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Eppie-Sue |
thanks for the review, aquirkofmatter...
by the way. ![]() ![]() |
Madeleine |
Yeah I'm pretty upset about that too. I hoped that I'd got the wrong end of the stick but plenty of other people seem to think that it means he didn't get it as well. ![]() I just hope whoever gets/has got the part is brilliant. It's bad enough having to watch Jeff in a tiny part next to clown!Grantaire, when you know he plays the part a million times better, but a bad Javert would just be horrible. That casting team really do make some silly decisions sometimes. (although they make some fantastic ones too, to be fair) If they have any sense they will give Jonathan Williams full time Valjean too. |
aquirkofmatter |
So, I went again tonight [because I'm going back to uni in 2 weeks so I'm trying to see it as many times as I possibly could before it costs me more than a fiver to get a travelcard!] and I've worked out what my 'I don't know' was about Jeff's Javert - watching him as Factory Foreman and Brujon et al tonight, I've realised it's because he's scary, really intimidating. Fantastic, but bloody frightening [and creepy, in the case of Factory Foreman]. And, I love his Javert now, too! It's weird how seeing Earl again made it dawn on me - I still love Earl, but Jeff's a very close 2nd [sorry Woody!]
Helen Owen was on as Eponine and was pretty good. I was a little worried, because I love Nancy and hers are big shoes to try and fit in, but she was good. She seemed to be more suited to Brammer's Marius, because she looks younger than Nancy does. Alistair was also better than last week; maybe he was just having an off-night last Tuesday (or a great one today!) Simon Shorten apologised at the stage door for the evil staring he was giving me during ATEOTD and said he had to look somewhere! I was just sat there in fits of giggles, actually ![]() Oh, and there was bloody smoke everywhere!! David Shannon said that the smoke machine was broken so they were getting about twice as much as there normally would be - at one point I could only just see his and Earl's heads through it, and I was in BB so goodness knows how the view was from further back. I'm going back next Monday because I want to see Jonathan Williams again before I head back to uni, too, and then I'm probably going to start suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms. ETA: Oooh, and I got a new brochure and the pictures are so shiny ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
ha ha ha that is great! |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() I'm not sure if you're planning on writing more about the Tuesday performance anyway, but ... ooh, Alistair was better? Less sheep? Less befuddled? ![]() (And I feel so annoying for asking, but how was DT? -and, on a side note - Neely!Grantaire...?) Aaand new pics. ![]() and YAY for going against next week! |
Ricey |
Yay! He's getting better! Perhaps hes been practicing a lot more. And I agree with Eppie-Sue. Can you write something about DT? And possibly put up the new pictures if you can? Please? (Sorry if it sounds really rude) |
aquirkofmatter |
I'm kind of running on my way out, but the pictures will be here in about half an hour-ish! They're like 2-3MB because I haven't got time to re-size them, and they're in the order of the pages, with the exception on the first two pages - the ATEOTD and the dead!Enjolras - because I think they are exactly the same as before so I didn't take them.
(And apologies for the wonky page middle-y-bits and slightly leaving off the edges - i found it very hard to hold a camera directly above something and get a not-wobbly picture, so i did it from a slight angle) (Also - why must David Thaxton always be on the seam-y-bits of the group ones?! I understand he's in the centre of the pictures but can they not just off-centre the pics slightly on the page?!!!) |
Eppie-Sue |
omg. Good Lord have mercy upon my soul. E!pic. Whoever came up with adding this pic wins at life. Except for that one... most of these seem to be the same last year's scenes (and last year's were prettier, just saying). Thank you so much for uploading! (and there are still more uploading! ![]() ETA: is the flag-waving pic still on the back of the brochure? and doesn't Alistair look quite detached from it all in the YAY!Barricade! pic? |
Ricey |
Yay! Pictures! (but I think i prefer last years pics. They didn't look so lost/bored) This might sound stupid but is it just me or do they all have the same expression on their face in that pic? oh and, Is it just me or does it look like DT's glowing? |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, he's a sparklepire. Shiiiiiny.
But yeah. It might be my prejudice against the new cast - or my love for the old - but seriously, there are only a few pics that are better than last year's, and they do look a bit... lost there on the right side (next to the E!pic). And oh, I wish they'd done a Finale pic with the whole ensemble. Have they ever done that? I only know that from the Duisburg brochures. |
Eponines_Hat |
Indeed ![]() fabulous! thank you!!!!! |
miraclemile |
Argh! Now I'm not going to sleep for a week with excitement for seeing it next Wednesday! But thank you very, very much - I think I can cope with the sleep deprivation for the sake of those pictures ![]() |
flying_pigs |
I'm back from Les Mis! After finally seeing the new cast, I was very impressed (by most of them!)
