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Eppie-Sue |
it's Williams and it's a big fat link ![]() (That said, you really have to see him live. His acting is amazing.) |
kemathenga |
![]() ![]() ![]() After listening to several pieces on the playlist: I can see - or rather hear - what you mean. That's some BHH! Our director would kiss his feet ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh look. Ah, he was so good. And I wish there was something of Helen as Cosette out there, I saw her in early September but only remember that she cried a lot in the Finale and was really sweet and good and I loved her...
phiu, I still kind of have to review the rest of yesterday's performance... tomorrow. Maybe. Can't be bothered right now. |
kemathenga |
I liked him very much as Marius but ECAET was not the scene I liked him the very best ![]() But this is getting too personal. I sure will listen to this audio a lot to keep the memory fresh ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh give me a break. How great is that rendition, especially considering this was the very first time he ever got to go on, he had virtually no time to rehearse and is second understudy?! I do not think he paid particular attention how he pronounced certain syllables in this case. And you know, I actually like the way he sings it, especially the first part of the song, there is nothing wrong with it at all. Ah and maybe, to him, that's what it sounds like when realisation that you're the only survivor and all your friends have died hits. I can definitely hear that. The nerve to criticise that astonishes me, to be honest. | ||||||
kemathenga |
I SAID we liked him, he was brilliant and HE said it was the very first time he did it and we were full of praise for that.
If I can't help hearing this song with the ears of a sole survivor it is because I AM a sole survivor and maybe my nerves are a bit more easily strained in such a situation. That doesn't lessen his merit in any way. MAybe it falls in that category we saw when leaving from Stansted airport: pictures showing the same thing (a carpet) and reminding people it may mean very different things to different people. Apart from that - break given. ![]() |
Katfeyrac |
![]() Wow. Second understudy?!?!?! I thought it was absoultely brilliant and better than many clips of principal Marius actors out there I've heard. And seeing as this was his first / second time going on, I think he really did an admirable job. I'm very impressed. |
Myriel |
In that case I disagree with my mother.
I enjoyed Joe Evans very much and during the show I have almost forgotten that he was an understudy. He sounded as if he had done it often before. But anyway I�m very curious what Alistair is like. I hope we will get him the next time. |
beyondthebarricade |
Alistair has improved a lot, and he has this "Marius look" about him. Have you seen him on the Susan Boyle special? He's pretty good now, and I should credit him for that.
And yeah, all the understudies (both 1st and 2nd covers) are really really good. Sometimes even better than the principals. But what d'you expect, it's the longest running musical in the West End, you couldn't expect to see Miley Cyrus there... |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
That really is one of the strengths of the show - the ensemble are all so strong and everyone is able to step up into the principal roles when needed and still put on a fantastic show. And, gosh, how can you even imagine Miley Cyrus there??!!! ![]() ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Good Lord, neither can I. I was giving some extreme example of who would definitely NOT be in the production, even if her father was Cameron Mackintosh. I wouldn't put the act of being able to singlehandedly close the show past her.
Although the very first time I heard Frances Ruffelle in the OBC, I thought she was a hillbilly. ![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
Awwww, he gets all choked up. That's a great performance--vocally better than plenty of principal Marius actors I've seen, aside from a liiiittle bit of pitchiness that could easily be first-night jitters. And whether getting choked up was genuine or an acting choice, it works. There's not one single way to "correctly" express grief and survivor's guilt.
I count... at least four roles out of nine that have an understudy who's better than the principal. And I haven't seen any understudies for the Thenardiers yet. |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the link, Eppie-Sue.
IS very good, and amazing, really, for a second understudy going on for the first time in the role! Still love Antony's Marius best, but of course Antony has had considerably more time with the role - so, yeah, very impressed with Joe Evans. Actually, kind of sad I probably won't get a chance to hear him in it outside of youtube. |
Eppie-Sue |
Let's see... I've missed Sophie as Mme Th�nardier and Daniella as Eponine, but apart from them... I've seen first and second cover Valjean, first cover Javert, first and second cover Fantine, first and second cover Marius, first cover Enjolras, first cover Eponine, first and second cover Cosette and both first covers for the Th�nardiers; and I have not been disappointed by any of them. There, thankfully are principals that are rightly principals at the Queen's (how awful would that be?), but I agree with Orestes Fasting that there are at least four understudies who, just by their own quality, would actually have to be principals, and a few who are just as good as the principal IMHO. And there are even second understudies who are better than the current principal.
And I really, really need to see Killian as Javert and Enjolras. That's just crazy. He said that he doesn't get any dates, they only had rehearsals and apparently those went well. |
beyondthebarricade |
I saw Rachel Bingham instead of Lorraine Bruce ad Mme. Th�nardier. Yeah she was good (well most of them are), but I think for that role the Bruce was better. Man I wish I had a chance to see Antony as Marius! | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I can't decide between Rachel Bingham and Lorraine Bruce. One can sing and one looks and acts the part (if she's not overdoing it). And... I have to admit: I don't care for Mme Th�nardier that much, really, seeing as I can always concentrate on someone else in the scenes she's in. She's not a character that can ruin a show for me.
And, see, I REALLY like Alistair. I think he's wonderful and it's a pity Katie left, because they worked brilliantly together. I think, acting wise, Alistair and Katie pulled it off a lot better than Antony and Katie, but now, with Emily, it's all different. And this is really nothing against Alistair at all, I just think Antony is amazing. I honestly prefer him to any other Marius I've heard anywhere. And he's funny. My enjoyment is mostly down to whether an actor makes me care for the character, and thankfully, all three Marii at the Queen's do that. I don't think it's the same with any other role... except maybe Enjolras. I mean, Mark is doing an amazing job. He's Enjolrac/Courfjolras - however you want to call him - yes, but you really can't not care. The difference is maybe that with Mark, I want the revolution to go well just so he can be happy, whereas with David I... actually, despite knowing how it will all go down in the end, believe it will succeed. That said, I think while no one would question David's status as principal, Mark IS a much better Enjolras than most of the other principals they put on that stage in the past. Especially vocally. /rambling over |
kemathenga |
I thought something like that on saturday. Seeing him on stage made a huge difference to the videos. During the Finale I kept my binoculars fixed on him just to get as many pictures in my head as possible ![]() I guess, that's one thing Myriel will agree with me in. ![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
The problem is that the four roles where the understudy is better than the principal are four of the biggest roles in the show (the four biggest roles besides Eponine). And while Rebecca and Alistair are perfectly acceptable and just happen to have amazing understudies, Simon Bowman and HPJ are just... why were they cast?!
