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beyondthebarricade |
I really don't know how to phrase this properly, and I'm not going to sit around and think about it, so I'm going straight out. Okay. Can we like, um, talk less about the new cast and more about the existing one? They're leaving in three weeks or so, y'know, and this is a pretty good cast, but all everyone seems to discuss is the new celebrities and please, I can't review (obviously) but surely there are some who still see the show? Please. I know Eppie-Sue has tried at one point, but I get it and it becomes kind of depressing when all the new posts are about Nick Jonas and such. | ||||||||
kalms |
All fantastic performers who have been cast based on talent, let's talk about them joining and not just the celebs seeing as this is a forum for the new 2010/11 cast. ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
Well, I'm going to try to get to the show sometime this week, and I will attempt my first review since August!
Let's discuss our favourite moments of the current cast, things that we'll miss, things to look out for in the last few weeks that people who don't go so regularly might miss, people we'd like to see come back in a couple of years as principals/different principals... any thoughts? |
riverdawn |
I know I would love to see David Thaxton come back as Javert sometime in the future. Ideally opposite Killian Donnelly as Valjean. ![]() |
pastaeater |
How fantastic would that be! |
KatyRoseLand |
Incredibly fantastic! I'd also love to see Nancy come back someday as Fantine... maybe I'm alone in that but I think she'd be heartbreaking and just generally wonderful! |
beyondthebarricade |
Wheeee two names I haven't heard for quite a while. I'm happy. And yay I'm catching the show on Satuday (if I manage my impulse and not book a ticket for Friday). So yes, really looking forward to that with the lovely cast now.
Nope you're definitely not alone there. I'd love to see Nancy's take on Fantine and some Eponines come back as Fantines (like the one now!), so who knows? That might happen. |
KatyRoseLand |
I'm going to act as the little voice on your shoulder now and say go ahead and book if you're going to be there on Friday! Ordinarily I wouldn't butt in with that but since it's so close to cast change, things are a bit different... I know I'm going to see it as many times as I have the opportunity for the next few weeks!
Good point! I am going to miss Thomas Camilleri belting away at the side in Look Down. When I think of things I love about the show I often think of that. I'm sure James Smoker will be amazing (I saw him perform in the Stephen Sondheim Society Student Performer of the Year Competition - try saying that fast! - and he was great) but I love Thomas' voice and I'm used to it now because I usually sit in BB that side. Next time I go I am going to pay extra attention to the ensemble in MOTH. I used to completely switch off in that song because I dislike it, then when Martin Ball started I paid attention because I like him as a performer, and I've been just watching him in it ever since. Then last time I went I watched the ensemble a bit having read some of the things on here, and I was laughing the whole way through the song. Simon Shorten desperately trying to scrape the disgusting food right off his tongue, Laura Medforth trying to make George Miller leave her alone only to turn around and find him puckering his lips right next to her face, the whole of the arm wrestling bit... it's just hilarious! I don't know why I've never watched it properly before! |
flying_pigs |
I'm going to miss David in his ensemble track at the start, he's always fun to watch! | ||||||||
stelllar |
I don't know if anyone's bothered but the repeat of the Susan Boyle documentary is on right now on ITV, i'm pretty sure it's the one that has the London cast performing a condensed version of ODM. | ||||||||
jeanette_1832 |
Hi, I'm new to the forums, and I've been a fan of Les Mis ever since I read the brick and saw TAC recording some 6 years ago, but I haven't had the chance to see the show live, yet.
So, first of all, thank you everyone for the wonderful and very thorough reviews that helped me discover this amazing cast I've grown to love so much. I'm fangirling you all right now. Also, after reading about all the "big names" mess, I'm even happier (if that's possible) that I'm seeing the show for the first time with the current cast! ![]() Now, on to the questions. I've got A12 and BB20 for the Barricade Day and Monday and Tuesday after that, and I'm wondering do you know who'll be on and what is it like in those seats? What special details should I look out for? Also, any advice about stagedooring is very welcome. I'm really looking forward to it, yet in the same time I can't help but keep thinking I'll find a way to make a complete fool out of myself. ![]()
Oh, and if this happens, I'm dropping it all to go see that! |
riverdawn |
A12 is just about the most awesome seat. You get to see almost everything and very up close.
BB20 is also good. In both cases you'll get a good view of the famous Thaxton JUMP in the final battle. ![]() I'd say, the first time you watch the show just watch it and let the thing impact you. The second time, try to look around during ensemble scenes to see what the people who aren't in the main focus are doing. Enjoy! |
Katfeyrac |
Just to clear this rumour up - it was said a few pages back that Antony was joining the Joseph cast again, and I don't know how anyone came up with this, but it's definitely not true at all, there is no way he's going back there. Thankfully. From the horse's mouth. | ||||||||
Quique |
Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself and to welcome you into our forum. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Yes, I want to! But my mum would probably eat my head if I'm going on Friday and Saturday. And she wants me to spend 4/5 days in Switzerland or something before the cast change! Ah well. I'm really really excited to go see this cast since I've heard so much about the little intricate details about them on this thread (which is why I hope that it can still be alive and running). Does anyone know if there are any understudies who are going to be performing this week? I've checked WE and there are no booked performances, but sometimes they just go on like that... Suppose it would be too early to tell? |
Fiwen9430 |
I guess if there's no booked holidays then there will only be people off for last minute reasons like illness. By the way, are the people going on Barricade Day going to the evening performance, or will there be anyone at the matinee? |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Just the evenings, I'm afraid. |
mm10 |
I think I may have asked if it was true - think I read it on the WOS board which says it all really. Does anyone know what he will be doing? |
kemathenga |
which can make for nice surprises. When we arrived at Queen's yesterday and my daughte looked for the understudy-sheet first thing she let out a squeal: "We're going to get Jonathahn Williams as Jean Valjean!!!" |
beyondthebarricade |
Ohh there really are some understudies I would like to see. About the Barricade Day thing, well I'm going in the evening, but I suppose some should be attending the matinee? |
riverdawn |
Hasn't anyone been to the show recently? I'm having review-withdrawal symptoms. ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Well, I can't sleep, so I suppose I might review tonight's show a bit. It was Mark's last Enjolras, which is sad because, well, for obvious reasons. We also had Helen as Eponine.