I was in BB, amazing seats! So worth it just for facial expressions! One of the funniest but kind of horrifying moments: When David Shannon put the chair above his head in Confrontation, it broke! And went over Rebecca! Whoops! David Shannon: I really do like him! He looks like a really cuddily Valjean, but plays the role with so much passion and depth. Now I'm very bias towards JOJ but I love Shannon in the role! Last note of Who Am I? was a bit iffy but the rest was perfect, BHH was sensational! Earl Carpenter: Doing a bit of the speak-sing stuff today but I still love him as Javert! Stars and Suicide were awesome and yeah, love him! Love how he sits there for the barricade stuff with a very smug look which plainly says; "you're all going to die, mwah ha ha!" Rebecca Seale: Hmmmm, well I prefer her to Allyson but the most of IDAD was pretty bland. Martin Ball: Not the best singer, but I really liked him! Worked well with Lorraine and was very sinister but funny too. Good balance. Lorraine Bruce: Reminds me of Jenny Galloway but who cares because Lorraine is great! One of the funniest Mdme T I've seen in a while! Loved her crash into two of the wedding guests! Alistair Brammer: Loved his hesitation at the start of AHFOL but to be honest I wasn't that impressed with him. But my friend really liked him so each to their own I guess! Very sweet with Cosette and very nice in the Finale, but quite forgettable I felt. Oh and could someone get him a wig? Kthnxbai. Katie Hall: Was quite apprehensive about her for some reason but enjoyed her performance, lovely acting and singing throughout. Thought it was cute how she got a bit upset when Marius did not respond when she first started singing AHFOL (Reprise) Helen Owen (u/s): Sorry Nancy lovers but I prefered her to Nancy! Feisty but wishful, really loved her portrayal! Didn't take the hat off at end of a very powerful OMO (which I thought was standard blocking) but recreated the Cosette/Marius hand...thing in ALFOR which was very sad (is this standard blocking now?!) Anywho, loved her Eponine! Go see her if you can! Martin Neely: Unfortunately quite forgettable after Red and Black. Not too much E/R going on, hug in Drink With Me but that was about it. But did like how he grabbed Eponine's hat on the line: "will the world remember you when you fall". And last but not least; David Thaxton: My favourite in the cast! Commanding and charismatic on stage with the most epic Final Battle I've ever heard! Jump was there, legs weren't really there though (that sounds weird!) I just can't take my eyes off him! Loved how he looked at the bottle in DWM but just shook his head at it and put it down, loved his "Marius you're late" for some reason and just loved his impatience with some of the students. And I love following him in all the scenes up to Look Down. Him and Jeff looked like they were having fun beating up Valjean in the Prologue! So yeah, my favourite Enjolras! Although I would like him to have a wig similar to the one from his understudy days! Not that I don't love his hair, but, you know! ETA: He got hit in the face with the flag in Building the Barricade, fun times! Kids: Cosette missed the first few words of Castle on A Cloud, bless her! Although she recovered well! And Gavroche pated Valjean on the back just before DWM which was soo cute! Ensemble: Antony Hansen really stood out, am now desperate to see his Marius! And George Miller of course, so good at playing a drunk! Oh and Jeff! Please give him Javert CamMack! Oh and stalls gave a standing ovation straight away ![]() Wow, this is quite long! But in short; great show, love the new cast and everyone should experience row BB and the awesomeness that is DT! |
Eppie-Sue |
Thank you for the review! Glad to hear you enjoyed it, it sounds like a great performance. And I'm so happy Helen Owen did really well...
Speaking of Jeff... as mentioned before - going by his Twitter, I wouldn't put any money on him becoming principal Javert. hmpfff. |
flying_pigs |
Hahaha, well out of DT's Final Battle that I've seen/heard, this was definately my favourite!
I want to say George Miller is 2nd u/s Grantaire but I might possibly have just made that up! Yeah, I follow Jeff or Twitter too, such a shame if he doesn't get it. I think we should make it our mission to find out Antony's Marius dates! |
Eponines_Hat |
Thanks for the review flying_pigs!
I'm glad that Helen Owen was good as Eponine. It was interesting that you said she was feisty - I've found Nancy a bit less feisty the few times I've seen here since the cast change. It would be interesting to see a different interpretation again. Might have to make a trip next time Nancy is on holidays.
Ha ha me too! In every scene! He just owns the stage, its hard not to! Love the DT fangirling, but I must say I can't agree with:
I would miss The Hair too much ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
P.S Did you get to the Stage Door yesterday?? | ||||||||||
aquirkofmatter |
Alistair was better - a bit less sheep, a bit more mature. A bit. He still bugged me, but not nearly as much as the week before. At the same time, Grantaire didn't bug me as much - I'm warming to change, I think - but I still miss Woody/Keith ![]() As for DT... I don't even feel like I need to talk about him anymore, he's so outstanding he always delivers! ![]() (and yes - shiny flag waving still on the back of the brochure!)
I loved her too, thought she was great! As for fiesty-ness; she's fiestier with Alistair than I've seen Nancy - but with Jon Nancy was far better. But she did take her hat off on Tuesday, so maybe she forgot last night? |
KatyRoseLand |
I actually can't wait for tomorrow!!
Backstage tour and then the show... and obviously the stage door. (The question is, will I have the courage/stupidity to mention the Epic Rebel Socks of Awesome??) Brace yourselves for another ridiculously long review, my friends ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
woo hoo! ![]() |
Ricey |
Does this mean that Alistair performs better with the understudy? If thats the case (im sorry to fans of nancy for what im about to say but i am a fan of her myself) Mabye it would be slightly better if the understudy got the part fully? Because the way you described it it seems like Nancy and Alistair don't have the right kind of chemistry and that their performances arnt that good as they could be because of it. Please don't hate me ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Ooooh, I want Jon back. ![]() And, um, seriously?! Why should Helen Owen become principal Eponine just because the Marius/Eponine relationship is better?! Nancy is a very good Eponine, IMHO Alistair is the problem there, because we know Nancy worked perfectly well with Jon. It's nice that Helen is a great understudy and all, but from what I have read, Antony Hansen is a fantastic - and less "cute!" - Marius (he's first u/s) and Nancy's performance works well with him, too. Hm - am I noticing a pattern...?! I don't necessarily need to see a feisty Eponine with Marius, as long as she's still tough in the Attack on Rue Plumet scene and all. |
Ricey |
Well it was only a thought ![]() Sorry if I made you angry. I realised what I said probibly wasn't the best thing. |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh dear, no, I wasn't angry at all. But from all I've heard, Alistair is rather... unsuited for Marius, partly because he can't hold his own against, say, DT (I'm going to be the first to say that Jon, too, was completely outsung, but at least Jon still played Marius as a rather strong and active character), and partly because Nancy can't work with him as well as she could with Jon and, apparently, can with the current u/s. Therefore I don't think Nancy is the problem, really... | ||||||||||
Ricey |
I agree with you about Alistair not really suiting Marius. I see now that Nancy isn't really the problem because she is a really good Eponine (It was because of her that when I came out of the theatre I wished I could go back and see it again). To be honest, I miss Jon even if he was completely outsung ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Let's be honest though - aside from the JVJ & Javert, almost everyone is outsung by DT ![]() In my opinion Jon seemed more of a match for DT because, stature-wise they're similar-ish and Alistair just isn't. He's short and weedy. (I mean, I'm a 20 year old girl and I'm taller than he is.) That being said, of course, the friend I took this week who's never seen it before thought that he was great, so really it's just a matter of opinion. I really miss Jon tho ![]()
Which she is ![]() (especially as new Montparnasse is creepier than John Jo was (and taller, but that's irrelevant) and she looks as if she'd have no difficulty cutting his manbits off.) |
Ricey |
Got that right ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
Right, here's my review!!
