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Eponines_Hat |
YES! I love it, too! On Friday, he didn't even talk to Marius really when he did the second verse of Red and Black, but actually went over to Grantaire and was talking to him - picking up the bottle and slamming it down when he said STRIIIIIIVE &c I think HPJ and Bowman gave some pretty good vocal performances but I was otherwise underwhelmed by their acting and thought some of their choices were weird and just... didn't work. The only bit of HPJ's interpretation that I enjoyed was during the final confrontation. It has given me a bit of hope that I will learn to like his interpretation more in the future. and Bowman just didnt make me feel for JVJ at all. I'm hoping that I just miss Earl and Shannon and that I will get over this soon!
Yeah, he got his foot stuck on the bridge on Friday when he tried to kill himself. I felt rather sorry for him! Bit of a bad week for bloopers I think! Though the wig sounds rather entertaining!
I thought she was OK, but not as strong vocally as Katie was. I also missthe doubt Katie showed during "Everyday" when she was reminding him of AHFOL. Emily doesn't ever seem worried that Marius doesn't love her or want her anymore. She is just sweet, understanding, etc. Just doesn't add that extra dimension of interest in the character IMO |
Eppie-Sue |
O.o see, that proves the point. I have never seen that, for example. I have seen the whole "walking up to Grantaire's table and using The Evil Stare on the bottle and R" at "but now there is a higher call", but then he'd just turn around and continue talking to Marius and the rest. And the STRIVE isn't always in there... it was yesterday, though, and the wine glass jumped. xD Why does HPJ have to run to get to the Final Confrontation? Javert has a f'ing carriage. Jeff and Earl just stand/stood there. It's a very good example for how HPJ's Javert is different - he has to run to get to the point where he can arrest Valjean, the others just stand there, looking authoritative. And it mirrors the actual 1823 Confrontation. And it's just badass. |
Eponines_Hat |
I hadn't seen it either but there was heaps of E/R on Friday esp much STARE - ing <3 Yeah... I was quite disappointed with Friday's show. It didn't have the same buzz it normally has and I had the feeling (more than ever) that DT and Sullivan were really driving the performance. And Jeff Nicholson. He was a scream in MOTH. Bless 'im. I can't believe I missed his Javert. I hope he is on again soon. Can't wait to see Antony Hansen as Marius either. |
Madeleine |
Thanks, l'ivrogne transfigur�, I really enjoyed reading that. So much detail!
I have this great image in my head of Gavin trying to put Valjean's wig back on. ![]()
Yes! I love it! Although he didn't seem to wander over to David to complain during Little People last week, which made me very sad, but he did walk away towards the wings, to pace up and down angrily while Gavroche was singing, which was almost as good. ![]() There was even an added, 'ENJOLRAS!!' after 'SHOOT THE BASTARD!!' That scene gets more and more intense every time I go. ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I've remembered some more things!
Javert's suicide: 'Vengeance was his and he gave me back ... my life" He did this both times, but it just sounded odd - what else could have happened? Overall, HPJ tends to keep speech patterns in more than Earl did - in some parts this is effective, in other parts it spoils the rhythm of the music, but I did like his 'he... he disappeared'. Valjean's wig: I like the new greyer wig for Montreuil - it's more canonical in that Valjean is fairly old by that point and Hugo says he's grey - but it might make it harder for peole to connect him with the convict when not only is his hair shorter but also a different colour - and a surprising number of people don't seem to realise that the mayor is Valjean. At least until I put them right in the interval!
There wasn't much of that yesterday, which was a pity. Just the occasional look - I got the impression they were toning it down a bit, which is sad ![]() In terms of blocking changes, DT was on the barricade for most of Grantaire's DWM verse in the matinee, coming down towards the end, which I think is what he usually does, whereas in the evening he was already talking to, maybe Jeff, or at least someone that side of the stage at the beginning of the verse. It's these little changes which don't really affect anything that make the performance so much more real - because you can see he's really in character and not just doing what he's been told to do. SO ... he really should shut Laura Medforth up!
