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lesmisloony |
Popping in to address the spelling issue: I learned last weekend that when I type without using the backspace key I spell worse than a drunk person. I was typing something about Montparnasse, and the only rule was that I couldn't use the backspace key. It was nigh unintelligible--I typed things like MOntpranasee the entire time. And that is my favourite character, in case you're somehow blind and unaware. Typos on a forum or something like that are perfectly understandable. Typos on an official site... you're right, that's a bit of a problem. | ||||||||||||||||||
KatyRoseLand |
I don't usually like Cosette very much, and I find Katie's Cosette to be sweet and caring in a charismatic way, not in a boring way. Still, it's all a matter of personal taste, and I think it's great that in Les Mis they encourage each person who takes over the role to interpret it in their own way, I'm sure that's one of the reasons why it's been running for so long. I can't wait to see it again tomorrow. ![]() |
Madeleine |
I was discussing this with somebody yesterday and we were saying how ridiculous it is that is so much more accurate and interesting than the official site. They update casting details so much quicker than too. ![]() I know which one I go to when I need infromation ![]()
You can't go and not let us know all about it! ![]() A week tomorrow for me, and I'm stupidly excited. You would think it had been 3 years since I'd seen it, not 3 weeks. ![]() |
lovesinging |
You especially can't leave us who live in the U.S. and can't get to it hanging! |
HobNob |
Re: Spelling mistakes, on the IOW programme, John Jo's biography declares that he was 'second cover Enjalros', or something equally ridiculous. Proof-reading clearly not high on the list of priorities before going to print. | ||||||||||||||||||
Jolllly |
Well that's a new kind of spelling for Enjolras. lol. Never seen it with an 'A' before.. | ||||||||||||||||||
flying_pigs |
I really need to see Les Mis again ![]() But I'm going when I get back from holiday so there is a light at the end of the tunnel! |
Eppie-Sue |
need. review.
KatyRoseLand, if you don't mind writing one, then I think everyone here would be so thankful. Until the end of August I basically experience the show through you guys' reviews - thank you. And after that you can all pester me every few weeks ![]() |
lovesinging |
![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
Pfsh. I delight in writing reviews! Okay, finally, FINALLY, I saw David Shannon with the new cast. At first he seemed a bit... not himself. Like, he didn't do some of the stuff he usually does, and his Valjean was a bit quieter and, um, smoulderier. He was great though, and he worked really well with all the new cast members, it was like they'd been working together for years. His BHH is amazing. I always love that you'd literally hear a pin drop during BHH because everyone's so into it. Yesterday was the first time in quite a long time that I was looking at Valjean all the time rather than sneaking very regular glances at DT. I really think David Shannon is a fantastic Valjean. Earl Carpenter is back to singing more than he speak-sings ![]() David Thaxton didn't do The Legs during The Jump. He still did The Jump, and obviously there were legs involved, but not The Legs. Other than that, he was amazing as usual. Last time I saw it he dropped a line and it was really disconcerting, but he was perfect yesterday. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again... he needs his old vest back!!! Also, The Fight with Marius didn't really happen. He grabbed his arm, I think, and pulled him back, then on "It's too much of a chance" he sort of shoved him, but Alistair Brammer didn't look that upset. Talking of Alistair Brammer, he added a facial expression to his repertoire, so now we have Befuddled Marius, Seriously Annoyed Marius and Starry Eyed Marius. He has actually improved a lot just in the last week, and managed to not scrumple his nose at all during ECAET, which was nice. He also sounded a lot stronger vocally. Nancy went for the kiss during ALFOR but didn't get there, and he looked... well... Befuddled. But quite endearingly so. I do think he's going to improve a lot as he gets more used to the role. I hope so because he is very enthusiastic and there's just something about him that I like, even though he's not that amazing yet. Nancy Sullivan is incredible. Her voice, her characterisation, everything is just wonderful. I feel like she really knows Eponine. There's not a lot more I can say about her, she's just amazing. I still think Katie Hall is a great Cosette. I love little choices she makes, like making "No fear, no regret" into sort of a question, not the way she sings it, but with her face, and when he stays and bows and sings "My name is Marius Pontmercy", you can see the relief in her face. She's got a bit more aggressive during the "I'm no longer a child..." bit, but only a bit, and it still seems more borne of concern that Valjean is shouldering all these secrets by himself. I really, really am not a fan of Rebecca Seale's Fantine. I went with a friend who has only seen it once before, and Fantine was his favourite character, and yesterday he turned to me during the interval and said "What's with Psycho Fantine?" because she does this thing where she twitches and widens her eyes a lot. I wouldn't so much mind if she really went for Psycho Fantine, though, it's the inconsistency within her characterisation that I don't like much, because one minute she's all scary looking and you think "Right, okay, she's going down the 'Fantine's gone mad from being so ill-treated' route", but then when she gets arrested, she is so incredibly, indescribably lucid. She suddenly isn't crazy or even particularly desperate at all. She also does a fake spit at Valjean, and it looks stupid. Either actually spit or don't spit. But anyway. She's just not my cup of tea. Martin Ball was SO much better than the other times I've seen him. He speak-sings a LOT less now, and the end of Dog Eat Dog was really chilling. He and Lorraine Bruce work really well together, I find that often it appears like one or the other of the Thenardiers wears the trousers, but Martin Ball and Lorraine Bruce really come across as a team. I love how they don't wait for Valjean and young Cosette to get out of the door before they start inspecting the money and getting excited. Martin Neely was good yesterday. There's still no E/R at all, but he was really strong vocally and Grantaire seemed like a nice addition to the students as opposed to being kind of in the way, as he seemed before. I had the best Gavroche and the best young Cosette yesterday and I was so happy, because usually one or the other of them annoys me immensely, but I liked them both. I've mentioned Declan Murphy-Saunders as being an amazing Gavroche before, but I can't say it enough - he really is just fantastic. He is so unannoying. I could actually probably write an entire essay about how his Gavroche is so wonderful and unlike any other Gavroche I've seen. And young Cosette can act, and was a lot better at the singing yesterday than the previous time I saw her. I love how when the Thenardiers come near her, she flinches a lot and seems really jumpy, but when Valjean is near her, she doesn't flinch at all, and you get the feeling that she instinctively knows she can trust him. It's really good. Yesterday was my first time seeing Laura Medforth in the Madame track, Katy Hanna has been on in that track the past couple of times (Katy was on in Sophie Josslyn's track yesterday though). Laura Medforth was quite a good Madame, but the reason why I'm mentioning her is because... goodness me... when Gavroche died, she SOBBED. She was right in the middle of the stage and she just sobbed and sobbed. There were no tears that I could see, but she was loudly sobbing. I really didn't like it actually, because it stood out so much and no one else was crying, and if she'd actually been crying I probably would have thought it was really good but she was just making crying noises. It wasn't very nice at all. George Miller has stopped doing his waistcoat straightening thing on "This one's a queer, but what can you do?" which is sad. At least, he hasn't done it the last three times I've seen it. He's still great though. I noticed Chloe Brooks in the ensemble a lot yesterday, I think she's really good. I actually really like the new ensemble except for one person. Greg Castiglioni was on for Jonathan Williams (Jonathan must be ill or on holiday because Simon Shorten told me he was on as Valjean on Tuesday... I'm so upset I missed him by one day!) and he really has a lovely voice. In case anyone's interested in stage doory stuff, I will just say - Thomas Camilleri (the new Montparnasse) is one of the friendliest people I have ever met at the stage door, with Martin Ball close behind him. All the cast are really lovely though. Poor Katie Hall got accosted by some people and their conversation went a little like this: Person: Who do you play then? Katie: I play Cosette. Person: Oh, that's nice. Little Cosette or Big Cosette? Katie:...Not little Cosette. Person: Oh, right, right. She walked off. The person then said, "She was lovely, wasn't she? Who did she say she played agin?" ![]() This isn't a very good review, sorry! Ask me anything if I've missed out things you wanted to know! Oh, and by the way, I noticed quite a bit of Enjolras/Combeferre love. And Mark Dugdale did this adorable "Squee!" face when DT patted him on the back in DYHTPS, and also, why is he randomly the only person who taps his gun on the floor now? Does anyone know? |
Madeleine |
Thank you! That has made me very happy! ![]()
I think I must be the only person in the world who loves Earl's speak-singing. ![]()
I miss the fight so much! I'm still hoping DT and Alistair will develop a proper fight as they get more comfortable with each other. Shame about The Legs too. ![]()
She really does stand out doesn't she? Her and Dylan Williams were the two who stood out the most for me in the new ensemble.