It might be a bit shorter than usual because I was really ill and not paying much attention at some points. First of all, the backstage tour. It was interesting, but didn't give me much information that I didn't already know. A couple of interesting things though: 1) Lots of the cast members write little messages on the back of the scenery when they leave. I noticed Richard Woodford's and Keith Anthony Higham's, plus Jonathan Williams' from when he left before, and a few others. Richard Woodford's said something like "Had a great time, lots of laughs and LOTS of tears" and most of them said things very similar to that. I just thought they were really cute. 2) There's a microphone backstage with "You at the barricade listen to this..." etc written on a piece of paper underneath it, which I found interesting because... well, I don't know why I found it interesting. I just did. 3) When they took us into the auditorium we could see Alistair Brammer onstage with Daniella Gibb, rehearsing. My sister and I were all excited at getting to see them rehearse, and then they took us onto the stage and we heard what they were saying, and we realised Daniella was rehearsing Eponine's part, and we were very upset because we love Nancy. It was cool to see them rehearsing though. I think it may have been the first time Daniella went on. Now for the actual review: David Shannon: Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. The only problem I had with his performance last night though was that he kept tripping over his words, and also, he quite spectacularly missed the first note of "Bring Him Home", but the rest of the song was fantastic so all was forgiven. Earl Carpenter: He was very much speak-singing-Earl last night. He also kept tripping over his words. But "Stars" was probably the best I've ever heard him sing it. Also, DT gave him the most withering look after Eponine's death and he looked all embarrassed, which I've never seen him do before. Rebecca Seale: I don't actually think I can comment much on her performance because through the majority of IDAD and Come to Me, I was concentrating on not coughing, and so I wasn't paying much attention to the stage for most of it. She seemed okay though. I kind of love how when JVJ sings "Your mother gave her life for you" she makes this facial expression that says "Weeeell, I don't want to brag..." Alistair Brammer: He seemed much improved, and he's added a facial expression to his collection - Deliriously Happy Marius. He skipped towards Cosette at the beginning of AHFOL with the biggest, cheesiest grin on his face. It was quite adorable. He was also great during ALFOR, and when Grantaire handed Eponine's hat to him, he sort of cuddled it and sniffed it for a while (which I have to say, I found a little creepy, in a cute kinda way) and then put it on his pillow and slept on it. I do think he's growing into the role really well. He works better with Nancy than with Daniella though. Katie Hall: Adorable, precious, genuinely a good person. That is what I feel her Cosette is. She's got a bit feistier during "I'm no longer a child..." etc, but it's always in a concerned-for-JVJ way. I really think she's a wonderful addition to the cast. But you all know I think that!! Martin Ball: He just gets better and better. He has almost completely dropped his speak-singing and is making the character his own now. He put a spoon down Lorraine Bruce's cleavage at the wedding. It was pretty funny. He also sort of slides onto the stage in the sewers, when JVJ brings Marius in, which is funny but also gets Thenardier's sliminess across well. He's great. Lorraine Bruce: She is genuinely a hilarious woman. She very clearly had a sore throat and wasn't singing her best but she more than made up for it in comedy, and this is coming from someone who never finds the Thenardiers funny. Someone who hadn't seen her before would probably think her sore throat was part of her characterisation, so it didn't matter at all. David Thaxton: He, um, whipped the flag. Like, he used it as a whip against the side of the cart. I may have squealed. He was being really emphatic all the time, like hitting the table and shouting the word "strive" in "We strive toward a larger goal". He was in great voice and The Fight was more like The Hug... he grabbed Marius by wrapping his arms right around him and holding him like it for a few seconds. It was good though. I don't think I even need to say much more, but I will reiterate as I always do - I WANT THE OLD VEST BACK. That is all. Martin Neely: He is slowly improving, I think... I do like the Eponine's hat bit. But he does just sort of flop around the stage looking unsure of himself a lot of the time. Daniella Gibb: I'm afraid I couldn't find anything good about her performance. Her singing sounded strained, her characterisation made Eponine seem cheap and slutty, she didn't look right in the part at all, her On My Own was horribly acted (in my opinion) and although ALFOR was her best moment, it was mainly because Alistair was acting really well and I was listening to him singing instead of her. At the end of AHFOL, she seemed like she just didn't care. It was like "He was never mine to lose... but oh well! Where's Montparnasse?" I really wanted to like her but I just couldn't. Random other things: Dylan Williams is SO hilarious in Lovely Ladies. Why is Feuilly the only one who is still dressed in his full formal outfit at the barricade? Anthony Hansen was not in good voice last night, and usually I like him. All of his solo lines were flat. Declan Murphy-Saunders is the best Gavroche ever. Or at least, he's the best Gavroche I've ever seen. My mum had never seen the show before and didn't know the songs, and she said David Shannon and Earl Carpenter had bad diction, which I found interesting, because obviously knowing the songs, I can't tell. She also asked me who Martin Neely was because she liked his voice a lot, and Gavin James'. The audience were really responsive. There was a collective "Eurghh!!" when the Thenardiers were singing about what they put in their food, and there was a lot of crying and loud gasps and "Oh dear!"s when Gavroche died. Talking of Gavroche dying... someone please stop the woman wailing. It's really distracting and annoying. It was my first big outing since getting out of hospital, and I felt incredibly ill, so I didn't go to the stage door. It was really upsetting. For the same reason, I may have been a bit harsh in my review. The people in front of me were SO annoying. The man in front kept stretching his arm right up in the air before putting it around his companion's shoulder, then stretching it up again when he wanted to take his arm away, and they talked the whole time. Then they both turned around and glared at me when I coughed (my cough sounds a bit weird but it's very quiet, much quieter than their talking anyway!!). All in all, it was one of my least favourite Les Mis experiences because of how ill I felt, but it was a good show and when I wasn't feeling ill I really enjoyed it. Just to point out as well - the doctors have told me categorically that I'm definitely not contagious, so I wasn't making everyone else ill by going to the theatre. Oh, and swings - no male swings (which is a first for me), Katy Hanna was on for Sophie Josslyn and Brenda Moore was on for Helen Owen and Daniella Gibb. |
Quique |
I finally got to watch that 2008 London video that was up on YouTube and I must say that most of the London company was in top form last year.
I did not like Nancy Sulivan's Eponine, nor the Fantine (her name escapes me). Nancy's vocals were all over the place, often hitting warped sounding, shaky notes. Too many cheesy hand movements during OMO. The Fantine was strained and wobbly as well. I got an audio of the current cast that i haven't listened to yet. The other thing that bothered me a lot was the ridiculously fast tempo. If the cuts weren't bad enough, you are rushed through the whole thing, never given the opportunity to take in and absorb anything. What a pity. God, I miss the 90's. |
Eponines_Hat |
nah, she's awesome. maybe you dont really get it if you havent seen her on stage. a really heartbreaking and fascinating performance. she's not everyone's cup of tea, but a she has a lot of fans on this board. |
Eppie-Sue |
well, I think everyone's entitled to their own opinion. And Nancy has improved a lot since that 2008 video recording... they all have, really. I mean, I saw her in June and her performance felt more realistic - and also more subtle - than what I saw in the video... and her voice is stronger and more secure now, somehow. That performance really isn't her best. I mean, I like her, but I think she had to grow into the part.