Unfortunately it was far from the best show I've seen - everyone seemed a bit tired, the ensemble was a bit weak without Mark and Antony (and Killian covering neither of them), the orchestra was shit, and Bowman was on top form. So yeah. I really enjoyed Helen's performance tonight. I hadn't seen her for ages, so it was nice to do so again. I think she's often received criticism for being harder to believe in love than Nancy, and certainly she is less ... passionate (is that the word I want?). But I think that what she does works very well. She plays it much more as a young, naive and innocent (in the context of love, at least) girl who has these feelings for Marius which she doesn't really understand. I think that works very well for an Eponine. She then seemed to connect what she felt with love as she watched Marius and Cosette together, coming to the realisation "I love him" in OMO. I think this works well as a compromise between book!Eponine who dies saying "I think I was a little bit in love with you" and musical!Eponine who is so much a part of the (imo rather silly, annoying and unecessary) "love triangle". Nancy still has the strongest ALFOR, although I tend to be distracted at that point and not take much notice of any Eponine :s . Mark was Mark. I love his Enjolras very dearly, even if it is rather more Courfeyrac than Enjolras. I do wish, though, that he'd work out the fact that blood, as everything else, is subject to gravity, and therefore shouldn't go up his face as Deadjolras. Small point. Bowman was massively OTT and Bowman. Awful, absolutely awful. I've seen him once before today since he's been ill, and he was still holding back and toning down, so I was in fact a little pleasantly surprised. Today he was back to one of the worst performances I've seen. All the awful Bowmanisms seemed to be there in full force in one performance, especially in the Soliloquy. And BHH was almost unbearably painfully out of tune. And, oh my God, the Bargain. Almost everything is wrong with that that could be. I could rant about it all for a while, but I shall refrain seeing as I am on my phone on a coach. Perhaps tomorrow... Finally, about the orchestra - we had a stand-in violinist and cellist. Both blonde middle-aged women (not that that's relevant in any way). I don't think I'd ever seen the cellist, but I remember seeing the violinist at least once, when she somehow managed to get a verse out in Beggars at the Feast, and then took a long time before she noticed and was successfully in the right place again. Nothing quite that bad happened this evening, but neither she nor the cellist really played in tune and they certainly couldn't play together at all. Ugh, it was awful. EDIT I am terrified about what we're going to see after cast change. The changing of the tune of Helen's lines in Lovely Ladies now seems certain, which is a Tourism. And today I'm sure I saw hints of tour!Thenardiers in Martin and Lorraine, and when I finally get round to completing and posting my long overdue tour review, you'll see just how much I hated them. |
riverdawn |
Aww, Mark's last Enjolras, that is sad. Sorry to hear it wasn't the best show. I hope everyone gets an energy boost for the last few shows of this cast. |
Wandering Ranger |
anyone know if there are any U/S on for tomorrow's matinee? I am keen to see Simon Bowman's VJ but does he generally do midweek matinees? doesn't have any listed but I thought I'd check here too | ||||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Bowman does all 8 shows except for illness. He seemed fine yesterday, so chances are probably quite good for getting him - but he has been a bit erratic health wise recently, since he was off for so long. |
Wandering Ranger |
ah right thanks for that l'invirogne. tbh if it did turn out he was off it wouldnt matter too much since I consider JW to be a very competent and skilled u's but I am interested to see him for myself having heard so many conflicting opinions on his take on the character. Fingers crossed I guess! | ||||||||
flying_pigs |
Les Mis at West End Eurovision! |
Eppie-Sue |
Alright. How to phrase this...
There are three understudies at the Queen's today, Jonathan as Valjean, Joe (!) as Marius and Mark as Enjolras - again. Mark is on because, apparently, David had a bit of an accident on stage/half-way off stage last night and, as far as I know, hurt his back (don't quote me on this). I just thought I'd post this considering Barricade Day is coming up and I know there are a few people here who might want to know in advance. |
riverdawn |
Oh, poor David.... I hope he'll be ok soon.
And wow, really lots of understudies in the past couple of months... it's madness at the Queen's. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I knew that was going to happen. I just knew it. The thought crossed my mind as soon as I knew Antony was off. And I am so unbelievably annoyed. If I'd known sooner, I'd have come down. I really wanted to see Joe before he left ![]() Of course, poor David and everything too. |
kemathenga |
Oh, I'd love to see Joe again playing Marius. Pity we can't "beam" over there - yet. (Get a move on, scientists!) |
Wandering Ranger |
ok just got back from seeing Les Mis at the matinee, its not a full review but here are a few comments about the show since reviewing performances still seems to be a popular thing to do around here.
First off there were three U/S on this afternoon. Jonathan Williams (Valjean), Joe (Marius) and Mark (Enjolras). Obviously we know why Mark was on and I am assuming Simon Bowman is still not fully recovered yet. Also, I am assuming Antony is simply off because it is his scheduled time to be off, holiday wise? If I'm wrong please correct me though. Second, Jonathan was a delight just like last time. It's interesting to see how certain parts of his performance have changed from the last time I saw him back in April. For example, in the end confession with Marius he seemed a little more aggressive on the "what I have spoken why I must go" which wasn't something I had seen before. Also, he seemed to be stronger vocally this time. The high notes didn't seem as hard for him this time round and he wisely avoided the high B which was nice because. IMHO, that high B is unnecessary anyway. Finally, and this is completely unrelated to Les Mis or indeed his performance, has anyone else noticed he has a look of Liam Neeson? Thirdly, perhaps because they are coming up to cast change the whole company seemed to be as strong as an ensemble as they have ever been. The singing was together and particularly during numbers like "DYHTPS" or "ODM" they seemed to really gel as one and give their performances the gravitas that makes them so powerful. Indeed, the ten minute standing ovation during the curtain call is testament to that. I should mention here Mark who was on instead of David today. I realise there are many "Thaxtonites" on here for lack of a better term so I will probably get lynched for this one but I actually was more moved by Mark's interpretation than I was David's. Not because Mark is stronger vocally (because David's voice is one of the most powerful and dynamic I have ever heard) but because he seemed calmer than David and not quite as demanding with the students; that is to say he was less severe when giving orders like "Fire" or even with his "Marius" before Eponine gives Valjean the letter. I find David tends to bark out lines like that which works in that Enjolras needs authority but Mark was less severe in his delivery and so it was more "The Students" rather than Enjolras and his group of students if that makes sense which really helped to emphasise that it is a student revolution and all who fight in it are equal. David's interpretation tends to elevate Enjolras above the others which isn't necessarily something I like. Also his "freeeee" I preferred over David's because, as he is a high tenor, it sounded easier and less forced than David's does. In short, I really thought this afternoon's performance was a strong and potent one. I am very much looking forward to seeing the show again, probably in August, after the cast change. If anyone has any questions then feel free to post them here and I'll answer them. ![]() |
riverdawn |
Don't worry, you're unlikely to get lynched for this. I think even the most hard-core Thaxtonians here also love Mark. ![]() I actually understand what you mean. I think Mark's Enjolras is more... gentle. Which I always find funny, because as Courfeyrac he is so absolutely, brilliantly, vicious (which, in turn, is even funnier because in person he is so remarkably sweet). I think I've said this before, but basically I think that David's Enjolras is the one I'd be more likely to follow to the barricade - but Mark's Enjolras is the one I'd actually like to have in the barricade with me. Personally, I still prefer David's Enjolras, both because he's vocally so strong and because I feel he has more of that inspirational, semi-mythical characteristic that Enjolras has in the book. However, I also very very much enjoy Mark's Enjolras, so you'll get absolutely no lynching from me. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Can we please not use words like "Thaxtonians" or "Thaxtonites"? It makes it sound like some strange cult or something. ![]() |
Wandering Ranger |
Don't worry, you're unlikely to get lynched for this. I think even the most hard-core Thaxtonians here also love Mark.
