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Eppie-Sue |
No, it wasn't. David was off for both shows, Bowman was off for both shows, Jonathan was off for both shows. The understudy sheet is to the left in the box office and it clearly stated that when I looked during the matinee... | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Yes I know that, I saw the sheet too, but the box office lady said that there definitely weren't any understudies on at the matinee. Dunno what's up with that. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Ack. Double post. But anyway.
First and foremost, the understudy sheet is definitely inaccurate. Today it said the same thing as yesterday- Mark as Enjolras and Simon as Valjean (the sheet even said 8 June), but Bowman was on and so was David. Jonathan and Joe were off, so Killian was in Jonathan's track and Mark Hedges in Joe's. Today's show was clearly the best show I've seen all week, except from the usual disparities. Re: Bowman's wig, it looked particularly stuck on today, like a gigantic mob of hair stuck on his head. As for Bowman, oh it was literally the same things, except one small blooper- "Hurry Cosette, it's time to live another day!" I have one major quibble that struck me today. In Valjean's Confession, he has all healthy and such, but in the Finale, which didn't happen too long after, he was a dying old man. I thought that he could show his aging from the time he saved Marius at the barricades to the time Everyday and the Confession took place, as a few months had already passed. I think. Also, in the Prologue, when the Bishop met him for the first time he quickly hid his yellow ticket-of-leave, while Jonathan flashed it out at the Bishop, which I thought worked much better as it would really bring out the kindness of the Bishop. Valjean would also have already been resigned to the fact that the ticket was "a mark of Cain" and expected the Bishop to shun him when he showed the Bishop the ticket. Ahh I don't know how to express this out clearly. I felt that Nancy wasn't her best tonight, there were other times when she was much better. David gave the best performance I've seen him give tonight, everything was so controlled and calm. HPJ and the Thenardiers were alright. Oh! And an interesting thing I heard in the Ladies which I should be used to, but still: "(fangirl squee) He's just so GORGEOUS!" By the way, is there anyone going tomorrow? I really really don't have the guts to go stagedooring alone. God, I'm such a coward. And I decided that I had just enough tonight when I saw Nancy and David leave (perhaps rushing to catch the train) and some fangirls were demanding for a photo of David and them, and then David alone. Honestly. |
Eppie-Sue |
The understudy sheet today was indeed yesterday's - as there was a full cast, no new one was put up and they forgot to take the old one down. It's confusing, to say the least, but looking at the date definitely helps a lot, they sometimes do get it wrong... I don't know what's so hard about it, though...
The facepalm moment of the night definitely goes to Simon Bowman. Oh he makes me laugh. On the barricades, during the First Attack, obviously it is absolutely vital for the plot that Valjean fires at the sniper. As in, nothing works without him doing that - first off, technically, Enjolras would probably be shot, which would kind of kill the mood a bit, then Valjean would never get Javert, Courfeyrac would probably lose it and shoot the bastard... you get the gist. So, what happend? Thomas fell down, "hit" by a bullet, David rushed down, the second shot fired, David slid backwards to the ground... and at that point, Valjean normally stands between Enjolras and the direction of the shots. Because of, you know, plot and all that. Bowman, however, was busy being a revolutionary at the barricade. He noticed way, way too late, David just looked up, saw there was no one there and ever so slowly stood up again before Bowman rushed in... It was so awkward. He ended up firing that shot, but oh, I had to control the giggles at "for your presence of mind [for the deed you have done, I will thank you, Monsieur...]" just because OH THE IRONY. I loved seeing Katy on stage tonight, but I wish it wasn't for Daniella, and I wish Joe was back (and David was well...) - it just seems so unfair that they're all leaving in ten days and are off sick, from what I assume. But yes, Katy was so wonderful. I love her in Daniella's track, I have to say. Loved the ensemble so much tonight, just all the random little bits, and oh, how I will miss Killian in MotH! He is just so random. He is also the most wonderful Drunk in the Wedding, marching around the place and... oh just being Killian. I'm sure he'll be great as Enjolras and all, but he'll have to tone it down so much in the ensemble... David was very strong indeed tonight, again. It's amazing. You can really tell that he wants it and goes for it, and it's very admirable and possibly also quite insane. There is the back injury and all that, but I doubt anyone in the audience could possibly have noticed anything. The Caf� scene was wonderful, overall. I love it so much. The dynamics and chemistry between the students, it's so, so well-balanced. And I love how sheepish Antony!Feuilly looks at the "rich young boys" bit, and how lively Markfeyrac is... and Gavin is just my Combeferre. He's brilliant. Sophie sounded a bit ill in Turning tonight, I hope she doesn't have to go off in her last week... but her Factory Bitch was once again so awesome. Oh I enjoy watching her there, she's so bitchy without being annoying. She's just badass. I didn't think Nancy sounded weak today, quite the opposite, OMO was a lot more controlled, vocally, than on Tuesday for example. She has on and off days, but tonight was a good show for her. ALFOR was very heartbreaking and I assume it will get even more intense over the next ten days. And, uh, about stage door... there was nothing wrong there at all, no demanding, no several photos, no fangirls. Yeah, they were in a rush, but there was one young woman and overall, and in particular compared to some other stuff that's going on at stage door, it was alright, especially as she didn't demand anything, she was being polite and asked, and he went "YES YES GO GO GO QUICK!". It would have been fine - if not for the fact that the camera didn't work when they were trying for a photo together, so therefore she ended up taking one of him, which seemed to greatly confuse him, but had been her original question anyway. It's a difficult situation, true, and I wish people would use stage door more to thank performers and to let them know their performances are appreciated and that it was really good, instead of simply going for a picture... But at least she didn't stand in the way like other people. It's really irritating because of those bloody barriers, everyone's just standing so close to the stage door, and I HATE that because while, yes, I would like to talk to some when they spot me, especially as I'm leaving London for a bit in two weeks and with cast change coming up, I do not want to stand so close, be intrusive and possibly even be in the way. ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Yes I saw that woman, I had no problem with her, but I thought there were other fangirls squealing over him? Oh my God what if I'm seeing things. And I felt that it was especially bad because Nancy and him were obviously in a great rush, so I felt like the time was being prolonged. And you're not the only one who hates the barriers. Before the show started I went over to the stage door to see the fangirls, and they were there in full force. And Nick Jonas also tweets about "OMG Les Mis is SO POWERFUL... "To love another person is to see the face of God"! " or whatever. That doesn't help at all. I couldn't even find any place to stand tonight (which is why I left), and I have a feeling that it will be worse tomorrow. I don't feel like going tomorrow but I need photos and whatever. |
beyondthebarricade |