Yes - I really liked that as well. It shows them both being affected by what happened, and having to work through it together. One of the inevitable problems with the musical is that it condenses over 10 years of plot into under 3 hours, and so you lose a lot of the time scale (from Look Down through most of the second half seems to span only two days in the musical), which makes it seem that Marius randomly falls head over heels in love with the first pretty girl he happens to meet on the street, and then they're married the next, which can make it quite hard to take their relationship seriously. However Katie's way of doing it made them seem a bit more like a real couple, with problems of their own, instead of some kind of fairytale romance among all 'les miserables'.
Thanks - but I do it for completely selfish reasons - this is the only place where I can offload everything to people who actually have some idea what I'm talking about! So thank you! |
Eppie-Sue |
Haha, oh God, yes. He gave me back - my stamps collection. I don't know. It really threw me off the first time I saw it... and continues to do so.
Ah, I used to think that, too, but I was proven wrong by The Man Himself. I've seen him angst alone on the barricade the whole way through, he has argued with Markfeyrac, there once was a discussion with Simon on top of the barricade, there was random hugging, checking on people, talking to Jeff... There is no usual blocking for DWM, at least not as far as David is concerned. I'm just glad he remembers to be standing next to Martintaire at the "can it be your death means nothing at all?" line. (I swear, my highlight was him walking up to Jeff after the hat-scene and Hug with R and I could be wrong, but it sounded as if he addressed him as "Monsieur Brujon" which had me in giggles all the way through.)
exactly. It keeps things interesting and entertaining, too. And I love that he's just so utterly comfortable with the character that he doesn't need to stick to a certain pattern. And I miss Katie, too. She wasn't perfect, but I preferred her Cosette over Emily's, especially at the whole "Tomorrow to Calais!" moment. Because Katie looked so heartbroken and Emily just... frowns and pouts and is very irritated. Although she did a very touching Finale a few times now... I love that. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
That's amazing if you're right! He should totally call George Miller Le Cabuc as well!
That's what I love about the cast - you know that loads of them have read the brick, and that they really do know what they're doing in all the minor subtleties. Knowing that they know that it's the Corinth, even if its not explicit, just makes you really go with them, and it's great that where the musical condenses the book, they're still working to put in the little details. |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, but then he would have to execute him! Which, I know, David would love to do, but it would feel a bit out of place. "The people, too, must rise." *shoots George Miller's barricade character* "Marius, rest." I don't know how up-to-brick the current cast actually is. I mean, I know Nancy has read the book, we don't even have to talk about what an absolute brick-fanboy David is, Martin Neely has hopefully made it further than just the Grantaire bits by now... that's all. It feels like more have read it, though. I love the students. So. Very. Much. |
Elbow |
Oh, I just thought I'd be decisive and made the definite decision to and go and see Blood Brothers tonight, but Jeff is on as Grantaire tonight and I am once again undecided about what to do. Blast. | ||||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Oooooh. O.O How do you know? And please, PLEASE tell me he's on tomorrow, too. Please. Because I can't go tonight, I'm a bit of a wreck, but tomorrow... the sun will come out tomorrow. Oh my, there's nothing I want to see more than Jeff!R. Aaaah. | ||||||||||||
Elbow |
Yes, tomorrow too! It's in the news part of his website. I think he might even be on Wednesday too. | ||||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
STRIKE! God that made my day, thank you. Yes, I've just seen it. ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Speaking of Jeff, he's linked to some more recordings of him from last week - Stars, One Day More and Javert at the Barricade
As he says: i don't know where they are from and have no affiliation to the recordings. but they are nice to listen to!!!! ![]() He sounds so great! Can't believe I missed it ![]() |
Elbow |
He is amazing, I hope he gets some more Javert dates soon.
