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Eponines_Hat |
so, I know he's been doing this for about 18 months, but I just need to fangirl deadjolras. That position must hurt. It's just such a tragic, poignant moment. I love hearing the audience gasp when the revolve turns to reveal DT sprawled over the flag. Wonderful. | ||||||
Hallie |
I've seen the show twice now and DT has been in it both times woop!! I had to make an account here too just so I could comment with you all about how great he is lol. I hope he stays for a while - I seriously cant imagine another Enjolras. Hats off to him in the battle scene as well - laying upside down and hanging from one leg like that cannot be easy lol
Xx (",) xX |
flying_pigs |
Welcome fellow Mizzie!
Board has been a bit dead recently, hope it livens up soon! |
lovesinging |
Amen to that! Anyway, welcome! |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, we've got till June...
And I'm sure that can't be the actual position, maybe it just looks like that, I'm not even sure health and safety regulations would allow it. (I'm kind of surprised they allow The Jump the way it is, to be honest.) |
lovesinging |
Am I the only one that actually thinks that position looks comfortable? Ok, I have scoliosis and my back needs to move weird ways to stretch it all the time, but I still think that looks amazingly fun.
Unrelated photospam: ![]() |
To_The_Barricades |
Thank goodness! I going to have to try to persuade my dad to take me to London at least once more. I was looking on the internet, you can buy t-shirts with Enjolraic on them =) |
beyondthebarricade |
I know! I absolutely have got to go back to London before the cast changes. And where can you get those tee shirts? |
To_The_Barricades | <<T-shirts
Yes! Mum said I can go up again in March for my birthday! |
beyondthebarricade | <-- You should go here to make sure that when you go there he's on. In March DT's off for a whole week. |
To_The_Barricades |
Thank you =) I think they are on facebook as well.
Methinks I might go on the 6th. |
beyondthebarricade |
Lucky... My school break is exactly when he's on. Guess I'll just have to go in June- before they change cast.
Oh are you going to go stagedooring? I missed DT by this much. |
To_The_Barricades |
Yes, I'm going stagedooring. I tried last time but he didn't come out =( We waited for 45 minutes at least. I was sad ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Did you go during the matinee? I mean if it's during the evening shows, how can anyone not come out. Unless they're sleeping there overnight. They have to go home right...
Yeah I think he takes quite sometime to come out. In December a lot of them were out- the main cast as well as the ensemble, but he wasn't. I think he was fixing his hair or something. -.-[/b] |
To_The_Barricades |
Yes, it was a matinee. I wanted to stay for the evening aswell but we couldn't afford it =(
Perhaps! I love his hair! |
beyondthebarricade |
Haha I love his hair too. Oh you know once he was standing at the top of the barricade and all the students were supposed to keep still, while Valjean was singing, but he kept on fixing his hair. How else does it look so awesome?
I love the vest too. |
Eppie-Sue |
Ahem. Yeah, don't expect anyone, least of all him, to come out after a matinee. And, just generally, don't expect them to be out quickly after the evening show either, we have waited 20, 30 minutes there, too, sometimes. It's not like it's an obligation to be quick... And: sometimes they might be in a rush or simply not in the mood to talk, so make sure they're all right with being stopped when they come outside.
As for the hair-fixing, vest-adjusting, wristbands-checking, collar-arranging during Valjean's Revenge... happens every time. ![]() |
To_The_Barricades |
Thanks. Yeah, I'm sort of new with all this, as you can probably tell. |
beyondthebarricade |
Haha. I was wondering "They're supposed to be still why is he fixing his hair and everything?!" But yeah, you don't look so cool if not for nothing.
They don't really have a chance to come out for the matinee shows. And man I want that vest badly! Have you ever ever ever met him before? I wish I waited longer instead of running off after meeting Nancy Sullivan and Antony Hansen. |
Eppie-Sue |
... well, they've got to be back by 7pm as far as I know, so technically they've got 90 minutes off.
