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He said almost exactly the same when I asked him (and he kind of jumped and looked very surprised when I asked him about them lol). |
Eponines_Hat |
In the spirit of promoting the LID..... p.s loved the description of DT's "yes, I know my holidays dates.... no, wait i don't...." ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
... ![]() ![]() ![]() he positively loses it after "AWAAAAIT". Thanks for that! ... and yes. I totally went to another internet cafe that had headphones on the PCs just to listen to it. Twas well worth it. I'll be listening to it for half an hour now. Hey - I paid one pound for it ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Awww.... glad you enjoyed it. Am extending my hideous video making skills to do a few more as we speak - including the infamous super-fast eagle- so keep posted. BTW... been listening to some old LiDs by DT and am impressed at how he has managed to make it even better since beginning of the year! |
Angel-of-Music* |
I just saw him in les mis this week.
I think i fell in love haha |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, I still fangirl this one, which is from December 08, I believe. It's different in the new season, though. I can't quite describe it. It was a bit more ... borderline insane xD back then. I mean, he still loses it in the middle part (as I said), but he went completely batshit on some of the recordings I heard... and at one performance I saw in June, too. It was pretty epic in the sense of ... 1793-Saint-Just-"I will make him carry his head like Saint-Denis"-epic. But it's more 1832!brick!Enjolras now, if that makes any sense. and it's still uber epic.
aww. ![]() ETA: 18 pages in six weeks. O.O ETA: I swear, I was re-reading this and my signature pic moved. ![]() |
Angel-of-Music* |
wednesday, Enjolras is probably my favourite role anyway, but he was awesome on so many levels. When he piched eponines hat in the bows I was like, i wish i knew that guy ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
ooooh, Wednesday matinee? (I'm trying to remember here... was there hat-pinching at the Wed matinee bows? I think there was. Or random hugging. Or something. I get confused.)
Becaaaauuse... then you'd have seen the same show as Madeleine and me! It was a great performance indeed, maybe even my favourite out of all the ones I've seen lately. The Final Battle was pretty mind-blowing. |
Angel-of-Music* |
no, wednesday night, that would have been cool though ![]() |
Madeleine |
That was because you were sat next to me and we spent the whole show silently fangirling and (also silently) giggling. ![]() ![]() No, but it was a great show, and Final Battle was indeed pretty epic. Hi Angel-of-Music* ![]() |
Angel-of-Music* |
I was rather tempted to stand up and proclaim my love when the barricade turned haha.
I loved all of it to be honest, I saw Johnathan Williams play JVJ, and oh my god his voice is unbelievable. He sang a much softer take on bring him home than I've heard most do, it was beautifull. Rachel Bingham really shone as Madame T, she was soo funny. I thought they were the best two performers (other than DT obviously) and considering they're both understudies, it just goes to show the gems there are hidden in smaller parts out there. I think the only thing I could fault was Alistair Brammer's marius. too much vibrato really irritates me, and he shook and twitched loads when he was showing any kind of anger, which was really distracting. He had a good voice though |
Eppie-Sue |
... and now imagine me, all alone, at my first London Les Mis show in June, dreading "Look Down" throughout the entire show because I'm such an Enjolras fangirl and I had literally no idea what to expect and then getting the whole DT experience and having nobody to talk to. Well, except for the poor elderly couple next to me. They were so nice about it xD and they calmed me down during the interval by offering me strawberries. They might have been poisoned xD ("Oh God, we know he is 'epic'... Let's shut that girl up!" "Do you have the poisoned strawberries with you?" "Good idea.") I'm sorry, this was utterly random, I don't know where that came from. But poor David and my brick!Enjolras gushing at the stage door afterwards. I mean, obviously, he was so lovely about it, but ... I almost exploded with surpressed fangirling. I will shut up now xD I'm only making this worse. and oh God, yes. The matinee was 80% giggling and fangirling. I was laughing through my nose all the time and I don't remember why in most of the cases. But you know something's wrong when you're giggling at "Fantine's Arrest", just because you have discovered the wonders of ad-libbing and heard DT's "SCUM!" which reminded you of the good times when he was Bamatabois. And that reminded you of the sped-up Chipmunk!DT!Bamatabois version you made just for teh lulz of it. Oh God. "TOOO THEEE POOOLIII!!!CE!" ETA: I'm glad you liked Rachel Bingham as Mme Thenardier! And Jonathan really makes you think you're seeing principal Valjean. |
Angel-of-Music* |
I didnt even get to stagedoor it. Apparently the excuse of "but mam, i love him" would not work. Plus i probably wont get to see it again because i live at the other side of the country ![]() and tommy sherlock while I'm at it, not that he has anything to do with les mis, he's just epic in everything he does. |
Eppie-Sue |
Aw, you have almost one year to come back, and the BB row seats right in front of the stage are only �20, those are surely not insuperable obstacles, are they? If it helps any, there is tons of DT love on YouTube! All the links are in the first post... but you've probably already seen those. |
Madeleine |
I'm glad you loved it! Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I did really like Rachel as Mme T. I think I was very hard on her when she first came on because she wasn't Lorraine (which is awful. I hate it when other people judge like that and I feel really bad about it now) but she really was very good.