<3 I don't know why he is the only one who does it now, but I think its great. It creates such an awkward moment when they all turn to stare at him. ![]() Did you speak to him after the show? |
KatyRoseLand |
I actually do love Earl's speak-singing, however, I love his actual singing more. I think his speak-singing works really well for his Javert but he's got such a lovely singing voice it seems a shame when he doesn't use it!
I think it's great too. It is indeed majorly awkward but it works well for that moment I think. DT yelled at him a bit but to be honest, DT, while amazing, actually wasn't quite as... emphatic as usual. Except that he went "With a jubilant SHOUT" and actually shouted the word "shout", that was cool. But for the most part, he was quite a lot less, as I say, emphatic, like with the omission of The Legs and everything. It didn't hurt his performance because he still has an amazing voice and amazing characterisation, it was just a bit subdued. In fact, it was less a yell at Courfeyrac and more a... growl. It was quite nice actually. Do you mean did I speak to Mark Dugdale or did I speak to DT? I actually spoke to them both before the show, my friend and I had to rush off afterwards so we decided to pre-stage door as we call it. I found it really embarrassing and felt like a nuisance at first but they all seemed a lot more relaxed and happier to sign and take pictures than they sometimes do after the show. Nancy was like "It was a good idea of yours to come before the show!" and Killian Donnelly said "This is a good idea, coming before the show. I love a fully signed programme, don't you?" He's clearly a fangirl. I love him. |
Madeleine |
I do love it when he growls 'Courfeyrac' like that. ![]() I guess its understandable if DT was a little tired, having done the concert on his day off. It wouldn't surprise me if they were all feeling it a bit this week.
I meant Mark, but it seems like you caught so many of them! I've yet to spot Killian after the show which is a shame as I'd love to talk to him. Out of interest, how many of them did you catch? |
flying_pigs |
Thanks Katy, I love reading your reviews!
I haven't been to Les Mis since January and I'm getting withdrawal symtoms! But I'm going next month ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
I'm really glad you enjoy reading my reviews, I love writing them! BB6 and 7 are my favourite seats. In BB20-22, there are lights behind Eponine in OMO that make it really hard to watch her which is annoying, although they're good for watching ALFOR. However, BB6 and 7 are a better view overall I think. Plus you get Nancy singing right next to you in Look Down ![]() |
flying_pigs |
I can't believe that this will be my 12th time seeing the show and I've never sat in BB! |
Madeleine |
Thats good to know as I'm sat in BB6 and 7 next week for the first time. I usually stick to the other side, BB22 in particular, but I was told that you get a great view of DT from the other side so I thought I would check it out. One of the best things about BB22 is that John Jo Flynn used to be sat right above you in Look Down and you could hear him so well. ![]() Also, Valjean comes and lays down right in front of you for the beginning of the Bishop scene, and during Runaway Cart, it always feels like several cast members are going to land on you! Oh, and during The Fight, I've almost had Jon Robyns thrown onto my knee on various occasions. ![]() I'm looking forward to trying the other side though. ![]() |
lovesinging |
Ok. Embarrassing n00b moment. I've only seen the show once, and I have no idea what you're talking about with the gun tapping. When exactly does that happen? ![]()
Jealous. Oh, why can't there be a good production in the US near me now? (and can we steal DT and Jon Robyns?) |
Madeleine |
They do it here at about 5.07 ![]()
I think a lot of the London fans on here would have something to say if there was an attempt to steal DT. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay there will a looot of quoting in my post. Sorry!
Good to know. *nods with a serious expression* Would have been quite a sight if he had left his legs on the barricade.
FIGHT BACK YOU COWARD. ahem. but sad smiley face over the omission of The Fight. ugh.
*cough* Neither would I.
I know, right? They're all so friendy and lovely and chatty and great. ![]()
I think I have died and gone to heaven.
![]() Oh, I love your pre-stagedooring idea! And haha:
seconded. xD he's great and I love that he's second u/s Enjolras now. And seeing as I've seen Mark Dugdale as Enjolras already, I'll make sure to get a chance to see Killian, too. Which might prove to be a bit diffcult, but ah, well.
... yes. and, sorry, this is really just me being a fangirl. I'll write coherent posts once I get out of my lala-phase. |
Orestes Fasting |
Hey now, Thaxton's the first decent Enjolras the London production has seen in years. Let them keep him, we've got Aaron Lazar and Kevin Earley and Victor Wallace and Charlie Brady and hell that's just the past few years. We can steal a Javert or two, though, London has plenty of decent ones. |
KatyRoseLand |
When we all meet up at some point we should totally pre-stagedoor. All the ushers were sitting outside the stage door making fun of me and my friend but we tried to ignore them. I'd love to see Killian as Enjolras, I think he'd be great. Actually, the only person for whom I never want to see an understudy is Eponine. If Nancy is ever off when I see it, I'll actually cry. Now, this probably isn't the right thread to ask this on, but I'll give it a go anyway. When Jodie Prenger was in the cast, did she get her own track which had to be recast when she left, or did they just give her, like, bits of other people's tracks? I've wondered that for ages. |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, I forgot to ask: Combeferre/Enjolras yes?