So, um, anyone knows if Jonathan Williams is going to be on tonight? He's been off yesterday, don't know what's with him... | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I can not believe I totally called Sophie being off today. I feel like such a freak. So, uh, yeah, going by the u/s sheet, Sophie was off and Katy was, too. Which is so unfair, because she's leaving. They both are. ![]() Speaking of people that are leaving and of unfairness: Not completely unexpectedly at all, David was off, so Mark was on as Enjolras, and chances are he'll be on over the weekend and very definitely on Monday, after which David will, hopefully, be back and able to get through the last seven performances. |
beyondthebarricade |
Laura was off too. Emma Westhead was both Factory Girl and then she went in Laura's track. I felt Emma wasn't that bitchy as Sophie, and that she was milder and calmer. I could have sworn that I saw Jonathan as a sailor today, and his name was on the cast board too, but then he disappeared, and so Killian was Bossuet, as well as the drunk. Anyone know what happened? And I really enjoyed Mark as Enjolras today, and I've realised since in this trip to London, I got Markjolras the majority of the time. So Greg was in Mark's track. But I hope David will be back, is he even sick? Aaaand I'm seeing the tour tomorrow. Uh oh. |
Eppie-Sue |
He has a back injury. He is bloody well not sick. He is injured. He is in massive pain. Just to clear that up. |
pastaeater |
What a terrible shame for him to have an injury right at the end of his time in the cast, and to have to miss some of his last he was looking forward to giving them absolutely everything. ![]() Best to be careful with back injuries tho'. |
BarkateerJenny |
9 days until the new casts opening night!!! wahooooooooooo!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm sure you meant to post this in THIS TOPIC. Considering, you know, this is the old one, for the current cast. Where people are not particularly ecstatic, as hard as it might be to comprehend that. Wahoooo my arse. |
BarkateerJenny |
sorry, i just felt the need to say it! i will shut up now though and only post on the other thread |
Wandering Ranger |
Barkateer - Please don't feel you are in anyway barred from posting in this thread if it is to do with the current cast there is no reason why you shouldn't. Also please don't take any offence at what Eppie Sue said, she, like others here, is not too happy about some of the casting choices made for the next year. | ||||||||
BarkateerJenny |
thanks, although i have nothing to say about the current cast as i dont know who any of them are and am not too fussed about the show yet, plus i havent even seen it yet so have no idea what any of it is about (apart from the obvious). i am only interested in the 'new cast', so there is no point in me posting on this thread at the mo anyway, but thanks again |
MSam |
Don't feel like you're being restricted from posting - this is a place for opinions and discussion which everyone is entitled to. Do, however, feel compelled to remain on topic and at least try to use proper punctuation and grammar. ![]()
![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
That's beside the point. I might not be singing the new cast's praises before they have actually shown anything on stage, but at the same time I feel completely neutral towards them and am actually quite excited about some things, but with quite a few members of a cast I have been seeing for a year leaving in a week and it all not quite going the way it was supposed to go, I don't think I need to apologise. This has nothing to do with any casting choices, but much more with the fact that a part of me would expect BarketeerJenny to be more aware of the existing fandom for Les Mis and the circumstances. I understand that she's excited for Samantha Barks, but it surely wouldn't hurt to find out about a character or a show before she sees her for the first time, or at the very least show some interest that isn't radically reduced to Samantha Barks if she's posting on a Les Mis forum (as opposed to a Samantha Barks forum). ETA: The understudy sheet says Mark as Enjolras Greg as Bishop Katy as Factory Bitch |
BarkateerJenny |
to be honest the only reason i'm going is to see Sam. if i wanted to find out more about the show/character before seeing Sam i would, but im going mainly to support Sam, although, don't get me wrong, im looking forward to seeing the show as a whole too and will be going several times this year while she's in it |
Eponines_Hat |
So, I had a moment today when I realised that this time next week, some great cast members are leaving the show ![]() btw - so, cast change protocol. I was at the Wicked Cast Change in March and it was seriously INSANE. Like, standing ovations when principals come on stage for the first time in the show, and halfway through some of the songs (there were some pretty riffs happening) Are the Les Mis ones like that? I'm a little scared..... |
Eppie-Sue |
That's "Wicked", though, isn't it?! ![]() That said, it will be noticeable in the performances, if October and what I know from previous years is anything to go by, tears and more tears, very raw and intense emotion, and I'm absolutely sure that with some of the people who are leaving this time, that won't be any different or even worse. Oh. And there won't be a speech. I'm pretty pissed off, I know other shows care enough to give speeches, and considering people who leave mid-season get speeches, I'm actually quite appalled that there won't be one next Saturday. I just... struggle to imagine how Katie Hall, after four months, got an extra speech, and people like David or Nancy don't. Ah well. |
Eponines_Hat |
No speech - is that definite? Rubbish! Do they only do a speech if a JVJ/Javert are leaving? What about all the ensemble members and David who have been with the show for years? Boo. @ BarkateerJenny - I was wondering if maybe you should start a Samantha Barks Fangirling page like there is for Thaxton? It might be easier for you to comment there - and to be honest, I find the constant gushing kinda makes me uncomfortable. Which many people used to feel about the Thaxton fangirling. Hence the page. Just a thought ![]() |
pastaeater |
No speech?? That's absolutely ridiculous! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I know. I am actually quite put off by that. Drew Sarich got a speech when he left the London cast in late 2008, and he had been there for a year. Katie and Earl and Shannon got a speech. Now you've got people who have been in the cast for longer than any of them and who have done the whole year and they just... leave. I realise it was the same last year, but that doesn't change anything about the fact that cast change is quite the big deal at other shows and that one speech wouldn't kill them. They do speeches about bloody everything. |
HobNob |
Last cast change wasn't like that at all D: Although, we only went to the evening. I do doubt that the matinee had any of that kind of goings on though! Oh bless the heartbroken cast. Good job it's perfectly alright to cry on stage most of the way through. | ||||||||
MizH |
I was at a cast change performance a couple of years ago where all but one or two of the principals were leaving and there was no speech. I think it's the same at every June cast change. I'm sure their last day won't go unmarked. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
It really isn't that big of a cast change, is it...!? Just looking at who we'll be seeing in their last week... Antony, Mark (both as Enjolras and Courfeyrac), Thomas, Joe, Greg (if he goes on, which is likely), Katy (possibly), Sophie, Daniella, Laura, Emily, Nancy and, fingers crossed, David... | ||||||||
pastaeater |
See that Jeff has tweeted that he is on as Javert tonight, but that he has a sore throat. Hmmm........any chance of Killian going on, I wonder, or is there someone else ahead of him in the pecking order? I know that if I was in London I would go along on the off-chance!