That's the thing. I'm fine with Rebecca and Alistair--I have criticisms of their performances of course, but they're not bad, and I understand why they were cast. Rebecca's a former Les Mis understudy, Alistair was in that reality TV thing, casting people took a chance on both of them and they turned out okay. Even if they'd been bad, it would've just been casting people making a bad decision. But Bowman and HPJ are not only bad, they've both been in Les Mis before and recycling them just makes it look like they can't find anyone better. That's fricking insulting to Jonathan and Jeff, who've been Les Mis understudies for ages and richly deserve promotion. And it's not like Bowman and HPJ are big-name Les Mis veterans who will sell loads of tickets or anything, so... why? |
Myriel |
Yes, I definitely agree with you.
Because after Look down I knew it would be amazing to see him live on stage and you don�t get a good impression when you watch the videos. His performance was so strong and impressive and you really believed that he was fighting for an ideal. It was just amazing. I looked at him all the time and he was even better than I expected. I want to see the Show necessarily before cast change. |
Eppie-Sue |
I absolutely agree, I was going to write the same thing. I don't mind Alistair and Rebecca at all, quite the opposite, I can enjoy their performances, I like them, I think they were cast for a reason and I can even understand that and especially Alistair is doing a lot with the role. But Janssens and Bowman, seriously? It's not even that they were miscast, in that case I would only blame the casting department (as much as I love her, I think that Nancy was not, technically, cast right for Eponine, but she is kicking ass on stage and does an incredible job and really working for the part), but I don't see any of this dedication and understanding of the character with Bowman and Janssens. I could tolerate their performances so much more if I ever got the feeling that they gave it all, put a lot of thought into it, cared for the roles, cared for the story and interacted with the rest of the cast - instead of giving off the impression that they are in their track and following that, with no regard for anyone else's performances on the very same stage. You don't have to be casted perfectly, like David, to do that, you can just put your heart and soul into the performance anyway and make it the best possible. Nancy is brilliant in what she does. Alistair is doing so much for the part, to actually make it work. It's possible. ETA: oooh. Apparently that is an extremely interesting cast tonight... I just got a call and it's not only Rachel as Mme Th�nardier and Mark as Enjolras, but also Natalie as Fantine AND JOE AGAIN AS MARIUS. Which must be hilarious, because IMHO Mark and Joe look quite similar because their wigs look the same and they're almost the same height... Look Down will look hysterical, with both of them in their black suits and coats. I kind if wish I went now. Ah well. ![]() |
riverdawn |
Sounds like fun! I hope some from the forum is there to report on it. ![]() Also, yay! Just got tickets to see the show again in February when I am back in England. And finally I'll get to see the perspective from the BB20s side (I've seen it from the BB6-8 side several times). Happy! ![]() ![]() ![]() Can the BB veterans recommend particular fun things to look out for from that side? (Other than trying not to crack up in Bowman's face when he does the BHH crazy hands?) |
Quique |
I've heard Bowman in the role before and didn't mind him but I've yet to see him and that's the part that people complain most about...his acting. I really hope he's replaced by the time I get there.
Alistair sounds like a little boy. I don't picture Marius that way but, oh well. If y'all say he isn't bad, then... I hope Nancy is replaced by the time I get there too. I won't put her in the category of "bad" because the girl can obviously act and she sings OK but I really don't care for the squeaky Eponines. I miss the thick voiced, belty ones--Meredith Braun; Linzi Hately; Sutton Foster; Jodie Langel. Nancy's voice is too thin and unstable sounding. Everyone else sounds great. Oh, and David is sounding less and less like Maguire lately, which is a good thing. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
If you're planning on getting here before June, I pray to God Nancy won't have been "replaced", that would be horrible. Why would you say that?! She is absolutely amazing on stage, her voice isn't squeaky and she's doing a lot more with the role than a lot of others have, much more daring than many, and interacting wonderfully with the rest of the characters. She knows her character. She might not belt the shit out of OMO, but she's got a great voice.
It's not just the "Eppieboppers" and people who see the show for the first time who are impressed, but Les Mis fans of every kind. I think it's incredibly unfair to say "Oh I hope she will be replaced". And David never sounded like Maguire to begin with and his voice hasn't changed lately, so I don't really know where you're coming from. ETA: @riverdawn: BB20 is the "getting stared at by Gavin!Pimp in Look Down and fearing that David might just jump right into the orchestra pit in front of you in The Final Battle" side. |
riverdawn |
I don't mind Bowman nearly as much as some of the forumites, but there are some moments when the gesturing and overacting really get to me.
As for Alistair, he is young, but not a little boy. In a way, he has a lot of Marius in him, because Marius is very young (I believe in the Brick, when Cosette and Marius get married, it says something about them not having forty years between the two of them). Alistair has the whole "excited teenager in love" thing down very well, and he also convincingly gets caught up in the revolution, grows up as a result of his friends' death etc. He is certainly a *different* Marius than the more mature-looking ones (Antony, for example), but he is good as a Marius. The main problem with Alistair is his vibrato, which can really get bad at times, and his nerves, that some times get to him (and cause more vibrato, I fear). As for Nancy, I think she's great! Her singing gets bigger and better every time I see her. I don't have many Eponines to compare with, but I love her. And, well, I don't need to say any more about David, I'm sure. ![]() On Edit: @Eppie-Sue - Thanks. I shall look forward to that. ![]() |
Quique |
I haven't been impressed with what I've seen/heard. Sorry.