(it's Combeferre first, dearies. always.) I felt like crying when I went for the third time and of all the cast members of course it had to be DT who was off. I mean, wtf. And then I asked my neighbour for the program (because I had left mine at home), stared at Mark Dugdale's photo and decided that, at the very least, he would be good-looking. and I grew more and more anxious until we got to "Look Down" and he was not bad at all. Again, I considered going to the stage door, but I still didn't trust myself and didn't want to screw it up going: "I was so disappointed but you didn't suck at all" or something of equal fail. oh and prestagedooring is so the new stagedooring. |
KatyRoseLand |
Okay, Combeferre/Enjolras - yes. There was Combeferre/Enjolras. Although maybe I'm only seeing that now because of the less than shippable Grantaire. But whatever. I actually went once knowing that Mark Dugdale was on as Enjolras, because it was the only time my friend could go, and although I would obviously have rather seen DT, I knew I liked Mark Dugdale in the ensemble so I wasn't too upset. I am always really worried that I'm going to say something like that at the stage door you know!! I thought it was just me who worried about things like that... but after my "I actually really dislike Thenardier as a character" to Martin Ball, I'm always on my guard in case I say something that sounds unintentionally mean. By the way, I have stage door pictures, does anyone want to see them? Having not been on this board for long I wasn't sure if people post things like that... |
Eppie-Sue |
Combeferre/Enjolras ftw. (Did they hug during DYHTPS like they do in the video [at 6:31]? *fangirls*)
xD never mind about that, I totally said the same thing to Nancy... and I feel really bad about it in hindsight. I literally went: "Hey! I thought you were great, you see, I actually can't stand Eponine in the musical (BUT YOU WERE GREAT!)" and I could have kicked myself for that the moment I said it... ![]() And I'd love to see stage door pics! ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
To be fair, I quickly followed with "This was the first time I've seen it when I haven't wanted to fast-forward through the scenes with the Thenardiers!" and he said "Wow, that's such a compliment, thank you!". He's so nice. I have quite a few stage door pictures now so I'll post the ones from the 29th and if you want to see more, just ask ![]() I asked my friend's permission to post these by the way. And please ignore the two of us! Me with David Thaxton and my friend: ![]() Me with Alistair Brammer and my friend: ![]() Me with Katie Hall and my friend: ![]() Me with Martin Ball and my friend: ![]() Me with Nancy Sullivan and my friend: ![]() |
flying_pigs |
Awww, cute pictures!
Katie looks so young! Is she 18/19? And DT looks good ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
Yes, I think she's 18, but she could be 19. I have a feeling she's just a few months younger than me. DT always looks good ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
ooooh PRETTY. *fangirls a bit* (and yes he always looks good. and tall.)
![]() and I love how your friend looks absolutely the same in every photo xD it's pretty epic, really. and I fangirl your hair, too! |
KatyRoseLand |
I hadn't noticed how my friend looks the same in each picture, but you're right! *Mental note to make fun of him for his photo-face* I had just had my hair done that morning, dyed from blonde, and I didn't like it much, so thank you for saying you fangirl it!! That makes me feel a lot better!! |
Orestes Fasting |
Oh jesus Katie Hall is younger than I am.
I mean it was one thing to know a Broadway Valjean understudy who was only three years older, but... damn, I feel old and underachieving now. ![]() And haha Thaxton is epically tall. It's not something you notice in videos of him onstage, because he's not gangly at all, but the lad must be well over six feet. |
flying_pigs |
I think it's because he's normally standing next to Jeff or Woody who are reeeeallly tall! | ||||||||||||||||||
KatyRoseLand |
My friend is 5'10" and DT towers over him. I think he's a good 6'2". | ||||||||||||||||||
Madeleine |
We really should. I love stage dooring (either pre or post!) but I usually find myself with somebody who isn't bothered so I'm on my own which isn't as fun. I'd love to stage door with other fans. ![]() That really wasn't very nice of the ushers was it? ![]()
I'm really hoping I'll get to see him as both Enjolras and Javert, but it does seem unlikely. I did manage to see John Jo Flynn as Enjolras and Keith Anthony Higham as Javert last year though, so I guess there is a chance. I go back to being irritated by Eponine again whenever Nancy is off, no matter how good the understudy is. ![]() I think Helen Owen is great though, and hopefully I'll get to see her play it.
I only saw her in the show once, but as far as I can remember, she didn't have any solo lines or anything noticable to do at all really. They just seemed to shove her on in the huge scenes where she could stand in a space and react, without taking bits of anybody's track. I could be wrong/have just failed to spot her in other scenes though!
Aww you should have done. Even if you had used those exact words he would probably have just giggled bless him. ![]() ![]()
I said almost exactly the same thing! I wonder how many times she has heard that? She seemed to get where I was coming from though, and started suggesting all the reasons why I might not like musical!Eponine. ![]() I LOVE the stage door photos! The DT one in particular is absolutely gorgeous. Alistair really is cute isn't he? I have to agree about your hair too, KatyRoseLand. I just love that colour and have toyed with the idea of doing mine that colour, but I'm a natural blonde and I think it would be too dark for me to pull off. Sorry for the huge post (and the hair hi-jack!), but there was lots to reply to. ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
They were mostly making fun of me when I tried to get people's attention and failed. Like Earl Carpenter. He went by quite quickly and I sort of half followed him up to the stage door and then changed my mind because I realised he was on the phone, and then the ushers did impressions of me.
Thanks, I thought that must have been what they did. Was she properly in the programme or was there just an insert?
I'm glad you like the pictures. That is a lovely picture of DT although I have one from another time that I think is one of the best pictures I've ever seen of him. It's gorgeous. And thanks for the comment about my hair! I'm slowly getting used to it, but having been blonde for quite a long time it's quite a shock when I catch sight of myself in a mirror. |
Eppie-Sue |
Want. Pic. Now.
And, um, have I mentioned how I failed at getting DT's attention? I must add that actually, I'm really shy and had never talked to any performer at any show and any stage door at all. And that I wasn't quite myself. He talked to Matthew Gent, I believe, and then turned around and left to the right of the stage door. And I commanded myself to follow him and I went: "Sorry?... Sorry. Sorry?!" ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
I was hoping you'd say that! I've always wanted to show people this picture who actually know who he is and appreciate his greatness! ![]() He's just. SO. Yummy.
