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flying_pigs |
More Antony love! Empty Chairs at Empty Tables: To be honest, I think I prefer him to Alistair. |
aquirkofmatter |
@Madeleine - tis a shame you didn't get to see Mark as Enjolras, because I know you wanted to ![]() @flying_pigs - in my head he sounds like a blend of Jon Robyns and Matthew Gent ![]() |
Madeleine |
It was a bit frustrating! I'll catch him at some point though. One of the best things about the show was the fact that I finally got my hands on one of the leaflets that George throws in the air before DYHTPS. I've wanted one for years and they always come so close to landing on the orchestra pit net, but one finally made on Wednesday and we quickly grabbed it at the interval. ![]() |
flying_pigs |
You got a leaflet?! I'm jealous! I always hope one will land on me, but it never does! |
Elbow |
So, I have been two nights in a row (On my own, because I am WELL cool) and thought I'd write down a bit about it!
I am actually starting to properly like some of the newbies now. I think Dylan Williams has a nice face, and a disturbingly deep voice. I like him, he makes a nice Joly. And the pantalooooooooons he wears at the beginning of Lovely Ladies really make me laugh. I like Anthony Hansen, and I'm going to possibly be a bit mean here, but I REALLY dislike Alistair Brammer and I think Anthony Hansen should have been cast as Marius and I don't for the life of me understand the reasoning behind casting Brammer. In his favour, I do like his acting, now that he has perfected a good few facial expressions, but he sounds like a goat, he really does. Also what HAVE they done to his hair!? The poor boy, he looks like an eighties throwback/my Grandma. Seriously. They've brushed it and made it all frizzy and tried to sort of quiff it. It's bizarre! I think he's just not experienced enough to be cast in a leading role, his voice is all shakey and he's sort of quivery and blinky. Maybe he should have been given an ensemble role and be understudy for the first year, because he just doesn't seem experienced enough. But, what would I know? Chloe Brooks has a very nice voice, she is my favourite new ensemble girl. Does anyone know why she's credited as "waitress" though? I find this reasonably unexplainable. I am warming to Martin Ball's Thenardier, his voice is improving and he is so detestable, but in a good way, I think he is starting to realise just how much you can "mess about" when you're Thenardier, and his Dog Eats Dog is improved! Sadly I cannot say the same for Lorraine Bruce, but I know that loads of people really like her, so she's obviously just not to my taste. But right, here is where I take issue: while I agree her acting is good, or at least fine, her voice bothers me. It sounds strained, and she always sounds like she would benefit from clearing her throat. I know Madame T is supposed to sound a bit crap, but she should at least have some proper singing capabilities! Earl Carpenter was SUPERB tonight, his Stars was aaaaaamaaaaazing. The lady next to me gasped at his note at the end and said something about how brilliant he was. It was I think, the only song that got cheers. So last night, Valjean was played by Jonathan Williams, who I love. I also love Shannon, but I just marginally prefer Williams, and tonight, Shannon was back on. Williams seems to play Valjean that little bit warmer which I like, and I enjoy the way he reads Marius's letter. I have also noticed that Gavin James only has two facial expressions. Surprised Gavin and Gavin Gavin (this is just Gavin not pulling an expression). Although, he does have one expression that he saves until the wedding. I love Gavin James. He is one of my favourites. He was off tonight though, and Killian covered his track except for the bishop part, which was covered by Thomas Camilleri, who was BRILLIANT as the bishop! He really was, he acted it really well and has a really nice voice. Also his Montparnasse is getting loads better! I'm starting to really like him. Excellent actor with excellent voice. Go him. Killian Donnelly, swing extraordinaire was Lesgles last night, and as I said, covered most of Gavin�s track tonight. He really is brilliant. His voice is lovely and he is a really good actor, I�m so sad I missed his Valjean day. I don�t think there is any minor character he hasn�t played! Except maybe Grantaire? AND SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THAT WOMAN FROM BALLING HER EYES OUT AT THE BARRICADE. It's embarrassing. She cries all the way through Turning too. Right, Natalie Day as Fantine. At first, I thought she was really good, better than Rebecca Seale, but she wasn't quite up to scratch. I appreciate that it was probably her first time on as Fantine, or at least one of the first times, but she lacked something. Her voice sounded a bit too mature, and she couldn't seem to hold the low notes in A Dreamed A Dream. She barely coughed, so it was one of those surprise deaths. However I did think she was good, and I think she will improve. Nancy was great as usual. As was Mark Dugdale. David Thaxton was on form. I was sat in the first row of the circle today, and I could see him preparing his red flag for his death through a gap in the barricade : ![]() Martin Neely... I like him. I think he's good. But he is just not Grantaire. There are other things too. Funny things in the wedding bit that I was going to write about, but I am so tired right now. |
MlleTholomy�s |
Maybe Musichetta? ![]() |
Ricey |
Firstly, thanks for the review Elbow! But reading what you said about Alistiar just made me laugh.
Even though I havn't seen him perform, from the recordings I've heard I agree with you. And...
That is always great to know. |
Eponines_Hat |
Thank you for the review, Elbow!
I know! It drives me nuts!!!! Is it Katy Hana who does it? If so, I don't quite know why she does it, as I am pretty sure she didn't to the annoying wail when she was on with the last cast I am also really sad I missed Killian as Valjean. I found your review for U/S Marius really interesting. I will have to make a point of seeing him. I feel mean when I criticise Brammer (coz he just seems so young and enthusiastic) but he really irritates me in that role. I thought at first it was because I was missing Jon Robyns, so I tried to give him a fair go, but.....hmmm. ![]() |
Elbow |
I think it's Laura Medforth that does it, I'm not sure though. I don't pay enough attention to which girls are which. It's not Katy Hanna though, because I recognise her. | ||||||||||||||||||
aquirkofmatter |
I did see Katy Hanna as the crying one a couple of weeks ago, but it usually isn't. Obviously as swing she'll get to do almost everything!
It is really frustrating though - the fact that Gavroche has died would be far more poignant if they were all silent, in shock, rather than all silent apart from some bawling pain-in-the-backside standing almost centre-barricade. I try to ignore her (and I hate Turning anyway, so I purposely ignore that bit.)
![]() ![]() ![]() And I know it sounds weird, but I think Alistair's growing on me as Marius; I'll have to decide when I go again in a couple of weeks, but I can't quite make my mind up though! (I do think that if they knew Jon Robyns was leaving, they should've asked Matthew Gent to take over <3 As much as I love Jon, Matthew was also amazing.) |
Madeleine |
I know! It looked so much better before. I'm still not really sure what I think of Alistair. He is very sweet and I wouldn't say he was bad at all, but he just fails to sparkle. Antony really stands out in the ensemble (the time before last I LOVED him in Runaway Cart, yelling at the policeman to let them all through to help Valjean) and I really want to catch him as Marius soon.
See, I think that sounds so right for the character. It really gets on your nerves!