ummm... ?! Sorry, was that directed at me? |
beyondthebarricade |
It's directed at anyone, really. Yeah, I could ask you. So have you met him? What was he like? Did you get his autograph? Picture? Who else did you meet? Oh boy this is getting to David Thaxton overkill. | ||||||
flying_pigs |
I'm pretty sure quite a few of us have met him ![]() He was really lovely, a bunch of us just had a really random chat about his costume and how the show we saw was particularly funny for some reason! And then I got his autograph! |
Eppie-Sue |
Yeeeeeeeah. Very certain about that, actually. ![]() Aw, flying_pigs, that was your first time at the stage door, I just remembered. It was rather lovely, until Katie told me that she and Nancy had figured out who I was on the forums. That's when it got a bit creepy. Not that it turned out to be any kind of problem, really. But the talk about hair dye and vests and sharpies (" ![]() Seriously, though, I don't know if the randomness that evolves in the chats we/I have at the stage door can be filed under your typical "stagedooring" anymore, mainly because it's getting more familiar, so I'll let people who have seen the show and met the cast (or, in this case, him) not quite as often as me (and, thus, are a lot saner and probably more helpful) report, because... I really don't think about getting autographs or photos anymore. Will probably have to do that before June. oh God, June. ETA: sorry if that came across as a very snobby-ish "I'm friends with the cast" post! It's not that. It's just that things are a bit different now than they were in, say, very early September. Also, I think it's best if you don't behave like a fangirl but simply show them how much you appreciate their performance and act respectful towards them, other fans and everyone else who might be at the stage door. And experience has shown that mentioning the book to David might result in a lot of excitement and random comments about passages. Or, you know, he might just start gushing about other cast members. Normally, your average stagedooring with the photo and autograph thing will probably go down very smoothly and lovely. ![]() |
flying_pigs |
We must not think about June! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts! |
beyondthebarricade |
Aw. You people have all the luck. I don't live in London and I have a school break in March. Just my luck, that's the ONE week where DT's going off. So the only other option is June. I better meet him at the stage door before the cast changes, or I will never ever forgive myself. Ever.
I'm just going to sit here and whine all the way till June. Anyway, was he friendly? Is he nice? |
Eppie-Sue |
Yes, seriously now - no worries. As I said. They're all (at least all the ones I've talked to, which is... the male ensemble, Nancy, David, Alistair, Martin Ball, a few from the female ensemble... if only they wouldn't run off so quickly) very friendly. And he is just incredibly nice, very polite, very humble, obliging (there was that one time with a girl who didn't even speak English, and they still ended up taking a picture. I'm not even sure if she wanted to.) and extremely random, which is quite funny. And you can kind of tell he loves Les Mis a lot. (may I just giggle a bit over two girls who kind of asked for a photo a few weeks ago and afterwards had the ultimate "omg I might just faint" faces? xD) |
flying_pigs |
I'm still holding onto the hope that he might decide to stay in Les Mis for another year! | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I honestly wouldn't hope. Sorry. ![]() Man, I'll miss that Final Battle. |
flying_pigs |
Yeah, I know, but I can dream!
I'll really miss the Final Battle, I've fangirled it so much over the past few years! |
beyondthebarricade |
No, sadly, I think he's leaving, according to I mean he does love Les Mis a lot, but you can only play Enjolras for a certain amount of years. It's already been two.
Ah I don't know whether I'm up to the stagedooring. I'll probably be going alone, so it's going to take me some guts (which I don't have). But I'll most likely end up going with my parents, and I'm not sure what they'll say on that day. On the bright side, 2 weeks ago I saw Nancy Sullivan and she was really lovely and friendly! I saw Antony Hansen as well, but I haven't seen David Thaxton. |
Eppie-Sue |
nah, the CV doesn't really indicate that, I mean, all their contracts end on 19 June 2010, it would have to be renewed for the next year. I think auditions are in two to three months, that's when most of it is decided (it's both down to who wants to stay on and who the powers that be want to stay on for another year), so you can't find any other date than "June 2010" on any CV. There are several factors, technically, it's his fourth year at the Queen's (05-07, 08-10), and a few very clear comments at the stage door (not directly from him, but from others) just make it very ... likely. I'd be extremely surprised if he stayed.
Stagedooring is no problem. Really, you don't have to say a lot. They're (more or less) normal people and I'm pretty certain they appreciate it when people come up to them and tell them how much their performance means to them. And yeah ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Thanks so much! I feel so ignorant. Oh I really hope he stays on for another year. I mean, I can't really imagine another Enjolras who's as good as him, in looks and voice and everything. Not even Michael Maguire. It's like DT was born for this role. So when will we know who the new cast is going to be? I hope Nancy Sullivan stays on too.