He does run off if you don't grab him. Of course, I always grab him. Well... pounce on him. But he always looks really surprised to be asked. |
Eppie-Sue |
omg. | ||||||||||||||||||
Madeleine |
Neither! Her name was up on the cast board though. I'm surprised there wasn't an insert actually, unless mine fell out, which has happened to me in the past at other shows. I once bumped into Earl Carpenter after Phantom, in a desperate attempt to get his attention. *wins* I've never quite lived that one down. ![]() That picture is just... ![]() Was he saying something at the time? Am I right in thinking he took the photo? I've often been tempted to do that when stage dooring alone, but never dared. ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
He wasn't saying anything, he was just doing a really great facial expression. He did take the photo. I took one and accidentally cut half his head off, and I said "I'm sorry, that didn't work, can I take another one?" and he was like "I've got longer arms than you, shall I take it?" so he did. Earl Carpenter is SO hard to catch. I've only met him twice and I had to literally grab him, but he was lovely. It is surprising that there was no insert. To be fair, I've never seen an insert at Les Mis, they don't have understudy slips or anything, so maybe they just rely on the cast board. Not that many people look at that. |
Eppie-Sue |
now that I can breathe normally again and this thread has turned into DT fangirling thread #2 ![]()
I so know how you feel. Even though I don't actually have any pics to share (yet ![]()
Yes, exactly. He's all "Ooooooh me? Really? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And I was rather afraid of Earl Carpenter, which, I know, is stupid. But I didn't know what to say anyway, my appreciation for Earl!Javert was not that big back then. So I let him walk away. As a matter of fact, I've really only talked to DT and chatted a bit with Nancy. me = n00b |
flying_pigs |
I love all these pictures!
And re: inserts. I've seen two. Once when Shaun Henson was out with a broken collar bone in 2005 so there was an insert listing his temp: Chris Stewart. And once in 2004 when the person who plays Jane in EastEnders left (ahh name escapes me!) and her replacement was put on an insert in every programme. |
Glen |
I really must vary my facial expressions. I thought I'd join here to keep an eye on Katy and her DT love ![]() Love those pictures ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
Hello! I didn't expect to see you here! /threadjack |
lovesinging |
Ohhh, I suppose. But yes, lets take some Javerts. We need them.
I think I just died for the millionth time on this forum in the past month or so. |
KatyRoseLand |
I saw a great Javert on Broadway. I don't know his name, but he was the Javert in the closing cast of the revival. He was wayyyy too young, but he had an amazing voice.
It was great. My camera may not have been cleaned for a while now. I'm going on holiday in a few minutes so I probably won't be able to post for a while ![]() |
tashmercer |
Eppie-Sue, can I fangirl you? you always make me giggle when i read your posts! thank you!!!! While I am in fangirl mode, i totally rate the "smoulder" that DT seems to be going for in that picture. Maybe he is preparing for a backup career in modelling? ![]() ![]() ![]()
Surely he know about some of these fangirling threads and realise we worship his epicness???? ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
aww. xD can't really say no there, can I? But glad you're entertained.
I love, love, love how the quote only goes "Ooooooh me? Really? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy " now that the smileys are not being shown, because that's literally what his reaction is like. and I'm pretty sure many musical performers lurk and are internet savvy enough to find the many, many recordings on YouTube. and that should give him a vague idea. |
Orestes Fasting |
Rob Hunt. I think he's actually about the right age to play Javert, he's just perpetually baby-faced. ![]() The thing about American Javerts is that they tend to be "really good but." Really good but looks too young (Rob Hunt), really good but isn't actually a baritone (Drew Sarich), really good but way too nice (Norm Lewis), etc. Sometimes you just want to see a middle-aged baritone with big bushy sideburns glowering at the audience and singing the hell out of 'Stars.'
I know of at least one former cast member who must have his name on GoogleAlerts, because he commented on a LiveJournal post where my friends and I were shamelessly ogling production photos of one of his former coworkers. Awkward. Also, if bigsis222 ever posts here again... it's Lea Salonga. No, seriously. |
brooke02 |
Saw it last week and was absolutely amazed. I totally agree with this comment:
She totally broke my heart. I've been searching the internet for places to download some of her performances. I want them on my iPod! So far I haven't found anything. I would be much appreciative of anyone who could guide me to a place where I could find some. |
miraclemile |
Hopefully I'll be going seeing the August 26th matinee, for Kids' Week, so I'll actually have a fair opinion of the new cast then! (: At least if I don't manage to pull my usual stunt of getting the understudy for any actor I actually want to see. I saw it on stage for the first time in February, and some of the cast were just phenomenal, so I'm looking forward to seeing a couple of old favourites there too (i.e mainly fangirling DT but... well, it sounds less stalkerish the first way)
(One question, because I'm an epic newbie to the whole idea of going to stage-door after a show (I've always wanted to but always been a bit too shy) - is it worth trying after a matinee, or do the cast only tend to go in for it in the evenings?) |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm definitely no stagedooring pro, but from what I've seen, there are definitely fans at the stagedoor after the matinee performace. However I'd imagine the actors just want to grab a bite in Soho after the show, because they have to be back 1- 1.5 hours later... but it's definitely not uncommon. Oh, and -
miraclemile |
Haha, the socks were totally not what dragged me from my lurking. Nope. No. Not at all. And thanks! Now to convince whoever I drag with me that, yes, we really do want to wait around afterwards... |
Madeleine |
I almost always go to matinees and it is certainly worth stage dooring after a matinee. There are often one or two who might not come out (more if it is pouring with rain) but most of them do and are perfectly happy to stop and chat. ![]() I'm actually going on 26th August too, but to the evening show for a change. |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() See, normally I had this aversion against matinees, seeing as I'm such a fail that I need the atmosphere of the West End at night when I leave the theatre, but considering the evening shows on matinee days are always weaker than the afternoon performances, I will definitely go and see the matiness rather than the later show, too. by the way. Is there any way to find out short notice!understudying at the theatre on the day of the performance? |
Madeleine |
I don't have much choice in the matter as the last trains back to my city are either at 8.30pm or 10pm depending on what day it is, so I either have to see a matinee or book a hotel. Theres nothing quite like the West End at night though. I'm staying there for 3 days at the end of August so I'll be able to see a couple of evening shows. ![]() Jeff Nicholson is very good at updating his Twitter on the days when he will be playing Javert but I'm not too sure about the others. I don't know how good is for last minute announcements. I'd like to know too as I'll be close to London and able to dash in if an interesting understudy is suddenly on. ![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
If it's possible to call the box office and get the people who are actually sitting in the Queens (instead of some third-party ticket broker the way it was on Broadway), you could ask them if the understudy board has gone up yet. No guarantee that they'd know, but it's a possibility. |
flying_pigs |
Or email the Box Office, that what I sometimes do. | ||||||||||||||||||
HobNob |
That REALLY annoyed me. I was expecting the usual silence, and there was just this wail that went on and on and on... And we tried phoning the box-office once to find out about understudies and they had no idea what we were on about at all. |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay, so the following dates are Nancy's holiday dates (and I think we should giver her a random round of applause, seeing as according to her Twitter, she hasn't been off since April at all):
Aug 17th - 19th (3 days) Sept 28th - 3rd Oct (1 week) November 30th - Dec 2nd (3 days) |
flying_pigs |
Oooo I'm going on the 19th so will miss Nancy ![]() But she definately deserves a day off! Is Natalie Caswell still the understudy? |
Madeleine |
Natalie left at cast change. First cover Eponine is now Helen Owen, who I love in the ensemble. I'd be very interested to hear how her Eponine is. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm shamelessly copying that one review from WhatsOnStage, mainly because I think it's quite interesting:
*sigh* Let's be honest here: come to think of it, I half-heartedly agree with some of this - of course I can only comment on the old cast members - which makes me rather sad. But then again, it didn't bother me, simply because everyone worked so well together. And it didn't feel flawed at all, even though most of the performances were flawed. Any comments on this? |
Madeleine |
I disagree with most of it! I can see some of their points but I think they are being quite harsh. You don't often hear such negative comments about David Shannon, Earl Carpenter or Nancy Sullivan. I'm stunned that somebody could describe this cast as 'dodgy', although they're nowhere near as good as the 2008/9 cast. I'm curious as to which points you (half-heartedly) agree with Eppie-Sue. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, seeing as I can only comment on David Shannon, Earl Carpenter, Nancy Sullivan and David Thaxton, I agree with everything but the comments about Nancy, really. I, too, thought Shannon's performance was perfuntional and I did not enjoy Carpenter's speak-singing at all. And of course I agree with that "fantastic, the only principal with whom I had no problems" comment about DT - the only positive one, really - as you might have guessed.