There's also Snooty Gavin (in the Wedding scene), Disgusted Gavin (MOTH!) and Cross Gavin (usually aimed at Grantaire). He pulls the most hilarious faces, which is good as I really miss John Jo Flynn's facial expressions-at least we still have Gavin and his! ![]()
Agreed. I thought she wasn't going to do it on Wednesday but she did. It ruins the moment, almost as much as when the audience decide to clap during the quiet moments/dramatic, emotional pauses. I think I must have been in a really good mood on Wednesday because the people who have been bothering me since cast change really didn't get to me as much. I found myself starting to warm to Katie's Cosette, and Thomas as Montparnasse seems to be making a bit more of an impression (although nowhere near John Jo Flynn standard yet!) I didn't really notice Martin Neely's Grantaire at all. I don't know if this is because he has improved and wasn't playing clown!Grantaire anymore, or because I blocked him out. I really want to like his Grantaire because I enjoy all his other roles, like the Pimp in Lovely Ladies. The hug he gave Marius after A Little Fall of Rain was rather sweet. ![]() There's no point in writing a review because we've had so many recently, but there were a few little things I noticed/liked: -Simon Shorten and Mark Dugdale were brilliant as the policemen in the Bishop scene. When the Bishop sent them away, Simon looked thoroughly pissed off and sulky, and Mark was giving the Bishop a 'Yeah...right' look. ![]() -During Grantaire's verse in Drink with Me, DT appeared behind Grantaire looking furious, snatched Eponine's hat from Grantaire's hand and took it over to Marius. Then he came back to Grantaire, glaring at him, until Grantaire handed over the bottle, and DT grabbed him by the head and pulled him into a big manly hug. -Killian was a fantastic Brujon! During Rue Plumet he sat downstage and was muttering to himself angrily about something! -Alistair accidentally spat at Katie during their centre stage bit together in One Day More, and she started giggling! Luckily she pulled herself together pretty quickly. ![]() -I loved George as the MOTH drunk as always. At one point, his eyes went all wide and vacant, while he swayed on the spot for ages, before finally toppling over and not getting up again for quite a while! Then he wandered over to Gavin and started trying to taste his food, but Gavin kept hitting his hand with his spoon until he went away! I'll leave it there I think before this post gets even longer! |
Eponines_Hat |
awww... ![]() I hope he does it when I go on Monday! So much love for that man! Its great that despite fangirling him so much anyway he always continues to impress! speaking of.... any luck with DT's holiday dates, anyone? I have to rush off on Monday so wont get to stagedoor. boo. ![]() |
Madeleine |
I think it could be the week beginning the 28th September. But please don't quote me on that yet, as I may have remembered it wrong. |
miraclemile |
aquirkofmatter |
Declan Murphy-Saunder's family were in the other day (I'm almost certain that was his last night) and they clapped and cheered so loudly when he died, I was sitting there in complete disbelief! I mean, it's alright to support him, but that's not fair on the people who've not seen it before, surely? |
Madeleine |
I think I saw Declan on Wednesday, and I'm sure it was Wednesday when people clapped at that point. I thought it was weird, but that would explain it! I really hate when people clap after A Little Fall of Rain. I love that silence afterwards, before Enjolras starts singing. |
aquirkofmatter |
Me too! It bugs me just as much as the crying woman does ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Doesn't he just? He sounds great! |
Quique |
What I REALLY hate is when people clap after Gavroche gets killed. Of all the times I've seen the show live, the audience has always remained silent during that scene. But for some reason, I've come across way too many audio and video performances where it's the exact opposite. It's so rude! Sometimes it seems like they are clapping out of relief that he's finally dead, lol. I've never witnessed clapping after ALFOR. That's really odd. Hmm, I sense a Les Mis pet peeves thread coming on. Growl. |
Eppie-Sue |
CITIZENS. I FINALLY HAVE INTERNET ACCESS! ![]() SO... here is my review for the Saturday matinee. It was pretty epic� and we had BB 20-22 seats, FYI. And there was not much angsting over short-notice understudies, because I saw Nancy and DT getting a coffee or something a fair bit before the show. And fortunately, all the principals were on. Notably missing from the cast were Jeff Nicholson and Gavin James. Mark Hedges and Killian Donnelly were on as swings, Killian covering Combeferre which was great. More about that later. Okay, so: David Shannon � really good. He has grown on me and my mum was really impressed by him. Normally, she�s more the Javert �fangirl�, but she said she was amazed by David Shannon, especially because he showed JVJ�s rougher, more conflicted side. I agree and will say that this performance stood out, compared to the other shows I�ve seen. He even hit the �FLIIIIGHT� note and the last part of BHH was just great. Got massive cheers. Earl Carpenter � hm. I like Earl, I really do, and I think he acts really well and I can see Javert there � but� the speak-singing. And he�s quiet and then suddenly loud again and hm. That being said, I loved �Javert�s Suicide�. It was fantastic and I really wanted to applaud, but it�s always difficult after a suicide. Besides, the audience didn�t seem too much into applauding. Tried after �Lamarque is dead� and �Every Day�, too, but yeah. Rebecca Seale � I liked her. I�m not enthusiastic about her performance, but like many have said, the pause before �and a bit on the side� works really well. However, I didn�t feel for Fantine that much. I actually felt more for Allyson, especially at the last performance I saw� But vocally, Rebecca is so much better than I remember Allyson to be. She really hits every note. On a completely random note, she doesn�t blink during IDAD. xD she really doesn�t. Alistair Brammer � fine. I was prepared to not like him at all, but na�ve!Marius works for me. The main reason why I liked him was that he worked well with Katie Hall�s Cosette. His voice was okay, he hit the notes, although his vibrato is a bit too much for my taste. I must add, though, that I thought he really disappeared during the students� scenes, especially on the barricades. It might be that I was, naturally, focussing a bit on David Thaxton all the way through, but I did the same when I saw the show in June and my attention was still drawn to Jon Robyns. Special mention, though, to Alistair!clergyman in �Lovely Ladies�. He was hilarious. Katie Hall � I didn�t care for her, actually. It sounds mean, but I just couldn�t help it. She was fine, her voice is good and she and Alistair work, as I said, very well together, but she didn�t make me feel anything for Cosette (like Leanne did). Oh, and have they changed the lyrics again? I know Leanne sang �Did he see what I saw, does he feel what I feel?� which makes more sense than the �Does he see what I see�, obviously. And Katie sang it in the present tense. Anyway. Her �Every Day� was really good. Hence my attempts to applaud. Nancy Sullivan � I�m biased, I like Nancy a lot, she�s always so sweet at the stage door and all xD� I�ll try. She was good. Her �On my own� was nothing spectacularly mind-blowing, but I like that it isn�t. She sang it well, don�t get me wrong, but she didn�t overdo it. And I loved her �I like the way you grow your hair�, which I normally hate with a passion, but she did it really well. And yeah, she abused Thomas Camilleri as Montparnasse (who, I thought, had nothing on John Jo. He didn�t move like a� spidercat). Back to Nancy: As usual, her ALFOR > OMO, she acts that scene so well� and um, to add something to the OMO-hat-blocking-or-not-debate: She didn�t take off the hat. David Thaxton � ![]() Another note � I don't like the blocking with Eponine's hat. It makes me cringe. AAAAH and The Hug ![]() Random notes: He growled the �HOLD YOURSELVES IN READINESS� and I squealed. And he whipped the flag against the cart, which was great. And his hair? I love the blond. Blond!Enjolras makes me very, very happy. Oh, and there was a certain amount of The Fight. Alistair didn�t really fight back like Jon did, though. But it was very intense. Ahem. Moving on� Martin Ball � I thought he was okay, but I think he sounded quite hoarse at some notes. His DED was great, though, and my parents really liked him. He does, thankfully, manage to be funny and creepy, so that�s good. I still prefer Jimmy Johnston, but I�ll be just fine with Martin Ball. Lorraine Bruce � well, she is, without a doubt, very impressive as Mme Th�nardier. And she is frightening. I think she lacks some of the comedic timing Jackie Marks had perfected, but she really seems to embrace the part. I liked her, but I have to add that I don't care for Th�nardiers that much. Special mention: Gavroche and especially young Cosette were amazing. I took a photo of the cast board, but my parents have the camera with them and they�re back in Germany now, but I�ll ask my mum to send me the photo and then I�ll tell you who they were. They were great singers, acted really well all the way through � and with that I mean that you did definitely feel Cosette�s terror and Gavroche was anything but cute. Much love. (and yes: someone shut up that female cast member crying after Gavroche�s death. UGH) Oh, and another special mention to Killian. He was so great during the Runaway Cart slow-mo at the very front of the stage, he tumbled and fell in slow-mo and it looked to real, it was uncanny. And he and DT were the funniest things ever during �Beggars at the feast�, nodding along to the music with their wigs and their uniforms� and chatting and laughing and being all posh about the Th�nardiers� behaviour. Re: Stagedooring. ![]() So, I really, really enjoyed it. I love BB seats. And I�m fine with the new cast. I still prefer the old one, but that might have to do with it being my first West End cast. Whoooooo. I love reviewing. |
flying_pigs |
Thanks for the review!
The image I have of DT and NS in running outfits is killing me ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
I could be quoting and commenting forever on that review (thank you muchly for it and for being so detailed! ![]()
Every time I go I come out going "I miss John Jo ![]() Yay for Killian the superswing! He's been on all but one of the times I've been, I think he's fantastic. I wish I'd been able to see him and DT skipping, I bet it was hilarious. & Nancy & DT are so sweet; on the ferry back from the IoW they were quite clearly in the middle of a very important conversation and so they sat away from the others, to avoid John Jo's loud crazyness. But yeah, two shows and a run? They're gluttons for punishment!!
Oh no! That means you have to go again! However will you cope? ![]()
That's exactly the same for me, but at the same time the new guys are gradually growing on me ![]() |
Elbow |
I think I saw you, having just bought my ticket for the evening performance I went and sat in the park by the theatre to eat my lunch and I was peering over at the stagedoor every so often, wondering whether to pluck up the courage to get my programme signed. Naturally, I didn't but I saw one person waiting there, which might have been you? Said person then walked into the park and passed Dylan Williams on their way out who had also come in. |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh my, yes. blue t-shirt, jeans and dark blondish hair? That would have been me. My parents were in that park/churchyard (I love that place. it's green and sunny and it's next to the stage door) and oh yes. We definitely passed Dylan Williams on the way out. You have now seen me in my moment of fail. |
KatyRoseLand |
I'm so glad to be back home with internet after my week away, I feel so out of touch!!