Good to know! I was a little apprehensive about posting but thanks for that, feel a bit better about it now! I actually understand what you mean. I think Mark's Enjolras is more... gentle. Which I always find funny, because as Courfeyrac he is so absolutely, brilliantly, vicious (which, in turn, is even funnier because in person he is so remarkably sweet). I think I've said this before, but basically I think that David's Enjolras is the one I'd be more likely to follow to the barricade - but Mark's Enjolras is the one I'd actually like to have in the barricade with me. That last bit is the perfect way to some it up. I spoke to Mark after and, strictly, in a hetrosexual way, I wanted to give him a big hug. He's the sweetest guy I ever met, shame he isn't staying post cast change. Its funny you should mention the "vicious Courgeyrac" because I saw him doing that part the first time and as Enjolras there was a little bit of viciousness there too. I'm thinking now of the genius who, in the cafe scene responded to "do we fight for right to a night at the opera now" with "pretty much" and who was told to "sit down before I put you down". Hilarious but also quite vicious! Personally, I still prefer David's Enjolras, both because he's vocally so strong and because I feel he has more of that inspirational, semi-mythical characteristic that Enjolras has in the book. However, I also very very much enjoy Mark's Enjolras, so you'll get absolutely no lynching from me. Oh I definetly agree with you there, David's Enjolras is vocally stronger and similar to the book but I warmed to Mark a little more than David. Eppie-Sue, fair point I shall refrain from using "Thaxtonites" in future! |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Not so unrelated seeing as Neeson has also played Valjean ![]()
I'm not going to lynch you, but I'm afraid I do have to disagree with you. I really do love Mark's Enjolras, I genuinely do, but, well, it can't compare to David's in terms of characterisation. He makes it work for him, and he gives a very enjoyable, and, yes, I suppose a very moving performance, if you want to describe it like that. But to my mind, he's simply not really Enjolras. I don't really know how to go about disagreeing with you, though, because, well, I clearly don't see what you see. I would never describe Mark as a calm Enjolras, and his calmness is one of the aspects I love about David. Mark, to me, comes across as almost hyper. The calmness about David gives him this sense of total control that Mark doesn't really have. It makes you believe that they are going to be successful, not that they're hoping it. Also, I think it is very much necessary for Enjolras to have that authority. He should be higher than the others in terms of authority and in ideology. He does rather inhabit a different plane, and I think that needs to be clear, otherwise he is very much reduced to, well, a G.I.Joe sort of figure. I don't believe that all the students should be equal - Enjolras is very definitely the leader, then there are others such as Combeferre and Courfeyrac (and, I suppose, at least in the musical, Feuilly) who are more prominent, and more involved. And then I suppose you could put Grantaire at the bottom. I don't think it works to give the students this equality - it somehow makes you take the whole thing less seriously by getting rid of any sense of order and reducing them to schoolboys who have never held a gun. Finally, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you once more on the "is free". Yes, Mark hits a beautiful B flat. But, well, it seems completely pointless when he does it. I can understand people who don't like David's posture and everything on that bit, but I think it really brings across the energy and determination Enjolras puts into the whole thing. With Mark, there is no change at all between the way he sings the line and the "is free" at the end, and, well, it just looks and sounds like he's showing off his range. I'm not looking for him to necessarily go down the David route, but I think he would do better to shout the words as previous Enjolrasses have done, simply because he does sing it so well. However, having said all that, I can kind of understand where you're coming from. Mark is extremely likeable on stage, and I could say something similar to riverdawn. Except that I would feel a whole lot more confident with David than with Mark. |
riverdawn |
Ok. Sorry. Will refrain in the future. Though just to be clear, I was using the term in humor, not seriously. |
Eppie-Sue |
I think when it comes down to it, regarding David's, Mark's and also Killian's Enjolras, I'm generally very grateful. It can't be stressed enough how well cast this role is this year. Both Mark, for the past two years, and Killian, this year, who is rightfully taking over as the other two are leaving the cast, are incredibly talented performers. Especially for Mark, it's almost sad that he doesn't get to show off his voice very much in the ensemble track (nothing against Killian's voice at all. But he's taking over as principal and understudied three principal roles this year ![]() In the end, we can't compare them, and it would be unfair, because when you look at David, you're looking at someone who is at the absolute height of possibly achievable perfection in a part. Everything has reason and context and thought, but nothing seems solely acted or well thought out, it all seems natural and logical and there's the voice and, granted, the looks, too. Everything works for the part, and it's a lot of components coming together, often by chance and also by hard work and dedication. What I love is that we have three of the strongest voices in the cast in this "squad" of Enjolrasses. I am convinced that David's is best suited for the role and has the appropriate intensity and range for it, hitting every note in the score (the low notes, too ![]() |
hazellwood |
Eppie-Sue, I agree with everything you said. All three of them are talented and great in the role, even though they do it differently. Which is nice, because often understudies just do whatever the principal does- which is safe, and not bad at all, but, Mark and Killian are both different from David and it's nice to see that... different-ness. I'm sure Killian will be great, especially once he gets settled into the role. Even though I will miss him as superswing. (I hope that made sense, it's late here ![]() |
kemathenga |
Yeah, "Saint" Kilian as Enjolras will be something worth seeing - and hearing.
I do not call him "saint" out of flippancy, but because as superswing he seemed to be able to be in several places or roles at once - like some saints are reported to be. |
jeanette_1832 |
![]() Is there any chance he might be on next week, Monday or Tuesday, maybe? I'd really love to see him, and, of course, I hope he gets well soon, regardless of that. |
Wandering Ranger |
I should think so. I was talking to Mark yesterday afternoon and he said he knew he would be on that night and probably tonight too but that David hoped to be back for either Saturday or Monday at the latest so I'd say theres a good chance you'll get him. Even if you don't, Mark is a top notch u/s and Killian is even better! | ||||||||
BarkateerJenny |
I am her friend, she's 1 of my closest friends actually!! and I only count how many autographs I have of her and stuff because I'm a fan too!! I started off just being a huge fan, and now I'm really close friends with her aswell as being her no.1 fan!! and all I was trying to do was prevent anyone judging her before it started, that's all! I wasn't aiming it at anyone or saying anyone had! I'd just rather people say positive things about her, give contructive critisism for her or not say anything at all! I just wanted to make that point before she starts so once a discussion starts about her on here, I'll have said it already! I didn't mean to come across as 'all guns blazing'! I'm sorry! |
Eppie-Sue |
... right.
Anyway. Mark is definitely on tonight, but Wandering Ranger already kind of said that. Of course I'm hoping for Barricade Day, for his sake alone. But seeing as I have my ticket already and "Eppie-Sue getting a ticket in advance" (which happens very rarely) leads to "David being off" almost every time, I'm not holding my breath. |
Moci |
After all, what is a restraining order between 'friends'? |
Eppie-Sue |
Tonight at the Queen's, Antony as Marius (back from holiday, no idea what's up with Alistair), Mark as Enjolras, and Jeff is off too, because he's on holiday. Cast board looked pretty full apart from the three that were obviously missing. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Ahh. So I'm in London.
I sincerely hope that everything goes well, and that all the principals (or everyone, for that matter) will be okay as soon as possible! So just a few questions: When is the box office for "Tonight's Performance" on? I'm thinking of going tomorrow and booking if either Antony's Marius or Mark as Enjolras is on. And I'm going on Barricade Day as well, so I hope David will be on by that time. I won't be too upset if I get Dugdale, though. |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, welcome to London then!
I'm not really sure when the box office opens, I suppose around 9? 10? and, uh, generally, you can buy tickets for the performance of that day at any point. If you, however, mean the understudy sheet, it's often up around 6:30 pm. sometimes a bit earlier, which I'm always grateful for, often a bit later. But most likely not before 6pm. And if you mean student discount, that's one hour before the performance, but I wouldn't count on that on a Friday, especially as it's half term for students here. |
beyondthebarricade |
Yes that, thank you! I was referring to when the understudy sheet for "Tonight's Performance" was being put up. And nah, don't have a student discount. I'm not a student (in London). | ||||||||
riverdawn |
I'm not sure what you meant by "I'm not a student (in London)", but just for the record, you don't need to be a student in London, or in the UK, for that matter, to get a student discount.
