and, frankly, I do not want things to change I love the current cast so much and it's all right and pretty much like it should be at the moment and ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quique |
I read that as July 21st for some reason. I'll be happy with whoever I see, as long as whoever it is doesn't suck. And Les Mis has always been blessed with good casts. Even those casts that have been considered "bad" actually weren't too bad at all. Well, with the exception of a string of really bad Frances-clone Eponines in the late 80's/early 90's. ![]() |
Wandering Ranger |
Eppie Sue, and others who are dreading thisFirst off, I share your concerns. I am against stunt casting for the reasons stated by others above. Because this cast was my first cast I am also very attached to it particularly Jonathan's Valjean and Hans' Javert and I do share the concerns of others that this "stunt casting" is doing those who have worked and continue to work hard in their roles to make the show what it is a disservice. However let's get this in persective:Les Miserables is a show that has been running for 25 years which is important two reasons. First it means CM isn't doing this because the show is floundering and could use a boost for ticket sales. Second, it means the show as we know it is not going to go out with a cast led by names after this is done. All that is happening here is CM is commemorating the 25th anniversary year of what is his most successful show with a little "pezazz" as it were. Something that means it will be an anniversary to remember. These people are only coming in for three weeks, that is all. Three weeks and it will be business as usual. The show's integrity will not be harmed long term and we will have a 'norma;' cast again amd CM will have had his little PR stunt done. Also, it's not like the whole cast is being replaced with names, so there will still be well over 3/4 of the cast there so it will not be so much different from normal. I admit it is a little annoying that someone like Nick Jonas is coming in (believe me I don't think hes going to be any better than others do) but we have to keep it in perspective. It is only for three weeks, not permanent. Think on the positive side of this! |
Eppie-Sue |
Re: Eppie Sue, and others who are dreading this
Yes. It's three weeks for him. Then another three weeks for someone else. Then another three weeks for someone else again. There will be three week slots for all the "big names" to make it "exciting" and to constantly mix it up a bit. They're not all going to come in for the same three weeks. And again, it's about the sheer concept of suggesting that the 25th Anniversary calls for big names to fill the principal spots. The regular performers are suddenly not good enough anymore. I can't possibly say how disgusted I am by all of this, after years of claiming this was an ensemble show and no one was the star of it. |
Wandering Ranger |
like I said..I understand your point and its equally as disgusting to me. My point is we all love the show and the people in it. Therefore, what good is getting all upset and angry about it? You think CM is going to come on here and go "oh its really upsetting these people, let's call the whole thing off?". No is the answer to that one. It seems we have two choices, one continue to get really angry and disheartened with the result that our enjoyment of the show dwindles for a bit or we can just accept that its going to happen and make the best of a bad job.Also, who says everyone is going to think Nick Jonas or whoever is suddenly the star of the show? It's all relative. I mean, for me HPJ is the star of the show but thats only my opinion which far from everyone share. NJ is the same deal. Some may think he is the star of the show but others may not, a star of the show is only defined by the tastes of an individual. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Re: like I said..
But the way that he has been brought in as a 'big name' for a short stint does give him rather a 'star' role. That is how this whole thing is going to be interpreted. |
Eppie-Sue |
Re: like I said..
I get what you're saying and I don't think anyone on here has any silly illusions about "Oh we can change it" or is planning on opening a stupid Facebook group for the cause. But, only a few hours into the announcement and a few days after the whole thing came up, and with a cast that I love very much playing at the Queen's at the moment and people that I like being shoved aside for a name that will attract screaming fangirls, I really don't feel like leaning back and going "Oh well let's make the best out of it". |
Quique |
It bothers me too especially the more I think about it but I've witnessed so much stunt casting on Broadway alone during the awful mid-90's that it doesn't surprise me anymore. Besides, I always did wait to see if the celebrities were any good, hoping I'd be pleasantly surprised. None of them were horrible but none were really all that great either.
I totally agree that this is the London cast's time to shine. The original cast did benefit from much publicity when the show opened and some were even elevated to star status (at least in the musical theatre world) because of the show. There is absolutely no reason why they shouldn't treat the 25th anniversary cast equally. Not saying they should aim to make them as famous as the original cast but give them the spotlight. They are the cast who just happens to be in the show in this very important time in the show's history and replacing even some of them with guest performers is tacky. As previously stated, I have no problem with the casting of Nick in itself but they should wait until after the celebrations are over and done with. Same goes for the tour--celebrate the original London production now. Put it center stage, then they could pimp their tour afterwards all they want. |
Wandering Ranger |
Re: like I said..
I understand that but what can we do apart from make the best of it? We can't change it. Can't get Alistair/Martin/whoever their roles for that period. What else is there to be done? l'invirgone: Not necessarily, I bet some people won't even know who he is. Sure NJ has a lot of fans no doubt about that, but I would question the number of fans who are into Les Mis who also like Nick Jonas. So, he will be 'the star' in only a relatively small number of people's eyes. |
Eppie-Sue |
Re: like I said..