How did I not hear that?! I think I must have been watching Mark and Gavin talking as the policeman and random bystander at that point instead. ![]() I can't get over how good his 'Who cares about your lonely soul? *thumps fist on table* We STRIVE toward a larger goal' ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
tsk. Weeeell. I guess we all have our priorities... ![]()
![]() I miss the "make them BLEEEEEEED! while we can!" - I didn't think I would, but aww. I do. Then again, I'm perfectly willing to sacrifice it for the new "Red and Black" ... when he's really, really quiet and soft from "It is time for us all" to "day by day" - and then suddenly he goes "REEEEED" and the audience is all: "O.O" ... they don't know what hit them. |
Madeleine |
Too many priorities. If only you could watch them all at the same time. ![]()
Hopefully it's a permanent feature then. ![]() He did the best Jump I've seen in a long time as well. I thought he was going to land on us ![]() And the 'hooold yourselves in readiness'. ![]() |
flying_pigs |
Haha, he is a legend though!
As long as he doesn't break his hand or something then I'm all for the "STRIVE" *bang table*! |
Eponines_Hat |
yeah, I miss the BLEEEEEEED! too. Does he not do it at all now? He certainly hasnt at the performances I have seen. But so much of his performance is made of WIN, I'll let it slide.
I also kinda miss the mad/malicious laugh in the LiD sometimes (just sometimes....). Even though it was kinda scary and evil ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm quite sure he doesn't do the "BLEEED!" at all anymore, it's on none of the 09/10 recordings, he didn't do it at the IoW concert and at none of the performances I saw. I miss it so much, BUT it kind-of fits, seeing as it sounds just a tad bit too vicious for Enjolras to begin with. As did The Evil Cackle in LiD xD I'm quite glad, he dropped that, actually, because, I mean, it goes very well with the book!Enjolras characterisation he's obviously going for. Besides, his DYHTPS has improved so much. Not that it was bad, at all, but (I've mentioned that in the 9 Sept review, too) - those low notes, which many Enjolrati struggle with or just ignore, are perfect. ETA: He didn't do the "STRIVE!" on Wednesday, seeing as he acted the scene differently with Antony!Marius. But I suppose whenever he does the "sit down and talk sense into Marius"-blocking, he'll also do the "STRIVE!"... I'd hope so. ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
ooh! what did he do??? |
Eppie-Sue |
I described it in the London CC Thread, I think... there is quite a lot of gushing. Basically, he stared him down and was very stern and didn't do the "let me just explain to you that revolution > universe" talk where he sits down (and then does the STRIVE!). |
Eponines_Hat |
oooops! how did i miss that?? ![]() ![]() ![]() lol love the gushing! i NEED to see Antony |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, I think the "STRIVE!" is a fairly new thing... he certainly didn't do it on some "Red and Black"s from earlier this season.