I'd probably feel different too if I habitually chatted with her at the stage door like you do and maybe my opinion would change after seeing her live, but that's what it is as of now. And why do I feel like what I said was cruel and unacceptable? I think it's perfectly OK to hope she is replaced if she isn't my cup of tea. I don't think that's out of line at all. Not like I hope she's fired or anything. David sounded a lot like Maguire to me. And not that I dislike Maguire, I just kept getting glimpses of Maguire while listening to him, but that has stopped either because I've become accustomed to his voice or because he doesn't do the nasal thing anymore. EDIT: Ah, now I see why you got testy, lol. ![]() So, yeah, not wishing Nancy is replaced before the official cast change. When is the next cast change anyway? Hope it's before I get there. ![]() |
riverdawn |
I think what Eppie-Sue meant was that Nancy has a contract to be in the role until June (and, almost definitely, not afterward), so that hoping she will be replaced (if you have plans to see the show in London before June) is somewhat equivalent to hoping that she will get fired before her contract ends. That being said, I'm sure that's not what you meant, and while I love Nancy in the role (and no, I have not talked more than two words to her in the stage door) - you have every right not to like her in the role. You therefore also have every right to hope that when you see the show, someone more to your liking will be playing the role. On Edit: Yeah, what you said. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
My perception of Nancy's performance has absolutely nothing to do with how we "habitually" chat at the stage door, thank you very much.
Replacing a cast member before June - which is when cast change is, which is the date before which you wanted to come all along if I'm not completely mistaken - is firing them. And I do not understand how you can go and decide which cast members you want to get replaced before you have seen them on stage. That is incredibly unfair.
His voice hasn't changed that noticably. And there hasn't been a "nasal thing" to begin with. 2005/06 and 2009/10 ETA: seen the edit. I figured after everything that's been written on here and considering you were, if I remember correctly, commenting on how you wanted to make it to London before the cast changed, that you were aware of it, I didn't know there was a different casting system. |
Quique |
I edited my post, btw.
Come on, y'all should know me by now. Why on earth would I wish for any actor to be fired from my favorite show. Sheeeeesh. ![]() EDIT: The stagedoor thing wasn't sarcasm. I know I'd find it harder to say anything negative about an actor if I knew them personally. That's all I meant. I think stagedooring is great and I envy those who aren't as shy as I am and get to socialize with the cast. David's voice sounded a bit like Maguire's. The inflection was similar. Nasal was the only word I could think of to describe it. Not an insult by any means. Sorry if you took it that way. Out of curiosity, why are my words being taken so harshly? EDIT EDIT: Noting edits above, GREAT. We got that settled. ![]() Growl. |
Eppie-Sue |
Because, with all due respect, you're judging them without having seen them. You're commenting on how you don't want to see a performer - who is loved by almost everyone here on the forums not because she's a wonderful person but because she makes the performance enjoyable - just because you don't like her voice from the few recordings that are out there. You actually want her to be replaced and therefore don't even give her the chance to impress you. You don't know who the next Eponine will be - but you just don't want to see Nancy. You know who had a strong voice and belted it out? Cassie Compton. She played Eponine in 07/08, and she got a lot of fans because of that. But there was a slight problem - she didn't actually play Eponine, she just sang the songs and that was it. Lots of people have commented on how she sang them like on a cruise ship and just simply didn't act. A good voice isn't everything. Nancy delivers an amazing performance that has been reviewed so many times, and it doesn't seem to mean anything to you that she brings the character to life, that she gives it a lot and is relatively close to the book. You don't like the bootlegs you've heard, most of them from 2008 which is over a year ago, and that's all that counts. I can deal with a performer having a not the strongest voice as long as they care for what they do, they are putting all their energy into the performance and, I've said this before, make you CARE for the character, make him or her REAL on stage. And she does that. Voice isn't everything, in fact, who cares for a few smaller shaky notes if the characterisation is spot-on and clear and if someone really gets into the role and lives and breathes the character?! |
Quique |
I understand and I agree. I think you just don't know me too well and so think anything goes when it comes to my comments. People who know me better are well aware I in no way favor voice over acting. One of my favorite versions of "On My Own" is the Hungarian one--the singer's voice isn't spectacular at all but her acting is intense and I feel it.
Notice the women I listed as examples were all great both in singing and acting. I'm not one to blindly favor a belt over acting. My ideal would be someone like Meredith or Sutton. We all have an ideal, don't you? Nancy isn't bad. I have numerous boots. I'd say at least 15 dating from 2007 to this month. I don't dislike her, but I'd like to see someone else in the role. It's been my LIFE LONG DREAM to see Les Mis in London. It's natural to want it to be a perfect experience, as naive as that may be. So, cut me some slack eh? ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Obviously I understand. I think some might get a bit of a misconception that I have all the luck living 25 minutes from the Queen's Theatre now, but honestly, before that? I've been a Les Mis fan since the summer of 1999, when I was just nine years old. I saw it once that autumn before it closed in Germany, then lived off official recordings and my imagination for ten years and finally got to see it again this June, here in London, a few months before I moved here, my expecations being as big as they could possibly be. And I was absolutely overwhelmed. What I'm trying to say is that... It could be so much worse than Nancy. I can't imagine you'd be disappointed seeing her, even if she has to strain for some notes in On My Own. I just think it's unfair to simply dismiss her before getting the full impression of her, because you never know who they might cast next. And at least with Nancy you have someone who knows the character and who delivers an incredibly passionate performance and can sing the part well. |
Quique |
I won't scratch the walls crying or drop dead if I see her name in my program. Nor would I pout if she continues with the show. Not only is Eponine not my favorite character but I'd be waaay too excited to even be seeing the show in London (Omg, I hyperventilate just thinking about it. XD), Nancy being in the cast wouldn't even be an issue. It would only be an issue if she sucked but she doesn't...I've said that before. I'd probably be more worried about the itch in my ear everytime the fake horn goes off in the pit.
But if I could have it my way, I'd see someone else who is more in line with my preferences...wouldn't anyone? Yes, I'd kick myself if she is replaced by a sucky actress but then I'd deal with it like I dealt it so many times I've seen the show and things weren't perfect--I'd get over it, lol. If I could have it my way, there wouldn't be anything fake in the pit. But I'll deal with it. If I could have it my way, the show's set wouldn't be so cramped and would be as big as it was in the Palace. But, hey, I'll deal with it. This isn't the most important thing for me. I'm just explaining myself because I feel I have to. I really shouldn't but I'm just THAT nice of a guy. ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
If it's of any help, there is an actual French Horn in the orchestra in London, as far as I know. |
Quique |
And why isn't anyone standing up for poor Bowman? XD | ||||||
Quique |
I received a boot recently in which all you could hear is French Horn. And it's real. And it's glorious. But I feel sorry for the poor schmo who sat at that particular location as it was just waaay too loud, hehe. |
Orestes Fasting |
....whoa, this thread exploded. XD Calm down you guys.