I think I'll stick with my original Blood Brothers plan tonight (Sporty Spice's first night as Mrs Johnstone tonight, ha, that should be...interesting to say the least) and hopefully get to Les Mis tomorrow, and failing that go to Wednesday's matinee. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
He says he's also on the 16th-28th November as R, but according to HPJs website, he's also on holiday from 26th - 28th. Does that mean we'll get Killian Javert? That's on top of Rebecca Seale and David Thaxton being away those three days - twill be a small cast! | ||||||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
![]() But no, that must be a mistake. Technically we wouldn't get Killian!Javert. Javert has priority over Grantaire, so we'd get... Jeffert and, probably, George!Grantaire... yes. should be interesting. Now, if Mark was off, however (not jinxing it!), then we'd have... Killian!Enjolras ![]() |
flying_pigs |
I am getting serious Les Mis withdrawals! I'm too far away at uni! | ||||||||||||
aquirkofmatter |
I'm exactly the same! Why I moved out of London for uni, I'll never know!! |
Madeleine |
Haha, opposite problem for me. I moved too close and just can't stay away. ![]() I'm really glad we have Jeff!Grantaire dates. I'm so looking forward to seeing him and Mark!Enjolras together next month. (the height difference is going to be even funnier than it was with David!) |
Elbow |
I really hope Killian gets some Enjolras/Javert dates soon. And that I know about it. I want to see him in a major role. I'd be gutted if I missed it though. | ||||||||||||
lovesinging |
You can't talk ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
*cough* Is anyone looking at me? but aah, flying_pigs, you have to come again soon! : ) It was so much fun with you and your friend - I still can't believe it was your first time stagedooring... and was it you or your friend that went "Oooh, blond people!" at David and Nancy?! xD so funny.
Haha, I was just thinking about that. It's going to be so weird tonight. As Javert, he doesn't seem that tall - because of the coat, Katfeyrac has taught me - but goodness, David looks so small next to him... and now it's going to be E!/R! That said, I have no idea what it will look like with Mark. And I don't understand how they could allow three principals (HPJ, David and Rebecca) and one ensemble member with two quite prominent roles (Martin is, after all, the Pimp in Lovely Ladies and Grantaire) to all take holidays at the same time... |
flying_pigs |
Haha that was my friend!
I think I might come down for a weekend when Antony is on as Marius, I'm so desperate to see him! |
aquirkofmatter |
We're all too nice to say anything... ![]()
Well Martin and HPJ could have booked theirs before they started, so those dates have to be honoured; and when they confirmed David and Rebecca's they didn't have HPJ in the equation, too. Who knows?! |
Eppie-Sue |
Soooo, I've got my tickets for tonight (BB22) and for tomorrow's matinee (BB20. The Jump ![]() |
Lauraa |
^ I wish I lived in London ![]() Buuuut Jefftaire! A long and rambling review would be very much appreciated ![]() |
HannahM |
Lauraa, I feel your pain. It's going to be February before I get the chance to go down to see it again. I'm in London this weekend too, but since I'm with my choir I can neither go see the show nor go to that Nancy and DT gig ![]() |
See you there then ![]() |
Elbow |
Les Mis tonight was soooo good!
There were so many funny bits and we were giggling so much in the first half. They all seemed to have a lot of energy tonight. I was impressed. Jeff was great as Grantaire and Mark was on as Enjolras and was awesome. I shall write more tomorrow when I am not half asleep, but I enjoyed tonight's performance so much. I went with my friend and we were sat in BB and by coincidence were sat next to Eppie-Sue and we were all laughing pretty much the whole way through Master Of The House and various other bits that we probably shouldn't have been laughing at. Oh, and Simon Bowman broke his finger in the first 15 minutes and Simon Shorten went on as Valjean for the rest of the performance and was really really good. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Oh dear!! Everyone seems to be having accidents at the moment! Was it obvious when he broke his finger, or did Valjean mysteriously change as he got older... I'm glad you enjoyed it, but would love to know what was so particularly amusing! |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, we didn't even notice that he broke his finger, Jeff told us later... No idea when it was... Soliloquy or ATEOTD... he just carried on. After IDAD, though, the curtain went down (even the conducter was surprised) and they announced that "Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have to interrupt this evening's performance", etc. So we kind of figured it would be something with a performer (which, of course, is never good), because otherwise they'd just have gone "Due to technical difficulties" or something. It took them fifteen minutes, and then it was announced that Simon Shorten would now be on as Jean Valjean. He did an amazing job (as did the swings. With Bowman off, David off, Jonathan off/on holiday and Martin Neely on holiday, they had to cover four tracks).