(Should also say that I hope Jeff isn't coming down with something nasty!) |
Eppie-Sue |
No, there isn't. Am off to the Queen's as we speak. |
beyondthebarricade |
If you don't mind me asking, and since I'm going so I would like to know who'll be on, if Jeff is sick and HPJ isn't on, doesn't that naturally mean that Killian will be, seeing that he's second u/s? |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I think you misunderstood Eppie-Sue. The "No, there isn't" was meant in relation to there being anybody above Killian in the pecking order. In other words, there is a reasonable chance that he may be on tonight. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Okay, so, Jeff is on, and as I'm rather broke I decided to give it a miss, considering Jeff will be understudy all next year, too. Anyway.
Jeff as Javert (thus: Martin Neely as Foreman) and Rachel Bingham as Mme Th�nardier... And to continue the unlucky streak of people leaving as cast change, Thomas is off today. But everyone else seems to be back (as in, Sophie and Daniella for example). Well, with the obvious exception of David, so, of course, Mark is on as Enjolras again. ETA: From what I hear, Mark is on holiday on Wednesday, which probably means there's going to be a "preview" of Killian as Enjolras. |
beyondthebarricade |
Yes, so those were the understudies that were on. Mark Hedges was Courfeyrac, Killian was in Jeff's track, and Greg was in Thomas'. I'm not sure who was it in Rachel's, I'm rubbish at the female ensemble, but I think it was Katy Hanna. Can't be sure, though. For a start, I absolutely love Jeffert. It was great, being right after Earl on tour. Jeff has this aura about him, and his voice is just so deep and strong. This has probably been mentioned before, but Jeff's Javert tends to stay dignified throughout right through his death, while HPJ looks all scared. And his words are just so articulate and well-pronounced, like a real Prefect of Police. I liked it so much because he could really hold his own, without having to mimic other past Javerts. And he can act, with expression and emotion. Sadly, I don't think I can compliment Rachel Bingham's Madame T. so much. It was a mix of Jenny Galloway and Lynne Wilmot, and although she could sing decently, she wasn't as crude and outrageous enough as Lorraine. Although Lorraine can't sing, her voice booms on certain words (ie. "but first you PAY!"), while Rachel's seemed more like a half-hearted attempt. It doesn't help that her Thenardiess acted so graceful in the wedding, all that was needed was a Tour!dress and it would be like Lynne's. Though Martin B. was consistent, which was good. I thought Killian was a great Brujon, although I feel that Jeff has done it to perfection which makes Brujon seem like a big oaf. Killian�s didn�t have the little subtleties that Jeff�s did (like on the Javert�s �maggots�, Jeff would always pull some face at Simon!Babet), but on the whole, he was still good. I had more of a problem with Greg as Montparnasse. Firstly, he doesn�t have a Montparnasse face, which is not his fault, but it still contributes to the total character. Greg doesn�t strike me as a sinister, dark, murderer that Thomas pulls off so well. Greg�s looked like this friendly ole guy with a bit of hair that he forgot to tie up, and there wasn�t much interaction with Eponine, I felt. I loved Markjolras, although he isn�t as authoritative as David (but then again, who is?). I�m getting to like it more and more and more each time, and Mark Hedges was a decent Courfeyrac.
I do hope Thomas is well, same for David, and I�m really dreading cast change. Oh yes, as for the speeches, Antony said that he they will do speeches for whoever would be leaving, and I hope he�s right. He said if he wasn�t he would butt in and make one himself. Well. And I also heard a loud �OMG Antony Hansen you were great I love you!!!!!!!� at the stage door. Heh. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Lynne Wilmot? Wedding? Graceful?! ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Naaaaaw I didn't mean lady-like and sweet. Lynne's struck me as a Thenardier who was more concerned about the audience's thoughts about her, more self conscious, while Lorraine is all out obnoxious. Rachel played it like Lynne Wilmot, as in she bowed properly, her actions at "Paris at my feet, Paris in the dust!" were still pretty demure and soft, rather than Lorraine's extreme actions. |
beyondthebarricade |
Alright, I hate double posts. But, at any rate, anyone saw the show tonight? Lorraine's alright, she just had a day off last night, but anyone know if David (and HPJ) are okay? | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
David is not okay. Not even remotely okay. He actually did go on and was on stage for the Prologue, On Parole and The Bishop scene and then couldn't possibly do more than that. I'm not expecting him back except for, hopefully, Saturday evening. It's so awful, I feel incredibly bad for him. | ||||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
How many times do you need to be told?! ![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
Oh no. Poor David. And I'm betting it would've meant a lot to him to be able to do closing weekend, if he was willing to go on when he was so completely not capable of it. Damn, if I'd known in February that it would be the last time I saw him at full capacity, I would have tried to sneak in another London trip before cast change. |
Quique |
*Takes deep breath*
Okay, guys, what's the best place (either online or by phone) for tickets to the West End production? I know it's a really basic question and I should know better but somehow the idea of buying tickets for a performance in London sort of freaks me out and I can't think straight and begin to fear I'm making a mistake/could've gotten better seats if I went through a certain site or whatever. Anything special I should know about? Or will Ticketmaster suffice? |
riverdawn |
Don't bother with ticketmaster. They don't have a good seat selection.
If you are willing to pay full price, just get the tickets directly from the box office through or by phone. Otherwise, you can check out the various discount sites. I usually get them through theatremonkey, but there are other sites. They all basically offer the same tickets for the same prices. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I'm afraid I can't be much help here. I usually only get the cheap �20 seats you hear a lot about here, that is row BB at the front of the stalls (6-8,20-22) and the D/C slips (A0,1,35,36), which are only avaliable directly through the box office, either in person or by phone. Otherwise I buy a ticket on the day and enjoy the benefits of student discount. I believe if you shop around it may be possible to get good deals on the net, but I couldn't tell you where to look. | ||||||||
Eponines_Hat |
TANGENT- Encore Tickets aren't bad - they can sell great stalls seats like B14 for �35 if you book early.