And yeah, the tempo is ridiculous, especially during Javert's Suicide and ECAET. |
aquirkofmatter |
So i'm on a delayed and diverted train back from tonights performance and rather than violently hurt the idiots sitting in front of me i thought i'd make the most of mobile internet!
As well as no David Shannon, there was no Jeff (though i was expecting that from twitter) or David Thaxton either! While i like Mark Dugdale generally, i didnt like his Enjolras. (And just out of interest - why does he wear a wig? Is it personal choice or is his real hair bad? I'm guessing when Killian will cover the role he won't?) He didnt seem powerful enough to be a leader. That being said, of course, he was an absolute sweetheart at the stage door. Martin Neely was covering Factory Foreman, and while i prefer Jeff as the foreman I love Martin as Grantaire now - and as the pimp! His Grantaire is brilliant, and has most definitely grown on me. I think it was just because I was initially averse to change! But he was lovely and spent ages talking to us at the stage door too. (He's not read the whole book yet, only the Grantaire bits - when I mentioned I started it yesterday and i'm on page 50 he said 'oh, so you're still on the bloody bishop! He goes on for ages, i wish he'd just die already!' he plans to read the book over the course of this year.) Killian was mainly covering Jonathan Williams, with added Brujon, and was hilarious in Lovely Ladies! Gavin James was a real stand-out too. The ensemble generally seemed a bit small - maybe it was just me, maybe there's a lot of holidays. Mark and Katy were also on, and I think Brenda was too - there was definitely no Greg. Jonathan Williams was amazing. I love him as JVJ, i really hope he's in the running to be David Shannon's replacement. My friends who haven't seen the show before thought he was perfect, they almost didn't believe he was the understudy! Rather than rabbit on again about how amazing all the others were, I'm just gonna add this: Declan Murphy-Saunders was Gavroche, and I think it was possibly his last night?? There were a few cheers after each of his songs, his death was rather more dramatic than usual, and at the stage door he was greeted by a 'You Did It!' balloon and a round of applause from a large group of his family, then he hung around a bit and when Nancy came out she did a "Come here you!" and picked him up for a huge hug. Who knows? Maybe it was just a special day for him. And now my thumbs hurt from doing this on a tiny number pad, so I'm gonna give up, i think! |
Madeleine |
Thanks for that! Especially if you typed it all out on a phone?! ![]()
Oh he isn't on holiday this week then? That's a nice surprise! His real hair is absolutely fine, but I'm assuming they thought it was too short? Shame you didn't like his Enjolras though. ![]()
Aww. ![]() He seems to have been with the show for ages, so it is very sad indeed if he did actually leave tonight. |
MlleTholomy�s |
Now that's called dedication. |
aquirkofmatter |
I think an equal mix of dedication and extreme boredom! And it wasn't necessarily that I didn't like Mark's Enjolras, more that he's not David Thaxton. I missed DT's 'caaaaaaaall', because that's one of the most beautiful notes ever, and I was slightly annoyed by his wig because there was this curl that was doing my head in... He sounded fantastic; and my friends loved him! |
Eppie-Sue |
I know exactly what you mean regarding Mark Dugdale. his voice is fine and he's not totally "out-of-character", but... he really just lacks the power. Then again, we've said before that understudying DT is not the easiest thing. And aww, what did he say at the stage door? Speaking of understudies - I agree on everything you're said about Jonathan Williams. I saw him first, actually, and I loved his JVJ - "BHH" made me cry. Which never happens. Somehow I really hope he'll be made principal, but somehow I don't think they'll do that. |
aquirkofmatter |
He seemed absolutely exhausted, but was just asking about the show, if we enjoyed it, he said thanks for the cheer during the bows (I cheer loudly!!) and he signed my program and then said goodbye and there was a huge yawn as he walked away. (And as for the hair question: he came out in a hat, so I didn't get to see his real hair...) I agree - I don't think they will make him principal; if they didn't give Javert to Jeff, I somehow doubt they'll give JVJ to JW ![]() ![]() |
flying_pigs |
Aww, Jonathan Williams seems to have grown so much in the role, I think I saw his first ever show last July and I think I'm due a visit to see him again!
Thanks for the review! I also saw Mark back in January and after my initial "WTF where is Thaxton????" I rather enjoyed his performance. But like many said, he doesn't really compare to DT! |
Elbow |
Just booked myself a nice BB ticket for Friday. Yaaaay. I might go on Saturday as well. But I might not. But I want to. Ooh excitement.
Oooh, and I hope Thaxton isn't there. I really want to see Mark or Killian as Enjolras. |
Eppie-Sue |
Am I sensing blasphemous tendencies here? ![]() Naah, I get it. But I seriously hope he's back on on Friday...! Not only because I want him to be on on Saturday ("want" isn't even the right expression. I need him to be on.), but also because apparently he's not on holiday and therefore ill. And I don't want anyone to be off sick five, six days in a row, really.
Aww, bless him. ETA: Citizens, from what I've heard... Killian was on as JVJ last night?! (first of WHOOO!) but... ![]() miraclemile and, to a lesser extent, Madeleine (seeing as you're without internet), I'm axiously waiting for your reviews and reports of today... |
flying_pigs |
WTF Killian as JVJ?!?! Would have loved to see that! He really is a swing extraordinaire!
Hope it's not the flu going round! |
aquirkofmatter |
Oh, I love Killian!! Wish I'd been able to see that, I bet he was amazing <3 Damn, I was just one day out!
Quite strange that they've all been struck down so suddenly tho ![]() Like you said Eppie-Sue - epidemic at the Queens?! ![]() |
flying_pigs |
Anyone know if it's possible to book BB over the phone, or will I have to trek it to London? | ||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
You can book BB over phone, I did, too, for the Saturday performance. ![]() Yeah, the whole Killian!JVJ thing seems a bit strange to me, but he definitely was on... |
flying_pigs |
Thank you! Just booked!
