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Eppie-Sue |
It's not that I want the reviews to be appreciated or anything. It just feels silly to post them if no one replies or posts in here, too, you know?!
Um, tonight was so, so good. I'll be honest, it was a pure Epicjolras performance, really. I think that's what stood out so much. It was one of the best performances I've seen him give, and that's saying something... It might have had to do with it being the last show for a week for him, but there was just so much energy, randomness (as in: randomness I had never seen before) and epicness in there, I wouldn't even know where to start. Absolutely wonderful. The caf� scene was amazing. Things that happened: Jonathan was tumbling around on the floor, falling off his stool/the table whenever he tried to sit down during MotH. I have decided that Jonathan is the funniest person on stage. Especially there and in the Wedding. My God, his drunk at the wedding is epic. Simon Bowman didn't have a letter for the Epilogue. That was awkward. Natalie was on as Fantine and was awesome. Her voice is so soft in IDAD, and yes, she looks so pretty. Ah, love her. They were quite a few girls short, AJ, Sophie, Rebecca and Rachel were all not there, so there were four tracks to cover for two swings. Tough job. In the male ensemble, only Antony and Simon were off, and as far as I know they're both on holiday, so that's nice. Greg in Antony's track, Mark for Simon... Mark Dugdale ILU. "SHOOOOT THE BAASTAAAAAAAARD! BUT ENJOLRAS! PLEASE!" and then, when Thomas!Bahorel told him to calm down: "SHUT. UP." Also, in the caf�: "Grantaire, SIT DOWN." William was on as Gavroche again and is just so awesome. He might actually be the best I've ever seen. Well, Tristan was amazing, too. I don't want to rank them. But William is perfect for the part. I've noticed that there seem to be some issues with the spotlights... during OMO and BHH, the lighting changes a bit at times, sometimes it gets brighter, sometimes some lights seem to go out during BHH... that is very distracting. |
riverdawn |
Yeah, I somehow only really started noticing him in the last two or three shows I've seen, and he is hilarious as the drunk at the wedding. I kind of wish I'd been paying attention earlier. ![]()
I do love Mark's Courfeyrac. I have to say, in some ways his Courfeyrac is more 'badass' than his Enjolras, which is kind of weird, in a way... ![]() Anyway, I'm definitely curious to hear what happens with the cast changes.... I have to say this trip has given me even more appreciation of how amazing most of the current cast is. |
Eppie-Sue |
I'll keep you all updated, but I don't want to make anything public until it is 100% sure/official-ish. It can only be a short while, though. Ah, I hate cast change already. |
Quique |
Is there any word yet on what's going to happen on 8th October? I'm considering moving my travel plans to October, during the 25th anniversary but only if something special is going to go down. Otherwise, what's the point, heh. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
No idea at all. There is the tour coming to London (no comment), and I believe you can't book tickets for the 8th, so there is something. I hope it's more than what they did for the 21st, just having a very ridiculous BBC concert of 90 minutes with the cast of that season. As soon as I know who is staying for sure, I might ask. I don't want to ask anyone who is leaving... |
belladonnadarling |
[/quote]I hope it's more than what they did for the 21st, just having a very ridiculous BBC concert of 90 minutes with the cast of that season.
As soon as I know who is staying for sure, I might ask. I don't want to ask anyone who is leaving...[/quote] In what way was that concert very ridiculous? |
Eppie-Sue |
Heh... have you heard it?! They cut half of it and then they had a... stunningly pathetic way of putting a narrator in there all the time, stating things like "Javert's thoughts turn to suicide" in the middle of the song.
Of course, the cast wasn't ridiculous or anything. I realise that they couldn't have the whole show on a BBC programme, but I still thought it left a lot to be desired. The real celebration was that at the Queen's Theatre itself, obviously. My sole point was that I hope they don't do anything on that scale for the 25th Anniversary, because I'd consider that to be rather sad for such a milestone. I'm still hoping (feeble hope, but ah, a girl can dream) for the O2 Arena Concert thing... with a current dream cast... |
mm10 |
So offers have been made? I know u can't say anything if u have been told in confidence but I am curious. I was going to say is it good news or bad news but of course that would depend on personal choice. On the point of something happening on the 8th October I really hoped there would be something but surely it would have been announced already? Seeing as it is 25 years it should be at least on the scale of the TAC if not more but then would it be the touring cast or the London cast (or a mixture of both). Since JOJ did the 21st anniversary (and the new cast album) shouldn't it be someone elses turn? Is the Queen's taking bookings for the 8th? |
Eppie-Sue |
Yeah, offers have been made - for the ensemble. I wouldn't exactly call it "in confidence", it's just really solely that there isn't anything official yet, so I'll hold back a bit. I know for a fact that the principals haven't heard anything from the powers that be yet, but the ensemble know if they want them to stay or not from what I have been told. I don't know much in that regard, really. Regarding principals, however, I only know from some what they expect and I think we'll be looking at a few favourites leaving the Queen's in June... But that's just my/their feeling. There isn't anything set in stone. If there is a concert for the 25th Anniversary, it wouldn't have to be one particular cast, they could easily make up a new "dream cast" out of recent casts, there have been enough iconic, great performances over the years. And I believe the Queen's isn't taking bookings for the 8th, no. |
mm10 |
So if they're not taking booking for the tour or London on the 8th then there must be something else happening??? Or am i reading too much in to that ![]() |
MizzieFan |
Eppie - Sue, thanks for the reviews and the news ![]() Oh and man, I would love that there would be a BIG BIG concert and possibly a new recording - it's 25th Anniversary for Gods sake ![]() ![]() Oh and when exactly do they publish the new cast? In May? I am very interested as well as loads of people, and maybe even more because there is a slight possibilty of me going to London this summer after the cast change and it would be my first time seeing the show ![]() |
Quique |
I probably would have barked at y'all by now, saying something like "There will NOT be another anniversary concert!!! Cameron himself said the 10th ann. one was a once in a lifetime thing that he wouldn't ever attempt to top!"
But that was before he went funny. Nowadays, I wouldn't be surprised if there is yet another Broadway revival starring SuBo as Valjean, with an orchestra piped in from a Dell hard drive. |
beyondthebarricade |
Heh. Boyle as Valjean? Why not make her Eponine. Anything ridiculous is possible, as evidenced by Love Never Dies. Do keep everyone informed about the Cast Change! Is it true that understudies can be promoted to principals? I know some were, but that was in the middle of the season or something. And they'd better, because there are quite a few bloody good understudies shaking their legs in the Queens. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Nancy already decided she was going to leave? I'm not going to be all "OMG EVERYONE NANCY'S LEAVING!!!!!", but I think she already has her mind made up? And if they're making anything big for October 8, well, they better make a recording of it, because I can't exactly skip school and fly 7000 miles there, though I would love to. Also, it's the longest running musical in the world, so they really can't just have a small cake and be all "Yay Happy Birthday Les Mis!", and leave it. 25 years! That's really a long time. |
Eppie-Sue |
... certainly not with this cast. It's true that a few years back, at the end of the 04/05 season, Jonathan took over as Enjolras for a month, he had been understudy, because Ramin Karimloo left early for the Miss Saigon tour, if I'm not mistaken. But yes, understudies can certainly be promoted. Rebecca was promoted from last year, and of course both David and Emily are former understudies (although, technically they weren't promoted, David was understudy from June 05 to June 07, left for a year and came back to be made principal, and Emily was understudy from June 06 to June 08 and was called back to replace Katie in October 09).
I'll only say that I wouldn't expect her to stay, however, I don't know of anyone who has made up their mind yet. I know that she is likely to leave, but she hasn't yet confirmed it or stated a decision. I can really only repeat myself. This is what things looked like on Saturday:
If you ask me, I believe we'll be looking at a new Eponine and a new Enjolras in June. |
beyondthebarricade |
And I believe I'm just about to cry. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Re: Cast Change I think that some of the people I'm going to miss most are actually going to be in the ensemble.