Sending good thoughts out there to David. It makes me very sad to hear how much pain he is in ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
I don't see anything wrong with just asking whether he was okay by last night. |
kemathenga |
Neither do I. If you don't want to answer a question in a friendly or even neutral way why not ignore it? |
Eppie-Sue |
It's a bit hard to imagine how anyone with a back injury could possibly suddenly be okay after doing a whole of three shows since the accident two weeks ago, considering we've been saying that it might as well take until cast change for him to be back (and back solely because it's cast change). I really don't want to argue about this, actually. I just know that for him, the situation is utter, utter shit and it's terribly unfair. If I don't want to answer a question in a friendly way, I won't. And I don't even think my answer wasn't very neutral. The response to
ETA: There are five Eponines, five Valjeans and five Enjolrasses in the current cast! You've got Nancy, Helen, Daniella and then Rebecca and AJ. Then you've got Bowman, Jonathan, Simon, Killian and HPJ. And then you've got David, Mark, Killian and Jonathan and Martin Neely! Fun fact of the day: David was Courfeyrac for two years and is now Enjolras. Mark was Enjolras last night but really is Courfeyrac. Killian was Courfeyrac last night but will be Enjolras soon. Jonathan was neither last night but has been Enjolras and will be Courfeyrac soon. |
beyondthebarricade |
Aren't you being quite picky, then? It's not a crime to just ask if a performer was okay (by that I meant back, sorry if I wasn't precise enough), seeing how he's been injured and cast change is coming up in a matter of 3 days (oh my God). I really don't see why you have to jump on me just because I asked if a performer was back in the show. And pulling up past quotes, which were mentioned a few days ago, when I asked about his current situation isn't that relevant. | ||||||||
kemathenga |
We noticed THAT. Look, we all know that you are enthusiastic about Les Mis in an admirable way and really put your heart into it (not to mention time and money), but it really doesn't hurt to be friendly once in a while with others who have neither the time nor the money nor the opportunity to go into the thing like you do. I believe most of us really like your enthusiasm, enjoy your reviews and rely on your insider knowledge about the cast but that doesn't mean we are insects crawling our from under a stone and having the impertinence to ask a question. Don't you know how you come over or don't you care? |
Eponines_Hat |
I'm assuming David was still off today? I feel so sad for him | ||||||||
Elbow |
Yes, he is still off.
I think, what was being pointed out by those posting about David Thaxton was that multiple posts have been made over the past pages about just how bad his injury is and how he's really struggling, so asking if he was "even ill" just came across as odd, it's clear he's badly injured for goodness sake, otherwise he'd be on the stage. |
beyondthebarricade |
He was. But the even worrying thing was, so was Mark. I don't know if he's hurt or sick playing Enjolras or something, but to have both principal and first cover off really scares me. But anyway, Killian was on as Enjolras and Jeff was also off. Mark H was in Jeff's track and Greg was in Mark Dugdale's. |
Eppie-Sue |
Thankfully, there is no need to worry about Mark as my post from Monday night explains...
kemathenga, I don't have the energy to defend myself once again against this, considering it's not even true and, more importantly completely beside the point that was being made. I've tried to be nothing but helpful to anyone who isn't here in London. Thanks a lot, I do realise that people can't go as often as me and therefore I have tried to make the reviews as detailed as possible and to give very thorough information on who is on, who is off and what is going on. However, I do reserve the right to be irritated by someone who has been here for the past weeks, reports from the Queen's as often as I do, clearly being able to spend time and money here, and yet shows absolutely no concern in regards to a performer's very serious condition, questioning if he is even off sick without bearing in mind that a back injury is a bit more severe and can have much more serious effects than your average cold. Thus the bit about not responding in a friendly manner. I actually thought given the tense situation, my reply was perfectly alright. Daniella was still off tonight, I hope she can at least make it back tomorrow, considering it's her last week, too. How disconcerting. At least Katy was in her track, maybe it was her last performance tonight, who knows. I thought it was an immensely enjoyable show. The ensemble was incredibly fantastic and made the show for me. I'm still not sure about Killian's Enjolras - obviously, what we got tonight is how he's going to play the part as principal. Vocally, he's great, acting-wise, I think his performance would (and probably will) improve a lot with more subtlety, finer notes, a bit more grace and a bit less aggressiveness. He comes across much fiercer and, frankly, manly than Enjolras should, I suppose. But it's still in the early stages. I love the way he spends all of BHH standing on the barricade without moving, I loved his Final Battle, vocally (he did the "BLEEED!", bless him!), but not acting-wise, and it all was a bit all over the place at times. Aw, this sounds like I'm criticising him a lot. He was amazing, truly, and the audience loved him. I'm just being too fussy about Enjolras, I suppose. Always have been. Regarding Enjolras... I really do hope, for his sake alone, that David can make it back on Saturday, at least for the last show. I know he wants it so badly. What an awful situation. (ETA: Another comment... they're already changing things. Martin Ball leaves the sewers through the tunnel - which is cool but... can't it wait till after cast change? -, Rebecca takes off the apron later than usual in IDAD - which is a small thing but, ah well, I notice -, Killian obviously plays Enjolras his way, so he doesn't run up the barricade to Eponine when she climbs over now, and there's the dreadful change to Helen's and Martin's lines in "Lovely Ladies".) Edit: vocabulary fail last night. |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the updates and the reviews, Eppie-Sue. It's good to hear that Killian is coming into his own as Enjolras, although I'm sure it will take some getting used to (also, btw, when you say you are partial about something, it means that you like it - just thought I'd mention that ![]() Really terrible about David. I really hope he makes it for Saturday. At any rate, I hope you all have a nice time at cast change, even if it is sad. |
kemathenga |
We must agree to disagree on that point, then. Back to topic, as far as I'm concerned. |
beyondthebarricade |
You honestly don't have to just pick on one sentence that I said and blow it up when I ask whether he's back on the next few times. If others had asked whether he was "okay", I really don't think you would have reacted this way. And don't just go around saying that I don't show concern to his very serious condition, if that's how you want to put it. I asked if he was even sick because if you remember, from Monday to Wednesday he was back on and you were gushing relentlessly on how he was oh-so-wonderful and how he was back on top form and Epicjolras, which, obviously led me to assume that he was well. So it understandably struck me a bit odd that he was off again, since he had been giving excellent performances the past days. Then I apologise for being sceptical about his degree of injury, but I see no need to make a mountain out of a molehill and labeling me with points that aren't even true. You don't need to go and personally attack me repeatedly with just one point I raised, however silly it may seem. Can't you just do a "Well I think it's a bit unfair for you to ask if he's okay, seeing how he's hurt his back really badly" or so? |
Eppie-Sue |
You know, when I was "gushing relentlessly" about last week's performances, I remember constantly pointing out that it was very impressive, purely down to dedication, in spite of the back injury and, most of all "heart over matter". I don't know what about that reads "he's in perfect health, so let's all take the performances for granted".