I got student discount tickets using my student card from a US university. |
beyondthebarricade |
Ohh. I was under the impression that the student discount was only restricted to those currently studying in London. All better then (if I find my student card), thanks for clearing that up! | ||||||||
BarkateerJenny |
what?? what is that meant to mean?? |
Eppie-Sue |
Look at your post and your website. Close friends, really? You're running a fan website where you say that you've met her five times. You've got her face plastered all over your profile. You claim to be her no. 1 fan as if that's something to be particularly proud of. You've talked to her at the stage door. You're giving her presents.
Of course, I'll take all of this back if she invites you to her private birthday parties, shares her troubles with you, plans to go on holiday with you, sleeps over at your house, would consider making you her bridesmaid or godmother of her children and knows you inside out, etc.. Then, of course, you actually are close friends. So far, I'm not convinced. We've got quite a few fans here on the forums that have enjoyed and are enjoying relatively nice chats with cast members, that maybe get told a little bit more or that are involved a little bit more and that get a tad closer than your average fan, but I sincerely hope that no one would ever go as far as to claim they're friends (let alone close friends) with them. That's creepy. |
KatyRoseLand |
I'm going to the show tonight! I actually cannot wait.
I hope I will be able to bring myself to review this one... |
beyondthebarricade |
There is also a chance that I may go tonight, if there are understudies on. And tomorrow. I can't wait either. ![]() But of course, I don't think I'm going stagedooring, because I'm determined on going stagedooring tomorrow. So I don't want to look like some creep who goes everyday to stalk them. |
KatyRoseLand |
Cool, if you do go tonight come and say hello! I'm in BB... I think I'm on the Bishopy, ALFORy side. Don't suppose anyone knows if there are any understudies tonight? Am I right in thinking everyone is scheduled to be on? |
beyondthebarricade |
Okay, but where is the Bishopy side? I haven't sat in BB before, so I'll just take whichever �20 seat that is available. Even if it means Dress Circle. By the way, I'm the Chinese (well, mostly) one with a rolling stones tee-shirt. The main reason why I'm trying to catch the show tonight is because there might be a slight chance that some understudies are on since just yesterday, 3 were, which led the ticketing lady in those half-priced theatre show booths to think that I was mad ("Why would you watch a show for understudies?). |
Eppie-Sue |
Gee, thanks for that. Not in the sense that I (and others...) go to see the show to stagedoor afterwards, however, I'm sure there are quite a few people here who have gone on consecutive days and have talked to some of the cast after both shows. I'll just hope this didn't precisely come across like you intended it to do... Surely, if you're seeing the show and behave like a normal person at the stage door, are polite and respect their privacy, why shouldn't you go to the stage door twice in a row? I mean, standing in the stage door area and act normal is not going to hurt them or anything. It's not some big experience, this whole stagedooring. ETA. I'll take the last sentence back as FOR SOME PEOPLE IT IS. Great. Just great. How long until the barriers go up because some bloody little teenagers have to follow their crush everywhere and we can't talk to anyone in quiet? I have nothing against Nick Jonas. But this is irritating me already. |
KatyRoseLand |
The Bishopy side is the left as you look at the stage. I just call it that because it's the side where the scene with the Bishop takes place. I always feel mean wishing for understudies but it is so interesting to see them... | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Well, that's what I thought in the beginning. Because I can forsee myself going in the next two weeks and I don't want the cast to go all "oh you again or anything like it. Also, I don't have any pens, only a black marker. And I'm just too tired, today, but who knows? KatyRoseLand: Oh God I still don't get it. I feel spastic. Or maybe just worn out. What BB seat is that? Anyway, I'm making my way down to the Queen's now. |
BarkateerJenny |
Yes I am running a fan site for her because I'm a fan aswell as friends with her. I was a fan for a couple of months before I even knew her so therefore I am still running my fan sites. If you don't believe me then don't. And yes, I am her no.1 fan and very proud of it! I have met up with her outside of stage door/aftershow party situations e.g. I met up with her just to go for coffee the other week and I know her family; I'm friends with her sister and know her parents too, with who I met up with just for a casual chat too. She does 'share (some of) her troubles' with me and she does 'know me inside out'. We speak most days online and she has helped me soo much through problems and we trust each other 100% with anything. |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm giving up. Going for a coffee doesn't say anything, considering I did that with Katie Hall and we're not friends in any way. Meeting her family is nothing because, considering she's not exactly the most famous person out there, I can imagine there'd be a point when her parents get interested in who's supporting their daughter so much. It's great that you take so much pride in being her no. 1 fan, although I'm at a loss understanding what's so great about that, and I'm sure she appreciates your support and shares a bit of her life with you, too - again, I could say that for some cast members, I suppose - but maybe it would be good for you to realise that there is a fine line between performers appreciating support and being nice, and being close friends. Close friends is more than that and it definitely doesn't work if one person calls herself a fan. Or maybe my idea of friendship is a bit strange.
ETA: I'm sorry this is going way off topic. I've got a ticket for tomorrow night and I'm very excited, as it's Barricade Weekend from tomorrow on, which is great. And it would be even more awesome if we were to get the proper Enjolras-Courfeyrac constellation. |
mastachen |
Is there usually a good amount of people at the stagedoors? I once stagedoored West Side Story on Broadway once and I was the only person there, and it was kind of awkward, so I'm hoping this won't happen when I see Les Mis either in London or in Bristol. |
Eppie-Sue |
Alright. Slight update on the Enjolras front, it very certainly is Mark tomorrow. Maybe, maybe David will be back Monday, but that is still unsure. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Just got back from the show, and I will try my hand at reviewing. It may be slightly tipsy, so bear with me. First off, wow. Seeing the show after 6 months really heightened the whole experience and all. David was off, as everyone already knows, so we got Markjolras and Greg, I think, in Mark's track. I was actually very impressed with Mark's portrayal of Enjolras, and I agree that he is a fabulous understudy, just not David, but I definitely don't mind seeing him tomorrow. I sat in A1 today, the view from there was pretty good, although I had to constantly lean forward which gave me a slight neck ache.