I was going through the prinicpals in my head, and there's not that many that I'd be hugely sad to see go. You know what I think of Simon Bowman and HPJ. I'm not particularly fussed about Lorraine either, I'm afraid. I really like Rebecca and Alistair, but it really depends on who replaces them. Antony getting promoted, for instance, would definitely make up for losing Alistair. Same goes for Emily - if we get another good Cosette, I don't think I'll miss her that much. I'd really like Martin Ball to stay, but same as above. As for 'the two favourites' - I love Nancy, but I must admit that I think I'm probably in many ways ready to see a new Eponine, particularly one who is maybe stronger vocally. I'll be very sad to see her go, but once again, it depends very much on the replacement. David is definitely the prinicpal I'll miss most, but I've psyched myself up for him going, and while I'd love to seem him at the Queen's forever, for his own sake I almost hope he goes. And hopefully he's really raised the bar for London Enjolrati and the standard might improve with his example... But I love the ensemble so much - particularly certain students. For most of the most prominent students this is their second year - so they work really well together, and there's so much interaction there. With, say, David, Mark and Gavin all gone, I'm afraid the students may fall apart a bit. At least in my mind. It will probably take the new cast members a while, in any case, to reach the level we have with this current cast. So yeah, I think in many ways, it is the cast as a whole I will miss more than one particular cast member or another. |
mm10 |
Did he say that ![]() Lots of shows run 10 years so its not really that big a deal but 25 years really is an achievement - why wouldn't there be another concert?? Although admittedly it would be hard to get as good a cast what with Michael Ball too old to play Marius and doesn't seem to want to play Valjean !!! |
Eppie-Sue |
Um. Am I the only one who really doesn't actually like Michael Ball that much...? And hasn't he played Valjean for the Entente-cordiale thing in 2004?! I would not like to see him back at Les Mis, frankly, I don't think he's right for Valjean and I don't want to see him be cast simply because he's Michael Ball. And there are numerous other great performers out there, so why wouldn't they get as good a cast? Sure, there are some performances which are hard to be rivalled by more recent perfomers, most notably probably Quast and Henshall, but as for the rest... I can think of performers who are just as good as or better than Wilkinson, Salonga, Maguire and Ball. Also...
That. |
mm10 |
Vocally I don't think anyone (past or present) can beat Michael Ball (IMHO)which is why he is ideal for a concert but I agree that he may not actually be that great a Valjean. I know he did it at Windsor - is that what u mean but I believe they had to change some of it to suit his voice and we all know the controversy that causes ![]() P.S were u not at the show tonight Eppie-Sue - no review?? ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
You're not the only one. I thought I was! |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Interesting ... I quite like Michael Ball vocally as Marius - imo there's something quite Marius-y about him, but no way would I want to see him as Valjean. I must admit, though, that I'm not actually hugely keen on Ruthie Henshall. She's got a lovely voice, there's just something about her Fantine I can't quite connect with. But in any case, I wouldn't want to see anyone from the TAC in a new 'dream cast' - it was 15 years ago. EDIT: Also,
She doesn't go every night - for a start, how much would that cost? And how much of a life would she have? It's not fair to expect her to keep going just for the sake of us. |
mm10 |
Well Philip Quast would still make a good Javert but yes I agree with you that 15 years later different people should be given a chance. That was exactly the point I was making about JOJ � since he did the 21st concert (albeit a shortened version) and will be doing the new touring version album then I don�t think he should be part of a new �dream cast� � but I know most people will disagree with me.
I certainly didn�t mean that I expected her to go for the benefit of everyone else � nor did I think for one minute that she goes every night � I simply enquired if she was there tonight |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Sorry, that came across more snappily than I intended. I just thought the way you phrased your question implied that she is expected to be there, although I'm sure that's not what you meant. |
Eppie-Sue |
Hm, I don't know. Yes, I think new people should be given a chance, but I also think that if there are performers who have defined certain roles for a certain time, then it would be fair to have them in a "Dream Cast" recording as well, with no regard to how many other recordings they might have done. John Owen-Jones is not my favourite Valjean for several reasons, and I don't think he owns the part or anything, but I'd be perfectly fine with him being cast for a 25th Anniversary Concert. I place more emphasis on acting than singing (given that the singing is still good) most of the time, but for a concert, that probably wouldn't be the dominating factor. Also, he has undeniably been involved with the show for quite some time, so that would be fine with me - and I simply believe that if there anything like a concert in October, he's as good as cast already. I'd also think they would go for Earl, then there have been rumours about Kerry Ellis as Fantine, which isn't unlikely, and I'd love to see David up there on that list, too, because, um, duh... but they'd probably go for Karimloo because he's Ramin Karimloo...
Aw... that's okay. I will go a bit less in the next time, which has to do with university, and I did go too often in the last week alone, which was mostly due to second understudies being on... So don't expect too much from my side in the next weeks. Sorry... I guess!? |
Orestes Fasting |
I agree--just look at how much cast-member recycling happened on the four major English-language recordings. Colm Wilkinson and Michael Ball were both in three of the four; Philip Quast, Frances Ruffelle, Judy Kuhn, Alun Armstrong, and Michael Maguire were in two. It's not because they couldn't find anyone else, it's because these people helped define their roles. JOJ is, in some ways, the defining Valjean for the past decade or so. He's the right person for a new dream-cast concert. Of course there are tons of other people who would deserve the spot if JOJ was unavailable--Randal Keith or Drew Sarich just for starters. But JOJ is the obvious choice. I do wish the rumored casting for the 25th anniversary concert were more international, but I suppose it is the London production's longevity that's being celebrated after all... |
Eppie-Sue |
Aaand live at the Queen's tonight...
Jonathan as Valjean Mark as Enjolras Helen as Eponine AJ as Cosette (and Simon as Bamatabois) that's quite the understudy performance! |
riverdawn |
Interesting times. ![]() |
Elbow |
I hear that Bowman might be staying. Hum. | ||||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
What? Please no. Where did you hear that? |
beyondthebarricade |
No. |
Eponines_Hat |
The tour is starting to look a lot better..... |
lovesinging |
Definitely not. |
MizH |
Can anyone tell me who played Eponine at yesterday's matinee? I didn't catch her name, but I liked her a lot. I think Mark Dugdale was Enjolras. Brilliant show, I thought the whole cast were really great. Will do some sort of review tomorrow. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
That was Helen Owen, she and Mark were on the whole week. Glad you enjoyed it! ![]() |
The Very Angry Woman |
Please. The man has been in showbiz since before most of you were born. Of course he has non-fans. |
Eppie-Sue |
I think we were aware of that, yes. |
The Very Angry Woman |
Unless one's situation is absolutely extraordinary, there is no reason to start a question with, "Is it just me, or..."/"Am I the only one who..." or realistically think you were the only one to have an unpopular opinion. Especially in the realm of entertainment. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Heavens, I'll remind myself to triple check in order to make sure words that I write on a forum won't be scrutinised and weighed and then criticised just for the sake of criticism. Blimey, is this really necessary?! It strikes me as completely pointless.
And WHEEEE I'm seeing the show tomorrow. I think. |
beyondthebarricade |
Lucky! I called the box office for tickets for Cast Change matinee, as I wanted BB seats for obvious reasons (as well as the price factor) but it was sold out. Who took those 6 tickets >: ( So now I'm stuck with E21 for June 19 matinee and E18 in the evening. Oh hell, I'm going to be broke soon enough. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
The BB seats went a long time ago!
But hey, row E are nice seats - and it's Cast Change, it'll be good wherever you're sitting ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
Yeah I could imagine. I actually planned on getting BB seats once I found out when Cast Change was, which I believe was January, and I procrastinated all the way to March. Ugh.
I know the Row E seats give a wonderful view as I've sat there before but I'm going to sit there twice in the same day! And I'm going in June 5, and I'm sitting at E again. I was just thinking since I would be watching the show twice in a day, it would be more exciting to see the show each time from a different perspective and view... But oh well. It's Cast Change. It'll do. |
Eppie-Sue |
No chance. I believe BB was gone back in October already, for both shows that day. The D/C Slips should be gone by now, too. At least I'm pretty sure I got my cast change tickets around that date. *checks* Ah I threw away the receipt. But it was around October. Would have loved to be in BB together with the other two regular!regulars ![]() I'm dreading cast change. I'm dreading the last performance, the bows and stage door. |
Madeleine |
Yeah they were gone in October/November (something like that...) which I was pretty surprised by. Last year I booked BB in January for the cast change matinee and seem to remember them all being available. Obviously I'll have to book them in August or something for cast change 2011. ![]() Row A will be fine though. I haven't sat there in over a year, I don't think. |
KatyRoseLand |
I booked row A for the matinee ages ago, because the best I could get for the evening were way back in the stalls and I decided to wait and see if I could get better ones closer to the time, and I checked back the other day and got stalls row B. I tried to get row BB a couple of months ago and the ticket guy laughed at me ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Okay, so. Show.