Furthermore, when I replied to you, I did nothing more than to point out that he was "not even remotely okay", let it drop and posted what updates I had. But then, suddenly, that was considered unfriendly and unnecessary. Therefore, I explained it and had to go back to the "is he even sick", which, after everything that had been said before that, still strikes me as ignorant. That is all. I did not attack you personally, I pointed out to kemathenga how her attack on me didn't apply at all - considering you've been here for the past weeks and how on my book, suggesting a performer isn't even off sick when there's been a back injury is inexcusable. With everything going on at the moment, I'm perfectly willing to let this die, especially considering I couldn't care any less about why people happily jump on me for every little thing without regarding the circumstances. The point is that we're looking at a terrible situation, whether you understand the extent of it or not. I know that the pain must be insane, but I also know that he's trying to at least be back for the last show despite it all. To put it into perspective, if we think cast change is a big deal for us, we should remember what it means to some performers. |
Orestes Fasting |
That is not what she meant, it was a polite inquiry after Thaxton's health. For Christ's sake, "is he okay?" doesn't mean "has he picked up a Wolverine-like insta-healing superpower and is now in perfect condition?" I don't see what is dumb, illogical, inexcusable, lacking in dedication, taking performers for granted, etc. about asking whether he's feeling any better and maybe, just possibly, hoping that the injury wasn't as bad as it first appeared. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
That point was being made about "Is he even sick?" Not "is he okay?". And it applies to everything that has been going on in this thread in the past week, not just that one post. It only became about that one post because kemathenga thought my reply "No, he isn't okay. He isn't even remotely okay" was unnecessary because it wasn't friendly enough. ETA: And, furthermore, it was about beyondthebarricade claiming I was acting as if he was back to full health. Which I wasn't. |
PureDiamondLight |
I used to really enjoy reading this thread, and now it's just like a mass cat-fight ground. Is there any chance that people could agree to disagree or forgive and forget, and make this a let's-celebrate-an-awesome-cast thread once more? Just a plea. I used to love this thread and now it just depresses me. |
Eppie-Sue |
I would like that very much, yes. | ||||||||
The Very Angry Woman |
Remember that time you said you were going to stop being so snippy? Think about that and revisit it. | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Really, everyone, let's just take a deep breath, put this whole silly discussion behind us and get back to talking about the show. Really.
Also, by the way, this forum does have a private message function. If you want to offer constructive criticism over how someone's (anyone's) messages come across, the tone of their writing or whatever, the way to do it is to send a polite private message. But seriously, I don't think anyone is enjoying all this constant bickering. Obviously cast change is a sad and tense period for a lot of people, but I think we're all here because we like the show so let's just stick to that. |
mm10 |
I couldn�t agree more and I really don�t want to see this thread die like this (and in fairness to Eppie-Sue she wasn�t the one that made the �How many times do you need to be told?!� post) Cast change is only 2 days away and I�m sure I speak for everyone when I say those of us who can�t be there rely on everyone who will be there to tell us all about it and now I�m afraid that�s not going to happen. ![]() So please can everyone just put this behind them and let�s finish this thread on a high??? |
beyondthebarricade |
I would like to, as much as anyone here, stop this argument because I find it quite uncalled for, and to think that a comment like "Is David Thaxton okay?" triggered this whole thing off seems like quite a joke to me. Firstly, I'm sorry for my "Is he even sick?" comment, as all the gushing deluded me into believing that he had recovered. Clearly, he hadn't. Eppie-Sue, no one is picking on you, if I may say this, you're the one who had been "picking" on me. There is no need to pull up my previous posts concerning a performer's state and go all "OMG YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT DAVID HOW COULD YOU" just because I asked a question that you found a problem with. I know that you're not too happy with cast change (and really, you're not alone in here,) but just because I don't talk about how sad it is for a performer to hurt his back just when the cast is leaving in every single post doesn't mean I don't care. You may be the one who goes the most often, and befriends the most people in the cast, but others do care, even if they don't find the neccesity to mention it all the time.
I really hope everyone can just say their final words about this, seeing how cast change is less then 48 hours away. That, and [i]I'm[i/] sick of trying to justify every word I post. |
mm10 |
So why keep on about it then?
I really don't think anyone needs to say any final words - we all get it, really we do, it's just that no one is that interested. So in a desperate attempt to get this thread back on topic was anyone at the show tonight? |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I wasn't, but I understand that it was a full cast except for David, who is still not in a good way at all. However, it is nice that everyone else who is leaving is able to be around in their last week - there have been too many of those off in the last few days as well. | ||||||||
Quique |
Thanks for the advice, honey-bears. Being the unhinged quirk that I am, I haven't been able to get myself to buy tix, but will do so tonight.
And booking the trip will likely follow. Btw, I had a nightmare last night--plane delays + missing Les Mis = *die* ![]() Thanks again, honey-babes!! (I'm in an unusually affectionate mood this night. Bear with me) EDIT: Is it normal for flight + hotel prices to be so cheap during the month of September? What would cost me almost $1,500--which is already a great price--for late August, would cost me barley $900 in September. And there are better seats for Les Mis available too. I might just take a risk and book for either September or October. Worst thing that will happen is the folks at work won't be thrilled I'll be out for nearly a week and I'll have to miss a meeting of three out of 5 classes I'm taking next semester. It will only be disastrous if there happens to be a midterm or big project due on one of those days and the teach is an ass who won't allow make-ups or anything late. But there's no possibility of a midterm in September and I won't get fired over missing a few days in a row from work. They're very laid back and cool there anyway. One thing I don't want is to lie but I hate the fact I'll be requesting at least 3 days off...for a September. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
PureDiamondLight |
I really hope David will be able to perform for his last night at least - not that I'll be there, but I can imagine he would be absolutely devastated to miss the last show. Hell, I'm devastated for him!! It's a real shame. ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
It actually is. During school terms, everything is cheaper. Very annoying for those of us who work in schools and have to take school holidays, when prices all go up an insane amount! |
Fiwen9430 |
I hope everyone going to the Cast Change performances has a great time and that the leaving performers get a great send off! | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Looking forward to reading all of your reports from cast change!