Ooh, and to add some creep factor to the fangirling: Here's something new, I think I'll give it a tryyy... another DT!Bamatabois recording from 2005. *evil cackle* (it's kinda sad how he outsings Cornell John) ... "YOU'VE GOT SOME GALL!" oh man, I wish he was still doing that scene... I really like George Miller, but this just wins. ("Javert, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT?") ![]() |
laurz |
Is that him in the picture?? and woahhhhh evil cackle ![]() lol and I LOVE how he totally outsings the Javert ![]() ![]() |
flying_pigs |
I think DT should so do all the roles in his old track e.g. Bamatabois, police officer, customer in MOTH then be Enjolras from Look Down onwards ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Ooh, I heard great things about the first MotH traveller! xD but I understand that they can't give him that ensemble track back, people would recognise him as Enjolras (he is just too tall and pretty)... and that would, as aquirkofmatter has rightly pointed out, be a bit much for easily scared audiences ![]() I only wish a video recording of some 2005/06/07 performance existed that featured him in that track (the whole Bamatabois/Courfeyrac one). |
aquirkofmatter |
I've just got back home from going to see tonight's performance with Eppie-Sue (damn moving to Portsmouth!) and I mentioned his socks at the stage door! And he remembered which ones he was wearing!. ![]() I'm not sure what I'm most impressed by - the fact he remembered and had a discussion about his IoW socks with me, or the fact that he didn't run miles when a crazy person started talking socks with him... ![]() And oh, so pretty ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
gotta love how he was all: "That was an accident! I only noticed there and freaked a bit." xD and we were just going: "NO IT WAS AMAZING! Stripey socks. That's very rebellious!" and Alistair went: "Stripey?" *pulls up his one trouser leg* *shows green-white-orange-red-yellow-ish-stripey-socks* "Like this?"
xD and we really only talked about The Socks (and Woody's suit. A bit.)... he was still going on about it when he left. Bless. ETA: He growled the "Hold yourselves in readiness". WIN. |
aquirkofmatter |
DT: "I got there and was like "Oh shit!" and realised that I had stripey ones on. I could have taken some black ones, but no." [Alistair offers his socks] "No! They weren't too bad, they kind of matched the suit, right?"
Me: "Yeah, they were well matched. A normal person wouldn't have noticed, it was just because there wasn't all that much to look at. And they weren't quite so obvious as Richard Woodford's suit. What was with that?" DT: "That suit was amazing! ... " ![]() Socks and suits, what a lovely conversation. I stopped myself from adding "It was really cute that you and Jon had identical suits on." ... because I felt that would be going a step too far. |
Eppie-Sue |
I might actually have called them "very rebellious" now that I think about it. ![]() But yes, that's basically how the conversation went down. It was utterly random and surreal and Alistair was so funny and after the first short WTF moment, David was absolutely fine with discussing his socks ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
You did! And he looked quite chuffed when you said it, too! ![]() It's his own fault, really, because he's the one who crossed his legs. The only one, in fact - all of the other guys had both feet firmly on the stage. It was as if he wanted them to be seen... |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, he did?! xD I wouldn't know, I kind of avoid eye contact when I'm saying this sort of stuff. heeeh. But, ah, I can't believe I didn't gush about his performance. Again! I ... One day I shall mention "Lamarque is dead" and "The Final Battle". It's always my first priority, but... somehow he always says something that throws me off completely and then we talk about... hair... or vests... or socks... Gosh. |
flying_pigs |
Haha, sounds like you two had a great time!
I've said before and I'll say it again; Thaxton is a legend! |
pastaeater |
Can't stop laughing about the sock conversation!!
Furious with myself that I was actually AT the IOW concert and didn't even notice the socks! I've got to stop concentrating on the music......... ![]() |
lovesinging |
<3 |
aquirkofmatter |
I was concentrating on the music, I swear! But David and Jon were right in front of us and they are soooo pretty, it was easy to stare. |
Eponines_Hat |
awww... this sounds like he was trying so hard to get in on all the Thaxton love and fangirling. bless. ![]() tangent: Right now I am fangirling how much Thaxton pwns, like, every vocal performance in every song. I literally have to turn my ipod down whenever his part comes along to avoid permanent hearing loss and weird looks form people on the Tube. Today I noticed that I have actually got into the habit of automatically turning down the volume at the precise second just before his lines start! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
No, no, no. You can't turn the volume down at his parts! What do you mean, your headphones will be destroyed!? ... pffh, buy new ones! Oh, your eardrums will be wrecked? Tsk. Deal with it ![]() /silly But yeah, I know. I get that at my desktop's mini loudspeaks... they crash and burn when I listen to the IoW's "ARIIIIISE" and, well, at some ODM entrances. EDIT: He did an almost "BLEEEEED!" today. Am very happy. |
Eppie-Sue |
sorry, I normally try to avoid double posts, but, guys, come on...