Thanks for all the reviews everyone!! Eppie-Sue, it would take me forever to quote everything from your review that I would like to quote... the performance sounds great. Actually, Leanne swapped her "Does he see what I see" all the time, from "Does he see what I see" to "Did he see what I saw" to "Does he see what I saw". "Did he see what I saw" is my favourite and it always grated on me that she didn't always sing it like that, and the first time I saw Katie Hall she sang it that way, and last time I saw it she sang "Does he see what I saw", so I think it's just whatever happens to come out of their mouths. I am having serious withdrawals, but my mum is reluctant to let me go to the theatre for a while after the disaster that was my last trip ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Well last night was amazing, as usual! It's the third time I've been since cast change, and it's good to see *most* of the cast are becoming kore comfortable with their roles. I won't do a full review, just a few notable comments but feel free to ask if I forgot something important (for DT gushing, have a look at the epic spamming I gave the Thaxton thread!)
* Nancy was better again last night. A very emotional performance, with lots of crying! Especially in ALFOR. Vocally, she still sounded a bit ill, but seems to be doing very well with brammers Marius (actually, she acts him off stage.) *grantaire is awful and makes me angry with an embarrassingly poor interpretation of the character. Only good thing? He was next to Enjolras in ECAET. * Earl is magnificent! Just perfect all round * special mentions for the new little cossette who is cute and can sing AND act, and for super-swing Killian who was fab at covering Simon Shorten |
Eppie-Sue |
YAY for superswing Killian. and thank you for the review! and if you saw the same little Cosette I did, then I'll just say again that she was the best one I've ever seen. Such great acting.
Oh, random question - is anyone going to see Jon Robyns (with Nancy and with Gina Beck) on 4th Oct at Leicester Square Theatre? That Musical/Cabaret thing they're doing? ![]() |
miraclemile |
I want to go so much, but there's no way I'll be able to. So, I shall have to live vicariously through anyone who has the chance ![]() |
Elbow |
Yes. I am pretty sure I'll go. | ||||||||||||||||||
aquirkofmatter |
YUS! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Aw, then I'll see you there, I bought two tickets for me and my Mizfriend yesterday ![]() And one question guys... if there are any short notice understudy announcements, where are they normally dispayed? I'm already angsting about today's matinee performance xD |
flying_pigs |
Try emailing the Box Office! But then again they're not always that useful! ETA: Just realised you're already there! Hope you have/had a good time! |
pastaeater |
Wish I could go, but I'm almost certain I can't.............I am longing to see Jon again! Whoever goes, post a few words to let us know what it was like?? Please?? |
Eppie-Sue |
I can't write a proper review now, will do that tonight and put it online tomorrow, but let me just say that it was utterly brilliant. We had Jonathan Williams as JVJ, Rachel Bingham did her first performance as Mme Thenardier (got extra cheers from the cast)... But omg it was the best thing. Although there was a lot of smoke, the machine must have been broken or something.
Short summary: Jonathan Williams - great, hit the "FLIGHT" note, although now I suddenly find myself prefering David Shannon. Might be my mother's fangirling on Saturday xD Earl Carpenter - did good job singing against all the smoke in the Suicide xD liked him better than on Saturday. Great facial expressions. Rebecca Seale - liked her better than on Saturday, too, although I still don't feel for her Fantine. But she still doesn't blink during IDAD. Madeleine is my witness. Alistair Brammer - um, not as good. Very... vibrato-ish. But his face during ECAET almost made me cry. Katie Hall - same verdict as on Saturday. Although her Epilogue/Finale acting was really good today. Nancy Sullivan - was great. I'm still biased, especially because she was the sweetest person at the stage door, really. But she was great. And died very convincingly. David Thaxton - there are no words. It was... I would say he was on top-form, but he always is. everything was in there. and we totally applauded The "Lamarque is dead", but I don't think anyone heard us. And The Jump, oh my. And aaah. I will write a proper review, I swear. But he was the best. Martin Ball - liked him better than on Saturday. Maybe I was just in a better mood today. Maybe because Madeleine was there with me ![]() Rachel Bingham - did a good job, but wasn't very frightening. But she did alright. And hey, it was her first performance as Mme Thenardier. George, Mark, Gavin and Killian stole the show, btw. Oh my. And aww, Madeleine was the sweetest person. ![]() ... and then we waited for another 15-20 minutes, and just as we were ready to give up, DT finally appeared. And it looked like he, too, would just leave, but Nancy - bless her! - totally went: "Uuuh, I think there are ..." and then he turned around and we fangirled. A bit. And we got our brochures signed (in pink. haha. fail.) and learned that, according to DT, the odd expression on the faces of Alistair, Nancy, Katie and David Shannon (on the page where they're all huddled together) is "HOPE. The whole show's about hope, really." ... |
miraclemile |
Yay! Thanks for the review (And I'm glad you enjoyed it!)
Aww, Nancy. Isn't she just. She so sweet and nice and lovely and friendly. I could fangirl her amazing stagedooriness for ages... ![]()
I think he hangs back after the matinee in an attempt to get out later, after he thinks most people will have given up, (little does he know... ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh God, I totally went: "We were waiting. For you." (straightforward, much?!) when Nancy nudged him and nodded at us and he went: "O HAI?". I mean, it had been... 45 minutes. And I think Nancy said something about recognising us, which is very worrying indeed, seeing as... no. she shouldn't. But aww, they were so sweet. And I hope we didn't hold them up for too long. And yeees, I enjoyed it very much. I have to say, I was giggling most of the time (George running across the stage in Rue Plumet Attack screaming AAAAAAH at the top of his lungs killed me. And if Gavin had slapped his hand in MotH one more time, I would have cracked up. Loudly. And oh man, I laughed too much over Mark!policeman and David!ODM!slow-mo... and David and Gavin in The Wedding. and Killian. everywhere.) - to sum it up, there was just too much fangirling => David, Mark, Gavin, Killian, George. I was actually so glad for the solos, because I could breeeathe there. |
aquirkofmatter |
This sentence actually rocks my socks ![]()
![]() |
Madeleine |
Ooh, where to start?! What a brilliant day. ![]()
I hadn't seen Jonathan since December so was very happy to get him again. I really think I prefer him to David Shannon...but I can't really put my finger on the reason. I guess there are just so many lovely little touches he puts in, and his voice is great.
It's true! I suddenly remembered what Eppie had said on here in the middle of IDAD and had to stop myself giggling. ![]() I do love her Fantine though.
The best bit was him thumping the table in Red and Black, somewhere after 'Marius you're no longer a child...' It was actually a little scary, and if he keeps it up, that table will need replacing. ![]() 'Lamarque is dead' was amazing and so worthy of the applause. Shame the students were making too much noise for the rest of the audience to hear us and join in. ![]() ![]()
Yeah...I didn't like her when she first came on but she did grow on me. Considering it was her first show (well, we assumed it was from the cast reaction at the curtain call) she was brilliant. People who don't like Lorraine's singing voice will love Rachel, because hers is great. ![]()
They always do don't they?! George and Mark in particular surpassed themselves today, I thought. George's drunk gets funnier every time, as does his camp laugh in the Wedding. And Mark was just...wonderful. He had such a sulk after 'Courfeyrac! You take the watch.' ![]()
Aw, thank you! ![]() The same could be said for you! ![]()
It was fine really. We talked to a few people...we just don't have anything to show for it, partly thanks to the rain, and partly thanks to my epic pen fail. ![]() ![]()
Bless him. ![]() Yes...we should have some dates soon.
I'm still laughing about the pink pen fail and the invisible autographs. ![]() We also talked to George who was absolutely lovely, but most of us knew that anyway. ![]() Hopefully I'll add some more meaningful comments at some point tomorrow when I'm not so tired from all the giggling and fangirling. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
xD "Epic. Deep. Dark. Difficult. RoMANtic. Beautiful. Funny. Oh, and it's actually all about hope. Really, really."
I'm pretty sure it was at "we STRIVE!" He yelled the STRIVE and man, he was loud. And great. And I've just remembered his loud "MARIUS!" at the end of "Upon these stones", which sent me into a giggling fit yet again. What a great afternoon.
![]() So now I've got a pink "Lots of love" over the new Lion!Enjolras pic. really suits the character. And I have to say it again - Nancy was so sweet at the stage door. Bless her. When she literally stopped David for us (!) and was all: "I know you. Should I know you from somewhere?" and when we chatted about old cast/new cast... and then we totally forgot to ask her to sign as well. Oh, fail. And she was so nice about it, when she went: "Me, too...?" and God awkward. because YES YES of course. I felt so bad afterwards, but it was really just because we had been waiting for 45 minutes and were so glad to have caught him (I might have been grinning like ![]() I'm still in fangirling mode. |
Madeleine |
Yes! It was! It was so loud and sudden I'm surprised people didn't start screaming like they do with the gunshots. ![]()
I did wonder why you started giggling at that point! I liked it when somebody else (Prouvaire perhaps?) used to run past and say 'Marius!', before DT and his 'MARIUS!!'