I hope you all have a lovely (if sad) time at the show. |
Eponines_Hat |
Two amazing shows today! Far too tired to properly review now but some random thoughts:
* freaking amazing jvj by Williams at the matinee today. He sounded a bit ill but his acting was flawless. I just love him in that role - and his BHH always gives me goosebumps * Nancy was adorable in ODM as she struggled not to cry too much! She belted out both OMO. Gonna miss her soo much! * David was phenomenal. You wouldn't know he's been in agony for weeks. Some great adlibbing in final show when he snapped at alaister " stay where you are" (and something after I missed). Am very sad he didnt sing "tomorrow is the judgement day" in ODM, tho. I'd been hoping he'd do it for months. Oh and there was much applause of the deadjolras let by eppie-sue et al. It was a beautiful moment! * finally - an epic fail for the lack of speeches. Did anyone else have to restrain themselves from shouting " speech"!!?? |
hazellwood |
First of all, SO great that David was on. I hope he's doing better, or that he gets better soon. It sounds like it was an emotionally charged performance and I look forward to reviews, if anyone will post one.
...Please tell me you're joking. Were there seriously no speeches?! That's awful. They've been in the cast for like three years. |
PureDiamondLight |
It sounds fantastic. I'm so glad David was able to do the last show. I would have been gutted is he didn't. I would have cried so much had I been there for the last show! (I'm tearing up now thinking about it!). David and Nancy... what a fenomenal pair. And I agree about Jonathan-Valjean. He's incredible. I'm glad he's staying - and he's been promoted from Legles to Courfeyrac! woop woop ![]() ![]() Thanks for the (albeit brief ![]() ![]() |
stelllar |
OK a quick review of last night, I know others will do a much more thorough and comprehensive job!
Firstly I thought it was an absolutely great night. Whereas sometimes (though I love the musical) my mind might drift off a bit in places, I was absolutely rapt the whole the way through, It felt like the first time I ever saw the show. It seemed like every member of the cast was really giving their all. They thoroughly deserved the standing ovation and the whooping and cheering they all got at the end. I certainly got no hint of David Thaxton's injury, he gave a phenomenal performance. I thought he might have have to tone it down a bit, but I needn't have worried, there was even an epic jump, with much mid-air 'pedalling'. He got a fantastic reception from the audience, especially when the barricade turned to reveal him dead (which obviously doesn't usually raise a huge applause). I was heartening to see the number of people in the audience who clearly love Les Mis, were aware of cast change and turned out to give him, along with the others who are leaving, a great send off. Nancy was great, though to me her voice didn't sound as strong and as usual. I thought her OMO sounded more emotional, less controlled, especially as the song went on (which I assume is because she was emotional!). I don't mean it in a bad way at all, if anything, it suited the character! She got a great reception and she really deserved it, she's been a great Eponine, and i'll miss her in the role. Emily Bull was good, though I have to say I don't find Cosette a particularly interesting or likeable character in the same way that Fantine and Eponine are (maybe I just like rooting for the underdog!). However I think she plays the young and smitten bit really well, and has a lovely voice. Simon Shorten was on as Valjean. I've seen him a couple of times now, and definitely prefer him to Bowman. I much prefer his BHH, he doesn't seem to strain to hit the higher notes, whereas, to me, it seems like Bowman does. I've never seen Jonathan Williams though so I don't know how they compare. A quick review of the seat I had - AA27 (end of front row on the left of the Upper Circle). I've only ever sat in BB before, as i'm on a budget and they're great seats, however the only cheap one I could get for last night was this one at �15. They're not kidding when they say restricted view. When I sat normally in my seat, I could literally see none of the floor of the stage. The only way to see it was sit right on the edge of your seat, lean forward doubled over and rest your chin on the padded rail in front! However, I didn't actually mind this at all, and didn't find it too uncomfortable (though undoubtedly many will) and would choose it again if it was between that and one right at the top of the UC, as you're much nearer the action. I really enjoyed the change of sitting up high. whilst I love BB and it does have its benefits, there was so much that I picked up on which I never saw before. I thought there was a better view of the funny interactions between the ensemble in MOTH, and I'd never properly seen the drunk at the wedding before, who I thought was hilarious as he stumbled around kissing the walls. For some reason I also thought the interactions were more audible, i'm not sure why that should be (maybe they were just shouting louder last night!) but I picked up on "Enjolras!" and "Shoot the bastard!" which I'd read about on here but never actually heard. I think the interactions between the cast are one of the many strengths of the show, and I really hope they don't suffer in the next few months with all the chopping and changing in the cast, but i'll try and remain optimistic! So overall it was a really great show, with a fantastic effort by all. Those who are leaving will be sorely missed. |
pastaeater |
Thank you so much for your review Stellar. I've been longing to hear what everyone thinks! | ||||||||
mm10 |
Thanks for the reviews ![]() I'm glad David was able to make it and sounds like it was a very memorable day. I'm happy for everyone that was there that it all turned out well in the end. No speeches though - not even one? Wonder why. |
Orestes Fasting |
I ended up seeing Friday evening, Saturday matinee, and Saturday evening, so I got three different Valjeans. Friday the only understudies were Mark Dugdale as Enjolras (his last time in the role *sniffle*) and Jeff Nicholson as Grantaire, so I had Simon Bowman as Valjean. Saturday matinee Jonathan Williams was on as Valjean and he managed to completely blow his voice out, so Saturday night I got to see Simon Shorten for the first time. And I'm going to go performer-by-performer for the review and kind of smoosh all three performances together, but I'll try to specify when necessary.