Eppie-Sue: I know what it's like to have a particular version be Your Cast and be super-protective of them, but not being wowed with everyone isn't an attack on them. Besides, I wasn't wowed with David based on audios either--obviously he's vocally very strong, but I really do think you have to see him to see what's brilliant about his performance. Maguire was vocally very strong back in the day too (TAC excepted, heh) but his interpretation was obviously very different. Ditto Nancy--her vocals aren't subpar, but they're not what really make her performance, y'know? Quique: Sheesh, after all that's been said about Thaxton you should've known you can't judge based off an audio. ![]()
What's the date on it? >_____> |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, while I am, naturally, biased, I'm okay with people not being wowed, I just don't think you should simply go and say you hope you don't have to see a certain performer judging from audios and a bit of shaky video from over a year ago, when people have continually been saying that it's a great performance. I could understand it in the case that there is a wonderful understudy that is being completely adored, while everyone is a bit "Meh" about the principal. If you'd go and say "Oh, I really don't want to see the principal, I hope the understudy's on when I get there!", I'd understand, but I'm really just grateful to have Nancy as Eponine. It could be so much worse. Sure, she is not the strongest singer on that stage, I... I completely agree with what you said. I don't think I praised her for that.
I do apologise if it came across extremely unfriendly, but I stand by it, because from a completely objective point of view, I can't understand the negativity. Yes, this obviously feels like "my" cast, and when people are being dismissive or unfair about the production (not on here, mostly), I just get a bit thin-skinned. And while getting to talk to them and knowing how lovely they are doesn't change the reviews, seeing how much they care for it (and seeing it on stage and in their performance) does. And it makes me more protective. I think it would be strange if it didn't, to be honest, so, yeah, I agree there, too. And... I kind of think it had all calmed down. You basically ONLY hear brass on the BB20-22 side, that's something I don't like... with the drums right in front of me in BB6-8, it's okay, but sometimes the horns are... well, they sound a bit out of tune. and they're so loooud. |
Quique |
Dude's voice reminded me of Maguire's. I didn't say their interpretations are alike.
Not basing a performance off an audio. I was basing the sound of her voice on an audio--which I don't like very much. Sheesh, I do know better than that. ![]() You gave me the audio, silly. XD It didn't bother me listening to it but I figured it probably might've been a bit overpowering for the one who recorded it. |
Quique |
Yes. You came off way strong. I was really taken aback but I sincerely admire your love for the cast. That's not sarcasm either. I get really loopy when it comes to, um say, orchestration? LOL. So I know what it feels like when you feel strongly about something another person may not seem to care about or downright dislike. But, yes...I'm not wowed by her. I wish I could rewire my brain and find her voice appealing. I can't. And so I hope to see someone else. But I'll be OK with her if I see her. Who knows, my opinion might even totally change after seeing her live. I've always known that but when you have a certain ideal in your head, it's hard to take that chance of being disappointed. |
Orestes Fasting |
Oh okay. In that case I know who the unfortunate sucker is who recorded it. ![]() (Was it the one with the partial orchestra? That might be why the horn stands out more.)
I know how you feel, I used to get really protective of the Bway revival. Might've gotten into a few tiffs with Quique over it, actually. ![]() I think that's the key, really. Take a deep breath, realize when you're feeling overprotective, and remind yourself that while it's a perfectly natural feeling, making defensive posts just adds to the negativity. |
Quique |
I've yet to receive the one with the partial orchestra. Or maybe you sent it but I haven't checked my PMs? I'm terrible about those things.
I knew you were the poor schmo. ![]() I can't even begin to count the number of times I've read something on this forum that makes me wanna scream (I'm a lot more nit-picky and protective than you all think. I know, scary). Yeah, basically any comment putting down the original production will make my blood boil and those appear every so often. And nobody can tell I'm red-faced over here, lol. Yes, take a deep breath. Relax. Clench your teeth and slam your fist (that's what I do ![]() Gosh we're f*cking crazy, LOL. |
Orestes Fasting |
Or go straight for the dirty tactics: next time Quique doesn't play nice about the London cast, tell him the orchestrations for On My Own suck and the show runs more smoothly with the cuts. ![]() |
Quique |
LOL. That'll do it. I'm flushed already. ![]() |
Quique |
I got to thinking while I was over at my friend's house earlier, and thought to myself, "Hmmm, it would really suck if every time I bash the Bwy revival, Orestes gets red in the face." XD
Cause I do bash it a lot, and while I've always been aware that you have a soft spot for it, I assume it's mostly for the cast and not the production as a whole. While I don't bash it mindlessly (I really do feel passionately about what they did to the orchestral score and it really did ruin the show for me) I hope you've never interpreted my relentless rants as insensitive to your feelings or as passive aggressiveness. Doesn't mean I'll stop ( ![]() |
eponine5 |
To be fair, I�d hoped beyond anything that Daphne Rubin Vega would�ve been replaced/ill when I went to see the Broadway Revival and that was based purely on audience reviews, not even audio/video. Was that unfair? Yes. Do I regret wishing that? No way. Let no-one think that I�m in any way comparing Nancy to her (no comparison at all, and no grounds for comparison, bleh. I feel treasonous just putting them in the same paragraph) but unfair opinions are inevitable, and why else are there so many bootlegs? Incidentally, I still wish I�d never had to see Daphne, who was there when I saw the revival while Aaron Lazar was off. Life�s unfair.