Natalie was on as Rebecca is on holiday, it seems, and... wheee she was so good. There seemed to be one row of friends and/or family because GOODNESS, loud, loud cheers after she was announced. Was very amused, but at that point had no idea what I was in for with this audience... Gavin and Joe were off in the ensemble, therefore Greg!Bishop and Gregferre and Killian Prouvaire. And Emma Westhead was in Natalie's track. Okay, the strangest thing happened: I didn't mind Bowman's performance. I don't know why, he has probably worn me down, and I still noticed all the things that are WRONGWRONGWRONG, but they just didn't seem important to me, I actually quite liked moments every now and then, even vocally. I KNOW. I know. I'm as surprised as you are. The best thing ever happened, though. He didn't have a wallet in The Bargain. Aaaawkward. Oh God I died. it's a good thing I wasn't in BB and there was no friend next to me. Giggling alone isn't quite as much fun. But oh my God, he searched for it in his pockets AND IT WASN'T THERE and then he did the thing little kids do when they pretend to give you something and put something VERY SMALL AND INVISIBLE onto the table and then, later, into their hands xD big enough to be tuppence. I do not kid you. And then Martin went and looked at the imaginary money in awe, "holding" it between his fingers, and I cracked up so badly. Oh it was hilarious. Mark was wonderful. We got the loudest "GRANTAIRE SIT DOWN." in the caf�, fierce enough to make people giggle in the audience. That was awesome. David was back from holidays and VERY LOUD and quite lost it during LiD. It was a bit strange because he was really quiet, almost whisper-y at the beginning, and then he just, um, yes, lost it. And there was a bit of a manic Jump as well. Nancy was back from holiday, too, and God I love her awkwardness when she talks to Alistair!Marius. It's very real. And speaking of awkwardness: Alistair in AHFOL. I love it. and aw, he sang "AND YOU MUST NEVER GO AWAY" so determinedly. Oh and ODM was so good! After watching The Fail of the Oliviers a lot today, it was just so good to see it with a proper arrangement and lighting and orchestration and flag and... um, David. Heh. Martin and Lorraine got the loudest cheers after their bits. Just wow. The audience seemed drunk. There were people cracking up all the time all over the place and the atmosphere around MotH was brilliant. It was really lovely. But yes, the audience. Good Lord. When Bowman fired the shot in the air, "shooting" Javert? A girl in Dress Circle screamed. Loudly. And the whole theatre started laughing. Same at Gavroche's Death. I mean, there are always gasps, but you rarely hear someone actually scream that loudly. There was so much applause for the Th�nardiers just... after every comedic moment. And then they clapped along for BATF. Which I hate. But they were all so happy and enjoying it so much, it was actually okay. Hm. Maybe withdrawal symptoms are showing when I'm suddenly enjoying things I normally dislike... Curtain call was INSANE. Everyone got so many cheers, ensemble and principals alike. Loudest not even for Th�nardiers, but, how predictable, for David (and Jamie! Whooop Jamie!). It's becoming quite the running joke. Anyway, stage door later was INSANE, too, because there was a group of 20 teenagers from a drama club or something, and they blocked the door. Literally BLOCKED the door. Standing there with cameras and brochures and programmes and letting no one get out quickly. I thought it was quite rude, but then again it's nice to see they loved it. But they could have left them some room, really. |
MizH |
I was at the show on Saturday afternoon. It was a brilliant performance. The understudies were Helen Owen for Eponine, Mark Dugdale for Enjolras and Greg Castiglioni (hope I've spelt his name right!) for the Bishop of Digne. Killian Donnelly and Emma Westhead were on, so I assume that they were covering Mark and Helen's tracks. Killian really stood out in the ensemble. I'd love to see him play Enjolras. Of the ensemble girls, Laura Medforth stood out in Lovely Ladies and it was lovely to see Emma Westhead back. It was strange to see Jeff Nicholson in his Brujon track. I've seen him as Javert once and as Grantaire several times when he was in the show before. I hadn't seen him as the Foreman this season. He was good, but I prefer Martin Neely as the foreman, he's much creepier.
As for the principals, I thought Simon Bowman was excellent. Before anyone points it out, I know his performance isn't as subtle as David Shannon's was, but he was just as good. He didn't do the high note at the end of Who Am I, but I liked it better that way. I don't like it when Valjeans strain to get it and it sounds horrible. My only critisism of him is that I wish he'd put the gun down at Bring Him Home, it was a bit distracting. He sang the song beautifully, I loved his voice. He worked exceptionally well with Cosette. The father/daughter relationship was probably the best I've seen, and the finale got to me more than it has before. I was sitting in row A, and I'm sure a few of the cast saw me crying. Very embarrassing. He was lovely with Fantine during Come To Me, very caring. Hans Peter Jansens was just as good as I remembered him being. Completely humourless in the first act, his Javert just gets on with his business. I like him best in act 2. There's a clear turning point for the character when Valjean lets him go. He doesn't know what to do or how to act. His world is turned completely upside down. His Stars was OK, but his suicide scene was brilliant. I love Rebecca Seale's Fantine. She's just gorgeous and I love her voice, especially the "tiger's come at night" bit in I Dreamed a Dream. Lovely Ladies and Fantine's arrest were very well acted and sung too. Joanna Ampil's my favourite Fantine, but Rebecca comes a close second. Emily Bull is definately my favourite Cosette. She's so adorable and her voice is lovely. Brilliant interaction with Marius and Valjean. In My Life and AHFOL was lovely. Alistair Brammer isn't my favourite Marius, but I loved how him and Emily did that scene. They seemed so sweet and unsure. Here's the thing about Alistair, I like his acting, but I'm not so keen on his singing. I saw Antony Hansen in July, and I thought he was much better. Mark Dugdale was good as Enjolras. He doesn't have the same stage presence that David Thaxton has, but he was still good. I liked Helen Owen a lot. I was a bit disappointed that Nancy Sullivan was off, but Helen was excellent too. If I could have her singing and Nancy acting it would be perfect. I absolutely adore Lorraine Bruce and Martin Ball as the Thenardiers. They get the balance between the humour and the evil. They're similar to how I imagine them in the book. Lorraine is so scary. I've seen her 3 times now, and she always gets the tiniest little Cosettes to work with. Master of the House was an absolute scream. The ensemble seemed to be having a great time. Beggars at the Feast was funny too. I think it was Jonathon Williams who played the drunk. He had a lily, I think he was trying to put it in his pocket, but kept missing. The little boy who played Gavroche was brilliant. I don't know who he was, but he was really tiny and had dark hair. He even got a little clap after Little People! I hope I've not rambled too much, and I'm sorry my review isn't as detailed as most others. I had a brilliant time anyway. Many thanks to the cast! |
riverdawn |
Thank you both for the great reviews!
I love hearing all the little details and people's different opinions about the cast. Eppie-Sue, I sort of know what you mean about Bowman. The last time I was there felt the same way - like there were still things that I didn't like, but that overall it was ok and some moments were nice. The lack-of-wallet sounds hilarious! And MizH, don't worry, your review is plenty detailed and quite lovely to read. ![]() |
flying_pigs |
Thanks for the reviews guys!