There was loud "Lamarque is dead" applause today. (We totally started it and it helps when you start clapping during the "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!" because that way, more people will most likely join in. Because otherwise - after the CAAAAALL - the students will clap and cheer, too, and nobody will hear you.) Everything was there, Jump, Legs, Hug, Fight (oh my God The Fight was epic), THE Final Battle, Flag Whipping... and there was a growled "Hold yourselves in readiness!" ... : ) |
pastaeater |
I think I was too stunned to applaud during the "CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!!" last time I heard it................actually I was waiting for the top of my head to come off ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Wonderful performance as usual from David this matinee...
There were a couple of middle aged ladies behind me, and in the interval their convo went something like this: "This is the best enn-JOLE-rass I've ever heard." "Yeah. He's rather dishy, as well!" "Yes. He's gorgeous..." about 5 mins later, looking at the program "He doesn't look so good here" "He is amazing though. He's even better than Marius!!" Well, duh!! Nancy also got a special comment as having a very pretty face. "Have you seen footballer's wives?" "Huh?" "Have you seen footballer's wives: extra time" "No." "Oh. Neither have I..." |
Eponines_Hat |
It's funny and yet creepy at the same time ![]() ![]() ![]() |
the_bleeding_layabout |
All these videos have been removed from Youtube!! ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
No, sorry - I didn't get a copy of those two ![]() However, I have something that might interest people on this thread. It's not Les Mis, but it is David Thaxton. It's the two tracks from Trial by Jury in which he sings as foreman. For some reason he comes out really quietly, but you can still hear him. He has, I think, three solo lines in the whole CD which you can hear on these tracks: Track 24: Oh never, never, never "We've but one word, my Lord, And that is - Rapture!" Track 26: That she is reeling "If Faint you're feeling, Lean on me!" "Just like a father I wish to be." |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay so. as Constable I: (and look. it's the picture again ![]() as Constable II: and there are two DT!Bamatabois videos in the epic listing on the first page. I actually contantly update it ![]() (although I don't have the constable-videos up there, because... really. But if you're interested - he's also the first constable in the Epic Blooper Reel, right before Rob Archibald goes "You were the bishop's honest guest!"... xD) and, um, l'ivrogne transfigur� - the link doesn't work, we don't have access to the site. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Oops, sorry. Try again - it should work now. |
Mistress |
*sneeks in* Wow, you guys are right. Thaxton DOES do and incredibly creepy Bamatabois ![]() |
Alexia Dark |
Hahaha, that "For just one SLICE!... of your PIE!" was hilarious. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
So much epicness tonight. Oh my. Win. | ||||||
lovesinging |
Reviewreviewreview? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
So. He was back after one week off. And while that might sound like something fairly normal, according to him (at the stage door), he had "no clue" what he was doing, was "mental" and "bonkers"... and oh my, it was epic. Everything was so... enthusiastic. Not in the "YAY! Barricade!" sense, but more in the... everything was sooo good. xD The Arise and The Belowww and The Final Battle (Jump, Legs, RIIISE, IIIIS FREE), The Caaaall (we failed at the applause ![]() ![]() (yes, this is me being a fangirl) And I got my BRICK signed. Yes, that's right. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I am having major Les Mis withdrawal symptoms!! It's so strange not being able to just pop in to London on a whim to see it - I know how the rest of you guys feel now! |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I am having major Les Mis withdrawal symptoms!! ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO green with envy right now! Please tell us more - esp stage door goss. I need to go again ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
xD There is not much to tell about stagedooring, really. He gushed a lot about the brick <3 ...and yeah, he was a bit out of it (and oh man, he took his time with everything, with all those who were waiting for photos and autographs and whatnot, too, even though the others were all waiting for him... Heh. Bless him.) - and about the performance ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
So. Tonight was the best performance I've ever seen or heard him give, and I like to think that that's saying something... I know I always go "oh, he was amazing" but... Good Lord, I am speechless. I was actually overwhelmed. | ||||||
Eponines_Hat |
YES! OMG. ***YES*** You know how much I fangirl the LiD and today it overwhelmed me to the point of it still setting my heart racing halfway through DYHTPS. I actually FORGOT to applaud! Or breathe, for that matter! Luckily the LiD got some major applause and cheers. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Heeeh. ![]() ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
I suspected some forum people might have been behind it! And you got so many people to join in! I have never heard that much applause or cheering for the LiD! I also wondering if some of you on here were behind the "2460-1111111111" applause? Nice work! ![]() I am guessing there was no stagedooring last night as I think the cast usually have a big party or something. I'd love to hear what the cast thought of the show at some point |
Katfeyrac |
[edit] | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I do believe the growled "Hold yourselves in readiness!" is standard now, at least it was throughout the past week. That is making me happier than it should, really.