Yeah, because the only "Jonas brothers" fans who will see Les Mis are the ones that are Les Mis fans anyway. Let's not pretend that this is what's going to happen. The current cast has three weeks left. I hate how it's all about the "big names" in this thread already. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Re: like I said..
Yes, I agree - it is possible that not many people will like Nick Jonas, either as a fan of his music or as Marius. But that's not the point I'm trying to make. I'm talking about the reasoning behind him being cast, and the way I am sure this is going to be marketed. They are, like it or not, being brought in as a star. And a star of a show is more than who the audience like most. |
Wandering Ranger |
oh I see yes that is probably the way it is going to be marketted. My bad, kinda mis-interpretted what you were saying there. Thing is, think about it long term, how long is this going to be remembered for? Sure in the short term it will be remembered but Les Mis is so much more than that and probably, when the new cast gets going post celebrations these people's stints will be no more remembered than anyone else's. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Ugh, I hate this all so much. We're on page 200 and for the past days there have been nothing but arguments and talks about the celebrities and the short stints and next year.
What does everyone think, do we need a new thread, or will we manage to make this about the current cast and the currect performances for the time being without giving the stunt casting too much thought...? I know I've been nothing but negative, and I'm suggesting this although I'm guilty of it myself. But I, for one, would be perfectly willing to shut up about it if it means we can celebrate the way the show is right now for the next three weeks instead of ignoring the fact that we're getting stellar performances at the moment. I tried with the review, but that didn't really work. (edit: Because, maybe I'm alone in this, but with everything that's changing and being ignored and turned around and with all the stunt casting and the oh so great 25th Anniversary, to me it actually feels like Les Mis�rables is closing on the 19th June. ![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
How about creating a Cast Change 2010 thread for the new cast and all the crazy stunt casting, and leaving this thread to continue to be about the current cast for a few more weeks? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I thought about that, too, but then with so many cast members staying on and so much of the reviews being with reference to next year, and with general chatter going on in this thread, this was always the perfect way to do it, until everything went completely batshit crazy. And I don't want this thread to die a slow death, I'll admit it.
I don't know how much there really is to talk about in the new thread, somehow, up to 19th June. It's all so... intertwined. The current cast, the new cast, the concert... |
Orestes Fasting |
Well, this thread is at 200 pages, its options are pretty much die a slow death or get cut off quickly and replaced with a new thread... and there's always been bleed-over between different subjects in the various London threads. Your call, though, obviously. | ||||||
eponine5 |
To me it seems like this current cast came and went so quickly! Okay it�s probably because I haven�t seen them in ages and so the only ones I feel attached to are the ones who were in previous casts, but still I�m sad that I haven�t seen them more. This will be the first time in the last five years that I�m not seeing the last matinee performance (I left it way too late to book but it was all booked up much earlier than in the past) so it will feel strange to me.
And I�m now just going to be a total hypocrite because I agree with Eppie Sue that we may as well focus on the current cast rather than rumours but since I haven�t commented on them yet I just want to say that reading this thread has made me very uneasy. I know it�s been argued to death and we shouldn�t judge them before we see them so I won�t try to explain or reason why but all I know is that my immediate gut response to this stunt casting business is that it�s all very sad. Having said that, the only new cast member mentioned here that I�d heard of and didn�t have to google was Samantha Barks so I�m obviously not the audience CM is aiming for. All I�m hoping for is that the production will remain to be the outstanding piece of theatre it is. |
The Very Angry Woman |
Re: like I said..
What about the ones who will become Les Miz fans thanks to him? Maybe even be exposed to a new entertainment genre they weren't willing to try before? It's not necessarily all sour grapes here. |
Eppie-Sue |
That wasn't the point of that post, though. It was about whether there would be Jonas brothers fans in the audience that would only come because of Nick Jonas, and I said that surely, there would. Here's hoping they show respect to Les Mis as a whole. And if they scream during songs or behave at the stage door like they do at concerts/autograph sessions, I'll scream back. Oh wait. I'm not at the Queen's around that time, really. Good to know.
Also, as is obvious to everyone by the title that says "London Cast: 2010/11", I've opened a new thread. I got rather annoyed at the thought that the last weeks of this cast would be overshadowed by stunt casting, which is very much what it looks like right now, so I hope you all don't mind. |
will nick be playing in the matinee? | ||||||
sorry i noticed that and posted it there. | ||||||
mm10 |
I logged on to say somethnig about the latest news on the stunt casting/concert but I think I'm actually lost for words
Don't think I have fully digested it all yet so I may say something about it tomorrow but for now I'm going to stick to this thread and pretend everything else isn't happening! ![]() |