![]() I was all ready to try and find one of the silver ones but they did their best and had already started signing. It's a good thing those two are so lovely and easy going! ![]() Didn't DT also say something about the fact that he was writing 'like a child'? ![]() It was nice to see most of the swings (except Katy) on yesterday. I don't think I've seen Greg on since he played Thenardier at cast change, and I really do love Killian's Brujon and Mark H's Babet. ![]() Brenda was working very hard and seemed to be covering both AJ Callaghan and Rachel Bingham's tracks. |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm not sure who it was that did that. I like to pretend it was Gavin!Combeferre, but of course now that it's only DT, we will never know. It wasn't even funny, it was just loud and Alistair looked like a puppy that had misbehaved.
(but it wouldn't have been the same in silver. The pink makes is special. And it was fun.) ... and - yeees, he did! xDD Which is nonsense. His handwriting is so nice. Oh, I love all the swings in their respective parts, they're doing such a fantastic job. And now that I recognise almost everyone in the cast (well. the men. I still think most of the female ensemble members look the same xD), I'm gradually getting more and more impressed by their Mad Changing Skillz. Will go again as soon as good BB seats are available again, so I'll swing by the box office today (I even asked about BB tickets for the evening performance yesterday right after the show, but obviously there weren't any available). Yes, I'm a little bit obsessed. No, there is nothing you can do about it. Might not go to the stage door, though, seeing as I don't want to be known as the resident creep. You know, Nancy and David were all nice about the "Hey, you look familiar!", but you know you're in too deep if the lovely man with the glasses at the entrance calls you "one of our best costumers" and principals you haven't even really talked to in quite a while recognise you from somewhere. ETA: just got my ticket for the Saturday evening performance. BB20. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
flying_pigs |
Thanks for the review, I don't go online for an evening and I miss so much!
Oooo did you ask about holiday dates? I'm going tomorrow ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, Madeleine asked Mark about those, and I did certainly catch something about the 28th, but uh, he seemed to be a bit uncertain and said he'd ask David again. But we totally blanked when we were talking to The Man Himself. So you can still ask him if you're going tomorrow... As I said, I'm not sure yet whether or not going to the stage door on Saturday sounds like a good idea... | ||||||||||||||||||
Madeleine |
Hmm. I have a vague memory of Killian doing it, dressed as Prouvaire. Unless of course, being a super swing, he was in Prouvaire's costume, but covering another track or two at the same time. ![]()
I'm very jealous. 3 weeks more for me. ![]()
Yes, I'm pretty sure it is that week (the only week I really can't go, naturally ![]() ![]() |
dramaqueen |
Having watched the same show with my family I am amazed at the comments by katyRoseland. She obviously didnt watch the 'same show' we did and her comments were perhaps a result of her illness. The current les Mis cast are excellent and i say this as a professional who has seen the show many, many times for both pleasure and work. I am not sure of the age of Katy Roseland but from her comments and phrasing I think she may be rather young and inexperienced when it comes to theatre so her ill-judged comments may be excused on that basis and of course,as she said the fact she coughed though the show, missing a lot of it.
The current Marius is superb - he bring a youthful, vulnerability to the role and his voice is wonderful. I have seen him three times now and each time he relaxes more into the role. Daniella Gibb as Eponine was fantastic. This very talented singer and actress was/is "Eponine" and the role was made for her. Tiny, gutsy yet showing the very vulnerable side of Eponine's complex character. On My Own was a real tearjerker and you could have heard a pin drop during her performance. The chemistry with her and Marius was electric. The audience's reaction on the walkdown said it all! They loved her. I see she has also played Cosette and Gavroche so a very versatile perfomer too! Perhaps katyroseland's review was also coloured by the fact she wanted to see "the girl off the telly". This is a phenomenon well known in the theatre world since the "I want to be Maria,Joseph,Nancy" series hit the television. It is great way to bring the tv watching public into the theatres but when the "tv personality" has a night off or is ill they are disappointed and feel shortchanged. However, i can assure you in most cases the understudies are better than the real thing as these people are just a tv name to get bums on seats. I recall going to see The Sound of Music one night when Connie was off sick - the understudy was brilliant and got a well earned reaction from the audience but that didnt stop a lot of people moaning loudly "I only came to see the girl off the telly and want my money back!" I have seen the current 'Nancy' Eponine and have to say she plays the role as a 'popstar' Eponine, too tall and lanky, limited vocally and there is very little emotion or chemistry with Marius and with long blonde hair that doesnt suit the character - in fact i dont ever recall seeing a blonde Eponine before and if i was directing i would insist on a wig! I havent seen Helen Owen so cannot comment. David Shannon's Jean Valjean is probably one of the best i have seen since Colm Wilkinson who we all identify with the part. David certainly did not stumble over his words - he was a moving and eloquent Jean valjean. His voice is superb as is that of Earl Carpenter. I have to say i never thought ayone could replace Michael McCarthy for me as Javert but Carpenter is wonderful. Watch his face during the suicide scene - riveting. Enjolras - wonderful - fired up and zealous. Loved his performance. Cosette - very young Sarah Brightman, nice voice but at times rather shrill but then thats the songs perhaps. She is well matched agewise with Marius even if she is a bit tall against him. Innkeeper - struggling with his throat but cleverly disguised the fact and most of the audience would not have noticed. Innkeeper's wife was indeed struggling but again if you hadnt seen her perform before you would not have known. They are a formidable and very funny team. I could go on but suffice it to say I hope my work will take me to see this very talented cast again soon. |
Elbow |
There's no need to be rude, Katy is just as entitled to her opinions as you are. | ||||||||||||||||||
Eponines_Hat |
I think you are being a bit unfair on katyRoseland. This board is about people sharing their experiences of Les Mis, and I think that most of us are pretty careful not to be mean or offensive towards any of the actors. This doesnt mean we will always like or enjoy their performance or the way in which they interpret the character. katyRoseland is entitled to her opinion, as are all members on this board. It is a shame that you seem to dismiss her opinion as 'invalid' simply because she is young! I suspect if you read my comments you would say the same about me, though I am neither young nor have I watched a single episode of those reality shows. For the record, many of the people on this board have agreed with her opinion of Brammer's Marius *as it stands at the moment*. Many will disagree, but this is the point of a discusssion board. You clearly have your opinion and want to us to respect it; be courteous enough to do the same for others. However... At least we are all on common ground when it comes to Thaxton=god ![]() |
Elbow |
And not that I know Katy, but I would be prepared to bet you are 100% wrong about this. I don't think anybody here is a "Yay, reality tv star Eponine!!!111" type. We all like Nancy because Nancy is excellent. I'd never heard of her before she was in Les Mis, and I don't think many had, so assuming that we all like her because she was in about one episode of a reality TV show is barmy. And I don't understand your comment about blonde hair, Eponine's hair colour is pretty non-specific really, in the book I think she's referred to as auburn, and I think if somebody's hair colour is tainting your opinion on them as an actress then you are very silly. And tall!? Ha! I don't think Nancy is very tall at all. And finally, don't talk to us like we're all intellectually challanged people who only like theatre because we've seen "How Do You Solve A Problem" on TV. That's absolute rubbish. If you took any time to read through anything anybody had written on here you'd see we are all very appreciative of understudies and we know that they are usually just as good (if not better in some cases) as the principle leads, just because one of us has an opposing opinion to yours doesn't mean you have to lord it over us. In short, pipe down. Oh good, someone else posted, I thought I was going to have done a ranty double post ![]() |
Ricey |
Well, maybe not everyone... but before you all hate me I think he's great but not compleatly god-worthy. But quite close. But back to what dramaqueen said. I think that you were harsh to katyRoseland. Everyones entitled to their own opinions. And you don't have to be a musical expert to have an opinion. I know im certainly not but i still have one. |
KatyRoseLand |
If you've read my previous reviews, perhaps you know that I am a big fan of the show and the current cast. I am young(ish) but I have seen plenty of Les Mis performances and plenty of other shows, I am a big musical theatre fan and I actually don't think my comments were "ill-judged", they just don't match up with your opinions.
I think he is improving and relaxing more too. I think he'll be an excellent Marius given time.
I'm glad you liked her. I didn't know she'd played Gavroche, that's interesting.
I am horrifically offended by that. I have been a theatre fan my whole life and would never go and see a show just to see someone "off the telly". Of all the shows that have been cast from television shows, I have been to see one, and I went when the understudy was on (by choice, not that I would have been averse to seeing the lead). It seems you just decided "KatyRoseLand is young, therefore she must only like Nancy because she was on television". I actually don't even remember Nancy from I'd Do Anything, I'm sure she was great but I don't think I watched the first few episodes, I just like her because I've seen her quite a few times as Eponine and I think she's fantastic.
So you're allowed your opinions but I'm not allowed mine?