As for the stagedooring thing, do you need to say something in the beginning to spark them off? Oh I'm really nervous. None of my friends can be bothered to travel all the way to London. I wish there was someone. At least I've got until June. |
Hallie |
I thought I read somewhere that he was staying but maybe that was from the last cast change...can't remember. I really want him to stay!! Ah man...Me and a mate went to the stage door after we saw it on the 23rd but it was raining so much and no-one was coming out so we left : ( I died a little inside lol. Its nice to hear from other people that he's actually read the book as well...I bet alot of actors dont always bother.
Xx (",) xX |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, that will take quite a while. I can happen that the new cast (or at least who's staying on) is announced around April, but some might be casted and/or announced later. I remember, this June we didn't know until the day of the first performance who was going to be the new Mme Th�nardier, and I think back in 2008, the entire cast was announced except for David, who was only cast in May, very shortly before rehearsals started, as far as I know. Obviously we can find out a lot by simply talking to them - and regarding Nancy, I've heard her say "I'm leaving in June" and she told me she's already a wreck just thinking about it, so I wouldn't hold my breath. I don't think the two of them will be in the 2010/11 cast.
![]() @Hallie - pretty sure that was last cast change. ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Eppie-Sue: Do you live in London? Seriously. Some people just have all the luck. So how many times have you seen the show? You sound like you really know Les Mis really well.
I just really wanted to just get his autograph after his awesome performance, which made me see it twice in two weeks. And I don't even live in London. |
Elbow |
Just be a massive idiot like me, go to the stagedoor with a big grin on your face and by mistake say things you shouldn't because you had a glass of wine in the interval that you probably shouldn't have had. Woe is me. |
Eppie-Sue |
Or, you know, go "Last year, in the Final Battle, you used to go 'Make them BLEEEED while we can'. And now you don't do that anymore. And we miss it." ... oh man. If Nancy hadn't been there to growl the "bleeeed" once more, so he got what we were referring to, I really don't know where that would have ended. But yes. xDD There you go, don't be tipsy and think before you speak. At least one will have to do that in your conversation. It's relatively easy. |
flying_pigs |
Or you know "ANTONYWHENAREYOUONASMARIUS?" ![]() That was kind of over enthusiastic and embarrasing! |
To_The_Barricades |
When I went we saw Martin Ball and we just smiled and he started talking to us so we got autographs, then he caught Nancy coming out and introduced us, which I thought was very nice of him. | ||||||
riverdawn |
Just to give another more "newbie" perspective at stage dooring:
I've gone a few times while I was in London. Basically, I just stood somewhat away from the door, so that if they want to leave, they can leave without problems (because, obviously, you have to respect their right to just go away without talking to you), but close enough so that they can understand you are waiting for them. Then when they came out, I sort of caught their eye and nodded or said "great show" or something. Sometimes, they'd stop and chat for a bit (had that with Antony Hansen, Alistair and maybe a few more while I was on my own). Other times they won't stop or they will just say "thanks" and keep going, which is also fine. Either way, they are always very nice and friendly. It's possible it works a little better if you are a bit more assertive than I am (of course without being annoying or blocking people's way etc.) The only time that I talked to DT was when I was there with Eppie-Sue and some others here, and it was because other people had already stopped him and then Eppie sort of got his attention for me and then I could say a few words. He was lovely and funny and it was fun, though also a bit flustering. I thought it was my last time seeing the show for that visit, and so I sort of said "yeah, if I could just have a moment because I'm leaving London..." and had the rest of what I wanted to say all prepared, but then he laughed and said "What?! Leaving London? That sounds so dramatic! Is the law after you?" and that threw me off a bit so I sort of blubbered the rest of what I'd wanted to say. (In retrospect, I should have been all cool and said something about stealing bread, but naturally that never happened ![]() ![]() Anyway, in my own personal experience, after many of the shows he runs off (again, totally fine and understandable. No note of complaint here). But obviously he stops quite often in other people's experience because if you read this thread and the London Cast Change thread there are a few conversations with him. But the reason I'm bringing my own experience is a) don't necessarily expect that if you go to the stage door once, you will necessarily get to talk to the people you want to talk to. But it can often be fun to talk to the others as well, so give it a try. and b) think about what you want to say, because even if they stop, the conversation is going to be very quick. Even then, you will probably end up saying some totally random things and feeling silly afterward. ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
When I went stage-dooring a few weeks ago, no one would go with me so I ended up with my parents, and I saw Nancy Sullivan and she was really nice. So she was all "Oh hey did you like the show?" And my mum talked a lot about how she was so good and all and I was just standing there with my mouth gaping open, and I was like "Yeah. You were...really...good." And I sounded like some pathetic idiot. It was way embarrassing. And then I saw Antony Hansen and it was even worse and he was being really friendly and he was like "Did you see the show last week?" when I said I saw the show twice in two weeks (which, I know, isn't alot).