Final matinee shenanigans were quite restrained compared to previous years. Everyone gasped really exaggeratedly at "You maintain he made a present of this silver--" "That is right!" which, according to someone who was sitting in rear orchestra, made the guys in the sound booth start snickering audibly. And everyone in the ensemble was being very rude--there was a "sod off" directed at Valjean in the prologue, some abusive ad-libs at Fantine in ATEOTD, and Antony Hanson was doing something amusingly inappropriate as she passed him right before IDAD (couldn't quite see--either he was exposing himself or waving the end of his belt around � la Grantaire's wine bottle act). The only big "wait, THAT wasn't in the standard blocking!" moment was in Beggars at the Feast, where the drunk gives the queer Cosette's wedding bouquet and they dance off together at the end. I did want to give Bowman a chance, since lots of people dislike his Valjean but I remember him being okay-but-not-great last time I saw him. This time was just bad though. I had a crappy seat in the upper circle (and a guy with no sense of personal space next to me, and a pair of people making out in front of me and blocking my view of most of the stage, and lots of loud inconsiderate people talking and getting up midway through the show and making everyone stand up--is upper circle always this bad?), where was I? Oh yes, I had a partial-view seat in upper circle and could tell from there how much Bowman was overacting. I do not know why they renewed his contract. The part does not sit well in his range, he overacts like hell and has this tendency to go into condescending "I am going to explain this to you in very small words" mode, and he's just in a completely different show from the rest of them. He doesn't play off the other people onstage at all. Jonathan Williams is awesome. His Valjean is not epic like JOJ's; he's quiet, nuanced, unassuming, the performance seems rather intimate, and his Valjean is always such a humble, genuinely nice guy. He always reminds me of what Liam Neeson might've been like playing Vajean in a movie that did not suck. Although this time his voice really was giving out. Simon Shorten is... interesting. I really, really liked him up until What Have I Done; he might be the best bitter-convict Valjean I've ever seen. Afterwards, though, I didn't get anything in particular coming across from his performance, and he was just sort of there, being not-bad. Like Bowman, he has clearly audible range issues, although they only kick in when he has to belt out high A flats and Bs and what comes out is very thin. Hans-Peter Janssens was much better in all three shows than I ever remember him being. Maybe he was getting more emotional as his last show approached, because he was not nearly so wooden as he normally is, and I actually quite liked his Javert. He was also going all-out vocally, which was fun because his voice is quite impressive when he puts in the effort. Rebecca Seale was fine, she's a perfectly lovely Fantine but I don't find anything special about her performance. And she's staying so yeah. She was about the same as always. Poor Nancy Sullivan was just getting more and more emotional as the weekend went on. She sounded like she was trying not to cry in "One Day More" on Friday, and then I'm pretty sure that on Saturday night she was crying buckets through the whole show and especially ALFOR. It did affect her voice somewhat, but Nancy's Eponine has never been about an impressive voice, it's always been about her acting and the manic energy she puts into the show. And of course her energy was through the roof this weekend, so even though she sounded a little vocally wobbly it made for an amazing performance all-in-all. Alistair was Alistair, still trying really hard, still adorable but not that impressive. I managed to forget that it was Emily Bull's last weekend as Cosette, due to the stunt-casting weirdness--for some reason I thought Camilla Kerslake was doing a three-week stint and then handing the role back over to Emily. I started suspecting she was leaving during the finale of... either Friday night or Saturday matinee, when she had to hold back a sob on "it's too soon, too soon to say goodbye." And then her whole performance on Saturday night was just suffused with it--Cosette gets a ridiculous percentage of the lines that make people cry on last performances. All of One Day More, all of the yearning for the outside world stuff in In My Life, "I will never go away and we will be together every day..." Emily wasn't crying I don't think, but you could see that it was affecting her. After several trips to London, I'm starting to conclude that Martin Ball and Lorraine Bruce might be the best Th�nardier pair I've seen. Usually you get one who's amazing (Jenny effin' Galloway!) and the other kind of sucks or is merely all right, or they don't play well off each other or have different takes on the Th�nardiers, but Martin and Lorraine are a matched pair of really good, really dark Th�nardiers. They're both so despicable that it comes right out the other side and is funny, but funny in a "god this is so horrible all I can do is laugh" way. And now, the Enjolrases, because I know that's what you've been waiting for. Mark Dugdale was incredible. I've seen him before and it was like seeing a light-tenor Courfeyrac play Enjolras, adorable and fierce but not really Enjolraic. But on Friday night Mark was going all-out. I don't know if he knew it was his last time going on as Enjolras; David did make it in for the Saturday matinee, but I don't know if they knew that in advance. At any rate, Mark was singing like he knew it was his last. He achieved almost-Thaxton levels of epic (including "iiiiis freeeeeeeee!" and the hand thing in the final battle), and of course he has this gorgeous ringing tenor voice. Still Courfeyrac-ish, but man, he came close through to Enjolraic dignity through sheer force of awesome. And of course Mr. Thaxton himself. I think he was holding back a little during the final matinee, because he reminded me a bit of the first time I saw him, when he was good but apparently not up to full form. Other than that there was no sign he was injured; there was a moment when he was jumping and rolling around on stage during the sniper attack, and I was seriously afraid he'd hurt himself, but no, turns out he was just being as physically nuts as usual even with a back injury. And if he was holding back, it was so he could give it his all for the evening performance. "Gratuitously epic" is the phrase I would use. I knew it was going to be good when he held "until the barricades ariiiise" so long it cut into Gavroche's next line by half a second. It was... honestly I would call it a historic performance. I first got that feeling during Red and Black when he was going around clasping hands with everyone and it gave me the shivers, and in DYHTPS I got the honest-to-god urge to run up on stage and follow them all into battle, which has not happened to me in years. And it hit me during One Day More--this man is not just a fan favorite, he has re-set the expectations for how Enjolras should be played, he is going to be legendary for years to come, and watching the march in ODM was like watching him march right into Les Mis history. During the final battle I was getting the same leaden trying-not-to-cry feeling in my stomach as I did during Broadway revival closing. The fans gave him a good sendoff--he and Aaron Lazar are the only actors I know of who got an ovation when the barricade swung around to reveal dead Enjolras. And as much as I adore Aaron Lazar and think he's part of the redefinition of Enjolras' role in the musical, even his last performance was not historic in the way Thaxton's was. |
riverdawn |
Thank you for the reviews, everyone (and I hope there will be more).
I really am getting shivers from reading these! |
pastaeater |
Awesome reviews - thank you so much from everyone who couldn't make it. | ||||||||
Tracey39 |
This is my first attempt at a review and also it was my first time in London to see the show, I have seen the tour in Manchester and I was interested to review the London show from the 'opposite' perspective as my first experience was the touring production.