Once again - the flaws I noticed did not diminish my love for the whole production and I really liked Carpenter's performance. But there are some good points in the review. However, I agree of course, that this might be a bit too harsh. Yes, I loved it and I'm sure I'll love the new cast as well. I just think there are some valid arguments in there. |
Madeleine |
Fair enough. ![]() I fangirl Earl's speak-singing though, and have done since his Phantom days. ![]() I'm still speechless about their Nancy comments, I think she is wonderful. They redeemed themselves with DT praise though, so its okay. ![]() I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you see the new cast. ![]() |
HobNob |
I'm quite amazed by that review, to be honest.
Shannon: Maybe there's quite a pace on some of his lines, but I don't think he could ever be accused of just skipping over them. 'It is not really professional...'. Of course it isn't! That's why he doesn't! Either this person went on the night of his most horrific performance ever, or something just didn't take. Strongly disagree with that one. Carpenter: ... Again, rushed? Couldn't be understood? I take issue. Seale: I've only seen the once so far. I do prefer her singing to Brown, but I think Brown had the edge on the acting and emotion of the part. Thernardiers: God I miss the last pair, so probably agree on that point. Sullivan: Her Eponine's really grown on me. I dislike the character in the novel, and I dislike On My Own (as well as I Dreamed a Dream, actually) because I've heard them done too frequently and indeed too badly that many times. Mediocre acting? I disagree. Thaxton: Everyone on here appears to be a Thaxtonite, so I shan't say much about him. I do think he's a very good voice, and has the right sort of presence, but I shan't kiss his feet. All I ever notice is how many times he touches up his hair. Overall, I'd quite like to know which performance this was at. I can credit some of the new cast with being a bit off if it was early in the run and they weren't quite gelling yet, but Carpenter, Shannon AND Sullivan all having such major performance flaws? All on the same night? Or indeed on a daily basis? It's not the same show I'm going to see, in that case. |
Eppie-Sue |
Hm. Maybe I've caught Shannon on a bad night, too, then, because I found it really hard to enjoy his performance as Valjean. It seemed a bit hectic to me, too, which didn't help because his Valjean is so much ... angrier than Jonathan Williams's, who I saw the first night. I can certainly see the point there.
![]() but:
![]() |
tashmercer |
Me too. i know heaps of people who have seen her performance - from old les mis fans to first timers- and rave about her. She always gives 100% and breaks my heart every time. the DT comments were OK, but frankly did not gush enough about his supreme awesomeness for my liking. ![]()
Agreed. Although, if this person had to listen to the TAC after "clean out my brain..." that might shed some light on the matter - the current London cast does have a very different feel to the TAC in style, casting, etc. I actually never listen to the TAC any more. I must prefer listening to the 08/09 cast. Does this make me a bad person???? Probably........ |
Elbow |
Gosh. What an odd review.
The only thing I can slightly agree on is Shannon sometimes rushing his lines. But he never skips them! I always think there's something wrong with either the timing or the speed at which he says "It's you Javert! I knew you wouldn't wait too long!" That bit always seems oddly rushed, but he has grown on me a lot during the last year, and although I marginally prefer Johnathan Williams I really really like Shannon. I think Earl is fantastic. Nancy's been another grower. She annoyed me like hell when I first saw her, but now I think she's great. And I REALLY dislike the new Thenardier's. Want Jackie and Jimmy back. And Thaxton's... Thaxton. |
HobNob |
I do genuinely ponder that question on a fairly regular basis.
Get a hair cut! |
KatyRoseLand |
That's a great name... maybe we should get t-shirts? ![]() Orestes Fasting, thanks for the comments on the American Javerts, they were really interesting. And I'm glad I finally know Rob Hunt's name, he was wonderful! |
Eppie-Sue |
The hair is perfect. For the role, too. Seriously, what's the big deal? I don't get it.