Will have gone twice in less than two weeks, hmmm that can't be healthy. Oh well! ETA: Hahaha you have to love the Queens' Box Office! I emailed this morning asking if I could book BB over the phone, the reply just now said I couldn't and I'd have to come in person. This email came through a few seconds after I'd just finished booking row BB over the phone! |
aquirkofmatter |
![]() |
flying_pigs |
Haha, yeah I'm going to miss Les Mis at uni! |
Elbow |
I am sad I missed Killian as Jean Valjean ![]() I want to see his Enjolras. I am crossing my fingers that Thaxton has swine flu and Killian will be on on Friday. That's really horrible isn't it? I should point out that I think Thaxton is great, I just like variety. |
Eppie-Sue |
*takes a deep breath* I'm ... not even going to comment. I'd love to see Antony Hansen as Marius instead of Alistair Brammer, too, but... no. Just no. |
MlleTholomy�s |
Why would you want someone to have swine flu of all things? What about normal flu? |
Elbow |
Swine flu is more or less normal flu. In fact, swine flu is less bad than "normal" flu. Normal flu is horrid. Swine flu is little more than a cold and a couple of days in bed and 5 days off work. And the reason I chose swine flu, is because I should think it is reasonably likely they will get swine flu and pass it all round between them at some point. I don't think it's mean to say that, I should say it's true. Obviously to everyone else on here thinks swine flu is some sort of awful terrible disease that will kill you, it... really isn't.
*sigh* I should point out that me "wishing" swine flu on Thaxton was meant in a tongue in cheek manner before anyone else gets their knickers in a twist about me obviously wanting David Thaxton to die. The possibility of him having Swine flu had already been mentioned, so I didn't grab it out of thin air. |
flying_pigs |
I hope he's back before next friday ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
It was not about the "swine flu" bit, I know swine flu is not really that dangerous, thank you very much. It wasn't even about the DT bit of the comment.
It was solely the fact that I think wishing any kind of illness on a performer just because you want to see an understudy (especially considering the fact that, technically, Mark Dugdale would have to be ill, too) sounds pretty selfish to me. *shrugs* ETA: I can only remember normal "flu" being mentioned. just a note. |
HobNob |
![]() Humour fail. She doesn't seriously wish illness. She'd probably lose a toe to stop Thaxton being ill (this may or may not be an exaggeration). She just really likes Dugdale and Killian too. |
Elbow |
Mark Dugdale is on holiday this week... or so I hear, so no, I am not wishing multiple members of the cast to be struck down with deathly viruses. And to my knowledge, Thaxton IS ill, so I am not wishing illness on him, he already has illness. I am just saying that if it is swine flu, he won't be able to come back to work until Saturday, even if he is well, because one has to stay off work for 5 days with swine flu. I don't trot off down to Les Mis thinking "Well, I hope Seale's got chicken pox, and Sullivan's got rabies and Shorten's got mumps today, so I can see all their understudies, BECAUSE THAT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY." that would be ridiculous. Basically, take EVERYTHING I say with a pinch of salt. It'll save you a lot of hassle. |
Eppie-Sue |
Mark Dugdale was definitely not on holiday this Monday.
And can we please stop with the "Oh, holy Thaxton" and "deathly illness" stuff? It's okay. Everyone knows you didn't mean it like it sounded. And it was not about Thaxton. And we are also aware that swine flu =/= deathly illness. oh and internet + irony? doesn't work that well sometimes. |
Elbow |
Gosh, you are very odd.
I think you are now trying to take offence at everything I say. And I whether or not he was on holiday on Monday is no object to me. I am pretty sure he is on holiday right now though, and will continue to be over the weekend. |
Eppie-Sue |
um. I didn't even take offence, I simply wanted to put an end to this...
And let's see... Mark Dugdale on holiday, Jeff Nicholson on holiday - and David Thaxton, David Shannon, Jonathan Williams and Simon Shorten off sick? ![]() |
Elbow |
Well yes, you have a point there. BUT I AM NOT WISHING SICKNESS UPON HIM. It's going to be a tiny cast though, if they are all off sick for a few days...
Like the time when so many people were off and Thaxton had to come in on his birthday even though he had it booked off, because there weren't enough boys. |
flying_pigs |
Killian's really on understudy alert this week isn't he! With Mark and Jeff off! |
Elbow |
I bet Killian's good though, I saw a video of him singing Javert's part of One Day More on youtube and it sounded awesome. | ||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Ah yes. See, I could see the same thing happening with Mark's holidays now. Then again, maybe DT was on again today and just ill/whatever from Sunday to Tuesday or something. We'll have to wait for miraclemile's review/report (hopefully stage door news, too). Oh God, I need him to be on this Saturday ![]() |
Elbow |
I have nothing against Mark Hedges or Greg Castiglioni, they are great, but I think I might cry if I had to watch either of them as Enjolras. Well, not cry, but, I'd certianly feel a bit disturbed.
They're just not right for the part. However, a very interesting show it would be if that was the case. |
aquirkofmatter |
Yup - it definitely looked a smaller than normal cast on Monday, that's for sure. And there was no Greg there, either; so maybe he's sick too? |
Eppie-Sue |
O.O Goodness. That would be close to impossible then. I mean, most of those that were off on Monday and/or yesterday might already have been on again today and Mark might not even be on holiday - but ... having to get Valjean's, Enjolras' and Grantaire's part and tracks covered without first and second understudy for JVJ, first understudy for Enjolras and first understudy for Grantaire and with one swing off... tough job. | ||||||||||
aquirkofmatter |
Grantaire's? What's up with Martin Neely? |
Eppie-Sue |
... good question. xD okay, fail on my part. I totally made Jeff principal Grantaire there (wishful thinking?)... and I made him first understudy, too. ![]() but still. |
miraclemile |
Okay, so I was at yesterday's matinee, and my main comment is it was flipping fantastic! ![]() 1. No major understudies, which made me very happy indeed (: David Shannon - was sensational from the beginning. I love this guy, I really do. Now, he's the only Valjean I've ever seen live so I'm not really in the best position to gush about him, but I do still think he's wonderful. I thought the last note on 'took the silver, took my flight!' was a little... grating, but every other note he hit was lovely. I know a couple of people mentioned him seeming a little rushed, and at the beginning of Valjean's Soliloquy he did seem to be rushing the words (I feared desperately for the poor girl next to me, who had basically no idea what was going on at the beginning, because a couple of times he actually seemed to skip one or two words of a sentence, just to be able to fit it all in with the music...) Apart from that one song though, he seemed fine - it was really easy to hear what he was saying. BHH was phenomenal. Oh, and when he reads Cosette's letter from Marius, his face! Watching that bit through opera glasses, his face is just a picture, it really is. The acting from him in that scene is fab. Earl Carpenter - seems to be doing less speak singing! There was a little, especially at the start (especially, especially in the Prologue, where he seemed to sing the first half of the line and then think 'blow it, I'm a serious actor, and say the second half...) And I'll post the rest in a bit, since I've got to run for my GCSE results now (day trip to London the day before=great diversion tactic!) ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy ![]() Can't wait to hear the rest... Oh and good luck on your GCSE results! |
flying_pigs |
Woo, does that mean Thaxton was back?!