I'm going to start off with a few words about the few principles: Simon Bowman: Well. I wish that I could be all "I enjoyed the entire show so much that Bowman's Valjean didn't actually annoy me", but some of the scenes really stuck out. I've come to a conclusion that if I don�t focus on him for most scenes, I probably wouldn�t feel anything about his, yes, horribly OTT Valjean. Pity my rule doesn�t work out for some scenes, where no matter how hard I tried, he was just in-your-face the whole time. Bowman�s singing voice isn�t that bad, and I found some of his low notes to be quite pleasant, but what I couldn�t stand was the constant changing of his soft high voice to the loud strong one, especially in Who Am I? That didn�t work for me. And it wasn�t as if his different voice strengths were related to the meaning of the song whatsoever, I thought it more to be a �Must I lie, how can I ever face my fellow man, oh you know what let�s go low now, HOW CAN I EVER FACE MYSELF AGAIN�. So that�s his singing, but oh my God, his acting. The good parts about his acting would probably be the times when references to Jean Valjean were being made in the Mayor days and those in Paris, but I really wish he�d stop touching Cosette on her nose. I know it�s meant to be cute, but it came across as scary, like this old man who keeps on having this strange attraction to this young girl. Other than that, I completely stand by the criticism of his acting which had been brought up before. He was also out of pitch at most times. Oh and the Bowman hands, ugh. HPJ: Maybe I�ve been listening to too much Philip Quast, but I found his Javert weak, which is weird, as he has the dignified Inspector face. He really is wooden, which bugged me a lot especially in Javert�s suicide as that is supposed to be an emotional tragic song in which Javert�s heart cracked, but HPJ�s face stayed wooden, throughout. And his diction at some times, just sounds so Belgian. The first half of his acting was bearable, as he had this stern unbending face (or could it be just bad acting which happened to work well for this role?). He tried to go for the �God� in Stars, but his B flat came too late. The C# on God was supposed to be held for a quaver, but he held it for at least a dotted crotched. Rebecca: was the same for me, there wasn�t much change in her performance, perhaps only in her �Come To Me� she seemed closer to death. At first I really hated Rebecca as Fantine, but I�ve grown to like her, but she doesn�t make me feel enough for Fantine. I don�t see a Fantine who has lost Felix and her other three friends, becoming really destitute who lives a meaningless life. I see a poor woman who has just really gone through a bad break up. Her IDAD wasn�t that powerful either (though of course, the audience didn�t know that) but I generally liked her Fantine. I liked her various expressions, and how she had to transit to become a whore because she really showed that �utterly degraded unrecognisable Fantine who would do anything just for Cosette�. Thenardiers: Blah. I don�t know what to say about them, there isn�t much to say. I dunno, they were funny. And the audience loved them. Although for Master of the House, the ensemble was so epic. I think I was fixated on Gavin�s Posh Old Man the whole time through, as well as the dancing Antony and Helen on the tables. Um. Martin�s DED was powerful, I suppose. Lorraine is just simply terrifying, but her voice sounds so wheezy, although on some notes it was stronger. There was also a �LOVE IT!� after Valjean gave them 15 hundred francs. Enjolras: Mark was, as I mentioned earlier, good. However, this has been mentioned before, I don�t trust his revolution. His Enjolras just doesn�t have the aura and presence that David�s does. He brings too much of Courfeyrac in, which also has been discussed earlier. I really, really, cannot carry on. Maybe tomorrow, but I�m watching tomorrow�s show as well. I tried Stagedooring, and I saw Chloe, Daniella, Simon, George, Killian and Antony (who huffed a lot of smoke into my face as I was walking behind him and the wind was blowing the smoke behind). They all seemed in a hurry, George got stopped by a fan, and I don�t think they wanted to stay too long as the pub next door looked like it was having a party and it was extremely noisy. Great show. Though I hope David comes back soon. |
belladonnadarling |
Seems like you have a problem dealing with competition I guess. Standing at the stage door every time you see the show, sometimes twice a day, sometimes many days a 'normal'? At least the teenagers have puberty as an excuse. |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh here we go again. Competition? More like... Maybe I just have a problem with people blocking the way, turning up for one performer only, acting obnoxious, leaving their rubbish on the ground, not seeing the show, standing at the stage door during rehearsals, before a show, standing right next to the exit without leaving room, being there without caring for the show, without knowing anything about it, just because they want to see and be seen. It's one thing to be there because you care and because, well, you've been assured that you're not bothering those that you're talking to, wait until someone comes over to talk to you, stand back and show interest without intruding, but it's another thing to behave like that or like many other stage door people do. I know it's easy and fun to attack regulars, and "attacking Eppie-Sue" is a bit like a personal challenge, but this is just cheap. Especially as I can't remember the last time you showed and constructive interest in this or respected a performer.
Oh, and being a teenager is no excuse at all for anything, and I've been a teenager until recently. |
KatyRoseLand |
Okay guys, my first review since August... I'm nervous!
We had Markjolras, as already mentioned, with Greg in his track, and Killian in Joe's track. Other than that it was full cast. Prologue: I spent a lot of the Prologue wondering which lines the men who are staying would swap to. You know how they get different ensemble roles/lines at cast change. So I was a bit distracted, but in a good way, wondering which people would sing which lines, and then getting sad about the people who are leaving. There's nothing much to report about it but I have to say, I really love it... it sets a great tone and vocally it wows me every time. Soliloquy: Simon Bowman has improved immensely vocally since I last saw him, which was ages ago, and they seem to have sorted his wig out a bit so it doesn't fly out everytime he breathes. His What Have I Done? actually surprised me a lot, positively, although his characterisation still doesn't sit right with me. He has great diction too; some of the other Valjeans I have seen have had to really spit out the words in some of the faster bits, but he seemed very in control. His "souLLLL" thing still grates on me though. At the End of the Day: I loved it. It had especially great energy last night. I Dreamed a Dream: I enjoyed this a lot more than I usually do. Rebecca's "to shame" is gorgeous. I felt more from her Fantine than usual actually, I'm not sure why but this song really hit me in a way that it hasn't managed since Allyson Brown left. Lovely Ladies: Okay, so, this is totally one of my favourite songs, partly just for the sailors at the beginning, who are completely hilarious. I also think Martin Neely as the Pimp is great. I love how when they're convincing Fantine to "let him have the lot" and "show him what she's got", they're all sitting around her just smiling in a really creepy way. I also liked that Mark as the captain who can wear his shoes hesitated a bit, weighing up the situation slightly before deciding against it and marching on. George is a perfect Bamatabois. I'd ask if he's leaving but if the answer were yes I think I'd cry. Who Am I?: beyondthebarricade got it spot on about the vocal strengths. However, when I am not engrossed in a performance because I am not keen on the person's voice or acting choices or whatever, I find myself thinking about the lyrics a lot more, and I felt like I came away from yesterday's show understanding this song and all its layers better, which is good. Come to Me: Umm... SB kissed something. I THINK it was her neck, but I was at such an angle that it could have been her cheek. Anyway, it was all a bit nuzzly. Strangely though, I guess because I know how SB is with Cosette, it came across as more fatherly than anything else. It was still strange though. Castle on a Cloud: Definitely the best overall little Cosette I've ever seen. It was Sally Ann Gray, and I've never seen her before so obviously I didn't know what to expect, but I thought she was really excellent. She put in her own acting choices and had a lovely voice. I was really impressed. Master of the House: This was when I noticed Killian's hair - has he had it dyed blonde in preparation for being Enjolras or is it my imagination? Again, I wondered about the tracks being switched round. It was just a standard MOTH really. Very entertaining though. The Bargain: As some people have said, I really dislike how SB acts like he expected the poor mistreated child to be Cosette. It doesn't work. Largely thanks to the great little Cosette, this was really interesting to watch. Look Down: William Edden was on as