We went twice to the show, Thursday night and the Saturday Matinee, it was a total coincidence that we ended up in London on the weekend of the cast change but it just made things even more exciting. We had Simon Bowman as Valjean and Mark Dugdale as Enjolras on Thursday night. I was hoping for David Thaxton but I knew before he had hurt his back but I thought Mark was amazing as Enjolras, much better than Jon Robyns on the tour. I was impressed with Simon Bowman but I thought John Owen Jones just shaded him. I thought that Rebecca Seale and Nancy Sullivan were excellent in their respective parts Nancy especially she was so believable as Epponine, and she was very emotional especially at the Matinee. Madalena Alberto was ok during the tour but I thought the London Fantine was better. I liked Rosalind James but I think Nancy had more of the 'look' of Epponine. Although I greatly enjoyed her version of OMO Nancy had the emotion and I totally believed in her unrequited love for Marius. Alistair Brammer was ok as Marius but I have to say I thought that Gareth Gates is much better in the part, but having said that I believed in his character and ECAET was very good, I found the song very emotional and moving. Now onto David Thaxton, I was so happy when I found out he was performing because of everything I have heard about his performance as Enjolras, and I wasnt disapointed. From the second he came onto the stage he absolutely owned it. I literally couldnt take my eyes off him, he is so charismatic his voice was amazing, and you wouldnt have known he has had a back injury, I was totally mesmerised by his performance. I have seen how people are saying it was strange that there were no speeches, we arrivied into the theatre as soon as the doors opened and we were not allowed into the auditorium straight away. We heard applause from inside and I asked the usher what it was and he said it was the last day, so I am assuming they did the speeches and presentations in private before the matinee performance. So after having seen both the tour and the London show I still dont know which is better, there are things about both that are better than the other, but in the end its an amazing show which I feel privelleged to have seen, especially on the last day of the current cast. I am going to see the tour again in August and I cant wait! |
Eppie-Sue |
Just a link to audios from the final 09/10 show that have been put up on YouTube. (although I'm sure most have found them already) | ||||||||
MSam |
Disastrous. I'm actually getting a tear in my eye listening to all the raw emotion. | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Oh, wow. These are staggering. |
PureDiamondLight |
Listening to those audios...
Nancy's OMO moved me to tears. So much passion!! Definitely one of the best renditions I've ever heard. The overflowing-with-emotion thing really worked for it. Fantastic! ...(5 minutes later) now crying because of the applause in the Aftermath of the Final Battle. I would have so loved to be there. What a fantastic Enjolras we've been blessed with these past two years. |
KatyRoseLand |
This. It seriously just made me cry because it is so true. |
eponine5 |
Thanks so much for the reviews and the audios! I've only listened to Red and Black so far but it sounds incredible (even more than expected).
It also makes me sad that I didn't see the show on Saturday - this was the first time I haven't seen the last matinee since I first saw the show ![]() I saw the show on Friday, and as everyone has said, it was a wonderful performance. I hadn't seen this cast for so long, so it was great to see how well the ensemble have developed as I was surprised at just how well they all worked together! I wish I didn't have to write this in the past tense. Nancy was wonderful as always, and I love how each performance of hers has been totally different. I thought she really captured aspects of the Eponine from the book, especially in One Day More where it was chilling how much you could see her intentions. Most of all I loved the level of self awareness she gave Eponine - as in barely any at all, as if seeing her situation clearly would be too devastating. She gave the most believable death I've seen any Eponine give. Obviously I was disappointed that Thaxton wasn't there but it helped that I was expecting it and that Mark Dugdale was so good. He was surprisingly commanding and I really can't find any fault in his performance. Emily Bull was lovely, and Rebecca Seale had improved since the last time I saw her. For some reason I feel guilty admitting this but before Friday I hadn't actually seen Simon Bowman's Valjean. I hadn't yet seen Hans Peter Janssens either this time round but just as it was for the 2 years he was there before I don't think I saw a single difference between this performance and the ones he used to give. So I have to say I wasn't expecting much from Simon Bowman... he was better than I was expecting actually, although I completely understand what everyone has been saying about his overacting. It was just his way of saying every word melodramatically. I enjoyed his performance more when I pretended I wasn't seeing Valjean and rather a different former convict character who wasn't supposed to be that likable. The problem was the sense that he was actually trying to be the likeable hero and appeal to the audience's side. I feel like he could be a lot better if the director just told him to tone down or change his interpretation, it was like he was deliberately singing the lines differently. It wasn't like he couldn't act, he just chose to do it badly. |
NotreDame |
If there was one thing that epitomised the greatness of being an Actor for David Thaxton on Sat evening for me was when Marius returns to the Barricade & is greeted by the other revolutionaries with joyous handshakes. Enjolras(Thaxton) turns to him a says � Marius your Late� in such a way that they were all there for a reason , a united cause & no indiscretion by any other member would stop that. The way Thaxton delivered that line was par excellence � he will surely be missed. I doff my hat to you Mr Thaxton | ||||||||
hazellwood |
Oh my god. I'm seriously sitting here sobbing because the emotion in those audios is ridiculous. It's just... raw. And it makes the show so much more powerful. It is staggering, it's extremely moving, I just... it's... Everything that has been said, historical, legendary, amazing... it's all so, so true. It is. These performers have left their mark. I think I need to go cry some more. |
Eppie-Sue |
There is a video of the final Red and Black/Lamarque Is Dead/DYHTPS that has appeared on YouTube. It's also the only video that captures that scene with the 09/10 cast, which is lovely, because I always thought that the way that scene played out was complete perfection. Of course a few things here are special and only happened at cast change - like David going round at the end of Red and Black - and it only shows half the stage, but it's ... I love it. And the sound seems really good to me, too. | ||||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
It's a shame you can't see more of David's interaction with Mark and Gavin, but I suppose you can't have everything. It's wonderful for what it is, I'll certainly treasure it, and there's lots of Martin which will keep me happy ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Some lovely person has posted this
It's a bit old now but I do so love this video - especially David's Les Mis fangirling ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm sorry, I had to bump it to the top as it was at the very bottom... although I doubt anyone is still interested. But, uh, I'm just saving all these pages so they'll survive MdN being shut down. And I'm falling back in love with this cast, which, admittedly, wasn't very hard to do. Oh the excitement when Killian went on as a principal for the first time... as Javert, in January.
Nostalgia. I apologise. |