Am getting withdrawal symptons again, especially after watching the ....interesting ODM at the Olivier's! |
Eppie-Sue |
I need to respond to this now, otherwise I'll forget. It's not a direct response to your review, it's been pointed out so often by others, too, even by people who didn't like his performance that much... Obviously, I realise how lovely his interactions both with Cosette and Fantine are, and yes, it's very caring, very affectionate, very close. And that is exactly my problem. It's great to make him more likeable, but is Valjean really affectionate? Even physically affectionate?! Is he that close with Fantine? Is he so fatherly (as in: The Perfect Daddy) with Cosette? There has to be a certain closeness, a sense of connection, but I'm not sure about how he is conveying it. Valjean spent 19 years in prison, he is deeply conflicted, hasn't got a feeling of self-worth and, at no point of the novel, strikes me as a deeply affectionate person. Yes, he kisses Fantine's hands when she's dead, but the side of her face? Right next to her lips? It just strikes me as odd. Someone once pointed out that Bowman, maybe because he is a bit older, maybe has experience with children more than some of the younger Valjeans (there was the question if he is a father), is more believable as a father. But is Valjean a good, perfect father? All close and happy with young Cosette, affectionate and all?! I really, honestly can't see that. Valjean strikes me as socially awkward, quiet, reserved, overwhelmed by the love Cosette has for him, but not like the perfect, chummy, adorable daddy. And that is, sadly, what I get from him. Also, he wouldn't know how to waltz. And now I shall get back to my essay for uni. Oh this is eating my time. |
riverdawn |
I understand your point and I think that's certainly a legitimate way of interpreting it. And I agree with you about Fantine - I think at times Bowman seem to act almost intimate with Fantine in a way that isn't really in the text or in character. However, with regards to Cosette, especially with the older Cosette, I actually think there is room even with BrickValjean to interpret the kind of closeness that Bowman portrays. It's not about Valjean being the perfect father (if nothing else, he is over protective and afraid to allow his "daughter" to grow). But I think, for example, if you think of the fact that they would spend hours sitting together in the Luxembourg gardens, or that (if I remember correctly) Cosette would spend her evenings in Valjean's rooms in order to be with him... I think that in those things there is, at the very least, room to interpret a close father-daughter relationship of the kind Bowman often brings to the stage. This is not to say that I think that's the only way to interpret the text. I think there is definitely something in what you say. But as someone who has complimented Bowman on his interactions with Cosette (and as the person who asked if he was a father/uncle) - I think that it's a valid interpretation. Again, not about Valjean being the perfect father but in order to show that Valjean has found this one person he could really love. As for not knowing how to Waltz, I'm pretty sure Valjean also doesn't know how to sing or various other things that happen on stage. I think there's a fair amount of "poetic" license there. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, but I'm not saying that. Yes, they have a very, incredibly close relationship, but it's not adorable or cute or affectionate. I can even deal when Cosette is older... but with the young girl... I just find it a bit odd to see him meet this child for the first time, not having had any personal, close interaction with anyone in over two decades, and instantly being completely comfortable with her and just delighted and immediately very, very fatherly.
I just vastly perfer what every other Valjean I've ever seen does: Swirl the little girl around in the air. It's much more natural, it's much more what you would do with a little kid, it's less "proper", the doll doesn't dangle from their hands ... and just because it's a musical doesn't mean he automatically knows how to dance, especially if the dancing in Les Mis is limited to The Wedding, where it's an actual ball. The Th�nardiers dance like the Th�nardiers would dance at the wedding, so why is this the one moment where this should be different and special?! I just think it's out of character. As I've mentioned, I didn't really mind him last night, but I just wish I wouldn't get these "That doesn't make sense for the character at all" moments with Bowman. Another example would be handing the candlesticks back to the Bishop but then grabbing his bag with the STOLEN SILVER and cradling it to his chest like a child that is being robbed of their favourite toy the other day. Why would he do that? If he hands the candlesticks back, why does he insist of keeping the stolen goods? You can choose to do something in that regard, but it would be shoving the bag to the Bishop, as in: "Take it, it's not mine, I know!" and not "Take the candlesticks back BUT I'M KEEPING THIS." ![]() |
riverdawn |
Yes, I agree it's more "off" there, as it happens instantly and is quite strange. But I admit I don't mind it so much, maybe because there is a way in which, because it's a musical and it's not that long, they establish relationships between people quite quickly (in the same way that it doesn't really make sense for Marius to see Cosette drop her basket and instantly fall in love)... I agree with you that it doesn't, per se, make a whole lot of sense, but I find I don't mind it. The same thing with the waltz. I mean, it's not as though he does this whole real waltz with her. It's sort of a play waltz. If I were to grab a kid and pretend-waltz with them, that's what it would look like, and I also don't know how to waltz. Now, granted, I agree that I come from a vastly different social-economic background than Valjean and that therefore I would have at the very least been exposed to people waltzing... So again, I agree that it doesn't entirely make sense, but I quite like it as a way of establishing that Valjean and Cosette are going to have a father-daughter kind of relationship. Needless to say, I have PLENTY of other criticism of what Bowman does, including what you mentioned with the bishop and the silver, so it's not as though I accept every aspect of his interpretation. But with Cosette for the most part I like it. Though I admit that the fact that he walks on stage wearing that stupid red shawl, which is clearly a woman's shawl and therefore would make no sense for Valjean to wear - that I hate. |
MizH |
When does he do that? I totally didn't notice!
Now that you mention it, it is quite strange that he'd be so comfortable with Cosette straight away. I was mainly commenting on how well Simon and Emily worked together. For the record, I thought the waltz bit was really cute. How do I find out what kids were on? Both Little Cosette and Gavroche were so good on Saturday, Gavroche especially. |
riverdawn |
After Master of the House, when Cosette is in the woods fetching water and Valjean walks in and sees her? Bowman walks in wearing a red woman's shawl, which he then drapes over little Cosette. Bowman is the only Valjean I've seen do this, so it's not part of the regular props for the show or anything like that and it is a bit silly that he would just happen to be walking around in a feminine shawl on the off chance that he would need to cover Cosette in it.
If it was the super-tiny Gavroche, he's the new one and I believe his name is William, but I don't remember now. |
Eppie-Sue |
Yes. That. None of the understudies does that. That said, none of the understudies does the waltz thing either. And while we're at it, none of the understudies for Javert run to appear at the Final Confrontation. Ahem.
You got the most wonderful kids, I saw them come out after the matinee when I was there with aquirkofmatter and Madeleine. William and Chloe. They are amazing, both of them. William might be the best Gavroche I've ever seen. I wish I'd remember Tristan a bit better, he was fantastic, too. The kids a really great, overall. They can all sing quite well and are all not completely blank in their acting. Lovely. |
mm10 |
Eppie-Sue and Mizh thank you for your reviews. Mizh I�m so glad that someone else enjoyed Simon Bowman�s performance and Eppie-Sue maybe come June you'll actually be sorry to see him leave - or maybe not lol. I loved your story about the wallet � I can just picture it � the joys of live theatre. ![]()
I think this is a lot of the problem to be honest, I�m sure a lot of people (myself included) who go to see the show will not have read the book and wouldn�t know Valjean was socially awkward, quiet, and reserved and I don�t think it serves any purpose to think that of him in the musical. Also, I�m pretty sure anyone seeing it for the first time will not be thinking �hang on a minute Valjean wouldn�t know how to waltz�. I think though given how accident prone SB seems to be he maybe doesn�t feel comfortable swinging a young child about the place and I don�t think �waltzing� with her is any less effective. Similarly the red shawl � now that you mention it yes I do remember it but I didn�t think it was odd - or feminine. Do other Valjeans not cover Cosette up or do they just not come on stage wearing it - I can't remember? As for the closeness that he has with Cosette straight away I don�t see it like that � to me he is acting the way any adult would who found a child in the dark by herself clearly petrified (OK maybe not the waltzing bit but certainly to cover her up if she was shivering and take her hand) |
Eppie-Sue |
I have never seen the shawl before with anyone. Everyone else, Shannon, Jonathan, Simon, Killian, they have all been in the lovely yellow coat (BRICK REFERENCE ![]() It just seems like his Valjean already knows what is going to happen before it actually happens a lot of times in the show and it seems like he plays the part according to that, with that knowledge visible, and maybe that's what makes his performance seem smug to me, that it's as if he puts himself above the boundaries of the plot, not acting with the emotional state and the knowledge that Valjean should have at this very point but playing him only for this track of the hero who will live through this all and then die next to Cosette at the end... ETA: Imagine a Marius who acts superior to his friends regarding the whole revolution thing, with the knowledge that, "hey, everyone is going to die except for me!". Or an Enjolras who from the very beginning of gives you the impression that he is very well aware that the whole thing is doomed and and that he is leading everyone to certain death as they have no chance of succeeding. I would never believe them or think their characters are being portrayed genuinely. And that is what it feels like with Simon Bowman as Valjean. ![]() |
mm10 |
Well presumably that's why he wears it because he obviously couldn't just carry it because then it would look like he knew he would need it. I am surprised though that you say the others don't do it because I would've thought either its part of the show or it isn't. |
MizH |
Thanks for that. He was definately the best Gavroche I've seen. Were you at the show on Saturday?