And two or three years ago, I couldn't even speak when I saw the Jonas Brothers (whom I don't like, but you know, if you see the JoBros, you'd automatically want a photo with them), so I really don't know what to do with DT. I'm practicing what to say now- six months early. |
lovesinging |
Oh, shush, I'm way over in the US with no hopes of ever getting there...for any cast. boo. |
beyondthebarricade |
Oh man I really couldn't stop laughing at that. ![]() |
pastaeater |
Sorry - I KNOW this is the wrong thread......but does anyone know if Killian will be staying on after June '10?
I really hope so.... |
Eppie-Sue |
xD Definitely not the wrong thread. Any David fangirling thread needs to be about Killian, too. Um, I don't think so, but I also don't think anyone knows, and it's a bit too early to ask them, isn't it?! Ah, I might. But I don't want to hear it.
In other news, it was The David Thaxton Show tonight at the Queen's. Very nice. Best performance I've seen in weeks, and that's saying something. ETA: Finally a video of The Final Battle as it usually is, what with IIIIS FREEEEEE and The Jump and all. Headless flagwaving ftw. ETA II: have just realised how much I like the new "Lamarque is dead". I don't know when it started, but I've seen it twice now. What I mean is that he sits down and then sings the entire first half sitting down and not going into "OMG WE CAN USE THIS" mode immediately. Makes the last half all the more impressive. |
pastaeater |
It's always the David Thaxton Show, isn't it? He is relentlessly brilliant. Ummm, if you were brave enough to ask Killian about staying on, at some point in the future when you happen to see him......then that would be great. ![]() |
MlleImparfait |
I'm guessing that someone on here would know the answer to this. Who did David play in the 21st Anniversary Concert? I recently acquired a copy of it (recently being 10 minutes ago) so I haven't had time to listen to all of it. I'm pretty sure that's him as one of the constables in the prologue, but was he anyone else?
Thanks very much! |
Elbow |
Wasn't he Courfeyrac? And possibly Bamatabois? You know, I'm rubbish and should leave it to people who actually know stuff about Thaxton.
Also, do tell me how you got a copy of this concert and where I can get one. I have been half heartedly wanting a copy for quite some time. |
MlleImparfait |
Having actually listened to about half of it now, I'm pretty sure he's Courfeyrac. I listened to Lovely Ladies/Fantine's Arrest and I don't know if he's Bamatabois.
As for where I got the concert, I PM'd you. |
Quique |
Listened to an audio with Jonathan Williams as Valjean last night.
He's wonderful! Not sure who Fantine is at this moment (gotta go check), but her voice reminds me a lot of Jayne Patterson's, which I like very much. She's great, too. |
Inspector Javert |
Oh dear, I'm almost tearing up. I'm watching the videos right now and am sad there's no way I can see this unless they come to America. I *love* who they chose to play Javert, I think it's even comparable to Philip Quast.
I'm so happy that this forum exists though, I can unleash my obsession with this show with others know...get me. ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Yes he's Bamatabois and Courfeyrac. I think. He played those two roles in 05-07 and was understudy Enjolras then he took over the principal in 08. The 21st Anniversary took place in 06, so he probably was playing those two rows. HEY TELL ME WHERE IT'S BEING SOLD!