Like most people, I think Nancy�s wonderful as Eponine, even though I�m not blown away by her voice and I�ll admit that it took half a year or so for her to really get the character perfect. But it�s incredible how much better she is than the past couple of Eponines we�ve had in London, and she�s definitely got the most consistently good reviews. Just warning you Quique, it�s more than probable that her replacement will be nowhere near as good as her. In any case, there were a hilarious amount of reviews bashing my favourite Eponine � the one from �my cast� � and I just learned to laugh at them. On an unrelated note, does anyone know how long seat BB7 has been half broken, and if they've got it fixed yet? |
beyondthebarricade |
Because no one feels the need to. Bowman races through songs like "What Have I Done?" and you can barely make out what he's saying, mumbles through many lines, and acts inappropriately in many scenes. I found "What Have I Done?" especially bad. I mean just blurting out the lyrics with no emotion whatsoever. And you shouldn't be to quick to judge Nancy Sullivan. When I first heard the audio I didn't think much of her either, but that could just be due to a lousy camcorder or something along those lines. Yes, her voice is pretty nasal but she portrays Eponine with a lot of emotion. She's done it for 2 years now, so she was really good when I saw her in December. You could literally hear the heartbreak in her voice when she sings "On My Own", and after that song there were people actually whooping and screaming. Whooping. As if she was some pop star. And she received a loud applause at certain call. Her A Little Fall of Rain was done so faultlessly, I think I actually heard someone going "Aww..." after she died. Of course, she was really sweet at the stage door. |
Orestes Fasting |
Oh don't worry, I stopped taking anything you say personally a long time ago. ![]() But I'm getting less defensive of it as time goes on. ...except when Aaron Lazar is involved. ![]() |
MizH |
Hello. I've just signed up here. I'm glad I've found this site as I think you all like Les Mis as much as I do! Can anyone tell me if Jeff Nicholson has any Grantaire dates coming up in the next few months? I'd love to see him in the role again. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, he most definitely has, if Martin Neely's holiday dates don't always collide with Janssens. There should be a chance or two to see him as Grantaire, we only have to find out. He often doesn't seem to know his understudy dates himself, poor man.
Oh, and welcome! ![]() ETA: I love how this topic has become the place to write about literally anything now, somehow! xD |
MizH |
Thanks. I saw Jeff play Javert in July and loved him, despite my initial disappointment that Earl Carpenter was off. I loved him in Who Am I when Valjean reveals his true identity. Most Javerts just stand there, but Jeff really acted. He had this look of confusion and anger on his face, as if to say "how did I let this happen?" Earl's my favourite Javert, though. I loved the slight sarcasm he brought to the role! I want to see Hans Peter Janssens as Javert next time I go. I really liked him when I saw him in 2007, but sadly only saw him once. I'm so pleased that Emily Bull is now principal Cosette. I saw her when she was the understudy and loved her. I think she's my favourite in the role, although I did love Julia Moller and Katie Hall.
Is Antony Hansen likely to be on as Marius any time soon? I saw him in July and he was incredible, even though (I think) it was his first performance. He's definately my favourite Marius out of the ones I've seen. |
Eppie-Sue |
Earl was my favourite Javert, too. He just was Javert on stage, even if his voice wasn't as strong and full as, say, Jeff's, at times, he was completely believable. I miss him ![]() Antony's next Marius dates are at the end of the month... 25th to 27th January or something. He's incredible, I hope he's made principal in June... he might even be on tonight, if Alistair is still off sick. ![]() |
MizH |
Yes, I agree. Jeff's got an amazing voice. His 'Stars' is amazing. I'm seeing the tour in April, so I'll hopefully get to see Earl then! Yay! ![]() I can't make Antony's Marius dates at the end of the month ![]() |
riverdawn |
According to the West End Understudies website:
"The role of MARIUS will be played by Antony Hansen (Understudy) from Monday 1st March to Saturday 6th March 2010 as Alistair Brammer will be away" So, something to look forward to. ![]() |
Elbow |
Just got back from tonight's show ![]() Ireally enjoyed the show tonight, it was awesome. I shan't start with a Bowman rant, I shall however point out that he did a sort of pirouette in "What Have I Done" make of that what you will. It was actually one of the stronger Bowman performances I've seen. I wasn't as disappointed as I usually am, which was nice. So, Alistair was back on tonight, as was Antony and the only people off were Thaxton, Lorraine and Laura Medforth. Katy Hanna was covering for Laura Medforth and she stood out so much tonight! In the best possible way. She was absolutely excellent, she acted so well in every role and was really funny in Master Of The House when George kept trying to touch her face. Which he was doing a lot. I loled. Mark was amazing as Enjolras, he just gets better and better, he was just... I don't know, so involved today, it was brilliant. And there was this moment, right after Marius gets shot when he is about to go back up to the barricade and he looks over at Neely and Alistair, where he almost kind of loses it and just for about a second he looked terrified in a sort of "what have I done??" kind of way before climbing back up the barricade. True to brick or not, it was great. Loved every minute of it. And Rachel tonight was one of the best Madame Thenardier's I have ever seen. It was hard to believe she is the understudy, her take on the role is just so different to Lorraine's. And miles better, in my opinion. Oh, and slightly confusingly,it turns out tonight was the 10,000th show. There was an announcement at the beginning and a quick Bowman speech at the end and confetti ![]() OH OH OH and the thing I have been waiting for to happen happened tonight! I GOT A BARRICADE LEAFLET. I DID! I GOT ONE! Hurrraaaah! |
riverdawn |
Ah, so at least they haven't ignored the 10,000th performance entirely. ![]() I'm sort of tempted to go and see MarkJolras again when I'm in England again, because I thought he was quite good when I saw him the one time, but it was only my second time seeing the show... Except that would mean not seeing David for one show, and as this is a pretty short visit... so... ah... debate. But following your review, I just might. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Jealous. So jealous. Just shut up. How can I have been to the show 40 times and never gotten one? Why is it always just spoons landing in the safety net when I see the show? Do they really end on "DO SOMETHING OR DIE"?! Katie Hall wanted to get me one, but then she left ![]() |
Elbow |
DIE Is the last bit. I am ever so happy about it. It landed in the netting in front of the girl next to me. I could see her eyeing it but I was ever so rude and quickly took it before she had a chance to ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
... who else can see Mark!Courfeyrac and David!Enjolras letting those words be printed and being very excited about it all?! xDDDDDD |
Quique |
I've had the misfortune of missing out on Lazar, too...twice. =( And Ben Davis. Yeah, life isn't fair. Eh...tough cookies. XD As you and beyondthebarricade have stated, Nancy's voice is indeed nasal and not the strongest. That's basically what I said in my original post. But I also added that her acting doesn't disappoint, from what I've seen. I based that positive comment on her acting off a video, as well. And I stand by it, just like I stand by my description of what her voice sounds like. Beyondthebarricade, I judged the sound of her voice based on numerous audios and videos I've obtained over the last two years. My description, which is very much in line with yours (ie: nasal), is not wrong and, again, I stand by it. I did not judge her worth as a performer nor did I judge her performance as a whole. To the both of you, it's been said that I refuse to give Ms. Sullivan a chance. But my numerous attempts at explaining myself in previous posts speak for themselves, and so I'll avoid repetition. I'm not stubborn when it comes to Nancy. I'm stubborn about expressing my opinion without feeling like the douchtaco of the century. If anything, I'm guilty of not keeping up with this thread and missing a lot of the additional reviews on her and the performances of others. I tend to read the last page only. Any allusions made about how I ignore everyone's raves are false. But then again, that wouldn't matter either because I'd have to see the performance for myself and not take what others say as gospel. A sincere thanks to you two for your views and for inviting me to reconsider my position. EDIT: Yipes. Reading this over, it kinda seems bitchy. It's not meant that way. *Paranoid schizo* |
kemathenga |
Since major parts of the world's population have learned to tolerate the fact there are different opinions of the gospel let's now try to do that with Les Miserables ![]() I woke up to the voice of Michael Maguire singing DYHTPS this morning (the first time after two weeks holidays) and my first thought was: That's still MY Enjolras. I loved to see David Thaxton playing him and he DOES have a great voice but there is something in the way Maguire enacts this role that just cuts down to MY heart. I don't want to be a missionary in this, I just express my personal view. The presence of his voice and the way he gets into the character are overwhelming - to me. |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() It's snowing like mad in London. That looks like it could be another crazy understudy performance today... totally off to the Queen's in an hour. |
Quique |
Sometimes I get the same feeling with David Burt's Enjolras and most people can't stand the man's voice. ![]() I still hold out hope I'll see Lazar someday. That boy needs to make it up to meeeeeeeeee. ![]() |
Quique |
Double post. Oopsie. | ||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Quique: Yes, her voice might not be the greatest Eponine voice we've ever heard, but you shouldn't have said that you wished she could be replaced. She's doing a wonderful job as Eponine, and by no means should she be replaced until her time is up. Also, she got her 08/09 contract renewed, so it must mean that she had to be quite good. (I'm not sure if this part is accurate, but it's what I think.)