I guess it was a good performance... I can't really say much about the quality, there were so many distracting things. I was a bit like on drugs ... see, I was positively bummed after seeing the cast board, obviously, but especially after we had the sudden Valjeanchange, the performance went crazy. It was quite hysterical. I remember that Jeff was amazing and died in a funny way, that Mark had a very close relationship with the flag and tried to perform some sort of CPR on dying!Marius. MotH was madness and ... I don't know. Crazy. And yeah, Mark was great. Still missed David, though. I hope his neck will be fine. ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
While I'm upset that Bowman's broken his finger (owpainowowow), yay that Simon got to go on again! ![]() ![]() Is it wrong that I really wish I could go at some point this week or early next just to possibly see an u/s JVJ? I'm guessing that Valjean can't have a broken finger, so Bowman will be out until it's not broken again. Or at least not still strapped up? |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Hmm, I wonder if it's significant that of the two Valjeans, it is the second cover who gets called Simon while the principal is only Bowman... ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
Well... Simon was there first! (and, personally, I like him better.) |
Elbow |
Agreed ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I hate to point this out, because I agree with you too, but Bowman was first in the show in 1986 - when Simon was quite little! |
aquirkofmatter |
I did think of this while I writing, but I have already thought of reasoning; in the context of this thread... Simon was there first ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
FYI, we had a full cast at the matinee. Yes, Simon Bowman was on again with a strapped up little finger on his left hand, and David went on for the matinee (left afterwards, though, can't believe he went on in the first place), too. So that was a bit of a surprise. Review will/might follow later today or tomorrow.
ETA: So, I don't really know where to post this, seeing as I'm the only one who has replied to the Soho Sessions thread anyway and I don't know if anybody's interested. But seeing as this is the thread for everything - the gig yesterday was chaotic and crazy and absolutely brilliant. It kind of took off an hour late and all, but ah, it was great. How amazing is Tom Parsons?! Wow. And, yeah, David and Nancy ![]() |
Elbow |
Les Mis tonight, yay. | ||||||||||||
Lauraa |
Please could you review or at least fangirl for a bit about silly little things like the jump ![]() And Eppie-Sue, grr I wish I could have gone.
![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
THANK YOU!!! ![]() ![]()
I second that! |
Alexia Dark |
Thirded. And Lauraa, I just watched the video your avvy is from today... and I just about LMAO'd right now. |
Elbow |
Great performance tonight. Jeff was on as Grantaire again, which made me very happy.