Yeah I know exactly how you feel. I tried explaining what Les Mis was to my classmates and they couldn't even pronounce it right. And when I started rambling on about The Jump they gave me this "I have no idea what you're talking about look." Ah well. |
Eppie-Sue |
just going to link every bit of the sentence:
Ah-huh, Bamatabois (I think it's particularly sad when Bamatabois outsings Javert), Courfeyrac, and first constable in 05/06 (also on the Blooper reel), second constable in 06/07 (as you can ... hear at the 21st Anniversary Concert). (and u/s Enjolras and u/s Bishop, obviously.) Seeing as the DYHTPS with Simon Bailey as Enjolras has been taken down, there is no Thaxtonfeyrac on YT. Ah well. I do think he was pretty infamous for the "SHOOT THE BASTARD!" and "I'll shoot him, I'll shoot him right between his bloody eyes!" ETA:
Hm, depends from when the audio is... If it's from this season (starting on the 22nd June), then it's Rebecca Seale if she sings an amazing "SEEEND MEE AWAYY". If she sounds amazing except for the "SEEND", it's Natalie Day. And it might be Sophie Josslyn if the audio is from ... 19th or 22nd of November, I think that's when she was on. and
Oh? Which videos do you mean? Intersting how this has just become the general fangirling thread. For anyone. |
Inspector Javert |
Hmm...I can't find which video it was. (I had randomly clicked on some of the videos on the first page of this forum earlier.) I believe it was Jeff Nicholson? He was singing Stars. Sorry if I am talking about this in the wrong thread ^^; | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Nah, seeing as a normal conversation with David at the stage door will probably have him gushing about other cast members (Jonathan Williams, Earl Carpenter...) ![]() And I just asked because I wasn't sure if you meant videos (as in, actual video footage) or just videos that have audio tracks, and I was interested who that amazing Javert was (figured it would probably have to be Jeff or Earl). |
MlleImparfait |
Thanks very much Eppie-Sue!
I really like Thaxton's Courfeyrac. It's a pity he can't play both Courfeyrac and Enjolras. |
Eponines_Hat |
lol I am somewhat amused by the prospect of DT arguing with himself about whether he will "shoot the bastard!" On that note - are there still audios up with Thaxfeyrac (hmm... not sure that worked!) threatening to shoot Javert between the eyes? love that thaxton adlibbing - which sadly has been missing (or at least there's been less of it) the last few shows I have seen. @Quique - YES! Williams is even better live. He just breathes so much life into the character and makes you really feel for him. (Note - I didn't turn this into a Bowman-bashing for once. yay me) Sadly there seems to be no dates coming up for Williams as JVJ in the next little while.... |
MlleImparfait |
And now I have the mental picture of DT doing the entire show by himself....which I would definitely love to see. |
Lara |
I would pay the cost to fly to London to see DT do a one man show of Les Mis. | ||||||
Orestes Fasting |
I don't know why the tour posters have a picture from London (it's one of the 'Thaxton making a squee face in One Day More' shots), but the advertising went up practically overnight and now he's in... I'd say a good two-thirds of the Metro stations. My friend and I have been playing spot-the-Thaxton whenever we ride the Metro. This is crazy. |
aquirkofmatter |
It's all over Cardiff, too; I actually heard the ladies sat next to me say in the interval "Where's the one from the poster?" I had to refrain from shouting "IN LONDON WHERE IT'S BETTER." I managed, just. |
riverdawn |
Yeah, I don't know why that is. A friend of mine was in Edinburgh and saw a poster or flier or something for the show and she said "I think David Thaxton is coming to Edinburgh" and I was like " they just oddly used his picture for the tour, even though he isn't in it." But, hey, if it means Thaxtonian goodness gets spread around the world, I'm not going to argue. ![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
They must be keeping a really tight lid on the tour designs or something. Have we even seen any production photos besides the one of Beggars at the Feast?
I kind of have to wonder what the Parisians think. I saw heads turn on the Metro--it's quite eye-catching compared to a lot of the posters currently up--but that might've been because my friend and I were pointing and grinning like idiots. |
Eponines_Hat |
Ok, so this is technically the wrong board, but since I am replying to a post.... Are there even programs or anything on sale at the anniversary tour show? I wonder what Cammack is playing at or if this is just disorganisation and the promo shots will come...... I just dont get how the tour gets a CD and yet only one picture??? oh, and I am so disappointed I missed seeing DT!posters on the metro! I was in Paris last week. I would have been ridiculously excited to see that ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Yup, merch-wise the same stuff as London apart from an extra t shirt that has 'dream the dream' written on it, there are programs (as normal) and a brochure which is full of tour rehearsal photos and London production pictures. Lots of Thaxton in both of them, actually! |
Quique |
*Forces fake grin on his face and refrains from negative commentary and speaks through his teeth*
![]() Thaxton in Paris and Cardiff? Oh how wondrous. Why is that bald dude in London then? XD I spent half an hour searching deep within the bowels of the internet for photographic glimpse of the new tour. NOTHING. AT ALL. This thing is TIGHTLY under wraps. And it looks like they're gonna go ahead with the Barbican thingy. Hooray! |
beyondthebarricade |
Quique: That "bald dude" is Edward Baruwa. He was Enjolras before Thaxton, but they only changed the huge thing in front of the Queen's after he left. I don't know what they're trying to do. And DT has been waving his flag dutifully for the past two years but it's still Baruwa's picture- even in the brochure.