That's probably because you've only seen Thaxton once or something and you've probably grown accustomed to Maguire's voice after watching the TAC over and over again so much so that you've already had a mental image of Enjolras' character- which in your mind, is Maguire. Plus the fact that he was Original Broadway Enjolras so the very first few times you ever heard an Enjolras sing, it was him. And yeah, I agree with Eppie- Sue, you need to see Thaxton up close. His facial and hand actions are just so epic, and honestly, if David Thaxton was a real-life Enjolras, we would all gladly lose our lives. |
Quique |
I didn't say I wish she is replaced before her time is up. We went over that already. I'd never wish that upon anyone. | ||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Oh My God how the heck did you get one?! |
kemathenga |
I'm not comparing TAC to the current London performance, I'm just voicing my opinion and experiences (when I say I LIKE it better, does that have to be read: it IS better? I don't think so) although it's not true that in the TAC the actors just stand behind the microphones. The subtle acting done in this "concert" is superb.
I liked what I saw of David Thaxton both live and on youtube very much but I didn't fall for him and I don't believe I can't be blamed for that. That is, I was very impressed during and shortly after the show and returned to Maguire after some days thinking. What's the matter with that? As for the character of Enjolras my pet-source is the Brick and I still think Maguire incorporates much of that "charming young man, who was capable of being terrible". To me he represents this aloofness and arrogance Enjolras has a lot of in the book. |
Quique |
I love Maguire's acting in the 10th ann. concert. I can only imagine what he was like in the actual show! *die*
My current favorite Enjolras is Lazar, even though I yet to see him live. He's my favorite based off a video, I'm proud to say. Ben Davis is a close second. Also based off a video. They blow the ones I've seen live away. |
Eppie-Sue |
... I'm sure there is a "favourite Enjolras" thread somewhere in this subforum. I know the London Cast Change thread has kind of become the place to talk about everything now, but it's still about London. Not about Broadway, not about the TAC, not about Broadway Revival.
That said, I just got my Cast Change ticket. For the evening performance. Which will be the end of me. |
MizH |
What date is cast change this year? | ||||||
Quique |
I've become accustomed to listening to this cast and it will be sad to see them go. | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
19th June. I've got tickets for both, but I'm going to have to miss my big end of year concert at uni for it. But I couldn't not go, and I booked the tickets before I knew the date of the concert anyway. |
kemathenga |
This is something about London. There just was an interview on the news with some tourists having trouble with their credit cards in London and there was the Les Mis banner large as life in the background.
Oh, how we want to be back there (Myriel and I) *sigh*. |
beyondthebarricade |
I'm not sure about the thread in this subforum, but there is a "Who is the best Enjolras?" poll on Fanpop. Michael Maguire is leading, and David Thaxton's a close second, which is quite a feat for DT, considering he's only been there for two years as principal Enjolras and MM was like Original Broadway Enjolras and everything, including the TAC. I don't want the cast to change. I don't want any of them to leave D: |
MizH |
It's a strange situation for me. I love the current cast, so I don't want a lot of them to leave, but I like to see what different actors do with the characters. |
Eppie-Sue |
Today wasn't anyone's show at the Queen's, to be honest. I mean, the audience LOVED it, they got a standing ovation in the Stalls right at the beginning of Curtain Call, and by the time the principals came on stage, all of Dress Circle and Upper Circle were standing, too. So maybe it was just me...!?