Cast members who were off were Joe Evans, Martin Neeley, Rachel Bingham and A J Callaghan and swings on were Greg, Hedges, Katy and Brenda. Nothing went wrong, which actually kind of made me a bit sad, I like things going wrong. Thaxton was on top form. When he jumped I thought he was going to land in the front row, and I think the people in the front row thought so too. They gasped. Simon Bowman... I know before I said he was incredibly mediocre. I have changed my mind. He isn't mediocre at all really, it's actually that some bits he does are really great, and other bits are really bad, there is almost no inbetween if that makes any sense. He barely held the "Another story must begiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin" note tonight, and I find that really disappointing as I love that bit. And he can't do any of the high notes. His "Flight" is appalling. And the over-acting just bothers me. I got the giggles because of his over gesturing, and in my mind I was imagining that by the end of his run he'll have a leg in a cast and a broken neck and an arm in a sling all brought on by him gesturing too enthusiastically and breaking parts of his body in the process. Hans Peter Janssens annoyed me less today. His "reprieved" is phoneminal. But still many things I don't like about his performance. Also, I think Emily Bull is actually my favourite Cosette ever. I love the way she runs over to Alistair Brammer in AHFOL and then runs away again when he turns round. I know all Cosette's do that but I just like the way she does it. She's great. Tabitha Webb and Katie Hall come a close second though. I am really excited to see her and Antony Hansen when he is understudying, I think it would work well (and I still really don't like Alistair... It's just the goatiness of his voice.) And I keep getting giggles in Javert's Suicide at the way Hans Peter Janssens says "he gave me back MY LIIIIFE!" I don't know why. I laugh at all the wrong bits. Woe. |
Lauraa |
Thanks for the review ![]() And Alexia Dark, same! I pretty much died laughing at that part. ![]() |
Madeleine |
I know exactly what you mean about him! The first couple of times I saw him, I just hated him. But the other day I found myself thinking he was great in parts, like every scene he has with Fantine or Cosette (the Epilogue in particular was just brilliant) and vocally, I love his Bring Him Home. But 'What Have I Done?' was still hilarious and 'Flight' was, as you say, appalling. ![]()
She really is the best I've ever seen, although I still love Gina Beck and Leanne Dobinson. Yeah...even though all Cosettes do the running away thing, it can actually be really annoying. Emily manages to make it funny and sweet. I'm also incredibly excited about seeing her opposite Antony. I have a feeling it will be perfect.
I think I may have just woken up my flatmates by laughing at that a little too much... ![]() Thanks for the review! |
Eppie-Sue |
Whooo, I saw both shows yesterday. I'm just that insane (never did a two shows day before, excuse the excitement)...
I really, really don't like Simon Bowman as JVJ. He constantly seems to be going "I'M THE HERO!" - he's not conflicted, he's not damaged, he's not doing anything wrong. He's arrogant and cocky and he talks to the audience and overacts and... aaaah. I'm sorry, I had to rant. HPJ still doesn't give off any Javert-authority vibes, especially in the Final Confrontation. He runs the last steps to get to JVJ in time, which I think is silly. Also, he yells too much. But at least he does a pretty good "reprieeeeeeeeeeeved". Rebecca was really, really good yesterday, I like her more and more. She owns "Fantine's Arrest" - and oh God. There was applause after "Fantine's Death" in the evening. So awkward, why would people applaud there xD But hey, she also got cheers after IDAD, which I liked because Rebecca > Boyle. Alistair... ![]() Emily. Aaaah. I know you all love!love her, but I don't know. Again, bias. She's got a good voice, but it sounds so closed at quite a few points... I can't describe it. And I think her Cosette is very modern... very teenager-ish and not as innocent as Katie's. I still don't get the "They're meant to be" feeling (� la Romeo and Juliet) with her and Alistair, mainly because her reaction to "Tomorrow to Calais and then a ship across the sea!" throws me off. That said, I want the wedding dress. <3 Nancy! Her voice seemed a tiny bit off in the matinee at times, but not at the important parts. ALFOR made me tear up again, I can't help it. She's so f'ing happy. In the evening, she was amazing, I really, really liked her, especially in OMO (which, I think, is not her strongest song. It's good and all, but normally I always find myself preferring ALFOR). I've seen her about twenty times now, and I love that I'm still not bored. Yes, at times, my mind wanders off, but there are these random moments where she just amazes me. One being Attack on Rue Plumet. She's scary and insane. ![]() David was ... David. You've all heard me say this before and you've said it yourself. I think the matinee was even a bit stronger than the evening show, I dunno. That said, it was just something you'd notice if you had seen both shows and seen him quiiiite often already, and the audience f'ing loved him. All in all it was ... loud and clear and strong and awesome. And he randomly changed and ignored the blocking. By now, I don't even know what the blocking in the Caf� scene is, and just when I think I've seen everthing, he does something new. He didn't do the tacky hat-blocking in DWM at both shows - again! - so it might be gone for good! Does anyone else love "For your presence of mind, for the deed you have done, I will thank you, Monsieur, when our battle is won!" as much as I do? Oh God, yes. Lamarque is dead and Final Battle and, especially, ODM were epic vocal win. And I love how he whips the flag on the cart in DYHTPS when he's already in the wings. No one pays attention anymore but oh... <33 Oh, and! Question. Maybe I'm imagining things, but does The Jump seem even more insane now? There's something that makes me go O.O ... it seems different and crazier. Okay, moving on. xD Martin Ball - he has really, really grown on me and he's wonderful. I love him in all his scenes and I think he's awesome in The Waltz of Treachery for several reasons, one being that he's JUST AWESOME. I can't really describe it. Yes, his singing voice could be better, but he's hilarious in MotH and scary in Attack on Rue Plumet and DED and overall creepy ![]() Lorraine Bruce... I don't like her. There are a few really good moments, but overall I think she's overdoing it. There are some scenes that don't need any additional slapstick elements, they're already funny and she just ruins them. I can't stand her sobbing in The Robbery. And oh God, I cringe at "Eponine, come my dear, Eponine, let me see" etc. because aaah my ears. But she's good in most of The Waltz of Treachery, I'll give her that. Other notes - there were no male swings on at all (well, Greg was the loudhailer guy), Katy was in Rachel Bingham's track... I didn't like little Cosette, Gavroche's voice was like a Disney cartoon character's... *Le Sigh* ... Sobbing Woman. OH GOD WHY WHY WHY. WHY?! Joe Evans gets more and more hilarious in the Caf� scene (and also, he finally managed to hit David with the flag while waving it at "Now the people wiiiiiill fight!"), Jeff is awesome, especially in the entire Fantine's Arrest/Runaway Cart scene, Chloe Brooks is wonderful in The Trial scene, Mark is AWESOME and I love his Courfeyrac very very much, Gavin scared the heck out of everyone on the high side of the first rows of the Stalls in The Robbery scene... Martin Ball looks funny with his convict hat (so does Alistair, a bit like a Snow White dwarf), David is a very badass policeman in Fantine's Arrest ![]() ![]() |
Elbow |
YES. Also, does anyone else miss the "rest" that Shannon used to say in Fantine's death, before she says "take my hand" ? I always expect it, and when Bowman doesn't say it, I feel like something's been missed. |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() |
Elbow |
Agreed ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Thanks for the review, Eppie-Sue! Reviews keep me going far away from Queen's ![]()
I still just don't really feel anthing for Fantine - but I don't actually find her a very appealing character in the show, I don't know why - maybe you don't have enough back story or the songs are too clicheed (as in overplayed/sung) or something, I don't know - but a Fantine has to be really good to make me feel for them - and well, Rebecca doesn't. But still - I feel more for her than the aforementioned scottish lady.
But it really annoys me when he goes hey EPonine...
Yes. I really agree with that - I preferred Katie's innocent interpretation. There were moments I liked, but some of her acting choices weren't quite right.
I bet everyone on the barricade is thinking that as well ![]() ![]()
Yes, no, yes, yes, yes! I'm so glad you like Martin Grantaire! ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one ![]() Oh and I love, love, LOVE Jonathan's YAYface at "Look how they turn and run!" |
flying_pigs |
Thanks for the review!
Are we all agreed that George Miller should never leave Les Mis ![]() |
Lauraa |
Oh absolutly ![]() |
MariekeLovesEnjolras |
Does anyone know when this cast (esp. HPJ) is leaving again? Cos I NEED to see HPJ ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Cast Change is on the 19th June 2010, so that's still a bit. What has you so hooked on HPJ, if I may ask?! : ) | ||||||||||||
MariekeLovesEnjolras |
Dutch Tarzan, he was amazing (and yes, Dutch Tarzan WAS good ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
God forbid, why would I kill you!? Others like him as well, I was just interested, seeing as I neither consider him to be very Javert-like nor think he's exceptionally good. So that's all, really, 'twas just a question.