Saturday was the 9th time I'd seen the musical and I've read the book twice (the second time was just a few weeks ago.) Silly as it sounds, it never occurred to me that Valjean wouldn't know how to waltz! I still don't remember Valjean having a red shawl. I was probably still giggling at a couple of things that happened in Master of the House. While I'm on the subject of Master of the House, I really hate the slow motion bit. What's the point of it? |
Eppie-Sue |
No, sadly. I was at my uni's library, pretending to do work.
I'm pretty sure I can justify that. It happens while Th�nardier is "explaining" the strategy of his prices to the audience and is then "filling up" the bottle. So it's supposed to happen on the side, with no one paying attention to anyone but him, and it's not supposed to happen in the real time that passes but in, say, a few seconds. They basically take him out of the scene. If he took the bottle and went to the side with anyone going on with whatever they were doing in real motion, then he a) wouldn't stand out and b) would waffle on and on about something while someone else (Posh Traveller) was waiting to get the bottle they complained about back. The best bit about the slow-mo is Simon!traveller, anyway. Slowly, veeeerey slowly cratching his tongue, which is hanging out of his mouth, with the look of utter disgust and nausea on his face after tasting Jeff!traveller's meal. ![]()
Oh, sorry, no, you misunderstood. He carries it over his shoulder, but it doesn't serve as any kind of protection from the cold. I mean, he's got an open coat and then a sort of woman's shawl just randomly lying on his shoulders. It doesn't make sense. Really. |
MizH |
I suppose that makes sense, I just don't like it, I doubt I ever will. The slow motion thing was only put in a few years ago (late 2007 perhaps.) Before, Thenardier went to the side of the stage and addressed the audience while the ensemble characters and Madame T ignored him and got on with what they were doing(ensemble drinking, Mme T serving the customers etc.) It worked fine, and the audience's focus was firmly on Thenardier, as the ensemble weren't doing anything out of the ordinary. This cast is the first cast I remember seeing do the bottle bit. It's not critical to the scene. It's purpose is to provide a funny moment. |
Eppie-Sue |
There was a woman at the stage door tonight who thought Antony looked very much like her deceased cousin. Then she argued that he had a solo in One Day More (and insisted that it was this song. Not DYHTPS. NOPE.), being part of Enjolras's gang and all. That was strange. Poor Alistair didn't really know what to say to that. He insulted Antony's programme picture a bit and smiled. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
I'm really really really really sorry for bringing this up, but did any of you book BB seats for 21 June, the 1st performance of the new cast? I want to watch it and I really don't think I have money for a 60 pound ticket, because, goodness, I already have 5 Stall tickets (because my mom wants to go for some too). I don't want to call up the box office to ask as if there happen not to be any, I'd have to continue the call, booking Stall tickets. And the calls to London aren't exactly cheap. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
I was thinking about getting tickets for that performance, but for the sake of the new cast members, especially the ones that are going to replace my, well, favourites, I don't think I will. I wouldn't be able to be fair in my initial reaction. But I can ask at the box office if there are still BB seats available the next time I'm at the Queen's, if that's any help. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Yeah that would really help. Thanks so much! ![]() I was thinking about watching it from the Stall view for the very first performance, but maybe I'll do that on another day... And I'd feel awful to ask you this but could you please help me check for any other days, like the June 20somethings? If you don't want to it's fine, of course, I'd ask them myself. |
Eppie-Sue |
You know, I'm pretty sure they'll have one or two tickets in BB left for other shows for the rest of the week, honestly. It's just cast change that's extremely important for us, especially the regulars. The new cast will be there for some time. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Yes but I won't. Term starts on the 25 or something and heaven knows how I'm going to get back in time. I may be slightly prejudiced, but I still want to see the new cast. For comparison's sake. Ah well. |
Eppie-Sue |
Yes. I know. I was solely commenting on why I think you won't have any problems regarding dates after the 21st. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
So can you help me check for BB for the 21st? If not it's okay, I'll do it myself. Oh my God I feel so horrible asking you to do this. |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, yeah, when I'm at the Queen's again, as I said. I'll ask them if they've got BB tickets left and will then let you know. | ||||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Alright. Thanks so much! It seems I can never thank you enough, huh. I seem like this eager puppy. | ||||||||
KatyRoseLand |
I know this isn't necessarily a very good indication, but last cast change, I wanted tickets for the first performance of the new cast, so I rang up and asked on the Thursday before cast change and I just said "Do you have any tickets in row BB next week?" because I didn't think it was very likely that they'd have them for the Monday, and the person I spoke to said "Yes, we have tickets in row BB every day next week" but then I remembered David Shannon had stopped doing Mondays so I booked for Tuesday. And then Jonathan Williams was on. But he was great, so it was fine!
Anyway, to sum up - last cast change, tickets in row BB were still available for every day of the first week of the new cast on the Thursday before cast change. Of course, that doesn't mean it will be the same this time, but I just thought I'd mention it. |
aquirkofmatter |
Eppie-Sue sent me a text earlier - the first day of Jeff's week as Javert, and he's opposite Jonathan as Valjean! (She sent me a text in the interval, it's apparently an amazing show.)
I can't believe I was in London yesterday, not today - so close! |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() sorry, I'm really hyper. As in, REALLY hyper. there were so many epic things. Jonathan!JVJ opposite Jeffert. OMG. And hah, they were running low on convicts and had David singing Jeff's line! xD And Mark was randomly covering Joe's track in MotH. Oh I'm so happy I went. Everyone was amazing, honestly. |
riverdawn |
That does sound epic! How fun!
ETA: Not sure if this has been reported here yet (may have forgotten), but Jeff tweeted that he has gotten an offer to stay on after cast change, although he has yet to decide what he'll do. |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah yes, regarding cast change, I think it's safe to say that A LOT, at least of the ensemble, have been offered to stay. Decisions have yet to be made in many cases, but we'll definitely be looking at a few guys staying for a third year (or even more than that!). I mean, David and Nancy are leaving, but there are quite a few staying, it seems.