True, but this time, it's going to be spread to fangirls (ironic, look at the topic name), but real annoying ones who don't know a thing or two about Les Mis and only book seats for the tour because they see his picture in subways and half this false assurance that he'll be acting in the tour. I'd like to see their face when Jon Robyns comes up. Jon is an amazing Marius, but he's just not... a Thaxton Enjolras. Speaking of which, if I plan on going to London in the summer, do I need to book the tickets extra early in case it gets flooded with people and subsequently, the tickets get sold out? Or is it okay to go there and book? |
Eppie-Sue |
Baruwa's picture is in no current brochure.
And I don't think one poster will have the effect that "fangirls" go and see the show. Maybe a few who have seen the show will think it's the West End cast that's touring, but honestly, I don't really see girls getting a ticket for Manchester/Norwich/etc. because they see that poster on the tube without knowing a thing about Les Mis. Also, if you want to get good (as in, not full price but still good seats) tickets for cast change, then I'd hurry. Apart from that date, nah, don't think so. |
beyondthebarricade |
Shoot I was talking about the flyers. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Oh look. Epicjolras. And, the more I think about it, the more I prefer the current interaction with Grantaire (Martintaire) to all the other versions, although I do love the 2008 video with Keith Anthony Higham a lot. It's much more... subtle now (as everything), it works better. That said, I still echo that "Killian needs to be on as Grantaire" (direct quote). I would die. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
![]() And yes to Martintaire. It is subtler but it's also very much always there, not just in the obvious bits. But, Killitaire (?) would be hilarious. |
pastaeater |
Killitaire??!! I would absolutely LOVE that.....quick, someone make it happen......... ![]() |
riverdawn |
Very very epic! I do love that scene so very much. And, ha, I just love David's "do we fight for right to a night at the opera now". It's as though Enjolras is practically spitting out the words "night at the opera", his disdain for the very idea is so palpable. But the whole scene is just beautiful. And although this is the Thaxton fangirling thread, I once again have to give an honorable mention to Martin's Spanish "Don Juan". I love it so much. |
Eppie-Sue |
OMGTHAXTON. | ||||||
flying_pigs |
Revieeeeeeew! ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
It's not fair - you can't do this to us! Review pleeeeeeeeeeease! |
Quique |
And he sings it the way I've always felt that part should be sung. He's passionate about the cause and I totally get that from Thaxton here. Too many rush through that section or they sing it full blast. I love the way the intensity builds in both his voice and the music at "rich young boys to play." And you've gotta love that french horn. *swoon* I too must commend your Grantaire for resisting copying those before him and saying "Don Juan" properly. Being fluent in Spanish, I can't tell you how grating "Joo-haun" is. Oh, and Alistair is growing on me. (I giggled at the hearty "HAHAHA" @ "had you been there tonight..." XD) |
beyondthebarricade |
Absolutely! You have to review it now!!! |
Lauraa |
Ok, so this is about 3 days too late but I just have to say how good Alistair sounds here - he's improved SO MUCH! |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay, so, just in case anyone is interested, in the unlikely (hm, actually, not that unlikely, seeing as we already got "third cover" Killian as Foreman and as Valjean ![]() |
MizzieFan |
Wow really? I have to admit, it would be very very interesting to see him in that roles again, since he hasn't played them since .. What, 2006? Don't really know ![]() |
flying_pigs |
2007 ![]() I saw his Bamatabois and Bishop and they were amazing! |
riverdawn |
I would just love to hear David's Bishop!