I love David Shannon. I actually said that. I also love Earl Carpenter, and I agree with you that they give moving and riveting performances. Sorry, just had to get all that off my chest. |
Eponines_Hat |
here, here!!!! sorry, but that post just really pissed me off (pardon language, but it really did!) I know Katy can stand up for herself, but I thought dramaqueen was unnecessarily condescending and personal in her comments. We are a board about **love**: of the musical, of the actors, the understudies and the brick. True love is being critical but still loving anyway! |
KatyRoseLand |
Thank you, everyone. ![]() |
Ricey |
Thats right. If you hate the musical, then you shouldn't go posting horrible coments. After all the show is loved by many on this forum and if you do go posting something horrible then you are most likely gonna have a load of flames. And don't go saying horrible things about other peoples opinions. |
Eponines_Hat |
See? That's OK. I respect your opinion! (more Thaxton goodness at the stagedoor for the rest of us!) |
Ricey |
Talking of peoples opinions, they always change. I was just re-reding the first few pages of this topic and it was funny how many people where like "I never really liked Jon" and "Im glad he's leaving". Now those people are like "I miss him" or "Why did he have to leave?" .
It just shows that opinions change all the time. Also I was reading the last couple of reviews for the old cast and remembering how good they were. ![]() Anyway, sorry for the random comment. |
Eppie-Sue |
(I might have been one that went: I don't like Jon that much. Hm. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder? but I certainly remember thinking that he is the only Marius I have seen or heard that doesn't make me want to murder the character in his sleep. Hayden Tee, too. Maybe. And most of the actors are not to blame, it's just the character.)
And: what the hell? I leave for one evening and the world is upside down (and the law is inside out.) I can only second what everyone else has said. Gosh. What an unfair post. ... so, um, I'm back from tonight's performance. And flying_pigs (who is so lovely) and her friend (who is also so lovely) went, too. And we met another fangirl. There were no understudies and it was a really great performance, although I found myself giggling the whole way through (for silly reasons). flying-pigs will hopefully review and ... review stagedooring, too. Because I won't. And she will tell you why. xD My life = fail. |
Eponines_Hat |
sorry to keep harping on about this but....
*******holidays???????***** ![]() |
Elbow |
Haaaaa. Want to know. ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
okay. re: holidays... we didn't ask. There was no time xD we had to talk about, um, sharpies and hair and vests. And by the looks of it, Madeleine will find out soon enough anyway, just wait a bit. I was actually planning on asking tomorrow, but (alright, I'll just say it) - seeing as the fourth wall has been... broken... destroyed... annihilated by Katie Hall going: "Do you write on the forums, are you Eppie-Sue [...] I talked about it with Nancy" at me, I probably won't stagedoor again. Ever. And I will only get seats that can't be seen from the stage. And I might delete my account. Oh yes, and die. | ||||||||||||||||||
Eponines_Hat |
OMG! how did they know? and they do read these..... oh... ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Apparently, "it's a long story" and yes, they do. Which I assumed, actually, and... that's cool. But, you know.
can you say awkward? |
Elbow |
I long thought they probably checked these forums, I mean, you would wouldn't you? To read people's reviews and stuff, but I always hoped they didn't. Oh dear, that must have been so awkward for you! Reason #10039 as to why I never stagedoor. To be fair, they probably think I'm some sort of stalker though, since sometimes I go vaguely near the stagedoor (ie, that church park thing) while considering going to the stagedoor, but never actually go to the stagedoor, so I don't know what's worse really. |
Eponines_Hat |
<Panics and begins to wonder if she has said anything mean on here.... or anything that would identify her at the stage door........> Oh well! I think I have been generally pretty complimentary! ![]() |
HobNob |
Awkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard. |
flying_pigs |
Great show last night!
And for some reason very funny! I'll do a proper review this evening as I'm out all day but I'll just repeat some ad-libing during Red and Black! Martin: ...better than an opera! Jonathan you even know what the opera is? Martin: Yes! Jonathan:...You're parents must be so proud! Sooooo funny! Anyway, Eppie-Sue is lovely (and shouldn't die!) and if anyone wants to know; Antony will be on as Marius sometime in November ![]() Oh and some DT ad-libing during the Wedding: DT (to Mdme T): Drink? Have two, gooooo on! Oh and the Fight was really intense last night! Final Battle was awesome! As was "we STRIVE *bangs fist* towards a larger goal!" Ok I'll stop now! |
Eppie-Sue |
Haha, Jonathan was brilliant. When Martin Neely did the "you talk of battles to be won!" line, he got sooo annoyed and said: "NO IDEA about..." to Mark Hedges, looking as if he might just slap and/or kill R. (And can I just say how much I fangirl the fact that Jonathan Williams, aka alternate JVJ, is Champmathieu/JVJ look-alike in The Trial scene?! ![]() Oh and I loved how we all shared the same sentiments about The Final Battle "MARIUS! NO" madness (The Jump, the huddling around Marius) by E! and R. it's like (I think flying_pigs' friend said it:) "Calm down guys, he's the only one that will survive." ... really. "Don't worry about him, worry about yourselves. Don't climb the barricade. ... What are you doing with that flag? ... DO NOT wave the flag, are you crazy?!" etc. And again, if Gavin had slapped George Miller's hand one more time in MotH I would have died. The girls next to me in BB20 and 21 must have been so annoyed, because I was constantly silently shaking with laughter. For silly reasons, e.g. understanding: "Now I can live inside my... hat." in OMO. (wtf) And George's "AAAAAAAH!" scream in Rue Pumet Attack... and so many little things. I don't get the blocking in DWM. See, last Saturday, it was really slashy (there is no other word). Then, on Wednesday, it was really ... harsh and angry. And yesterday it was back to slashy. We'll see how tonight's performance will play out. Speaking of which - apparently Helen Owen will be on as Cosette... Katie is off sick (she apologised for her performance at the stage door, which was nonsense, there was nothing wrong with it at all) and AJ Callaghan is on holiday...?! I think. So that will be interesting. Oh and about the stage door - actually, not so much fail at all, really! I can't believe it was the others' first stagedooring, we were very calm and "ungiggly" (except for the "ANTONY-WHEN-ARE-YOU-ON-AS-MARIUS?" xD) ... especially compared to the: "OMG! YOU? Were awesome! PHOTO!" girls (I'm quoting) that came around the corner and saw us talking to Nancy and David (who was the one addressed by them) ![]() And as I said, we talked a bit about dying your hair (DT: "I had to sit there for HOURS! How do you girls do it?" - which was followed by all of us going: "We... don't?" - nobody of us girls had dyed hair, I believe xD and he said something about learning a lot about Michael Jackson ... at the hairdresser, I assume) and keeping things from your costume (we asked about The Eponine Hat and The Vest, of course, and apparenly there are about ten vests? o.O)... so yeah. And there was a small fight about sharpies. Katie told us about changing from black Cosette-dress into the wedding dress, which is v. impressive indeed, and she was very chatty and sweet. But I blanked after what she said about the forums, so I can't actually tell you anything about that conversation. (And the nice guy from the entrance said: "Goodbye, see you tomorrow!" to me, without knowing I am actually going to come today. So that will be > embarrasing.) |
Eponines_Hat |
ahahahahahahaahahahahahaha! So sad I missed that one! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
ahahahahahahaahahahahahaha! So sad I missed that one! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'll do a quick review, too, after all that stage door gushing in the last post, but I can't do an in-depth one like after the last Saturday performance, I simply don't have the time.