ETA: With the "Over The Rainbow" programme up, I'm half wondering if we might be looking at new cast members there? With Leanne, Katie, Nancy, Alistair and Antony all having been in those competitions... ETA 2: JEFF AND JONATHAN AGAIN TONIGHT! Wheeee! |
Eppie-Sue |
So, even though it, once again, seems like no one is actually interested ![]() Well. Cast members that were off sick/on holiday: Bowman, HPJ, Rebecca, Laura Medforth, Joe, Gavin, Mark H Therefore, Killian was mostly in Joe's and Jeff's tracks (there were exceptions when both tracks intertwined, so David was in Jeff's track in the Prologue [convict line! Yay!] and Mark was in Joe's track in MotH, singing his line... and leading Javert back to the barricade, etc.) and Greg, being u/s Bishop, was mostly in Gavin's and Jonathan's tracks. Katy covered Natalie's track, Emma Westhead respectively Laura Medforth's, which meant that YAY NO SOBBING WOMAN as she didn't do any of that and died silently without shrieks, etc. Thank you so, so much. about the understudies... First off, it is so, so amazing to have Jeff and Jonathan on, because they are both wonderful, and, especially with Jonathan, play the parts in a way that makes them completely believable and real. I love that so much. And they both hit all the notes (granted, Jeff doesn't go for the low "chaaaiiin" either, but at least with him it doesn't sound like he's choking). There are some bits about Jonathan's performance that are absolutely perfect and are just a joy to watch, because I don't get them when Simon Bowman is there. One being that he doesn't overact. He doesn't stab himself with a knife when he sings "I feel my shame inside me like a knife". I don't know why anyone would do that. Yes, the Soliloquy. It works so well without having Valjean randomly shouting some words or putting such overdone emphasis on them ("freedom", "to go", "of my SIN", etc). I loved Jonathan's Soliloquy, and I don't really normally. I mean, I like it, but it's not the best part of his performance ususally, but last night it was absolutely brilliant. I think it has to do with the fact that most of the times when he goes on, he only learns about it very shortly before the show and, at that point, has warmed up his voice for his ensemble track, which is his natural range, Bass/Baritone. So Valjean is a painful bit of a struggle then. But yes. Jonathan! ![]() I really like Jeff as Javert. He is not, really not, my ideal Javert, but oh, why is he understudy?! His voice is so effortlessly strong and clear, not just on the big notes, everywhere, and he has this wonderful aura of authority, which is mostly not even down to his height. "Stars" was absolutely amazing, not just the way he sung it but also the way he acted it (acting! in Stars! unheard of...!), and there are little moments where he just fits what I, personally, want to see from Javert, because I think it's in character. These moments include that he is NOT running to get to the Final Confrontation. Yes, it's important to me. Especially because Valjean sings: "The faithful servant at his post once more." and that just makes so much more sense if Javert has just been standing there, completely calm on the outside. Love it. Natalie was very strong as Fantine. I have seen her stronger, but I've also seen her weaker, so it was lovely. The thing about Natalie is... I love her voice colour, I love how she pronounces words, she sounds absolutely gorgeous, but I am not convinced that she could cope with eight shows a week for a whole year, e.g. being principal. I might be completely off here, but it really is that Rebecca's voice, even though it's not my favourite, is very reliable, whereas with Natalie, I always tense up and hope she can deliver. She always can, I saw her when she was very noticably ill and had to struggle a lot, and she still coped somehow, so it's awesome to have her here as the understudy, because she's absolutely beautiful. Heh, and her Fantine looks perfectly cute and adorable with the short hair. xD Can't help it. And her death scene has become so, so good. I was never really convinced, but she sold me this week. She has improved a lot, too, acting-wise. : ) About the others... well. I feel like I need to say something about David!convict, because I know that the fact that he was put into that track for the Prologue is basically a dream come true for him. xD He was very excited on Thursday when I mentioned it. So, yes, obviously, it's vocally veeeery strong (and low), but the best bit is that, at least last night, David's Jeff!convict got his very own personality and was quite clearly demented!covict. Very crazy. As in, completely INSANE. Very "Sirius Black" in Harry Potter 3, if that makes any sense xDDD so that was fun to watch, mad laughter and all that. Oh, and we got Epicjolras, as we did for the past few days. Brilliance. Um, apart from that xD it was a good show. Everyone was very good, Alistair, I thought, was really strong in Empty Chairs... Loved the ensemble, again, I wish I could remember more, but my mind was just hyperactively going: "JONATHANANDJEFFANDJONTHANANDJEFF" And, um, for everyone who's missed it, looks like there are about a dozen songs on YouTube. Whee. Shiny. Oh, also, the HAIR cast has moved in next door and apparently they're already going out with the Les Mis cast and want to join them for Rockaoke or something xD. So Martin Ball and I ended up talking to Allison Case and Andrew Kober and some others for five, ten minutes, about life in London and all that. |
pastaeater |
Can I just say that I love reading all your reviews. I don't post much because I don't get to London to see the show very often and consequently feel that I don't have much to say (sad, I know!) Being able to read detailed reviews - yours and others - really helps me to fel a bit more in touch with what's going on. So THANK YOU!! | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Thank you very, very much!
Haha, I have to add something. As the revolve turned and the caf� scene began, Killian (in Jeff's track) was standing on a chair, gesturing wildly, very animatedly discussing with Davidjolras. They were very into it. Also, Killian was shouting the loudest on the barricade, his "Prouvaire" checking and arguing with "Enjolras" all the time. I love how he adds so much of the interaction himself, it's a joy to watch. |
mm10 |
Well I have said often I love reading your reviews - dissapointed to hear SB is still off (actually horrified might be a better word) as I will be in London this week but c'est la vie! Hopefully he will be back by then. I loved your review of Williams because if nothing else it helps me to understand why you seem to dislike SB so much and I really would like to see him for myself (just not yet though!!)
I totally agree with Pasteater - I love the fact that you go in to so much detail - I particularly love the reports on all the comments and interactions between the ensemble which no matter how hard I try I never manage to pick up on. So thanks again Eppie-Sue for another great review and please don't stop posting them. |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, thank you very much! Simon Bowman did actually perform on Friday, he just took the Saturday off again, might have been a bit too early, but I suppose your chances of seeing him next week are quite good. With Jonathan, it's really that I loved him way before I ever heard the name "Simon Bowman", as he also was my first London Valjean, but as we had David Shannon back then, too, I never fully appreciated how good Jonathan really was. I mean, he was the first Valjean who made me care for the character, but Shannon kept that up, so it wasn't really a choice between those two. I still think that I prefer David Shannon, but I would never be able to make a firm decision, especially as I have now seen so many different Valjeans in a short time. It's relatively easy for me to realise what makes me like a performance... I need to care for the character and I need to understand why they behave like this. There are performers who, beyond that, deliver outstanding performances, vocally, like, yes, David for example, but that is rather rare. If someone's acting doesn't make SENSE to me or doesn't make me feel like the actor cares for the character, then the strongest voice wouldn't help. I can deal perfectly fine a few iffy notes or a strained passage here and here, if it's not too much and it definitely helps I like the voice in general, as long as the character is real. Good examples for that would be Nancy and Earl. |
flying_pigs |
Thanks for the review! Once again, very jealous ![]() Also, David!Convict FTW! |
Fiwen9430 |
Thanks for the review. I've booked a ticket to see the show again on the 17th April, and getting all excited about it, especially after reading all the lovely reviews. It will probably be my last time seeing certain actors before the cast changes, so I'm looking forward to it! | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Thanks for the detailed review. It was very interesting.
Laughed out loud at the description of David!convict. |
Elbow |
Back from tonight's show, and it was MOST splendid.