Good luck for today! |
miraclemile |
It does indeed mean Thaxton was back ![]() And thank you both for the good luck! -------------------------------------------------- Back to the reviewing: Rebecca Seale - I was worried, to be honest, because I saw Allyson Brown in February and wasn't particularly enamoured, but I actually enjoyed her performance. I love the little hesitation before she says 'with a husband at home and a bit on the side' and the mass gasp after she does say it. IDAD was sweet but nothing particularly special - she didn't seem to strain nearly as much as some people I've heard for that A flat though, which was great, because that's usually the bit where my mother and I look at each other and cringe (: I really do think the beginning of 'Come to Me' where she ends up basically scrabbling along the floor is a bit overdone, but I suppose that's partly the direction... Martin Ball - is creepy. Genuinely creepy. I think he makes a great Thenardier, despite not being the most fantastic singer, because he just strikes that balance between being funny and still being very sinister. DED was scary. Lorraine Bruce - really would not want to meet her Mme T on a dark night, but that's a good thing (: Loved her at the wedding. Nancy Sullivan - Now I'm not sure if this is the way the orchestrations are done, but as with the beginning of Valjean's Soliloquy, during the introduction of OMO she was barely getting time to snatch a breath between some lines, which made it come across a little rushed. Didn't take her hat off at the end of OMO which surprised me a little, but it does make the whole thing a little less melodramatic, which I like. I like the way that, after she delivers Marius' letter, when Valjean says 'be careful now... etc' she turns back and gives him this look as she's going through the gates that just says 'Danger? Psh, a bit of revolution's nothing!' and then promptly runs off to get shot. (: All her notes were fine, apart from possibly at the end of AHFOL, when the chord just didn't seem to come together at all, but I'm not entirely sure who was a bit out, or whether my ears just went funny. Thomas Camilleri - I ahve to give an honourable mention to him because I adored his Montparnasse, and I actually felt quite sorry for him by the end because he gets seriously abused by Nancy. He was great though, just sauntered round the stage with a definite 'I own this place and you know it' look on his face, and he was all over Nancy at every possible opportunity, even when they were practically out of sight. I actually watched them go off during Look Down, and as they were going round the back he grabbed her round the waist which was incredibly cute. In a creepily disturbing sort of way. The one long piece of hair is pretty distracting though - I kept thinking 'Will someone please just get rid of that damn straggly bit!' But apart from that, he was great, I think he and Nancy work brilliantly together. David Thaxton - Not really much to say =P The Jump was there, The Legs sadly weren't (that sounds very weird...), I didn't see The Hug ![]() Alistair Brammer - When he first came out I thought I was going to hate most of the rest of the show - but he actually really grew on me and I genuinely liked him by the end. I liked the little 'what can you do?' smile when Nancy grabbed the books out of his arms. He really plays up the, 'I have no idea what to do with this girl' awkwardness with Nancy, which at first I mistook for less than brilliant acting as he sort of stands around looking inconsequential while Nancy and others basically sing at him, but by the end it was fairly obvious he was supposed to be doing that, which cheered me up rather. I think the only problem I have with his voice is he sounds like he's making a real effort to sing 'properly' all the time (my mum describes it as 'He still sounds straight out of stage school,' which to be fair he basically is...) It's a little grating after a while though, to hear him do the vowels the way someone's obviously said he ought to, and pronounce all his flipping consonants to the point of breaking up sentences. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it exactly, it just doesn't work. I really do think he'll grow into it fabulously though. Give it a couple of months and he'll be stunning. It just comes across as though he needs to relax a bit more, and enjoy it. Relax and enjoy. It's Les Mis. Enjoy it!! Oh, and my mum thinks his tone reminds her a bit of a young Michael Crawford. But then, she thought she preferred him to Jon, so... No, to be honest, I know what she means with that - she just thinks the part fits Alistair well, with him looking very young, and playing it really quite pathetic and weedy, and the whole love at first sight thing just seems believable coming from him. I do think he's going to be an amazing Marius. Oh, last point - SOMEONE SORT THAT POOR GUY'S HAIR OUT! Seriously. When he came to stage door, he had the most adorable hair, and it looked really nice, so please, whoever is sorting his hair, stop making it look ridiculous on stage. I lied. Actual last point this time. He could have been dreadful the whole way through every other song, and his ECAET would still have redeemed him for me. I cannot say a bad word against that performance, it was just amazing. Katie Hall - made me like Cosette. Now, I'm not a crazy, Eppie-bopper-style Cosette-hater or anything, but I've never, ever felt anything special from her. She's just been... Cosette. Katie Hall though, I really liked. Through most of her songs I wanted to give her a big hug and just go 'Oh Cosette, sweetie, it'll be okay...' but then during IML, when she turns to Valjean and does 'I'm no longer a child and I yearn for the truth that you know' she came across as actually quite spunky, which I really liked. I don't know if she's seriously improved over the months, but I definitely disagree with the point that her Cosette was a bit bland and personality-less. I like Leanne Dobinson just fine in February, but I though Katie was great. Gavroche - Another honourable mention for him. Now, I tried to get back in before we left, to check which Gavroche we actually saw, but they'd already locked the doors, so I don't actually know, but whoever he was he was fantastic. He played the audience a bit at his death, dragged it out rather, but he really seemed to connect with people. And when he was clambering up the barricade, as everyone else was preoccupied with Marius and Valjean offering to go, I really wanted to scream 'For goodness sake stop chastising Marius and stop that child!!' Aaaand, that's it. I think. Well, a couple of general notes: 1. I was only in Row S of the stalls, and near the end too (19 & 20), but even so, it was a great view mostly. A had to tilt my head to the side to see the very top of the barricade (ie DT's head) a couple of times, but that was it. besides, when we went in February we were second to top row of the Gods and could actually see over the barricade, so, you know, it had to be better than that! =P 2. I cried. Quite a lot. 3. Just after ALFOR was very sweet. Alistair Brammer just sort of flops and sits there with this half-stricken, half-'what just happened' look on his face, and I love the way Enjolras starts coming over to him and then Grantaire just shoves him out of the way and puts his arms round Alistair and they just sit there. 4. ALFOR again. Alistair Brammer does this amazing little pat on the shoulder thing, where as Nancy leans onto him, he sort of moves back a tiny bit and quickly pats her on the shoulder a few times, really awkwardly. Which is adorable. 5. After Nancy gives him Marius' letter, David Shannon does a great job - he basically manhandles her out of the gate, and the money he gives her seems like a complete afterthought, a bit 'Get out of my garden, just GET OUT! Oh, look, here, money, take it, take it, go! Leave. Now.' 6. Also in that bit, when Nancy starts singing ('I have a letter M'sieur...'), she does that first note or two normally, then sort of checks herself, coughs a little and carries on in this faux-deep voice, with a sort of 'Yes, I'm a boy really, I promise!' face on her, which was brilliant. 7. They were all amazingly nice. Nancy Sullivan appears to have a thing for pink Sharpies. I think it was Martin Ball or Antony Hansen dithered over a colour and half way through signing the program, went 'I didn't know you could get Sharpies in different colours!' which was really quite adorable. Katie Hall was amazing, and once she found out we'd been in February, she was laughing and saying 'Were we the best? Oh, go on, say we were the best!' And DT blatantly didn't want to be there, but he did a good job of smiling about it anyway ![]() Haha, yeeeees. That turned out far longer than I expected... when I really could have summed up and just said it was amazing. Really, really amazing. |
flying_pigs |
Thanks for the review, how were your results?!