Sooo... David Shannon - I'm sure now that I prefer him to Jonathan Williams, although I still love Jonathan's performance. But there are so many layers to Valjean when David Shannon portrays him, it's a joy to watch. And they both hit the "FLIIIGHT" note at every performance now, what's up with that? Love it. Earl Carpenter - ah, here we go again. I liked him but I still think that he sounds as if he should clear his throat at some points. I mean, I hugely enjoy atching him on stage, and his voice I fine, but I'm not fanatic about it. But his Evil Stare = win. Rebecca Seale - I can't make up my mind. She does a great job with all her songs, she is convincing - and her wig is absolutelty gorgeous ![]() Alistair Brammer - aw. Okay, I... can see how young!naive!Marius works quite fine, but the vibrato is still not my cup of tea. At all. And I've said before that I'm really averse to Marius as a character anyway, and from what I have seen on stage, Jon Robyns is the only one who I could take seriously. Which I want. But amidst the revolution, death, poverty, prostitution and crime, I find myself not really caring for musical!Marius. Sue me. Katie Hall - I liked her last night! I know, everyone will go: "Yes, because you know she reads the forums", but hear me out. My main problem with Cosette's character is that I have a hard time caring for her most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I want to, because I love the character in the brick. And see, I cared for Cosette last night, and I can't put my finger on why that was. And of course her voice was absolutely fine (please, if we do the fan meet-up, can we applaud "Every Day"? Please?) Nancy Sullivan - I have to gush about her ALFOR performance, again, because it's so raw and wonderful, especially the beginning, when she closes her coat again and goes: "It's fine. It's okay. I will die." I can't describe it, again. Her voice was great and stood out last night, her acting in Rue Plumet Attack was very tough. I can't find any fault. David Thaxton - oh, you all know what's coming. Um. So, The IS FREE Final Battle wasn't quite as epic as on Wednesday, but it was still epic (duh) and I fangirl the "Lamarque is dead" more than ever. He goes positively crazy. And LOL in DYHTPS he did also go "FREEDOM" while whipping the flag against the cart (again) when they were already almost off stage and in the wings. Vocally ... perfect. As usual, but I have to point it out, because... you can count on it - and I don't get this feeling with any performer, normally, that you can almost rely on a larger-than-life performance. Martin Ball - hugely entertaining and so, so nice at the stage door. While I still prefer Jimmy Johnston, I don't want to make this sound as if Martin Ball wasn't good. He was. His voice sounded a bit hoarse, again, but you know the Thenardiers are good if you're not bored of the same jokes all over the third time in a week. Lorraine Bruce - okay, so, her voice... I get the complaints. But dear God, she's frightening with Cosette! I don't know how that kid (wonderful Cosette again, btw) doesn't start screaming and crying - I would. My main problem is, though, that Jackie Marks still stood out for me in Paris, during The Robbery, while Lorraince Bruce doesn't hold my attention at all. Hm. Oh, I have to say something about the audience! It was the best one I have experienced yet (well, maybe except for the one in June that applauded "Lamarque is dead" ![]() ![]() ETA: Ooh, so, tonight I'll have Jonathan Williams as JVJ, Natalie Day as Fantine and Helen Owen as Cosette. That should be quite interesting. |
pastaeater |
OH. MY. GOD. ![]() This is hilarious and terrifying at the same time!!!!! I would have been so utterly mortified I would have fallen through the floor in embarrassment. I will never stage door again!! It sounds like you coped very bravely, Eppie Sue! Was there any indication that DT reads these forums....was he there when it was mentioned? (Not trying to make you feel worse, I just wondered....) ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay, just to clear this up. Katie was absolutely sweet about it, she didn't mean it in a bad way at all. And I have it on pretty good authority that neither DT nor Nancy actually read the forums. Others might, though.
And "hilarious and terrifying" really describes it best. (haha coped bravely? ask flying_pigs about it xD I was going: "Oh God I'm shaking. I'm dead bring on the restraining order oh God I will delete all my posts can you believe it ooooh God how does she know?!") BUT I think I speak for most of them if I say: Don't stop stagedooring because of this ![]() (although I died a bit today when the lady at the box office where I bought my BB ticket for next Wednesday matinee said: "Oh, you have been here before, right?" ... ) |
flying_pigs |
Haha, yep that was me who asked Antony about his holiday dates! Just kind of slipped out!
And I agree, it was such a fun show (and DT agreed too!) things just seemed to be extra funny last night! Like the Wedding Guest dance (and they were a pair short! The female ensemble was one short so Joe Evans sat out the Wedding), and I even found Attack on Rue Plumet a bit funny, but Nancy was really getting into it! And Mark Hedges was great in MOTH and Jon Williams was just awesome, especially his little drunk dance during The Wedding! And I think it might have been me who started applause for The Confrontation! Tried to do it for Who Am I too but that didn't work! I had a weird audience about two years ago, people clapped at the strangest times! E.g halfway through Javert's Suicide and Gavroche's first bit in Look Down, WTF was that all about that night?! Ooooo, Helen as Cosette tonight?! I'm jealousl, I love her Eponine! Awww, and the stage door was fun yesterday XD, we got to hear all about DT's hair looool! And Katie was sooo lovely, she apologised about her performance but I thought she was great last night, she almost had me in tears at the Finale which has never happened before! |
Eppie-Sue |
(random note about last night's performance... flying_pigs - I just remembered that there was applause after "Drink With Me", wasn't there? Much, much love.)
Oookay, I'm back from the evening show. Um, I'm really sure I prefer Shannon!Valjean now. Jonathan Williams is great, but David Shannon makes me feel for JVJ like I never have before. Earl Carpenter was really good tonight, I thought. Great "I AM THE LAW AND THE LAW IS NOT MOCKED". I normally prefer his "Suicide" over "Stars", but tonight, "Stars" was so great. But people applauded the "Suicide"... Natalie Day was on as Fantine and I loved her. From the three I've seen in London, she's the one that made me feel like I was seeing book!Fantine on stage. Her voice was not as "full" as Rebecca Seale's, but all the notes were perfectly fine. She's a great understudy. Helen Owen as Cosette - great. She's second understudy, but you wouldn't notice. Her voice didn't soar like Katie's seemed to do, lately (she is a great soprano), but her acting was spot-on and she sobbed away in The Finale. I really liked her. Alistair Brammer. Ah, I can't add anything. I hate to go "he's the weakest link in the cast", but I think he is. Every note is full of vibrato. And what annoys me a bit is the way he moves his hands... they're cramping all the time. I'm so sorry, though, because he is an adorable Marius... Random note xD during the Prologue his convict!hat's tip fell to the front and he looked like a dwarf. I giggled. Nancyyy. Nancy was good. I love how she's acting the whole way through The Robbery. When JVJ and Cosette run away, she turns around and looks after them, which only makes sense, considering she's going to find out their address. And a heartbreaking ALFOR, again. David. He did all the THE stuff. You know. Jump (the people behind me gasped ![]() Martin Ball - see, he was as good as he always is. The problem is, I don't pay any attention to him in MotH, because OMG ensemble watching. But he's great. Lorraine Bruce... the more I see of her, the more I like her acting and dislike her singing. Although she's not memorable after Montfermeil, I have to say. I can't really recall anything she did after The Bargain... Honourable mention: The whole ensemble. There were so many people off, Nancy mentioned it, too, at the stage door, and David went: "Did you notice? [duh] We tried to fill up the space *moves and stands like Clint Eastwood with the 'cowboy stance'* like this!" But they covered all the parts so, so well! I believe there were only nine female cast members on, so "Turning" was reduced to five women, and there were only five dancing couples during The Wedding. The whole cast were 25 people (plus kids), all the male swings were on... it was certainly interesting. Greg was Joly, btw (Dylan Williams was off ![]() Killian was The Drunk at The Wedding. He made me shake with laughter, doing the entire dancing routine all alone in the back, very tipsy and grinning like an idiot. I could see DT and Gavin glancing over and hardly surpressing laughter. The audience was really into it. Have I mentioned I love starting standing ovations? The whole auditorium, Stalls, Dress Circle and Upper Circle were standing. Such a great feeling. Loudest cheers (as always?) went to DT & Gavrocheactor (Ethan Beer), Earl Carpenter and Jonathan Williams. There was not much stagedooring, I was on my own (I had no friends. I was this close to giving up my guns and die.) and everybody was in a hurry, but Nancy stopped and was sweet and said: "See you ... soon ![]() I loved it. |
aquirkofmatter |
I saw a cast a bit like that a couple of weeks ago, it was really odd seeing such an empty-ish stage! They all dealt with it really well though; if you hadn't seen it before it wouldn't be obvious. That's a stupid thing for me to say... of course they did, they're professionals, but even so it must be really strange to have to do.