Gavroche and I'd never seen him before. He was completely adorable but believable in the role. I also noticed Emily Bull a lot in this and whoever said earlier that she barely reacts when they're grabbing her dad and someone's waving a knife at her while the guy she thinks she loves defends her was right. She just sort of stands at the side looking mildly inconvenienced. She made up for it later but it did bother me. I know I've said this before, but - oh my gosh! - I will miss Thomas Camilleri SO much. Stars: I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I love HPJ. I really do. I loved him before Stars but I thought I'd take his solo as a chance to gush a bit. I think his voice is fantastic and I can see why other people don't like his acting, but there's something about his Javert that just clicks with me. I don't know what it is, but I just think he's wonderful in the role. Earl Carpenter is still my favourite though. Red and Black: Mark has an amazing voice. I still think he plays it like Courfeyrac got put in charge, but he has improved a lot since the last time I saw him and his voice actually kind of blew me away. He definitely doesn't have that indescribable thing that David Thaxton has but he is still fantastic in the role. Do You Hear the People Sing?: Same as the above really. In My Life: Emily's acting is lovely in this. I love that she plays it concerned for Jean Valjean instead of angry with him, but still frustrated. A Heart Full of Love: I don't get the connection between Marius and Cosette as much from Alistair and Emily as I have from some other pairings, but they're still very cute, and Nancy is wonderful. One Day More: This song was performed brilliantly by everyone. Not much else to say about it but it really wowed me. On My Own: Probably the best OMO I've heard from Nancy for a while, vocally. She was really on form and her acting was heartbreaking. A Little Fall of Rain: Again with the heartbreaking. It was really great actually. Again, probably the best I've seen/heard for a while. Drink With Me: Every single time I hear it, it doesn't matter how well I know the song or how many times I listen to it, I hear "Drink with me, today's gone by" instead of "Drink with me to days gone by". I don't know why, I just have some sort of mental block about it. Anyway. It was pretty beautiful. Dylan Williams is lovely in this song. Bring Him Home: Not his best moment vocally, but I see what SB's going for and I think it's consistent with the rest of his characterisation, which is good. I like that even after he prays that Marius will live, he still shoots him a few evils, like "Man, I know I have to like you because you and my daughter love each other and all, but... grr. If you hurt her, you'll be answering to me, pretty boy!"... or maybe that's just my imagination. Dog Eats Dog: I love Martin Ball. I love that he clearly says "Valjean!" when he sees Valjean. I only worked out that that was the line when I saw Greg as an understudy last year, because Jimmy Johnston used to say it so quickly I just thought he was gasping. Maybe he was. But anyway, I always appreciate Martin Ball's clarity. And after a few viewings of the tour, his Dog Eats Dog is SO welcome. Javert's Suicide: I loved it. I actually think it's pretty near perfect, for my view of Javert as a character. Turning: It was... vocally lovely. I still don't like it as a song. I wish I did. Empty Chairs at Empty Tables: I think this is Alistair's best moment. Beggars at the Feast: The ensemble are SO hilarious in this. One question - I have only seen Jonathan Williams as Valjean in the last few months, not in the ensemble - did he used to wear a wig? I thought he looked different... Finale: SB plays it veeeeery old. I love the Finale. It didn't disappoint. Hmm... I can't think of anything else. It was a great show, I really enjoyed it! |
Eppie-Sue |
Yes. Just yes. Sally Ann Gray is amazing, and I'm so happy she was basically "promoted" from Little Eponine (she was wonderfully snobby there), she's just great. maybe a little bit too tall, but if that's the only thing I can criticise...
Oh yes. I forgot to bring that up. That's exactly what he did. He, too, is all blond now. ![]() |
Fiwen9430 |
I saw this afternoon's show and found that the atmosphere is totally different from the Dress Circle slips compared to front Stalls. I don't know whether this had something to do with the fact that the bits I was most moved by were completely different from the parts that normally move me. For example, the Fantine scenes usually make me get a little teary eyed but this time, I don't know whether it was because Rebecca was not quite as into it, but she didn't really convince me, especially with the 'ill' side. I did think she was great the last time I went though.
We had 2 understudies: Mark for Enjolras and Jonathan for Valjean. Although I was slightly disappointed not to see Davidjolras again, I really like Mark's version. He seemed to be more human than David's version, though he still held the clear authority. It was a very watchable and interesting portrayal, and I loved his interactions with Grantaire, especially in the Final Battle. I don't know whether this always happens, but when Enjolras got shot and Grantaire climbed up, Enjolras was still clutching onto the top of the barricade and clasped Grantaire's hand with a smile before falling backwards. It just reminded me of the handclasp at the end of 'Orestes Fasting and Pylades Drunk' before they both got shot. I thought Nancy was very good today, especially on the acting side. I usually get bored during On My Own and have to resort to looking at the window shutters, but she really drew me in with her performance. ALFOR was amazing, and was the first time this song made me cry. Everyone else I didn't feel was any better or worse than when I saw the show 2 months ago. It was the first time I have seen Emily Bull's Cosette, whose hairstyle I found odd compared to the normal Cosette hairstyle. I didn't feel she was particularly memorable, though I did like her in the Wedding and Finale scenes and her voice is very pretty. Oh, and this was the first time I noticed the Joly actor headbanging during Beggars at the Feast. It was absolutely hilarious! |
Muscialperformer92 |
I have been quite confused about that too- Is there a reason for it? Is it her real hair or? I haven't seen any of the understudy cosettes, so I wondered if they're having a similar hairstyle or the "normal" one? I do like it alot though- I have never been too fond of those kind-of barbiedoll looking- very long, curly wigs (I have the same problem with Christines' wig in phantom)- I think Emilys' hair makes Cosette appear alot sweeter and innocent. I don't know if it's just me- but I have allways found the normal wig to look abit uptown-snopish. |
Eppie-Sue |
I loved most of the old Cosette wigs, and I don't know why they changed it. Yes, it does look more ordinary now, but also so much more modern... But I've gotten used to it.
Oh no, it's not her real hair at all... The understudies, both AJ and Helen, still have wigs with the usual ringlets. I think I like Helen's a bit more, but I can't really say what's so different about hers... |
beyondthebarricade |
KatyRoseLand, thank you for completing the review which I was too lazy to finish. What I wanted to say was Nancy was fantastic, Alistair made me cry during ECAET- it was absolutely heartbreaking. Strangely enough, I didn't find myself liking Emily Bull. Last December I really liked her a lot, but yesterday (and today) her voice seemed pretty thin to be and not all the parts were good. I love her acting, though.
It was her cheek, from where I was seating! But I was in A0 and there wasn't a good view for that scene, the BB seats are better, so I'll take your word for it.
No wonder I didn't hear any FREEDOM!s last night! Tonight's show! I loved it, although now I quite miss David as I haven't seemed him for a long time. I hear that he should be back on Monday. Anyway. Tonight. Who was there? At the end of BHH, there was a loud "BRAVO!", followed by immense cheers and whoops. I found Bowman's BHH normal, with the hands and all, so I don't understand why there was such loud applause. Maybe his friends/ardent fans were there? William Eden was a wonderful Gavroche, really lovely. I think I that the problem with Rebecca's voice is the same as Emily's. It's really thin, unlike Nancy's (I know she's a belter and all, but most sopranos' voices are still full and high), causing their voices to sound a bit pitchy. What is that, hereditary? On a completely unrelated note, I've booked a BB21 for Tuesday. Is anyone going? |
pastaeater |
I'm loving all the hair discussions, and .......umm..........Killian is now blonde?? ![]() (Sorry - I really enjoyed reading the reviews, but this is the bit that jumped out at me!) |
riverdawn |
So awesome that Killian went blond for Enjolras. I was wondering if he was going to do that! | ||||||||
Fiwen9430 |
I thought Killian looked different yesterday, but couldn't quite put my finger on why! | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I've never found Rebecca's voice to be particularly thin to be honest. It's not the most pleasant voice, at least to my ears, but it's not thin, is it? She fills it very well and has a lot of power behind it - just look at Fantine's Arrest.