From the recordings on YouTube he sounds incredible - and those recordings are of pretty bad quality and obviously from a few years ago. With the clarity he has in his lower range... well, I'm sure it'll be stunning! I'd would just love it. His Bamatabois would be awesome (and probably scary!) to see as well, of course - but the bishop is one of my favorite parts in the show anyway so if I were forced to choose between the two.... ![]() So - who volunteers to get Gavin, Greg and Thomas drunk before the next time I see the show, then? ![]() |
jdeng |
My first interpretation of this line is that Enjy is telling the Amis that there is a greater course � revolution than mocking Marius' first love. But someone seemed to have suggested that it actually refer to a time in France when lower-class people were not allowed to watch opera at night or something like that. Who can shed some historical limelight on this? Thanks in advance! |
riverdawn |
Well, the way I've always seen it, it's sort of saying "Is your purpose here to get some entertainment, or are we really fighting for something?"
As for poor people not being allowed at the Opera, I admit this is not my particular field of historical expertise, so take this with about 50 grains of salt - but it's been my understanding that once Opera began to be performed in theaters (as opposed to as a form of court entertainment), it was considered quite a popular art form. In other words, it wasn't meant to be, as we sometimes see it to day, a sort of fancy activity that only educated or rich people did. Operas were usually translated into the vernacular language of the country where they were being performed (so Italian Opera would have been sung in French in France, in English in England etc.), and they were not considered necessarily a "high" cultural form. In other words , if my very limited understanding of history of Opera serves me, then it was in many ways equivalent to today's musical theater. This being said, then, my inclination (this is pure guesswork, so again, about 50 grains of salt) would be to say that it's unlikely that poor people were per se forbidden from entering the Opera. Most likely they had access to very cheap seats, just as they had to other theatrical forms in this periods - although of course someone who was destitute (Street Gamins aside) would be unlikely to spend any money on seeing the Opera. Again, I could be wrong about this, so don't take my word on it. However, if anything I would interpret that line as referring to opera as a forum of public entertainment and again, saying - is what we are doing here merely for your entertainment, or are we really fighting for something? |
jdeng |
Thank you very much, Riverdawn!
You have given a very logical interpretation with convincing historical background. |
aquirkofmatter |
Head-hunted? That's awesome for David ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
It's going to be very different from Les Mis, so it'll be a good experience! And it's a lead role, which is very very good for him too. So that's good, and that's settled. ![]() But please don't tell me they want a younger cast for this Passion musical for reasons similar to Joel Schumacher's for the 2004 Phantom movie. It never works well that way. And... goodbye Epicjolras. |
Eppie-Sue |
That is amazing. Truly. I'm very happy for him, that seems like a truly exceptional opportunity. And "Passion" is quite the fascinating story. And the fact that they wanted him in there is pretty awesome, too! Ah, great. | ||||||
Eponines_Hat |
Oh, so so so pleased for him... and very sad for us! | ||||||
flying_pigs |
Ooooooh exciting! I always hoped that he would move onto other musicals but will be very sad to see him go. | ||||||
riverdawn |
Hurray for him!
No more EpicJolras, it's true, but honestly it would have been kind of sad to have a singer andactor as spectacularly talented as David doing Enjolras forever. I mean, I love his Enjolras, but he deserves to be doing something bigger. |
KatyRoseLand |
Seems the Daily Mail definitely got it right: I don't know the show very well but I love the songs I have heard from it. I have a feeling I might be seeing it quite a few times!! |
Eppie-Sue |
Would have been very surprised if the Daily Mail had come up with THAT out of nowhere ![]() Oh this is amazing. |
flying_pigs |
And a bit of utterly useless trivia: the original Passion, with Maria Friendman and Michael Ball, played at the Queen's Theatre! | ||||||
pastaeater |
Really pleased for him - sounds like an exciting oportunity for him to move on to something different and a bit special. Will definitely go and see it! | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Well, and on a side note it's the male lead in what is shaping up to be one of the most prestigious and anticipated productions this year, what with being at the Donmar, being the leading production of the Sondheim celebrations and whatnot. This is so exciting. | ||||||
mm10 |
I remember it well! Saw it serveral times - well 3 to be exact but it wasn't on that long. ![]() Wouldn't be one of my favourite shows to be honest but would be interesting to see it again. . |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Oh, wow! I am very excited about this. Losing him had become rather inevitable, so I'm so pleased we're losing him to something like this. And it's a good step up for him - he's doing really well ![]() |