Ahhh yes, Alistair's hair! Someone just give him a wig! So the "I like the way you grow your hair" line makes more sense! One week until I'm back at Queen's ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
okay, I cannot wait to go the day after tomorrow. And ![]() Interested in seeing Alistair and Katie, especially, after so many different reviews. I hope I'll like them all just like you did, but I can't help but go "I miss Jon" already. But that's because he's Jon. I don't suppose you've got any stagedoor pics to share? ![]() (and haha, I love how all the DT parts of the reviews are just: The Final Battle y/n? The Fight y/n? The Jump y/n? The Legs y/n? The Hug y/n?... btw. How was The "Lamarque Is Dead"?) |
miraclemile |
No problem. I enjoyed reliving it far too much! And great thanks, 10 A*'s and an A in Additional Maths, so all in all a pretty amazing week for me!
Is it that obvious? ![]()
Haha, what else is there to say about DT really though? ![]() As for stagedoor pics... they're all here somewhere (it's mostly friends only, but just tell me who you are and it's all good (: ETA: so, everything picturewise etc, is going on my lj from now on (my brand sparkly new lj!) so I've swapped the link to over there, yah? |
Eppie-Sue |
Wow. I'm not that familiar with GCSEs but I can pretty safely say that this is amazing. Congrats! ![]() oooooohh and prettypretty stagedoor pics! *stalks* Haha, Alistair looks so... proud. Like it's his first day of school. I don't mean that in a bad way xD really. (and aww, you let Nancy sign the OMO sheet music. Why is this making me smile so much?) Oh, and, of course: prettyDavid. ![]() (and wow, you look tall, girl!) |
flying_pigs |
Oh wow, great results!
So a good two days for you then! Were there lots of people at the stage door yesterday? ETA: Oooo, did you ask about DT's holiday dates? |
miraclemile |
Thank you! ![]() I couldn't resist. I was going to try and get a couple of them to sign my Brick, but it was a bit rainy and I didn't want to ruin it, so I took my music with me instead, so hopefully when I start lessons again next week I'll get reminded of what an aamzing day it was every time I sing! ![]() Pretty, pretty David. Well worth waiting for. It was pretty empty actually - maybe because it was the matinee? There were literally about ten people, but it was good that way, because it didn't feel like I was keeping the actors from talking to someone else when I asked for photos and stuff. (And, Eppie-Sue, I'm 5'10, while you mentioned it ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Thanks for the review - I only went on Monday and now I want to go again!! I don't think I'll cope until October. I'm considering September 14th... Simon Shorten's supposed to be on as JVJ then, so it's only right I go. That's right, I'm making up rubbish excuses to go again.
And wow, 10 A*s and an A in Additional Maths?! Congratulations, you must be a genius! ![]() Lovely pics, too! (I'm very jealous of Katie Hall's beautiful hair.) ETA: Just randomly, anyone know which Gavroche is in the brochure pictures? |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh yes. DT holiday dates? So many wanted to ask... shall I try to stagedoor with parents (might include awkwardness) on Saturday and ask then? Or I'll ask later next week when I'm going again alone...
(and LOL at the "All the best" that can be interpreted as "I'm the best" xD) |
pastaeater |
Thank you so much for your fantastically detailed review miraclemile, and what a gorgeous photo of DT! Love it!
Oh yes - if someone could remember to ask about the Thaxton holiday dates, that would be great.......thanks. |
aquirkofmatter |
I caved this afternoon and bought a ticket for Sept 14th (October's too far to wait, and if none of my friends are willing or able to see it then I'm gonna have to go alone!), so I can ask then if no-one's managed by that point. Providing, of course, he's not on holiday by then. |
Elbow |
I'm scared of stage dooring, especially as I'll be on my own, but seeing as I am going on Friday, and possibly (probably, let's face it) again on Saturday, I may pluck up the courage. If not, maybe Eppie-Sue might? | ||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I really don't have any problem stagedooring... not that I have much experience, I literally stagedoored two times in my life. Caught DT after my very first West End Les Mis show (the infamous and embarrassing "Have you read the book? OMG you have. Will you marry me?"-conversation that's also somewhere in this thread) where I, well, had to chase after him and then gushed for quite a while about book!Enjolras and all, so that'll do for fangirling... and after the third show I waited for Nancy just to say: "Hi you were great and I don't even like Eponine in the musical." to which she replied: "Oh, you're read the book?" and I said "Yes." and she said "Well I thought about knocking some of my teeth out." and that was basically it xD ... but sure, I'll ask next week. Stagedooring with parents (who are unfamiliar with the concept and are fully aware of my DT!fangirling. As I said. awkward. My mother might wink at me.) might or might not happen. I'll let you know. Maybe they'll have the decency to act if they don't know me and are only taking the photo because I asked nicely. xD (I don't have a photo yet. Oh God, for shame!) | ||||||||||
aquirkofmatter |
My Mum stagedoors (from the verb, to stagedoor!) with me! I promised my friend I'd get her a Gareth Gates autograph after seeing him in panto because she loves him (there's no accounting for taste!! ![]() Depending on how much I love a show (and who's in it) depends on how much I can be bothered to stagedoor. That and how long I have until the last train. I stagedoored John Barrowman once and was very apologetic about it, but he said that he loves meeting people who have bothered to see him, so that's how I see it - if they don't want to talk to you, they'll walk away and they won't! My mission for this year is to get a completely signed LM programme though; so I'm planning to lurk every time I go until tis completed! (by which time I'll probably be too embarrassed to go anywhere near the Queens ever again.)