My Grandma came with me to see it, since she hadn't seen the show for about 12 years. She has strong views about Javert and how they should be played, so I was sure to take her on a day when Jeff was on. What I wasn't expecting was for it also to be a Jonathan Valjean day - YAAAAAY. My two least favourite cast members off and two of my favourite understudies on! Fantastic. The show seemed to have a lot of energy tonight, I've not enjoyed a show that much for ages. Jonathan seemed very on the ball and incredibly strong, and got stronger throughout the performance and delivered an absolutely KILLER Bring Him Home, and didn't even put on his old man voice ![]() Jeff was fantastic as usual, his Stars was so good. So much more feeling and power than HPJ in my opinion, and a hell of a lot more stage presense. My Grandma loved him, I think he really made the show for her. Thaxton was ever so strong too (another one my Grandma liked a lot) I think I acquired a new appreciation for him tonight, every so often I just sort of go "GOD HE'S GOOD" then forget about how good he is for a while, then see a performance which reminds me just how good he is. The students were very vocal tonight. Sadly they were all being very vocal at the same time, so I didn't catch a lot of it. There was a lot of "LET'S BUILD A BARRICADE!!!" and when Grantaire was told off, Killian Lesgle was pointing at him going "He's crushed! He's crushed!" and laughing very loudly. Mark went over to tell Grantaire to SIT DOWN and Martin almost dragged Mark onto the chair with him, which was unusual and amusing. So so so glad Gavin was back. I do love him. I love his slow action tumble in The Runaway Cart, and his "Landlord?" in Master Of The House and his terrifying pimp in Look Down and his terrifying eyes he does at Grantaire and his never blinking that he does... the whole way through ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh how I wish I could say the same about tonight's show. Maybe it was me, though, but I felt that the energy that I saw on Saturday, for example, wasn't there, everyone seemed to struggle a bit. It might have been me, but still. There were the usual reliable performers, and they (mostly David) and the ensemble saved the show in large parts, but oh, I don't know what it was. It was a good show, sure, but I missed the spark of last week's performances. And... I know we have some avid Bowman fans here on the forums, and I'm sorry that I have to say this again, but tonight was a show that reminded me of my initial reaction. Why was this man cast? I am completely clueless as to why they decided to make him Valjean in October. I can't see any reason. Was he honestly the best there was? Is this as good as it gets? How much air can you possible put behind notes? And how aggressive can he be? Enjolras would never have handed Javert to Valjean, had Valjean stood there with a look that clearly said: "I'M THE BIG TOUGH GUY HERE". He turns around and accuses everyone else at "this child without a friend" - well, I'm sorry, but what are they supposed to do? What is up with the way he loses consciousness in the sewers, that's not fainting. All these little bits and then all these big moments where he makes the character completely unlikeable and unrelateable by playing him overly confident, smug, self-centred and the next second being so cute-cuddly, affectionate and bawling his eyes out in the Finale. It all doesn't make sense. Why is he holding a gun while he's praying? Speaking of praying, why doesn't he finish his prayer right after Fantine's Death? Why, why, why. God it's depressing. ETA: Sorry for the outburst. It just upsets me because I really want to like Valjean and I just can't. And it destroys a good bit of Les Mis for me, when I see it, especially at nights where, maybe, the show actually depends on the leads, as it should, and others have to hold back a bit. |
mm10 |
Eppie-Sue sorry to hear you had such a bad show but so glad you posted as I'm supposed to be flying to London tomorrow and glad to hear SB is back as I was wondering. I say supposed to be because at this moment in time it is pouring and blowing a gale - a lot of the roads are flooded and it took me twice as long to get home from work - and on top of that now it is trying to snow - what is wrong with this weather??!! ![]() Anyway hopefully my flight will actually take off and I will manage to see Les Mis again and if (hopefully) I see SB I hope to be able to reply to some of your comments on my return. ETA - no worriies about the outburst I hope my post didn't sound like i was waiting to pounce on you for saying anything negative lol |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Well, I was at the matinee today, having not been since ... whenever I was last in London. End of Feb, maybe? It was nothing exceptional - I found my mind wandering quite a bit, and couldn't really concentrate for a lot of it. Which was a shame. Still I enjoyed it, as I hadn't seen it for a while, and, yeah.
It was a pity I couldn't catch Jonathan - I really can't say I was in the mood for Bowman. There's the very occasional moment I like with him, some bits I can live with, and some I really hate or that really irritate me. The main problem is that his overall characterisation is so off. But Eppie-Sue has said plenty on this subject already, so I'll leave it. And just say that I basically agree with her on everything. I really enjoyed Jeff - there is a difference between wooden acting and acting wooden, if you get what I mean. The latter is much better. I prefer Jeff's voice to HPJ's as well. So all good on that front. Rachel Bingham was, of course, on for Mme Thenardier. I really like the fact that she can sing, and that you can understand her words. Especially the 'Eponine, come my dear etc' bit. It annoys me loads when Lorraine does it. However, I didn't find her as funny. Admittedly, I probably wasn't in the mood for it, but the audience didn't seem particularly amused by her either. I don't know exactly what is lacking - but I have to say that much of Lorraine's scariness and comedy comes from her physical appearance. Which Rachel doesn't have. As for everyone else, they were fine. No-one was really special, but they weren't bad either. The ensemble as a whole, and particularly Mark Dugdale, seemed more talkative than usual on stage. Or at least, they were talking louder than usual. Overall I wasn't hugely enthusiastic. But as I say, I wasn't really in the best mood for it. And it was still good. |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() I have no idea how many of these will appear, but this is most wonderful, isn't it?! Also, mm10, I'm very interested on hearing your thoughts once you're back from London. : ) |
riverdawn |
Huh, I was just looking over some bits in those lovely shiny videos, and noticed something I had never noticed before, probably because I was sitting in all the wrong places or something. ![]() During "damn their warnings, damn their lies", there is actually a visual moment in which the flag (which has just been defiantly flung open by Enjolras), is fully unfurled in the background, so that as David is singing that line, there is a moment in which he is actually doing it with this beautiful HUGE red flag behind him. That is so awesome! Lovely visual impact there. (This was just my random thought of the day) |
Eppie-Sue |
Well, he flings it open, but it doesn't always work out so beautifully. It looks very good indeed.
I have something to point out, too, and I'm very confused... In Look Down, Alistair and David are standing left to the bridge when they're singing their lines, then move onto/over the bridge, so that David is standing in the middle for the "until the barricades arise" bit... that is new. Completely new. I have never seen that and I completely adore it! Normally they had Marius on the left for "Where are the leaders...", Enjolras in the middle of the bridge for "Only one man..." then both of them on the steps on the very right for the final lines. But this is awesome! ![]() |
riverdawn |
OMG! That is amazing! I love it!
I hadn't seen that video yet but I went to look now and I love that blocking. Giving that ARRRISSEE the center-stage location it deserves. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm currently wondering whether if that is blocking or if it's just because David felt like it. But Alistair totally goes along with it... | ||||||||
riverdawn |
I guess we'll just have to keep watching that spot for developments. ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I'm in the upper circle. C6 so not as bad as it could be, but still...
BUT JONATHAN'S ON!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Well, yesterday's matinee was ten ... no a hundred times better than on Wednesday. I'm so glad I went - the Wednesday performance literally had me sitting there wondering why I bothered going to see it so many times, and even if I'd got to saturation point. But then yesterday completely got rid of all those doubts.
I can't completely put a finger on what it was, but there was just so much more energy there, and I got really drawn into it again. (Sad to say, but Jonathan!Valjean may have had a significant amount to do with this as well...) My view for the first half was pretty rubbish - everyone in front of you in the upper circle leans forward, so you have to too. And you still see loads of heads blocking the stage. It was also quite a lot off to one side. It took me a long time to work out exactly who was in which track, because I couldn't make out their faces very clearly. But there were loads of spare seats in AA in the front (even though I'm sure the BO person told me that row C was as far forward as I could get...) so I moved right to the centre of the front for the second half and got a much better view. It was actually really nice being in the middle of the theatre for once - in BB and particularly the slips, you're always on one side or the other - in choosing seats you have to decide who you want to have a good view of, and who you don't mind not seeing. But when you're in the centre, you can see it all! I have two problems when Jonathan is on. The first is his Who Am I? - I can't make myself like the passing notes he puts in in the first bit. The second is that, when he's on, I spend the whole show thinking how much better he is than Bowman. I become much more anti-Bowman when watching Jonathan than I am the rest of the time. Vocally, Jonathan wasn't at the top of his game - on the high notes at least. It sounded a bit like he was straining, and he had a little problem settling on the ONE at the end of Who Am I, yet he is still, imo of course, miles better than Bowman. But mostly, it's all the subtleties in his acting - I notice new little things every time - that really make me wish we had him as a prinicpal, or someone like David Shannon who also had the sensitivity that Jonathan shows. It's all the little gestures and mannerisms and whatever that make me care for Valjean, and enjoy his performance so much more. Like, for instance, in Fantine's Arrest - Bowman reaches out and forcefully turns Rebecca's head to look at him on 'I've seen your face before. Show me some way to help you.'. Jonathan also reached out, but at a slight flinch from Rebecca he looked a little unsure and withdrew his hand. It's all the little things like that that make his characterisation so much superior. And when Bowman's on, I don't necessarily notice the lack - but when Jonathan is playing Valjean, the differences just become painfully clear. Another bit of Jonathan's I really like is Valjean's Confession - there's much less surety there. With Bowman, yes, there is a bit of conflict/torment whatever - but I can't care for him so much. He plays it somehow too much like a saint who knows he is a saint and is tormenting himself in order to increase his saintliness. Jonathan is just so vulnerable, and really doesn't seem to know if he's doing the right thing. Bowman grabs Marius' shoulders and glares him into submission, Jonathan holds his hand and pleads. Bowman marches off, looking pleased with himself for having done the right thing. Jonathan walks off hesitantly, and at several moments nearly turns back. He doesn't even know what to do in terms of thanking Marius - he reaches out his hand as if to shake it, and then withdraws it and looks genuinely upset. And I love that with Jonathan's Valjean, there are traces of the bitter convict all the way through. Bowman makes his transition from sinner to saint look like an easy clear-cut thing. He's horrible until the Soliloquy. Then he's the most amazing person to walk the earth. Jonathan never wholly makes the transition - there are always traces of his past, as there are bound to be. You get a real sense of a character arc and development with him, that is somehow lacking with Bowman. Martin Neely was off, so we had both Markjolras and Jefftaire (huge Grantaire with tiny Gavroche was, I have to say, rather comical ![]() ![]() Even from the front row of the Upper Circle I could see Jeff rolling off the barricade on the Deadjolras bit and see them all wander off stage. And then Mark when he did. Suspension of disbelief is a bit tricky from up there - especially if you're further back, I imagine. I don't know if being up there made Jeff taller, or if it was the lack of David, but he looked hilariously huge at points. Particularly in ECAET, where he had Mark and Dylan on one side and Joe on the other. None of whom are very tall (in fact, I hadn't noticed before that Joe is, in fact, quite short). Anyway, yeah, 'twas a very good show ![]() ![]() Oh, and Happy Easter everyone! |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the review! Very interesting! | ||||||||
mm10 |
Well I am back from London having managed to see both Simon Bowman and Jonathan Williams � I had booked for Friday evening before I went but had a sense of foreboding that SB wouldn�t be on so I went on Wednesday night as well. I don�t know if SBs on/off on/off at the minute is due to illness or something else but he seemed fine when I saw him other than he was quite weak in �took my flight� Also the other thing I didn�t quite like and I�m not sure if he has done it before but I never noticed, he clicked his fingers at Eponine when he was trying to get the letter off her � it was a bit like calling a dog to be honest and I did cringe a bit. And yes he had the shawl over both shoulders when he finds Cosette and yes I noticed JW doesn�t do it but it really doesn�t bother me (and its not red as such � I think actually it is the same shawl that Fantine wears) I actually think its quite a nice touch.