Bowman was awful. Oh, why why why Jonathan is right theeeere. Ah, and he just forgot his lines in the "Epilogue", I put that into the Bloopers thread. HPJ was, um, unimpressive. I swear, there were like two outstanding notes, as always "STAAAAARS" and "reprieeeeeeeeved" and that was it. Rebecca was good, nice "Lovely Ladies/Fantine's Arrest" scene, not sure how I feel about her "Come to me", Emily was great and omg that last note of "AHFOL Reprise", Alistair was LOUD in "Look Down"! Seemed to hold the notes not as long as I remember in ECAET, but aw, good to have him back. Nancy was wonderful, especially in ALFOR. My God, I think I cried. David was reliably amazing, especially vocally. Not quite Epicjolras though, there was a sense of... exhaustion which you normally never get, but again, maybe it's just me, I swear no one in the audience noticed anything judging by Curtain Call... Martin Ball was very, very, very good. I love him, he needs to stay on next year. Rachel Bingham was on and good. I just love that she can sing. Her acting is okay, the audience really liked her. as for the ensemble, Gavin, Jeff, Sophie and Helen were off... and Greg - sooooo we got Thomas as Bishop, who looked too young but sounded really well and believable, Katy as Factory Bitch (love her. not quite believable slap, but I LOVE her. and her wig) and Martin as Foreman. I really like him, actually. I mean, Jeff owns it, but I saw Martin for almost two weeks back in August/September and I don't see anything wrong with him. Overall, Mark Hedges was in Jeff's track (and was a hilarious Brujon), Killian is Gavin's track WHICH WAS AWESOME, although he later described it as "being like a rabbit in headlights" (because normally Greg covers Gavin's track). He, very adorably, forgot to spread the red flag over the table in the caf� scene, and well, while yes, Killian is fantastic in any track, I don't think anything can compete with the hilarity of Killian and David in similar costumes and exact same wigs standing next to each other in the wedding scene, looking so, so very similar and bobbing their heads to the music. Brenda was in Helen's track and shared Rachel's part with Katy, who, as I said, was on for Sophie. AAALSO wtf was up with the crew tonight? People walking across the stage after MotH/during the inn scene clearly visible to the audience, microphones not working, chairs being put down so heavily that it could be heard over the music, things falling to the ground in the wings... |
belladonnadarling |
last night's showIt's been a while but I was able to see the London show again last night and I, together with hundreds of others, saw a totally different show to the one you obviously saw and heard.Both Simon and HP got huge reactions at the bows and deservedly so. It seems that you constantly badmouth some actors while you developped a schoolgirl crush on others. HP was throughout the show vocally astounding and it was a particularly good show all over. |
Katfeyrac |
I feel like I'm not one to say this, seeing as I'm not an active user myself, but belladonnadarling, why do you only post on this forum to pick on its members? What's the point you're making?
Back on topic - keep your reviews coming, people. ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
belladonnadarling, your views would be more respected on here if you posted more than to criticise others for their opinions. A forum is a place for discussion, and certainly differing opinions are welcome, but please do not be so nasty about asserting your own view. It would also be nice if you would justify your opinion - explain why you think Bowman and HPJ are so good and we can have an informed discussion. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
It was a good show, but from my point of view it just wasn't extraordinary and I have repeatedly said that perhaps, it was just my impression as I have seen much better performances over the last months. Personal preferences will always exist, obviously, but I don't think there is a reason for personal attacks just because I didn't enjoy the leads' performances for reasons that I have mentioned before.
I thought that on the last 98 pages of this thread, I have always been able to explain why I enjoyed certain performances and didn't like others, as I put a lot of effort into most reviews and try to base them on actual facts instead of curtain call cheers. There are some actors who give it all every time and bring me to care for the characters, who are absolutely secure in their role and present a characterisation that works with all the other performances on stage and in many cases even mirrors what the character should be about in the context of book and musical. Of course I will praise them for their performances, and of course I will criticise anyone who doesn't deliver any of that. And of course it will continually be the case that I post these opinions as I am seeing the show very often. The suggestion that these are "schoolgirl crushes" is not only ridiculous, it is also insulting to both me, as someone who respects and admires the performances, and the performers, who deserve this respect and admiration based on their work alone. |
MizH |
Thanks for that review. Can anyone tell me what time does the matinee performance finishes at? It's been ages since I've been to a matinee and I can't remember! |
Eppie-Sue |
The matinees finish at pretty exactly 5:25 pm, at least that's when everyone starts pouring out of the doors. Glad you liked the review! I might write a longer one if I see tonight's show. I'm half-hoping Killian will be on as Javert. Please. Please. | ||||||
MizH |
I love reading reviews, since I can't see the show very often! Has Killian been on as Javert before? I've seen him in a couple of ensemble roles, it would be fun to see him as Javert. | ||||||
kemathenga |
I love them, too. And seeing the shows through the eyes of somebody who knows it so well and can provide us with details you only perceive when seeing them on a regular basis is a special treat. here's a special ovation to Eppie-Sue who dedicates her time to this task.
![]() |
Orestes Fasting |
Re: last night's show
Who are you to tell people they're only in it for irrational admiration/hatred and can't be objective? You're the one who only ever posts out of spite. Or perhaps in kneejerk defense whenever someone dares criticize your pet Javert, I can't quite tell which. |
KatyRoseLand |
Yup, I know I always enjoy reading her well thought out, in-depth reviews! ![]() |
Quique |
Re: last night's show
Omg. Are you the pornstar????? I looooove u!!!!111111!!11 |
Eppie-Sue |
sorry for the capslock. I'm very excited. What a crazy, crazy show! oh my God. Proper review later, I promise. |
riverdawn |
OK, we will definitely need MORE information! |
aquirkofmatter |
So how many 2nd u/s haven't you seen yet? Just Killian and Killian? ![]() Proper review required!!! ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Oh wow. So now regular ensemble members are having to be swings as well and cover each other?? Sounds crazy! ![]() |
Quique |
Do principals regularly miss that many shows over there or is it normal for the swings/understudies to go on for the hell of it? I'm a retard when it comes to these things but it just seems like there's a lot of stand-bys stepping into roles for principals. | ||||||
riverdawn |
England is having unusually heavy snowfall these days.
Because heavy snow is not that common in the London area, they aren't very well set up for it, and lots of things get disrupted, including transportation. So I suspect the reason for the crazy casts recently is that cast members have been having a difficult time getting to work. Plus, you know, people get sick, or have regularly scheduled vacations or whatever. |
Quique |
Oh yes. Now I remember Eppie-Sue saying something about heavy snow. My bad.