![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
ha ha! You noticed it too! You know, I had the same reaction to this the first time I saw him as Marius, and was going to write about it on here, but I thought if I mentioned it, that it would be all anyone could could from there on in! Bet he doesnt actually know he is doing it either! I do think he is lovely, however. ![]()
awwww..... she is lovely <3 |
dramaqueen |
I quite agree and sorry if anyone took mine the wrong way - no offence meant but reading through posts some people are really pretty critical of some of the actors who work very hard to give a good performance day in and day out no matter how they are feeling and I guess it must be very dispiriting for them to read the discussion board comments dissecting their every move. I just felt katy's review was a bit unfair on some people but sure she is entitled to criticise people if she wants. I just think they are all great performers and it must be amazing to be talented enough to get into a show like Les Mis. I am certainly not judging an actress on hair colour but blonde just doesnt work for me and I am allowed my opinion. |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay, first off... I don't want this to sound mean, but if you can't cope with criticism on message boards - made by fans - then maybe it's the wrong profession. And nobody forces them to read the forums. I know some do read the reviews, I would probably, too, it's tempting, and if it's your cup of tea then it might help - but it's certainly not always the way to go. And while I would be glad to be of help with reviews and character analysis, it's first and foremost the performer's job to create a character, and some of the best performances out there work without consulting the forums. And I don't see any bashing in the reviews we have posted, actually. Most of the comments were certainly based on arguments, and most of them were justified. We are passionate about Les Mis and this is a fan forum. If we can't gush and vent here, where else should we do it? I have the highest respect for West End performers, especially for the Les Mis ones, that I have the honour of seeing quite often. They are doing one hell of a job eight times a week, and I know I couldn't do it. I have never seen a performance that seemed bored or uninspired, for which I am very thankful. However, being fans of the show and having experienced quite a lot of performers in some roles, we should certainly be allowed to criticise. It's part of the deal. And we love to see justice done to the characters we are passionate about, and most of the time, that's the case. In the current Les Mis cast, there are a lot of actors who seem to be virtually killing themselves at every performance, who are giving it all and then some, who deliver the highest standard at every show. And I have talked to quite a lot of people in the audience recently, and nobody has ever been disappointed. But still, in the current cast, most of the principals are principals for a reason, and the understudies are amazing in the ensemble, but have simply not been first choice for the principal roles for a reason. They are still doing a terrific job and from the reviews it should be obvious that we (I think I'm speaking for most of the others here) admire them and we think they are not getting enough credit most of the time, but everyone should be allowed to be sad about a principal being off and replaced by an understudy, if they have seen and enjoyed their performances on other dates. phiu. ETA:
And yet I can't help but think that if Nancy had brown hair, there would never have been a "popstar" reference in your comment. There are so many Eponines out there that have over-emphasised Eponine's tragic role, who have made her the "popstar", who have used OMO to blatantly show off their voices. Nancy doesn't do that. And the emotion that she shows with Alistair's Marius is IMHO absolutely right. Oh, and another note: We are not allowed to criticise understudies, but when you're criticising Nancy, that's fine? ... I'm not calling her the most brilliant singer and actress out there, and there have certainly been better Eponines, but she has definitely been doing a great, inspired job every time I've seen her. And LOL I just have to add this: Nancy is really ... not tall. xD EEETA: OOOH! I SAW THE LES MIS BUS! (168 at corner Aldwych/Waterloo Bridge)... Finally! But... xD after a short: "frenchbooooys!" I was... quite disappointed, really! I thought it would be over the whole side of the bus, but it's only one of those banners. *pout* It's way too small. It's basically: "Oh there is David... with ... fog and silhouettes around him." (not that I'm complaining too much here) ![]() But it made me very happy. It's one of those YAY pics. They should put that picture everywhere, people would be running to see the show. It's so pretty and engaging. Not to mention pretty. ETA ETA ETA: I really want to buy cast change tickets... will it be be the 19th or the 26th? The performers should already know, seeing as their contracts have been made till that date, is it too early to ask?! Because I want to see both the matinee and the last performance. I'm dreading it already and technically it's too early to make a fuss about it, but ![]() ETA ... IV: I've just heard Antony Hansen's rendition of ECAET. Oh my God. I love him. And I have to see him November! |
flying_pigs |
According to Nancy's Twitter, she won't be performing in Jon's cabaret on October 4th anymore. | ||||||||||||||||||
pastaeater |
Cast change? Sorry to be dozy, but who is going and when?? ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
xD I'm already talking June, next year. yeah... what a shame. I would have loved to see Nancy and Jon together on stage again! Wonder who is going to replace her, then... it's not like they have much time left. |
Eponines_Hat |
oh boo! anyone know why??? i was seriously considering cutting my trip to the continent short to see them on stage again! I am also wondering who they will get to replace her? on a side note.... i read that David Shannon will be playing Phantom next. I may have to deal with my Andrew L-W issues and go and see it. Anyone heard news on the grapevine about new JVJ or Javert? |
Eponines_Hat |
P.S sorry to bump the thread with a random but.....
which website do you guys think is best for booking tickets? do any of them do BB online? Thanks!!! ![]() |
Ricey |
That's sad ![]() Does anyone know why? |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, she only said "Hello All! For those of you that are going to see the lovely Jon Robyns Cabaret night on Oct4th, Im afraid I wont be performing. But I will keep you updated with who else he has lined up!", so anyone's guess is as good as mine. Maybe it has something to do with her holiday ending that weekend? I have no idea.
And yeah, I'm a bit bummed. I hope they find a great replacement. And @Eponines_Hat - you can't book BB online (thank God or I'd never get tickets). However, you can phone the box office and book them there. I would generally do that instead of booking online, it's much easier and they're really nice and cooperative. |
Eponines_Hat |
thank you!!!! ![]() |
pastaeater |
Phew! You had me really worried then! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm back from the matinee and OMG I had Antony as Marius (and Natalie as Fantine). ANTONY! I died. He was perfect, and I will not lie, he is my favourite yet. From all the different Marii I've heard. This even includes Michael Ball and Hayden Tee. He doesn't do the stupid overvibrato, nothing of the sort, he is so great. His "ECAET"'s "Oh my friends! My friends! Don't ask me!" made me cry. What an utterly different experience, to have a Marius who is not outsung. I can't believe he's still so young, he seems so mature! And the whole "One more day before the storm"/"Do I follow where she goes?" etc. passage was made of the double amount of pure WIN. oh goodness.
I have to say, this was my favourite cast yet. I love Natalie as Fantine, David Shannon has won my heart anyway, Earl was really great today, Katie was lovely (pure "Every Day" love, as always), Nancy worked so, so well with Antony (and what is it with me and welling up over ALFOR lately?!), DT was... Enjolraic and perfect and I will fangirl some more in the actual review (omg The Final Battle), Martin Ball and Lorraince Bruce were their usual great selves and ah, can you tell I loved it? I even went to an internet cafe just to type this, because I couldn't wait till I was in my college hall. And Jeff was on! I've finally seen Jeff. Oh my, his foreman! |
Eponines_Hat |
Do you know when he is on til? Is it all week? I NEED to see him! p.s thanks for the review! Did you stagedoor? |
Madeleine |
Thanks Eppie! (How many times have you been in the last week?! ![]() ![]() Is Alistair ill or on holiday? I'd like to know Antony's future Marius dates because he really stands out in the ensemble and it doesn't surprise me to hear that he is an amazing Marius! |
Eppie-Sue |
Aww, the real review is still coming, I just have to bring a bit of order into my thoughts... um, I have gone on the 29th August, the 2nd, 4th, 5th and now 9th of September xD and I will go again next Monday and, possibly, the following Saturday (19th). I am broke. Completely utterly broke. And I skip meals. (what was that about living on baked beans to see The Legs during The Jump?! *whistles*)
Um, I suppose Alistair is ill, because flying_pigs asked for Antony's dates as Marius on Friday and he said something about November being the earliest there. So I can't really tell you much about if he'll be on as Marius the whole week. But oh my, he was amazing, especially in all the students scenes. I'm absolutely stunned, and I can't believe I forgot to gush at him at the stage door, but it was literally like... he came outside, some ladies asked him to sign, there were girls with brochures waiting, too, so I let them go first and waited, and suddenly Mark, David and Nancy came out at the same time to go for a run. Yes, again. And it was utter chaos and Mark was so sweet and he said something about seeing me in BB and if I was getting a sore neck by now, while Nancy and David were signing programs and stuff, and then we had the usual "O HAI THUR! Did you like it? How are you? etc." conversation and they were ready to leave, so I didn't want to keep them any longer, and as they took off after stretching a bit, Antony was gone, too. But yeah. I stagedoored, and I finally got to tell Gavin I loved Combeferre ![]() ![]() ... heh. |
Eponines_Hat |
Nah, you think its rubbish and that's why you've been almost everyday for a week! ![]() bless 'em! FIY on Jon Robyns Blog Hello all, Sad news - due to a double booking, Nancy Sullivan has had to withdraw from the cabaret in October. Happy news - taking her place will be Russell Whitehead, formally of "Chicago" and star of the recent Union theatre production of "Pirates of Penzance". I'm very excited about Russell joining us and have been told by the theatre that tickets are selling really well. Better get back to rehearsals... I know that there is some Broadway to Westend show which Earl is singing at, so it made me wonder if Nancy is performing at that? |
flying_pigs |
*is VERY jealous* |
Elbow |
I really want to see Anthony as Marius now. I am most jealous.
This isn't EXACTLY Les Mis related, well not cast change related anyway, but I feel the need to write it somewhere. I went to see Cage Aux Folles a couple of nights ago and saw Philip Quast in it and we stage doored afterwards and I met him and he signed my programme. I could have died of squee, but remarkably I kept it together quite well, since he has always been just about my favourite person ever. Oh to have seen him as Javert... |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, you mean because she's not at Jon's gig? Nah, she's still on holiday, apparently there was some confusion and mix-up regarding the flight back... at least that's what I heard. And awww, Philip Quast. I would kill to see him as Javert just once. just... epicness. Yes, Antony is right up there in my favourite cast. Ever. I mean, he... owned the part. If I had to compile my favourite cast of all the performers I've heard, David and Antony would be the ones from the current Les Mis cast in it. |
Elbow |
From whatsonstage -
I know it's just someone's opinion, but gah, these sort of reviews that are written just to insult one performer really annoy me. I think Nancy is fantastic and most of this is complete rubbish. |
Eponines_Hat |
Wow... sounds like a nasty discussion thread. I am so glad everyone on here is lovely
![]() "
I personally though Nancy kicking Montparnasse in the... you know.... was pretty gutsy. This person did not even gush about Thaxton, so they clearly do not know what they are tallking about ![]() Seriously, though, while they are entitled to their opinion, I would be interested in hearing what they objected to about Nancy. I am biased because I think she is absolutely lovely, but a lot of criticism of her does seem rather general. Like that last person on here whose sole complaint seemed to be that Nancy was blonde.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
dramaqueen |
It was not a 'sole complaint' from 'that other person' just a personal observation as part of a whole review which is my opinion and mine only. It really doesnt matter if a character has green hair if the portrayal works for the audience. For me it didnt for you it does! We dont have to agree, this is a discussion board. That's life. | ||||||||||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, everyone, can we please let it go already? And, just a note, from what I remember, your opinion seemed to be the only acceptable one to you, seeing as you simply argued that, apparently, KatyRoseLand was an Eppiebopper who just wanted to see "the girl from TV" and couldn't accept an understudy, with nothing to back that argument up whatsoever.