Hm, I can't decide if I miss the 08/09 pre-ODM vest (which was oh so shiny) and the "BLEEEEED!" or not... Oh, and: This Saturday's Final Battle (there is nothing you can't find on YT ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
double post for a reason. He was off today, might be tomorrow, we actually asked Mark, and he said something about how right now, he couldn't say, it was uncertain, because David hurt his neck.
And yes, I'm alarmed. Of course I am. If you want to see Mark as Enjolras with Jeff as Grantaire, though, your chances are pretty good tomorrow... |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Ouch! Poor DT ![]() ![]() (you'd think it would for at least a week or so, although knowing David, it probably won't, consummate professional!) |
Eppie-Sue |
Can I just say that I have the utmost, utmost admiration for that guy? He went on for the matinee and obviously wasn't fine, seeing as Mark went on for the evening show... but if I hadn't known that something wasn't right, I wouldn't have noticed. It was an amazing performance and everything was in there, everything... it was... that was insane. | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Wow... just wow. But then again, I wouldn't expect any less of him - he is insanely amazing! ![]() Was the jump still there? |
Eppie-Sue |
Yes. The Jump was still there (Madeleine called it the best she had seen in a long time, I think), The Fight was v. intense, there was gun-lifting and random running around on the barricade and whatnot.
Oh yes - we actually caught him afterwards, he was very sweet and all, and apparently there is no real cause for the hurt neck - "on Monday it just started tightening and I went to a physio today and he said 'see how you're feeling' and I'm feeling rubbish. So I'm leaving." So, that's that. Let's see how things will go... |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
This wikipedia article that's turned up (, created on 10th October by "OrestesAndPlyades"... is someone on this forum behind it? Good on you, if it was! | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, that article has grown a bit since I first saw it. And it was about time for one, that's all I'm going to say.
On a completely random note, today was so amazing, he was back... Mark was on for Wednesday evening, Thursday and Friday shows, but apparently David's better now. Plus, he complained about how the days off had been boring him. And oh my God, The Final Battle. ETA: And, highlight of the day, he totally ignored the stupid, tacky hat blocking in DWM. I was a very happy fangirl. Martin Neely stood right there with the hat and waited for him to snatch it and give it back to Alistair, but no. Nothing of the sort. So at one point there he handed him the bottle, there was a hug and then Grantaire had to give Marius the hat himself. Serves him right. ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
YAY YAY YAY! It IS tacky! I do feel a touch sorry for Martin though. He must have been a tad thrown by it all! Does this mean there was more Stare? |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() But the best part must have been him impatiently drumming his fingers on the red-flag-covered table during Marius' "Had you been there tonight" lines. I just about died. |
Eponines_Hat |
*dies* <3 <3 <3 This is clearly what happens when DT stays home "bored" for a few days! I hope this blocking stays, but with Thaxton, who knows? It will prob change again by Monday Gotta love how much all the baracade boys laugh at gushing Marius during R+B. ![]() |
Lara |
Reading about David Thaxton makes me a little sad because I can't go see him live. Gaaaaah. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
This is brilliant.