Not that it's a bad thing. I'd be happy to see that many takes on the roles if I could see the show as often as some of you, hehe. |
Eppie-Sue |
Hahaha, I'm still in a state where my mental capacity is a bit limited, which is also due to the... dozens of fangirls at the stage door and just.. crazy understudy madness and excitement. So this is still no review, this is just me going
100 PAGES! xD MENTAL. @aquirkofmatter: Actually, I haven't seen Daniella or Sophie (as Mme Th�nardier) and they have been on, but Sophie might be on again as Lorraine is off for two weeks ![]() ![]() @l'ivrogne transfigur�: Yeah... apparently. I mean, they had two judges in the Trial scene, so David spontaneously became Head Judge and knocked the hammer on the table as much as he wanted xD... and Killian covered both Gavin's and Jeff's track in Paris (I don't actually remember who played the pimp, as Killian was Brujon. ... maybe there was Brujon The Pimp). And if HPJ gets snowed in tomorrow, I'm going to be one excited fangirl. because that would mean they wouldn't have any swing left but two tracks (at least) to cover and two second understudies on. and, yeah, it's mostly just because of the circumstances. And I think it happened in other years as well, there just weren't any maniacs to go and see who's on every day just for the hell of it ![]() |
Elbow |
Eeeeee. Okay. Totally going to matinee tomorrow. | ||||||
MizH |
I remember seeing one performance where it was complete understudy/swing madness. There was understudies for Javert and Marius and a second cover for Eponine. They were at least 3 students down and George Miller was on for Grantaire. They were also one or two members of Thenardier's gang missing and a few of the female ensemble were also off. It was one of my favourite Les Mis performances actually, as I loved all the understudies that were on, and my favourite Fantine was on. |
Eppie-Sue |
So, tonight was pretty crazy. I think I�ll just review very randomly going through all the scenes, because I can�t be bothered to write out bits about all the principals again. Done that too many times.
First off � they�ve got that new projection now and I hope it�s not here to stay. It�s the Cosette logo and there�s a ring of words around it� the top says �10,000 Performances� and below it they actually put �Still dreaming the dream� which just about killed me with tackiness and � no. Just no. Then, tonight�s cast. Okay, so Martin Ball, Lorraine Bruce, Gavin and Helen were off, and so was Greg from the swings. Therefore� Mark Hedges was on as Th�nardier and covered Jeff�s track until ATEOTD, Killian covered Gavin�s and Jeff�s track, mostly, Rachel Bingham was on as Mme Th�nardier, Katy was in her track, Brenda was on for Helen, Thomas played the Bishop (as second understudy) and Martin Neely the Factory Foreman (as first understudy). Phiu. Prologue/Chain Gang: They were one convict short and I noticed that Joe!convict didn�t wear a hat. Also, Mark is a very fierce guard and David!convict is easily the hardest working. I think I�ve mentioned that before, though. And I think Javert�s hat looks silly. On Parole: All the straw hats have different ribbons! And I�m incredibly immature and find it ridiculously funny when Mark!policeman checks Valjean�s papers just as Bowman goes �see the MARK of Cain.� Yes, I know. Can�t help it. Giggles. Every time. xD And the whole �beating up Valjean� scene in the inn doesn�t work that well when it�s Mark Hedges and David pulling Bowman on that table. With Jeff it�s just� lifting him, throwing him on there, done with it. ![]() Bishop: Thomas!Bishop! He was very good, a lot more comfortable with the scene than yesterday, obviously. And I love Mark and Simon as constables. Especially Mark. �PPPLIGHT�. Soliloquy: No applause. For a reason, methinks. I don�t want to comment on Bowman. I�m in such a good mood. ATEOTD: Okay, so first off, I love watching them all stumble forward, just as shadows and silhouettes and being creepy and evil and wonderful. Sophie was back as Factory Bitch and I really, really like her fake!slap. Seems like a random thing to point out, but yeah. Bowman bumped into Rachel Bingham on his way off stage. Why do I notice these things? Because I�ve been too often. I know that. And I love the argument Simon and Antony get into as workers. It was a lot more physical the day before, but still. Shoving and then getting into each other�s face and all that I dreamed a dream: Antony has one evil laugh as the three �workers� run off after staring/spitting at Fantine. ooooh I really liked the �STRIIIIIIDE�! And there were cheers in the audience afterwards which didn�t happen after every bloody song. ![]() Lovely Ladies: I�m still not over the hilarity that is Alistair!priest running up and pulling Joe away by his ear. It was especially funny when Joe was off a few weeks ago and there was just a � priest running past all the whores. Evil laughter by Antony again, as he dragged off Brenda!whore in Helen�s track. Love it. Fantine�s Arrest: George Miller is amazing. I should point this out more often. I hope he never leaves. He�s got exactly the roles to pull that off, and he�s just such a pretty-ish and scary Bamatabois. Also: YAY for badass!policemen!entrance. Rebecca is really good in that scene. The �SEEEEEND ME AWAAAY� just soars, and not many Fantines can do it so nicely. Runaway Cart: Hysterical. AJ Callaghan now falls down basically right next to BB22/A21, which has Chloe Brooks crying out �MADEMOISELLE!� while helping her up. Lots of shouting from the ensemble, it was so funny. Javert�s hat makes me giggle too much. The stupid little feathery thing. Like a circus horse xD Who Am I/Trail: Um, well. One judge short, as Mark Hedges was getting ready to go on as Th�nardier. So Alistair and David filled the spot and were extremely bossy. Especially David. And, again, no applause. Thankfully. Because that is really the utmost wrong moment to do that as he has just chickened out of a hard note. Come To Me/Fantine�s Death: Nothing special to review. I think Bowman kissed her hand once or twice and her forehead twice, definitely. That is so wrong. ![]() Confrontation: Silly hand movements, all that pointing by Bowman. Castle on a cloud: So sweet and good. She looks older than many of the previous ones, which I really like. And she was a good and it must have been one of her first performances. Brilliant. Master of the House: So, it was AWESOME. Mark Hedges must have been a bag of nerves. I mean, I know he was on last year, but that�s been quite a while. He did a great job, though, didn�t forget to do anything, had all the jokes down, good timing, all the blocking. Wonderful. His Th�nardier is actually a bastard. He�s pretty mean, but in a way that you actually get the impression that he is very entertained and impressed by himself. His voice normally doesn�t stand out to me, but he used it so well for Th�nardier! He was really entertaining. And yes. Mark Dugdale as Second Traveller. Obviously, they only had one swing for the two quite vital tracks of Gavin and Jeff in that scene, and Killian was the posh traveller, so they needed someone for Jeff�s bit, and that turned out to be Mark! That killed me. I didn�t even know where to look first, everything was so � insane! Mark was hilarious, very camp, very disgusted by the scene that was unfolding, irritated by the people around him � his character was clearly not enjoying it. I loved it. So much energy on stage. I�ll stop here and do the rest in the morning, I�m knackered, but I understand people are interested in this, so I wanted to at least get to MotH. Sorry! |
riverdawn |
Thanks for this! I eagerly await the rest! | ||||||
Katfeyrac |
.... Ahem ![]() Sounds like a wonderful performance! Can't wait for the rest! |