And aww. I already miss Jackie Marks and Jimmy Johnston only reading all the comments. I enjoyed their performance so much and actually warmed up to the characters, normally I don't care that much about Th�nardiers. ETA:
xD in pink. |
HobNob |
It just causes me to tut. Audibly. It's one of those small things that you notice, and then once you have, you see it each and every time and it grinds you down. In the grand scheme of things, it isn't in the least bit important. |
Madeleine |
Well I saw the show again yesterday and I thought I would post another review, if anybody is interested. ![]() The show got off to a bad start when I discovered that Mark Dugdale was off, which was very disappointing as he is my favourite. Then they wouldn�t sell me one of the new brochures even though they had just been delivered that morning and were in a box behind the souvenir counter. Ridiculous. So I kept my �5 and took photos of the new posters outside the theatre instead. ![]() I was still sulking about both of these things well into the show, but I cheered up a little around Master of the House. ![]() During Confrontation I was watching David and Earl wondering how on earth the person who wrote the review posted here by Eppie-Sue could possibly think they were so bad! They�re both brilliant and I particularly love their facial expressions. Earl looked out at the audience during Javert�s Suicide and you could see in his eyes just how broken he was. David�s expression as he walked off stage after Valjean�s Confession was heartbreaking. During The Bargain David also winked at Little Cosette as if to say, �Don�t worry, I�ll sort it out.� which was rather sweet. Killian Donnelly was covering Mark Dugdale�s track, so he was playing Courfeyrac. He did a fantastic job, but he just wasn�t Mark. The dynamic between Enjolras, Courfeyrac and Combeferre wasn�t as great as usual with Mark missing. I did pay more attention to Gavin James as Combeferre this time though, and he really is good. He seemed to be giving Enjolras most of the support without Mark�s Courfeyrac, and was great at trying to keep Grantaire under control. When Grantaire was stood on a chair in the ABC scene, singing his �Red!� and �Black!� lines, Gavin was glaring up at him and told him to �Get down.� when they had stopped singing. I still loved Rebecca Seale as Fantine and wasn�t a fan of Katie Hall as Cosette. I was with my mum yesterday, who was seeing this cast for the first time and she thought the exact opposite about them. She found Rebecca irritating and thought Katie was quite sweet. Yesterday was my first time seeing Martin Neely as Grantaire, and I couldn�t stand his interpretation. He played him like a clown, just being silly and over the top all the time. I guess I prefer my Grantaires to be a little more melancholy. I thought he played him as incredibly stupid...which isn�t how I see him at all. I also thought he looked too girly and didn�t think his voice suited the role. It was very frustrating seeing Jeff Nicholson sat next to him in the ABC scene in a tiny role, when he is such an amazing Grantaire. I know I�ve complained about this before but I�m doing it again because it is still annoying me. Why can�t Courfeyrac and Combeferre be either side of Enjolras when they come on during Empty Chairs?! Courfeyrac was actually on the end and Combeferre was third from the end. It probably seems petty to others but it really bothers me. ![]() I liked Lorraine Bruce as Mme Thenardier giving Katie Hall such a nasty look when her back was turned in the Wedding. I think Lorraine is fantastic. She finds the perfect balance between hilarious and terrifying, and I haven�t seen many others manage that so well. She reminds me of Jenny Galloway a lot. I thought DT deserved his own special section ![]() During the ABC scene, he was giving Marius a �what on earth are you talking about you silly little boy� look when he was going on about Cosette. He did The Jump but not The Legs, which was a shame. He kept them still while he jumped, but it still looked great. Javert got a wonderfully evil look from him when he was brought on after A Little Fall of Rain. ![]() The Fight is getting better. DT put his arms completely around Alistair's waist and dragged him away, before shoving him a couple of times. It was quite fierce but still not Jon Robyns/DT standard. E/R in Drink with Me was a little weird. Martin was stood centre stage after his verse, DT came up to him and looked at him with total disgust until Martin handed the bottle over. There was a fairly nice hug there though. I much preferred them kneeling together and DT being all nice and comforting. He was grinning and leaping around like a lunatic at the curtain call. ![]() I caught George Miller, Jeff Nicholson and DT at stage door afterwards, and they were all lovely. I do have a nice DT stage door story to tell though, that almost killed Eppie-Sue when I messaged her last night ![]() Being the geek that I am, I had dragged one of my Bricks down to London (my arm is now very sore!) with me for DT to sign. I asked him to sign and he said �Oh that�s cool!� I had the 'Orestes fasting and Pylades drunk' chapter marked but told him it didn�t really matter where he signed. He said �Let me find my favourite bit�, took the book and flicked through it with a smile on his face, like the huge fangirl that he is. You could just tell how much he adores that book. He eventually found his favourite bit, which was the end of that chapter, the 'Will you permit it?' part. Which happens to be my favourite part too. I then said 'You've read the book then?!' and he laughed and said 'Just a few times(!)...yeah...once you get past the Waterloo bit, and what colour the Bishop of Digne's underwear is...' I forget what he said next (I may have interrupted him) but the underwear thing was great. ![]() I'm sorry this got so ridiculously long...I got carried away. ![]() I have a nice DT photo and some terrible photos of the new posters outside the theatre that I could post this evening if anybody wants to see them? ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I got an honourable mention. Look at that. ![]() It's funny how it's either "love Rebecca, hate Katie" or "hate Rebecca, love Katie", isn't it? I'm getting more and more anxious to see them on stage! And I'm so glad you said that bit about Lorraine Bruce being a good Mme T., because I've heard so many bad things. I needed that to cheer me up. Especially seeing as I could not be more shocked about Neely!Grantaire. WTF. I was afraid he would go down the "clown" route and now I can't believe he did that. How on earth can someone butcher Grantaire's part like that?! ![]() Much love for the extra bit about Gavin!Combeferre. I've already told you how sorry I am for you that Mark of all people was off, but aww. Combeferre. You've made my little fangirl heart very happy there. I mean ![]() OMG more of The Fight. I'll survive the absence of The Legs, even though my YouTube username = fail now. And, overall, this seems to be moving in a very, very, very canon!Enjolras direction and I die of joy and fangirlism. That stagedoor story. I keep re-reading it (just a few times up to this point ![]() ETA: YES PHOTOS PLEASE. |
KatyRoseLand |
Thanks for the review Madeleine!! That's such a great stage door story!! And yes, pictures would be majorly appreciated ![]() And as for your review being ridiculously long... have you seen all of mine?! You were very restrained! |
Madeleine |
Thanks KatyRoseLand!
Yeah...I'm hearing lots of negative comments too and I don't understand them. I think Martin is great too (and seemed like the nicest guy in the world at stage door) although I probably preferred Jimmy or Greg.
I've been fangirling him more and more recently. He has such a great voice (I could see him as Javert actually...although I'm not really a singer so don't know if he could do it, but I bet he would sound great) and I just can't get over the chemistry between him, DT and Mark.
I keep re-living it...yes, just a few times. I don't think I'm ever going to be able to watch/listen to/read about the Bishop ever again without thinking about his underwear...which is ever so slightly disturbing. Ok, pictures! The ones of the posters are really, really bad as it was quite bright and obviously light was reflecting off the glass...but you get the idea. I can't wait to get my hands on a brochure/for somebody else to scan them in properly/take better photos. One Day More Epilogue Barricade DT Barricade close up Thenardiers, Montparnasse, Claquesous DT in Look Down and half of Shaftesbury Avenue! Finally, DT! I've cropped myself off as it wasn't the best photo of me. ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
oooh pretty. And yes, lighter hair, now I can see it. well. blond!Enjolras. We're getting there. as my friend remarked - all that's missing are blue contact lenses.