"GET IN THERE." poor Markfeyrac. reminds me of the one Fight where everyone could make out a very clear and loud "FOR GOD'S SAKE!" right before Gavroche drew all the attention to him... |
Eponines_Hat |
<3 I get really sad on the shows where Thaxton doesn't do this sort of thing! I wish I could have hears the "For God's sake!" Fight. That would have been cool! |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh... Look. I was watching the videos from 2008 (a whole year ago. more than that even!) today... my God. So much has changed, hasn't it?! There are some bits that are still in there, but overall... it's really striking. And THE HAIR. ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
*dies* |
riverdawn |
I think I've gotta join in...(Warning: massive fangirling ahead!)So, I saw Les Mis for the first time in my life a few months ago, and I was sitting pretty far away, but for the entire freakin' show I just couldn't keep my eyes, ears, or mind off of Enjolras (DT, of course). I mean, he absolutely commanded the stage in every scene he appears, and his voice! (And, well, ok, those ARMS didn't hurt either. Jeez! ![]() I was super impressed with the show overall, and especially with DT, so I actually read the book and upon returning to London went again to see it last Monday, only to discover Mark Dugdale was playing Enjolras. I was disappointed a bit, but he was actually very good and I left perfectly happy. But last night, oh gosh... A friend of mine who hadn't seen it asked me to go with her (even though I'd seen it recently), and I agreed. We had the best seats, an amazing view, and once DT came on it was just electrifying. I could totally understand why I had been so amazed by him the first time. Also (and this is the worst of the fangirling) at the very end, when they were doing curtain call, I was in the front of the dress circle and I was the only one standing in the first few rows when he came on, and for a moment he looked up it totally totally felt like he was waving just for me. ![]() I mean, rationally I get that with the lights they probably can't even see people there, but it totally felt like he was just staring up at me and smiling. *melt*. *puddle*. Ok. All done now. Definitely gonna have to physically stop myself from going again while in London, because it's getting ridiculous. But do keep posting stuff for those of us who are far away. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, let me welcome you gladly with courage and cheer ![]() It's very refreshing to have some new people on here, glad to hear you've enjoyed Les Mis! I always love to hear that people read the book because they're so enthralled after having seen the show. I suppose most of us have gotten - and still get - that "electrifying" experience... xD No need to warn us, seeing as this is called "Fangirling Thread" for a reason (we had to open one because it was getting too much in other threads. Obviously, the London Cast Change thread, where we post our general reviews, still gets a whole lot of gushing. Naturally)... Oh, and may I ask how far from London you live? And if you go again and don't have that much money to spare, I think all of us can recommend the BB row seats (right in front of the stage), they're available if you phone the box office... they're 20 quid. As are the Slips in Dress Circle. : ) |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the welcome. ![]() Unfortunately I live across the great Atlantic pond most of the time, so it's less a matter of money to go to the show and more a matter of, you know, being thousands of miles away. But thanks to the youtube videos posted here, at least I can relive the moments while away. Though I definitely second those who want to see an official recording of the current cast. Above everything else I was just staggered by the amazing quality of the singing in this production. |
aquirkofmatter |
I definitely need to fangirl after tonight. The first line of ODM actually made my friend and I physically jump - the power! I was in BB6, and ohmygoodnessme ![]() |
riverdawn |
So, since my last post I've spent a lot of time reading in this forum, and I've realized I've been missing some pretty crucial elements of the Les Mis experience, especially the DT experience. So finally I gave in to my baser tendencies and I got a ticket to go see it one last time before I leave London. I'm going a week from Monday (from all the listings it looks like DT should be on. He had better be!), and I'm now sort of trying to decide if I have the guts to do the stage-door thing. I've never done this sort of thing before, but there's a part of me that just really feels like any actor who can play a role so well that it makes me want to see the same show four times in as many months really deserves a thank you. Is anyone here by any chance planning to go that night? I would feel much braver stagedooring if someone else was doing it with me. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Aw, lovely.
Is that the 7th December? I guess I could go... yeah. And I suppose I've gotten a bit of stagedooring experience over the past months, if that would help. I hope you're okay with me coming... Really, stagedooring at the Queen's is easy, even if you're alone. I mean, I managed xD And in these cases, I don't feel too bad for stopping him, I mean, it's not like we're going to hurt him by gushing a bit. It should be all right.
riverdawn |
Yeah, that's Dec. 7th.
Do let me know if you go (though, of course, don't go just on my account. ![]() My friends here are totally sick and tired of hearing me talk about this show, so it would be nice to meet someone who shares the enthusiasm. ![]() |
Lauraa |
Aww, if you were only going a couple of days later, I would have gone stage dooring with you.
I know what you mean about wanting to meet someone who shares the enthusiasm - I persuaded my friend to come with me but only cos I agreed to spend the WHOLE DAY shopping with her in London. I think she'd draw the line at stage-dooring though ![]() |
riverdawn |
I considered going later, but I wanted to get a really good seat and for some reason this was harder to do than I expected.
Also, I'm going to see a play with friends a few days later, so I needed to space things out a bit. ![]() But, hey, enjoy seeing it with your friend. And spending the day in London shopping doesn't sound half bad either. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh look! Oh LOOK!