Also, Bowman often gets cheers for BHH, which I can't understand, but then, most of the time BHH gets that reaction, as long as there's nothing obviously wrong with it. It doesn't have anything to do with fans being in ![]()
About that... From what I hear, the most optimistic possibility is Monday, but the only answer I've got so far that I trust (and want to trust) would be "He'll at least do the last performance, he won't miss that..." Just as a reminder that we're talking about more than a few days off because of uncomfortableness here, it's an actual back injury. I'm not expecting anything for the next two weeks and hoping for everything, and I'll be glad to see him do his final shows. ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Perhaps thin wasn't the most precise word, but it wasn't very pleasing to my ears too. I love the Fantine's Arrest scene, but others, like the ending of her phrases for one, sound gratey (is this even a word?). I just feel that it doesn't have enough depth in it, like Nancy's, for example. Nick Jonas? No wonder the camera man! |
mm10 |
Or maybe the audience just thought it was good?? ![]() Anyway just back from a few days away and saw the show on Wednesday night (and of course I'm away when they finally announce the concert but thankfully I have got that sorted) I did make a point of checking the understudy sheet and as people have already said Joe and Mark were both on. I have to be honest and say I found myself feeling quite pleased that Mark was on having seen him before - and that's no reflection on David who I always enjoy but I was glad of the opportunity to see Mark again. As for Joe - I had no idea who he was but I've never really warmed to Alistair (and again Marius is always a tough one for me because I can't help but make comparisions with Michael Ball) so I was quite happy to see someone different. Thought he was very good - especially in ALFOR And then we have Simon Bowman - I had thought that a lot of the critisism might be due to the BB seats and just being too close but this time I was in row A (the first time I've ever sat that close) and I have to say I saw subtleties in his acting that I hadn't noticed before - in particular in Fantine's Arrest, and also in the finale. Also just wanted to say thanks to KatyRoseLand for a lovely review (and everyone else who has kept us all informed) ![]() I have one final question I see there are the 2 shows on the 2nd October at both the Queens and the Barbican as part of the "anniversary weekend" but there is no show on Friday 1st (which would make sense) but I see one of the discount websites is selling tickets for the first at the Quuen's- I take it that's a mistake? |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm not sure whether to post this here on in the 2010/11 thread, but Hans Peter Janssens is NOT leaving on the 19th June, he's staying until the 3rd of July which, I suppose, is when Norm Lewis begins (or maybe Jeff gets to take over for a few days).
That means the only principals that are leaving in two weeks are, from the girls, Emily and Nancy, and, from the guys, David. And the fact that it's cast change better be reason enough for a bloody speech. |
stelllar |
Anyone know if tickets are ever available from TKTS for Saturday performances? I'm umming and ahhing about whether to buy a ticket for cast change, and on my budget the options are only to buy a rubbish seat in the upper circle, or turn up on the day and chance it. However i'm guessing that may be next to impossible given that it is Saturday, cast change, and West End Live (so many theatre fans about who may have the same idea). | ||||||||
riverdawn |
In principle, yes, you can get tickets from TKTS for Saturday performances. The first time I saw the show it was because I went to TKTS looking for a Saturday matinee ticket to something and ended up with Les Mis. That being said, with all the other factors, you may or may not be able to get a ticket on that particular Saturday. |
Eponines_Hat |
Anyone know if David was back today? So devastated for him - he sounds really injured ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Well I'm going tomorrow, so I'll check. Hope for the best! |
Eppie-Sue |
Ahuh. Back and completely mental and epic and doing everything in the book. As in, Jump and such. I'm a bit in shock, still, not fully convinced he knew what he was doing, and most of all immensely impressed. Also, it was a complete cast tonight, as in, full set of principals and full ensemble. I'll try to review, somehow, but I got terribly emotional as it started and cried my eyes out all the way through Act 1. Heh. |
riverdawn |
Good to hear that he was back, although I hope he won't do any more damage to his back doing jumps and all. ![]() And looking forward to that review! |
BlueEyedGirl |
Yes! so glad to hear he is back, I'm going to the show this friday for the first time since april, and I would love to see a full cast. ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
So optimism works after all. Yay! Can't wait to see how it goes after wards, though I think I'll quite miss Markjolras. Oh no. |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay. It's not a good review at all - as I said, five seconds into the show and I was bawling my eyes out and I have no idea how that happened. It must be the prospect of cast change. Oh dear. Not boding well. Um, overall, it was a good show and I enjoyed seeing the entire cast together. I mean, yes, of course I prefer some understudies over the principals, and I wish I could see Katy on stage because I love her in every role in the female ensemble, and I wish Killian would get to go on, because I'll miss him so much in the ensemble (and he'll miss it so much), but still, it's nice to see everyone on stage and work together and be a cast and healthy. More or less. At some parts, Bowman sounded vocally stronger than I'd heard him recently, but that didn't hide the fact that he literally has two ways of singing, as beyondthebarricade has pointed out recently, the one where he's very loud and with much pressure, and the one where he's putting so much air behind his voice that it isn't even proper singing anymore. Also, I've decided that his Valjean is simply way too emotional. Acting is one thing - you've got to convey emotions - but to recreate the words he's singing with gestures, facial expressions and movements, to over-accentuate all of this and to get very, well, emotional at any point in his performance, that's just not good for the role. Valjean really doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. And as touching as it might be for some to see him sobbing his way through the Finale... no. Just... no. HPJ sounded very strong for him being HPJ, I thought. I mean, I still don't get any Javert-vibes from him and he leaves me completely untouched by his part of the story, but at least he held my attention during Stars. Rebecca was the same as always. I feel a bit sorry that I keep saying that, and it's definitely not pure criticism, because she's consistent and all, but I can't possibly report the same thing every single time. I really liked Alistair. I've been going through phases with him, and in May, I remember that I was being very hesitant and a bit disappointed, because I'd seen and heard him much better, but he's good now and while, yes, his voice is not the best out there etc. etc., he is a convincing Marius, because he knows how to work with what he's got and without what he hasn't got. Emily was great. I will miss her, simply because she doesn't annoy me at all as Cosette. She definitely puts a lot into it, it's a pity it doesn't show that well because, well, it's Cosette and Cosette is just not that great of a character to work your way into. Nancy - sounding good. I enjoyed OMO. Acting-wise, it seems to have hit her that it's only two weeks to go - it's very fresh, very lively, very intense and she puts a lot into it. I'll miss her. As much as I do want to see another Eponine, I'm also very well aware of the fact that I like Nancy's Eponine and that at least with her, we've got a certain quality every single time. Martin Ball and Lorraine were good, as usual. I watched them a bit more than usual in MotH, mainly because I was too far back to do proper ensemble watching, and I love the way they interact. I'm actually quite glad they're staying, again, at least with them I know what to expect. I don't care that much about the Th�nardiers, but I'm well aware that I find myself being annoyed by them ever so quickly, and these two don't annoy me. So that's good. Alright. David was back. And I did expect a moderated performance, a bit less action, a bit less jumping around and being in charge of five things at once and I certainly didn't expect business as usual. Which it was, except that with him, it obviously never seems to be business as usual, because there's always so much fire and thought in there. Last night was, in plain terms, Epicjolras. In every shape and form. Oh, and he changed "Lamarque is dead". He didn't sit down, he slowly grasped the flag after the first few lines while standing in front of the table, and then pulled it towards him, held it and got on the table with it in his hands and it worked so well. It's completely new - and that with two weeks to go - and vocally it was epic. At first I thought he was saving himself instead of going mental in that scene, but no, unlikely considering the barricades had everything they usually have. Including the Jump. I winced. But then I'm scared of jumping down things anyway. Also, normal Deadjolras, etc. Of course I'm not qualified to judge, but I'm not quite sure if he will be able to keep this up, also from what I'm understanding from the stage door. I can't for the life of me imagine how back injury and a performance like the one I saw last night will work together... I'm actually quite stunned and in awe. Oh he better get the spot in the Concert cast. This was just a testament to the love, dedication and quality and I can not believe he's leaving in two weeks. Also, Jonathan!Drunk lay down on the table in the wedding as it had moved to the back. And then crashed down with a THUD. I do hope he keeps that track. |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the review, it made me smile. A lot. Especially at the thought of Jonathan!Drunk falling off of the table.