I love the new pics. DT outpretties Alistair in the "One Day More" pic. Not that there's anything wrong with that. He looks very statue-esque, doesn't he? And LOL when you first showed me the "Look Down" pic I went: "OH MY they have a MASSIVE PIC ON THE FACADE OR WHAT?" and then I noticed the entire street, all the houses, everything is just the reflection. xD And, once again, a YAY!Barricade pic. ah well. |
tashmercer |
aww....bless! ![]() nice pic of The Arms btw |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() btw, "At the end of the day" has been uploaded on YouTube, and I thought we could do random cast members spotting (I love ensemble scenes^^). Okay, so, I'm pretty sure we have David Thaxton and Jon Robyns as the first workers in that scene, the ones that open the gate. Later on, at one point, Mark Dugdale (is he also the one on the very, very left around 1:20?!) and Gavin James are standing between the two gates, too. Right in front of them is Jackie Marks, and Nancy Sullivan is the one that goes to the back to DT (she's the one that gets the Hugattack). |
tashmercer |
Hi all
I'm off to the matinee today. If anyone is interested, I will post a few comments tomorrow. I'm hideously jetlagged after flying in from the otherside of the world this morning, but I will be as observant as I can!!! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
OMGYESPLZKTHX! : ) That would be sooooo great, really. I live off reviews. (might have stated that before. It still stand, though.) And ooooh I hope you enjoyed the show! (I think you... got Jeff as Javert? YAY) |
tashmercer |
OK, so I just want to apologize in advance if this is long and rambling. I've been up since 2am local time so please forgive me! I also went with a friend who was a first timer and loved it - but I couldnt really share all this with.
So, I have made a promise to myself not to compare this cast to the wonderful 08/09 cast. This cast has a very different take on things -and even Sullivan and Thaxton have seem to be approaching their roles in different ways- so I will try to take it on face value and not miss the old Grantaire, Montparnasse and delightful Jon Robyns too much. In summary, I still loved the show. After three hours I was speechless and wanted to go straight back in and watch it again, so I guess it was a success in my book! ![]() Shannon continues to impress me as an amazing JVJ. I was in the third row and could see the real emotion he brought to the character- how tender and protective he is towards Cosette, his real anguish at deciding if he will tell Javert they have captured the wring man, etc. He has a lovely voice, too and I will be very sad when he leaves. I really liked Jeff's Javert. His voice is absoluetly amazing and I would really love to see him take over the role on a more permanant basis after Earl leaves to see how he develops the character. There WAS one thing which was bothering me about the character that I couldnt put my finger on until i heard someone in front of me mention it - he just seems a bit too nice for Javert. It wasnt really anything he was doing- he was appropriately disgusted at the street rats in the Robbery and the Confrontation was great - but i just found myself thinking "you dont really hate these guys! you're too nice!" And I just wanted to hug him! This meant that I actually found Javert's suicide really sad and I really didnt want him to do it. Normally, I'm thinking "good riddence!"It was weird. It would be interesting to hear what other people think. I suspect that Jeff is really just a nice guy and this was coming through a bit..... Also, one thing which was really funny is that Jeff is about two feet taller and three feet wider than Shannon. It makes lines like "i'm a stronger man by far" rather laughable ![]() I found Rebecca Seale OK as Fantine. I didnt really feel anything for her character and wasnt too upset when she died - but that probably has more to do with my attitude to that character in general, rather than her perfomance. She didnt have a lot of passion in IDAD until "and still i dream" but then she had tears in her eyes and it was a bit moving. I must say, she died well and it was very pathetic/sad when she begs JVJ in an embarrassed kind of way to stay with her as she dies. I actually rather liked Katie Hall as Cosette. She was very sweet and I thought she showed really well how troubled Cosette is about hiding her love for Marius from her father because she knows it will upset him etc. She was still not as much of a stand out for me as Sullivan's Eponine, but she made me wish that Cosette was around more so I could find out more about this character (a very rare thing for me, indeed!) Marius was a bit of a weak link for me. I feel bad saying so, because he had a lovely voice and seems like he's really trying... I just found him to be really.... boring, sappy and shallow. You never really feel like he is that interested in the revolution, just mooning over Cosette. Which is all rather boring and makes me wonder what either of those amazing women see in him. I actually quite liked the Th�nardiers. They are very different that the previous actors in the roles - but successfully make the T's hideous and humorous at the same time. I genuinely laughed and all their jokes, but was suitably disgusted by them, too. I think it worked well and they got a huge cheer from the audience at curtain call. I am sad that "you bastads!" didnt feature at the end of Beggers at the Feast however (though watching Thaxton and Gavin James try not to laugh and then skip around the stage was absolutely hilarious!!) Sullivan played Eponine rather differently but she was still amazing and probably the best vocal performance I have seen from her yet. She seems less pushy and aggressive with Marius. In Robbery, she doesnt really tell him to leave her away in an aggressive way and doent push him out of the way. I really love the sweet little gestures like looking lovingly at Marius' hand on hers. OMO was amazing as always and ALFOR was heart breaking. Her death was quite different and she was less desperate to cling to Marius (less pulling of clothes and touching of face involved) just happy to be with him. When she "died" she lay completely down, then grabbed his shirt and tried to pull herself in to kiss him but died again before she got there. Interestingly, Marius didnt seem *that* upset that she died. Thaxton, on the otherhand, grabbed her hand as she was being carried off and held it. It was really sweet, even if it was a bit odd as he doesnt really know her. Ok, so I get to Thaxton. I will try to refrain from fangirling too much (I will add that to the appropriate thread later ) ![]() What I will say about Thaxton is that he seems to have gone for a bit more subtelty to the character. There was little back patting and hand shaking -really only in The Final Battle in an "Ok, this is it. Nice knowing you" kinda way. Red and Black best shows this. He just stood behind the table and leaned on the wall while he listened to Grantaire and Marius and stayed there while he sang his R&B. He also stayed there while Marius stayed seated for his own R&B. The two only stand together and shake hands right at the end. It was interesting. I think I rather liked it and it seemed to work well with Brammer's less passionate R&B. Sadly, the revolutionaries didnt seem that revaolutionary and there was little shouting despite the best Lamarque is Dead I have seem Thaxton do. For Eppie-Sue, in particular I must tell you that The Fight is still in. It doesnt seem to make much sense as there is no real close friendship developed between Thaxton and Brammer, but it is still cool. I really loved how Thaxton pushes Marius and then mouths "Dont make me do this" I rather wonder what he WOULD do. The Hug, as mentioned before is in but there is no hint of romance at all between Grantaire and Enjolras. In fact, I found Grantaire totally underwhelming and unforgettable. He doesnt even seem that drunk and Enjolras almost ignores him in the ABC Cafe scenes. He does do Woody's Spanish "Juan", however The Jump is in and there were some Legs, but it seems a bit toned down. I do like how DT is always at the top of the baricade, watching, thinking, while everyone else is asleep. btw there was Standing ovation for the whole cast at the end of the performance and massive cheers for DT, Jeff, Shannon and Sullivan. |
Eppie-Sue |
Thank you so, so much. I know my reaction is always the same but:
Ricey |
sorry this is just to say hi because i have only just joined but have been lurking around for a while ![]() I am a HUGE fan of les mis (obviously) and i have only seen the london 08/09 london cast (who i fought where really good) but i really like reading the reviews of the new cast sorry if this sounds really random! |
pastaeater |
I have also only just joined, and I woud like to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken the trouble to post a review of the new cast. I am longing to see them, but I know I won't get a chance before October at the absolute earliest.