![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Thank you so much for the review!!! I'm going again Monday and you have made me sooooo sooo excited!!!
btw was that DT's book he was holding? i love that book! |
Eppie-Sue |
Haha, I won't want this to come out the wrong way. I love my parents and I love them for taking me to London and introducing me to Les Mis and going to see it with me this weekend. But I'm not sure if I could cope with having them at the stage door and going *nudge nudge*. ![]() And woah, MdN overkill at Queen's these weeks, is it? Elbow tomorrow, maybe again on Saturday, me on Saturday, Eponine's_Hat on Monday...
Supreme Fun Fact For Mizzies:
Elbow |
I've stage doored once. And that was at the cast change. And I only spoke to John Jo, Dugdale and Woodford. They were all ever so nice, but I'm always scared I'll look a bit mental if I go to the stage door multiple times. (Not that I am suggesting anyone here is a raving lunatic, I think it's fine to go to the stage door more than once, I just haven't.)
I am not used to stage dooring, I think that's why. I go to see things a lot but I don't usually feel the need to speak to the people involved, except with Les Mis. The only autograph I've ever asked for (other than the three Les Mis cast members I mentioned) is Russell Brand's and that ended... oddly to say the least. Oh well, I will definitely stagedoor again at some point, but I feel more comfortable when I have a friend with me. I do want a fully signed program. T'would be nice. |
flying_pigs |
Me next Friday ![]() Hopefully, with our combined efforts, we can found out his holiday dates! |
Eponines_Hat |
I'm about half-way through it at the moment on account of needing to read a bit then put it away for a while - its that kinda book. It *is* very disturbing and dark, but fascinating and thought-provoking at the same time.
![]() Cant wait! was originally going to do today too, but my friend dragged me to Billy Eliot instead ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Two trips and I've got all of the principals (minus Jon Williams) and about 3 of the ensemble... it's just stopping the rest of the ensemble that's difficult - they like to run, because they don't think anyone's gonna stop 'em!! |
flying_pigs |
This is so random but I've just realised that I am such a Les Mis understudy magnet, I've had an understudy for a principle every time (but one!)
I wonder who I'll get next week! ETA: Antony Hansen as Marius: I wannnaaaa seeee himm! |
Elbow |
I am sat in the theatre. Hur. And understudies are Natalie Day as Fantine and the wonderful Jonathan Williams as Valjean. There is a Gavroche whose name i am unfamiliar with. Should be interesting! | ||||||||||
Ricey |
Hopefully it will be a good performance! |
miraclemile |
Haha, true! I swear they all hide just inside until one of the principals comes out, then they all run for it while the fans are distracted ![]() ![]() ![]() And I hope you're having a great time right about now Elbow! |
aquirkofmatter |
I noticed that in your pictures!! ![]() ![]() The guys are so much easier to stop than the girls, but I hate standing right in front of the door - I pick a side, and then lose everyone who walks in the other direction. |
miraclemile |
Haha, he was rather cute. My first time stagedooring too! ![]() ![]() I kept sort of skipping from one side to other, depending on where eveyone else was stood - I really had no idea what I was doing! I think I was just lucky that once someone came out, at least one person would be stood in front of them, so they all basically got trapped ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
As soon as he mentioned it I would've done too! (He blatantly wanted someone to ask him as well, seeing as he announced it!!)
I've missed Rebecca Seale both times - she's elusive, that one. Jonathan Williams is a sneaky one, too. I tend to stand away from the Gielgud side, but then some of them head down that way to the pub/Piccadilly tube - I think I'm gonna have to try that side next time. Ensemble-wise I've caught about 5 of them - and only one of them was female! The girls definitely like running away, which is odd because you'd think they'd like the attention more than the guys! ETA: actually, scratch that - the guys would blatantly love it more, of course! ![]() |
miraclemile |
Exactly! It was only fair to ask. I like to think I made a fireman's day ![]()
Katie Hall was joking with the little girl she was chatting to before me, about she didn't recognise anyone out of make-up and costume, telling her 'I bet you missed Rebecca when she came out, didn't you?' I don't know if it was just because of the matinee and she really couldn't be bothered doing her hair again for the evening, ut she kept it all pinned up for the wig so she looked nothing like herself which really doesn't help. I think my new mission is to ambush Rebecca Seale next time I get to go! The guys are obviously secretly desperate for people to love them; they love the attention really. It must be quite encouraging though, to know people actually cared enough to want to talk to you, I suppose. |
aquirkofmatter |
I've just realised I spend far too long with some of my friends because that last sentence has sent my mind to the gutter ![]()
Aww, Katie Hall is so lovely, isn't she? <3 But yes, Rebecca Seale = new target! And Gavin James, actually - he always seems to be one of the first ones out, I've walked past him as I've been coming out of the theatre and not realised it was him until he'd walked round the corner. And the guys also have the advantage that they still look roughly like themselves from the prologue onwards - their faces are pretty visible. The girls look very different when they're not dressed as whores/covered in mud! That doesn't really make sense written down, but the original thought in my head did. |
Madeleine |
Ok, I've just got back from London and have just skimmed this topic so sorry if I repeat/ignore anything important!
Wednesday evening was a great show. I was a little disappointed to have missed Mark as Enjolras by one day, but was glad to see DT was better and giving his usual briliant peformance. I'm back next Wednesday and I really can't wait! I'm away again without internet for the rest of the weekend but will post some thoughts in a couple of days. ![]() |