It sounds like it was a nice night. ![]() |
pastaeater |
Thank you so much for the review - really glad to hear that David is back, but I hope he doesn't injure his back again.....he really shouldn't be junping off the barricade like that! Tsk! | ||||||||
Eponines_Hat |
Yay to David being back!!!! Sounds like a great show - thanks for the revue. Can't believe how soon cast change is! Sob! ![]() ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Jonathan was on as Valjean tonight, so Mark Hedges was in his track, and Greg in Joe's. I think Killian was off as well, so George was the "queer" in BATF. First off, tonight was so epic, what with Jonathan!VJ and David being back and all. And they were all so lovely at the stage door (Natalie was all "Are you sure you want a photo with me?"). But I'll just speak a few points that went through my mind. Jonathan was so sweet, so humble, unlike what I've seen previously. His Valjean probably had more raw emotions than Bowman, and everything was more subdued. I really enjoyed his Valjean tonight (although my mum loves Bowman's JVJ. Alot). I particularly like the little things that I don't notice in Bowman's, for example in the Confrontation after Fantine's Death, Bowman staring at HPJ during "I swear to you, I will be there" always bugged me as it seemed like they were doing another face-off. In that line, Valjean is making a promise to Fantine, so when Jonathan turned to Fantine on her deathbed, I felt that really worked quite well. No red scarf in the picking Cosette up scene, yay. I got the feeling that he was terribly disgusted with the Thenardiers, which I didn't see in Bowman's (his was more amused). SB is more drama-mama, while Jonathan was subtler, like in the scene after the Runaway cart during the interchange between Valjean and Javert, Bowman was always give the OH NO HE THINKS IT'S ME LET ME SHOW THIS FACE TO THE WORLD HEY THERE SEE? face, while Jonathan would appear pensive and more reflective, which I appreciated, because the character of Valjean was never really the open book. And no hands! But (can anyone help me on this...) does he normally sit, then walk, then sit again in BHH? I thought most Valjean's just sit throughout at the same spot. The good thing was, no hands!
Moving on. The whole cast was fabulous today. Jeff's Brujon during Javert's Intervention after Look Down scared me as he was staring right at me when they were all crouched down. And David was simply, David. And everyone was just so sweet at the stage door. Before this I was terrified, and I managed to tell Jonathan that I loved his Valjean. He also praised Bowman incessantly to the group next to me who offered him chocolates. He claimed that he only knew about him playing Valjean this morning, and he'd be on tomorrow as well (if anyone's interested). When I mentioned that his drunk on Saturday was hilarious, he was like "Yeah. Yesterday when I fell on the table I hurt my arm and it hurts". And Alistair's sweater is just so wooly. Like his hair. Baaaaaa. |
Eppie-Sue |
Killian wasn't off, he was there, just not on stage. He did the warnings. And George is always the queer at the wedding, unless he's on holiday or off sick, when it's whoever is covering his track - last week that must have been Killian when you saw it. Killian = swing.
Personally, I don't think it's as simple as that. David gave one of the best performances I've ever seen him give, it was incredible. From the first note on, and everything was just amazing. Absolutely amazing. Completely insane, too, but so complete, and so loud and whole and Enjolraic. I'm so grateful and I am actually still a bit speechless, because after last night, I wasn't sure what to expect, considering he's possibly running on painkillers and adrenaline. It's a pretty spectacular example of "mind over matter", or maybe more "heart over matter", I believe. I can't even begin to describe it, and I hope he can keep this up until the end of the run... and then rest and recover. Jonathan sang one of the best "Bring Him Home"s I've ever heard at the Queen's, I believe. It was so good. He was overall very strong, very convincing, changed little bits if I'm not mistaken and it was just lovely to see him again. All in all it was a bloody fantastic show. Everyone was good, and I actually enjoyed everyone's performance so much. Nancy was great, Emily was great, HPJ was really, really, really good, I liked Martin and Lorraine, I loved Rebecca and although Alistair was a lot better yesterday, I thought, I enjoyed seeing him a lot. The ensemble was epic, and Simon Shorten is brilliant. Not just his Babet, although his interaction with everyone in Look Down/The Robbery just WINS hands down, but of course also in MotH. The bit that he starts in the slow mo is being extended. I swear he acted like he was about to throw up a few times and it got funnier with the second. Also, Mark and Antony seem to be feeling cast change creeping up. They were both outstandingly strong and I will miss them so much. They're brilliant performers, and I hope they'll both end up with roles where they get to sing more than they currently do. Oh and: There are now f'cking iron barriers in front of the stage door. Well done, Nick Jonas fangirls and -boys. It's not an inconvenience for the cast and crew at all. Nope. |
PureDiamondLight |
Thanks guys for the awesome reviews! I wish I could have been there. *Sigh*
David and Jonathan are the two best actor/singers I've ever seen. I hope David doesn't do himself permanent damage, though! Btw, what does anyone think about starting a thread specially for reviews? It might be nice to have them all in one place. Just a thought ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Oh. That's weird, because once or twice both Killian and George were present but Killian did the "queer".
I meant it in a way that he was consistent as excellent as usual. And I also thought that the cast was particularly strong last night- Rebecca's voice seemed so powerful, and Alistair just made me cry in ECAET. |
Eppie-Sue |
And today at the Queen's - Mark as Enjolras, Simon Shorten as Valjean.
Also, there is an actual announcement on the stage door that states that due to a matinee day, there are no rehearsals. As in, no Nick Jonas. To keep the crazies from hanging around. I do wonder if Mackintosh had any idea what he was doing when he went "Oh let's have him do a short stint at the Queen's" - I can only imagine what it will be like when he is actually performing. It's also quite annoying to have the barriers there all the time, considering it's impossible for anyone who wants to stagedoor after a performance to stand anywhere but in the cast and crew's way, because there is literally no room anymore. It's awful. |
beyondthebarricade |
I asked the ticketing lady about that, but according to her there were no understudies on today, full principal cast. But the cast board were three slots empty- Bowman, Jonathan and David. So what's up with that? |
riverdawn |
When did you ask? Usually they don't know for sure until an hour before the show. |
beyondthebarricade |
I went in there to book tickets for tomorrow, but it must have been around 3pm. The matinee had already started, for sure. Maybe that was for the evening show? |