On to Friday then and the dreaded announcement �at this performance the role of Jean Valjean� � and I did feel my heart sink but was so glad that I had decided to go on Wednesday. Anyway JW was on and I really had such high expectations of him after everything that has been said but did I think he was as good as SB � no I�m sorry I didn�t. And yes I know everyone will say I would say that so I will try and explain. Don�t get me wrong he was very good but the first thing I will say is like I said about JOJ the first time I saw him (even though I thought he was the best I�d ever seen) is that JW is too young. Also the other thing I have realized is that I love SBs voice � I really do, I realize it isn�t to everyone�s taste but I could listen to him sing until the cows come home, and I think I would probably recognise it instantly whereas I couldn�t say that of JW. Secondly, everyone talks about JWs JVJ as being humble and sensitive as opposed to SB who is overly confident, but the problem I had with JW was that I was never totally convinced by him � he used facial expressions to try and convey what he was feeling and he raised his eyebrows a lot which just didn�t seem natural. SB on the other hand � although you may not like that his Valjean is confident but he is never the less more convincing. Also I feel that SB shows more of a range of emotion whereas JW is pretty much the same throughout. But for me the difference between them was most obvious in BHH and don�t get me wrong JW sang it beautifully but what is with all the moving about. This is meant to be a prayer to God to save Marius it is meant to be still and thoughtful � JW starts of holding the gun then puts it down � he is sitting in one place then he stands up then he kneels and then finally he ends up sitting where SB sits. SB doesn�t move � he sits quietly and still and shows all the emotion he needs to in his voice � yes there is the �big hands� gesture at one point but I forgive him that because the rest of it is so perfect. Also I have to mention the curtain call because I know SB was criticised for trying to get the audience to stand at one point and so it struck me all the more how gracious he was even though he got the loudest cheers of anyone (despite there being some very vocal David Thaxton fans in) but he kept his hands clasped together and he didn�t even smile (I got the impression that he was totally emotionally drained � especially if he had done the matinee as well) and when he came out the second time ahead of everyone else and everyone was still cheering he kept looking behind him to take the girls hands even though he could�ve milked it a bit for himself. By contrast JW was smiling a lot and clapping along � and there is absolutely nothing wrong with him doing that but I simply mention it because it was another criticism of SB that I thought was unfair. At the risk of stating the obvious here just because you don�t like how SB chooses to portray JVJ doesn�t mean his performance isn�t any good and it really maddens me when people say things like why on earth did he get the job or surely there were people better than him!! One final thing � I have to mention Mark Dugdale who was on for Enjrolas � what is with the over pronunciation thing he has going on with his mouth � why has no one ever told him to stop doing that, but you know having said that I really liked him, not sure why exactly but he really impressed me. Think it might partly be due to the fact that he doesn�t have the whole rock star/pop star thing going on that David Thaxton does. Would really like to see him promoted when David Thaxton leaves. And yes Happy Easter!!! |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm glad you got to see both Valjeans. And I didn't expect you to be suddenly be amazed by Jonathan Williams, mainly because if you like Simon Bowman I'm convinced you can't like Jonathan Williams that much, because he is completely different, and for me, that's the beautiful thing, because at least there is an understudy that is "Valjean" for me. Also, I realise he's not perfect, also not vocally, but to think he's bass/baritone and hits notes that others (and I'm not solely talking about Simon Bowman here) have problems with or don't go for is very impressive.
And when you go on to say that you love Simon Bowman's voice - see, there's another difference, I guess: I really don't (not that this is his fault, I also don't like Rebecca's voice), because I think it sounds so tense and there is either so much pressure or so much air behind it. So with that in mind, you probably couldn't like Jonathan that much, because you want Valjean to be different. About BHH, it's true, there is a lot of movement, and I don't like it that much either. But I vastly prefer it to Valjean holding a bloody GUN that he has (in the realms of the musical) KILLED with while he is praying. The difference is probably that Jonathan's actions make sense to me. He might not be as convincing to some, his acting is not as "grand" as Bowman's (or, to name others - JOJ's) and that's what I like. It's much more controlled.
I was the one who reported that he was gesturing towards the audience to get them to stand up. I didn't say he does it all the time, but he did it, and when he did, I thought it looked unnecessarily needy. They get a full standing ovation every second night, there is no reason to ask for one. And what he always does is that he doesn't even begin to go off stage but stays in the centre/back of the stage while everyone else disappears into the wings and then returns for the last bow. And yes, I criticise that when it happens and I don't think he should milk it for himself, the last bit of Curtain Call is about the whole company, every other Valjean I've seen went off into the wings with the others... Again, my personal taste, and it's nothing against Bowman, just something that strikes me as odd. Of course, as the lead, it's expected that he gets the loudest cheers, so it's nice to see he was being gracious about it. I'm not saying he, himself, is cocky or arrogant, I'm actually sure he isn't, when I say that it's just about his Valjean. The curtain call comments simply happen to be things I notice going often. So, no, it's not unfair. And, um, maybe I misunderstood you, but I doubt there are actual David Thaxton fans (in the way that there are, for example, Simon Bowman fans, or Kerry Ellis fans, or Michael Ball fans) out there who go, see the show for him and act like teenagers. If there are, I have yet to see one of them. There are always people who cheer loudly, and we go and point it out because it's certainly not obvious that Enjolras gets cheers as loud as the leads at times. However it's never anyone from us regulars, but people who have probably seen the performance for the first time and are simply amazed and cheer loudly for that reason. And I'd really like someone to explain to me what everyone referring to David's Enjolras as "rock star" type is talking about. I don't see it. I am absolutely enthralled by his performance, but I don't think it's anything to do with pop or rock star, it, too, is very controlled acting, very focused and especially in the cafe very reserved. I feel it's not justified, as it makes his performance seem shallow, when that is the opposite of what it is. He sure as hell doesn't rely on looks or appearance for the role. Mark won't be promoted, by the way, he's leaving, too. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
mm10, it's interesting to read your views, and I may respond in full when I'm at a computer instead of on the tube. However, I'm afraid I have to agree with Eppie-Sue on the whole. And see my review above, as well!
Also, out of interest, (and don't take this as criticism), have you read the book? |