ETA: Oooh, Rebecca Caine saw the show on Wednesday evening, I suppose: "Incredibly moved by Les Mis tonight. Better than ever." [At Jeff] "well done! Les mis still the greatest! X" "So blown way by Les Mis last night but sad my role, always a cypher at best, has been pared away to nothing." It must be quite painful to see all the cuts that have been made on In My Life and Every Day/AHFOL Reprise when you've been Cosette once. ETA II: My review of 9 September. Probably the best Les Mis performance I have ever seen. Not one thing felt wrong about it, the cast members hit every note, and interestingly, all the performances felt very close to the brick. In short: I loved it. Here we go... I sat in BB8. Which I loved, too. David Shannon (JVJ) - Every time I see him, I love his performance more and more. It's funny how I preferred Jonathan Williams from further back and now that I'm always in BB, I'm so fascinated by David Shannon. His voice was very clear, and I admire how he ages throughout the entire performance, you'd not believe the guy you see in the Epilogue is the same that sung "What have I done?" I will be horribly sad when he leaves in three weeks. Earl Carpenter (Javert) - I just did the Les Mis Meme, and I realised that he and Nancy are the ones I have seen in every London performance, therefore eight times now. I'm not the biggest Earl fan... his acting is wonderful, but his voice... ahm. That said - this performance was the best I've seen from him yet. I love "Stars", but seeing the show this often in a short time can make you lose focus during the solos, but that did not happen this time. He sounded very strong, very powerful. Really enjoyed it. Natalie Day (Fantine) - understudy! It was a pleasant surprise to have her on again, I had already seen her last Saturday, and as you read I really liked her performance. Vocally, she seemed even stronger on Wednesday, and I really can't quite describe why it feels like I was seeing brick!Fantine in many scenes... The only thing I didn't like was that she did not really make that pause between "So different now from what it seemed/Now life has killed the dream I dreamed"... that's all. I liked Rebecca Seale, too, but Natalie makes me feel so much more for Fantine. Antony Hansen (Marius) - YES. I have raved about him already, but I can just do that again (see? I can do reviews that fangirl other people than just DT!) - he was simply amazing. Over the past performances, I have become more and more irritated by Alistair Brammer's Marius, so having Antony on - whose "ECAET" on YouTube had made me fall in love with his performance already - was just perfect. He was not outsung at all, and I wish there was a recording of that performance's "One Day More", because the counterpart-passage between Antony!Marius and David!Enjolras was the strongest I've ever heard. It was as if they pushed themselves even louder and even better and oh my, what a feeling ![]() phiu. Katie Hall (Cosette) - so, after seeing Helen Owen on Saturday, I was interested in seeing how Katie's performance compared, because while she is vocally perfect, I wasn't sure about her acting for a while, and sometimes it's good to see a variation to make up your mind about the principal's performance, as strange as that sounds. It might have been the fact that I've sat in BB20 and 22? because her performance felt so much more real from BB8. Notably her acting - gestures, facial expressions - when JVJ goes: "tomorrow to Calais and then a ship across the sea, hurry Cosette..." I'm not sure if I prefer her with Alistair or with Antony... the relationship is different when she's with Antony, which is really weird because Antony is so young, too, but he just seems older. And I really like her... After the first two performances I saw (29th Aug, 2nd Sept), I wasn't really thrilled, but that changed on the 4th (I mean, I stopped her at the stage door because of that), and I really enjoy seeing her now. Nancy Sullivan (Eponine) - I really wish there was something new I could say, but as I've noted in Earl's part - I have seen her so often now... her characterisation of Eponine doesn't change, and she's played the role long enough to be comfortable with it. So I will address that one review that said she gave off the impression that she would run if someone said "Boo!" to her... WHAT? Just no. I mean, she IS basically abusing Montparnasse the whole way through, she's fierce and I love that she carries herself differently when Marius is not looking, her shoulders slump and everything. And her face after she touches his shoulder at the end of "In My Life" is just utter heartbreak. David Thaxton (Enjolras) - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A word about how David and Antony worked together, because it seemed DT changed quite a bit with Antony on stage... you know how he sits down next to Marius at the "Marius, you're no longer a child..." as if he tries to talk some sense into him? Well, he didn't do that with Antony, the whole blocking was much closer to what the blocking with Jon was like (minus the "Hey, they're probably really good friends!"-feeling)... actually, in "Red and Black", I love how he basically goes: "Are we getting abstracted, Marius?! You were such a good fellow before." (I'm blatantly paraphrasing that remark from "Enjolras and his Lieutenants" here xD), and with Antony, that works really well. There certainly was this lackof understanding what Marius is talking about, but I'm sure he always does that, it's just the first time I've seen it, because sometimes, the view is awfully blocked from BB20. Oh, and The Fight... hm. It actually wasn't that intense, although he grabbed him quite violently at the end, when Valjean is already off to do the job, and he basically shouted into his ear. Poor Antony. BUT I could see David's face during the first half of that scene now, and he virtually goes: "WTF" at Marius xD, all "Are you CRAZY? That's the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas." (says the guy who only minutes later decides it's a good idea to climb that barricade in a sparkly vest and wave a huge red flag...) uuuhm ![]() Martin Ball (Th�nardier) - Liked him. Nothing special to mention, here, I mean... he is consistenly good, which is great, of course, and I simply love the acting in "The Bargain", but overall... I'm still a bit meh about his voice in DED. He hits the last notes, which I'm grateful for, but Jimmy Johnston just owned that part for me. Lorraince Bruce (Mme Th�nardier) - Same as always. And I really didn't pay attention to her after Montfermeil, I couldn't help it. She is so good in the Inn scenes, she really is, and I'm sure the audience simply loves her performance, but I've been spoiled by Jackie Marks, who was so, so briliant. Other stuff: I had this weird moment at the beginning of ABC Caf�, because as the stage turned, David was talking to Jeff (who is back from his holiday and YAY!), and I went: "... Why is he talking to Grantaire? That... doesn't feel right." and of course THEN I noticed that "Grantaire" was sitting in his chair, reading and drinking and being Martin Neely. Because Jeff is random!student (who is now Bahorel to me). Aww. And xD isn't it funny how DT, who definitely is among the tallest cast members, appears almost small next to Jeff? My, that man is impressive. And his foreman... wah. I would have run away. Killian was Fauchelevent! Trapped under the cart! I loved it and giggled, thereby annoying the people next to me. But he was screaming bloody murder and it was all very loud, louder than usually, when Joe Evans does that scene xD... I knew Joe was off, so in that scene, when I heard the "AAH"s and "UUUGH"s from whoever was getting crushed (you can't see that from BB, normally), I went: "Killian? Oh that sounds like Killian!" - and there you go! He added another "AAAGH" as he was being carried away. I love ensemble watching now. Who doesn't. And heh, scary scary people in "ATEOTD". Mark (Dugdale) was positively threatening me there, going "WAAAH" in my face, while David, Nancy and Katie blatantly scared the heck out of the couple next to me (who had never seen Les Mis xD). Fun! Jonathan Williams as The Drunk at the wedding. Oh GOD. flying_pigs, now I know what you mean. He... desperately... tried to fit his shoe onto his foot without tumbling over and I laughed all the way through "Go away! Th�nardier", which, admittedly, is not the funniest scene out there xD Oh, and I had to put quite an effort into containing myself from giggling after "General Lamarque is dead", because I had to think of the conversation in the "Pet peeves" thread where we went: "One of the students should start sobbing after the announcement"... oh my. ![]() And what a weird audience! They didn't applaud "What have I done?" but then they started clapping loudly after "Who Am I?" and they were really quiet and unenthusiastic. I mean, at Curtain Call... I always stand up right after the lights go on again and the entire cast is on stage in that huge open circle, and throughout the last performances, it took the auditorium until the principals came out to stand, which is a pretty good record I suppose xD... this time I stood almost alone (awkward but hey. If you don't turn around it's not quite as bad) until David Shannon took his bows and then, for the last bits, more and more people stood up, which was nice. I mean, finally. ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
That sounds like such a great performance.
That made me laugh for a ridiculously long time. I want to see Antony as Mariusssss. Actually, I don't care. I'll see anyone as Marius right now, I just want to see the show at all!!
Haha! I love your reviews. Keep 'em coming! |