Final Battle with applause! And can I just say how incredibly grateful I am that the stupid hat-blocking in DWM is now basically gone and has been replaced by Martin!Grantaire being pathetic and David!Enjolras NOT taking the hat and NOT responding to that but to Grantaire in general? Works so much better. |
Eponines_Hat |
I am so fangirling his blocking randomness - especially in r + b
I could seriously see the show every night just to see what he does with the blocking. It makes it always so fresh and interesting. Amazing! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
riverdawn |
Speaking of random, here's my random Enjolras thought of the day, inspired by the Thaxtonian wonderfulness this afternoon (sorry if it doesn't quite belong on this thread):
Why do people keep offering Enjolras bottles of wine? Don't you think they'd have spent enough time planning revolutions with him to know that he doesn't drink? What's up with that? And, while we're on that topic, does anyone else find the death scene slightly ruined by the fact that when MartinTaire runs up the barricade to try and save Enjolras, he takes his bottle with him, and then upon being hurt himself, let's the bottle fly into the air above the barricade? It's really quite undignified (plus, isn't there a risk the bottle will fall on the Deadjolras that lies beneath?) |
Eppie-Sue |
Hm, okay, so, in the current London production, I can only think of one thing you're referring to in "Drink With Me" - and that is, this week, Killian as Feuilly randomly offering him the jar of wine he's holding right after the end of Grantaire's lines. Antony, when he's in his normal track, doesn't do that. I believe it was part of the blocking last year (and hence it's still part of what Killian does when he's on for Antony) - commonly referred to as "Feuillycrash". You can see it here right after the 7 minute mark. That's actually the one moment I can think of. That's it. I mean, yes, he takes Grantaire's bottle, but I don't see it as R offering it to him to drink, but more some kind of "I've had enough. You're right." moment of handing over the bottle and thus the image of the drunkard.
... I see what you mean, but I've always loved first the red flag and then the bottle flying off over the barricade as their respective "equivalent" students die. I don't feel like the moment is ruined.
No, absolutely not. The bottle flies over the barricade. If you watch the show from Upper Circle, you can see that David (I haven't seen Mark from U/C, but I assume it's the same with him) is half lying, half cowering on one of the upper "levels" of the barricade, right behind the bar of which he lets go at the second blow against the barricade. He starts to climb down as soon as the music starts and then gets into the "Deadjolras" position on those steps/that ladder. |
riverdawn |
Ok, just to be clear about it - my comments were meant to be somewhat humorous . I was just in a random rambling mood last night. ![]() Anyway, I think yesterday KillianFeuilly may have been slightly more insistent with trying to give DavidJolras the bottle. Possibly because they had sorted out the fact that they were actually going to do the old blocking (whereas on Monday it didn't look too planned). So this may have been what brought on such silly random thoughts. |
Elbow |
I've always absolutely loved that bit. I love how the bottle almost looks like it's going in slow motion. In fact I love the Grantaire running up the barricade, trying to grab Enjolras, throwing the bottle bit so much that I often forget to look at anything else during The Final Battle. |
riverdawn |
It's just, the bottle flying in the air always makes me giggle a bit, and I really shouldn't be giggling in that particular scene... ![]() ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
This has just been posted on YT. Just more evidence of how much David Thaxton pwns everyone else ![]() |
Quique |
Oh no. Oh no no no no no. ![]() There's nothing more thrilling than Enjolras yelling "FREE." But sing/yelling? Pet peeve. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Awww, well, it's amazing. It's sung. And it's awesome. And it's "IS FREE". I don't like it when only the "Free" is B flat, but both words sound bloody gorgeous. (and AFAIK no one else has sung both words before, it was always just the "Free", which sounds totally out of place.)
And the ODM comparison makes me LOL. |
To_The_Barricades |
I know this is a little late, but I went to see it on the 12th, and it blew me away, literally! Only thing wrong was the David didn't come out the stagedoor when I was there =( And I HAVE to go again! I just totally <3 DT.
As soon as he came on in LD, I turned to my friend and said "It's him!" and started squeeing =) Absolutely epic! And at the end me and my friend were the only two in the dress circle standing and we were the two front seats in the middle and everyone was looking up becuase we were whooping really loudly! |
beyondthebarricade |
Yeah, this is another late one. But I went to London for a holiday, and I wasn't really keen on it, but when I saw Les Mis on December 2 my whole mindset changed. I liked the show since I was four, but I lost interest in it, and didn't really know who Enjolras was anymore. And, oh, I saw DT. And so I had to see it again on the 14th.
I need to go again in June before the cast changes. And I need to stage door. But I'm scared I won't be able to say anything... |