It is really interesting to hear how the existing cast have changed their performances to fit in with the new cast members. I can imagine that it must take a bit of getting used to, but it may be an improvement in some places I suppose. I must be one of the very few people who isn't very taken with Nancy's Eponine........I didn't think there was much subtlety in her death scene with Jon Robyns (although I may have seen her on a bad day, as I know she is very popular with fans), and if she has reined it in a bit with the new guy, I feel that her portrayal may be the better for it! I can't believe that DT can have actually improved his performance, but it interesting to hear how he has changed it. Thanks and keep posting! |
Ricey |
I dont remember that scene too well because i was busy laughing at my nan who was crying (not the best thing to do when you are 6 rows from the stage and its a really quiet part of the song ![]() But i also want to thank the people who write reviews about the new cast and i hope that there are more to come! ![]() |
tashmercer |
You are most welcome. It was good to share the love... and any excuse to rave about the awesomeness of DT and Sullivan is fine by me
Has anyone else seen Jeff's Javert?? I'm still trying to figure out what I thought about him and would love to hear some other opinions. btw sorry for the hideous spelling grammar etc in that post. Jet lag makes my Engrish good ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
I saw him Tuesday and I haven't really decided yet either! It's very strange. |
tashmercer |
YES!! Oh good, it wasnt just me!!! ![]() |
Ricey |
Im not sure if someones already posted a link but has anyone else heard Brammer's ECAET on youtube?
If not, heres the link. |
Eppie-Sue |
I don't think the link has been posted, but yeah, most of us would have heard it by now. I... don't like it that much. To quote my friend: "He sounds [a bit] like a sheep", doesn't he...?! | ||||||||||||||||||
Ricey |
Thats what I thought when I first heard it. I don't think that he sounds right. |
dcrowley |
I always had a problem with listening to Jopanna Ampil sing because of this same reason. Her Fantine was bearable, but her Eponine was all vibrato and really got on my nerves. |
aquirkofmatter |
As I mentioned above, I went Tuesday... one little mention and Eppie-Sue's ears prick up! I told her I would properly review so here - a review, no doubt with added waffle (because I'm good at that).
Jeff was Javert, and I'm still not entirely sure what I thought about him. He was good, don't get me wrong, but there was just something I can't quite put my finger on, I don't know what though. David Shannon was probably the best that I've seen him yet - his voice just blows me away. Likewise, Nancy was incredible and I think she outsung everyone. (I'm going next week and interested in seeing how her understudy compares), and Thaxton was just as fantastic as he always is! I agree with tashmercer about Rebecca Seale and Katie Hall - RS was okay, and I really liked KH as Cosette. It's nothing personal, but I just don't really like either character so I suppose that influences my opinion a bit! I absolutely adore Jon Robyns, so deep down I knew I was never really going to like the new Marius, but he doesn't seem right. During the Cafe scene it seemed that when David Thaxton says "Marius, you're no longer a child, blah blah" that his [DT's] intonation was different and kinda tiresome, and you could tell the dynamic was different. The Fight seemed less of a Fight and more of a Shove. He seemed a bit of a whiny Marius, and not like the sort of person Eponine would ever be interested in. Anthony Hansen, though, was a real standout in the ensemble; during ATEOTD and Look Down I felt really really intimidated by him. I was in BB and in Look Down especially I was really freaked, he was staring my way and my head was saying "look anywhere else... anywhere else [I look directly in front of me again] argh! somewhere else brain!" I can't wait to see him as Marius, sometime. As for the rest of the ensemble, I thought Jonathan Williams and Gavin James were brilliant, and Martin Neely not so much. His Grantaire was awful, particularly in DWM. I agree with Madeleine's review a few pages previously, and as I said to her - I felt like yelling "he's not a clown, he's a marginally-philosophical drunk!" but I controlled myself. That would've been awkward. Greg Castiglioni was on as Montparnasse, and while I thought he did a great Th�nardier last time I saw, it didn't seem right and it made me miss John Jo Flynn (I missed him in the Prologue and Lovely Ladies as well.) I loved the new Th�nardiers! They're different from Jimmy & Jackie but equally great. Lorraine Bruce was really quite intimidating, and Martin Ball was just hilarious. During Beggars, when Th�nardier drops the silver plate it rolled right off the stage and came very close to whacking the conductor in the head - he caught it, but Mrs T came over to the edge of the stage, peered forward and gave him a brilliant look. He had trouble stopping laughing while he was waving his baton for the next bit. (At the very end I leant over and just said "Good catch," to which he replied "That's nothing, I've had worse thrown at me." The drummer then shouted over, "You need to use that precious silver to become an honest man," and everyone in the pit burst out laughing.) |
eponine5 |
I'm really quite surprised about these reactions to Jeff Nicholson as Javert! I saw him in the role in 2007 and thought that he was probably the best Javert I'd seen. Granted, I hadn't seen Earl Carpenter yet, but I had seen and loved Rob Hunt's Javert at that point. I thought that, as well as a mind blowing voice, his acting was fantastic as well. I don't know, maybe it's just that I always associated Jeff Nicholson and David Thaxton together as the two great understudies and now that one's getting so many mountains of praise and the other isn't, my head's getting kablurred. | ||||||||||||||||||
Ricey |
Thanks for the review, aquirkofmatter!
It was interesting to see that everyone seems to think that the new marius isn't that great. Its probably that he just needs alot of practice. |
aquirkofmatter |
He was brilliant, don't get me wrong, but he's different to Earl and Earl's been my only Javert to compare to; I just don't know how to describe it! But his Stars was incredible; he's good different, not bad different. I'm just not good with change! |
tashmercer |
YES YES YES! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As someone mentioned before he obvious age gap between DT and Brammer made Marius less of an equal to Thaxton's Enjolas- not even close I feel bad if it sounded like I didnt like Jeff's Javert. Stars was amazing and his voice is lovely. He was just so different and less of a b*stard than you expect from Javert. It's not necessarily a bad thing and certainly makes Javert more interesting in a way; more complex. However, it *does* make you wonder why he is so fixated on catching JVJ. As I said previously, he was just kinda cuddly and likable... its weird. I do suspect with more practice in the role, he would become more like the relentless, angry Javert we usually see |