But yeah. Do come, people, do come. See the show. : ) Cammack should pay me for this. |
Eponines_Hat |
Yes!!! I'm still missing "ya bastards!" at the end of "Beggars at the Feast" too. I keep hoping it will happen, but.... ![]() |
Elbow |
I went again tonight. Three times this week... Oops.
I was sat in the slips, in A1. I never usually end up that side, so it was nice to have a change. So, Rachel Bingham was still off (how long has she been off now?? Haven't seen her for ages.) as was Lorraine Bruce, so Sophie Jossilyn was on as Madame Thenardier! I'd never seen her as Madame Thenardier before, so that was a nice surprise. (I shall go more into detail about her performance in a bit.) Martin Ball was off too, so Greg was on as Thenardier. And I was very happy to see Killian back. I was less happy when I realised it was Jeff's track he was covering. So yes, Jeff was off. I was pleased to see Joe Evans was back, he really makes me laugh in the Red and Black scene, what with all his bravo-ing and loud laughing. I also really like Antony Hansen in the Runaway Cart scene, he's desperately trying to get past police officer Dugdale and they shout at each other for a bit while others are wailing and shouting in the background ![]() So yes, Greg as Thenardier was great, I haven't seen his Thenardier for ages, he's very good. He's in some ways more creepy than Martin Ball I think, he holds himself in a stooped position and has slightly mad eyes. His Dog Eat Dog was very good, his voice suits it. Sophie as Madame Thenardier. She was good, I was wondering how much time her and Greg would have had to practise together since, not only are they both understudies, she is the second understudy, but if they didn't have much practising time it certainly didn't show. It was actually a really nice change to have a Madame Thenardier that CAN ACTUALLY SING. I am looking at nobody, LORRAINE BRUCE. She looked a bit young for the part, but she played her quite well. She was a bit sort of, hard done by in Master Of The House rushing round and doing things and looking annoyed, slightly more Jackie Marks-like (who I love) and in The Robbery she was really threatening towards Cosette, she was staring at her and if I was Emily Bull, I would have been quite frightened. I definitely prefer her to Lorraine, I think if she was to have a week in the role she'd get used to it and it would all be a lot more natural. I missed her "sack the girl todaaAAAAAAAY" though. Although, Katy Hannah does it very well too. And about Hans Peter Janssens. Still having problems with him, but one of the things I really do like about him is just how effortless the big notes are for him. The big ones at the end of Stars, they just... well, they just come out, without sounding in the slightest bit forced and it sounds like they could just go on and on. Same with his suicide. Simon Bowman still makes be sad. I want "TWO. FOUR. SIX. OH. ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE *dramatic*" not "twooo fouuur six oh oneeee *tries to go operatic. oh bother. that's not going to work. whimper. fizzles out* THAT BIT IS SUPPOSED TO BE ALL LOUD AND DRAMATIC. Not like some opera singing lady man. Who can't hold a note. I am possibly being a bit mean here, but I'm just finding it really tiresome. Oh, and his mic went off for a good thirty seconds or so during his confession to Marius. Alistair did a different thing today. He sang "A heart full of... love". (as in he paused.) I liked it. I really loved the way Jon Robyns used to sing "Cosette... I don't know what to say" He would say "Cosette!" as if he was about to proclaim something wonderful and then just stop and his face would go blank and he'd say "I don't know what to say" I miss that. Thaxton was good today. Not the best I've heard him, but very good. I miss the way he used to sing BLEED though. I would like him to bring that back. Oh and there was a man in BB singing along enthusiastically the whole way through, and in some bits even gesturing his hands at the cast. That was odd. I feel sorry for the people sat next to him. My favourite bit was when he tried to sing along to both Valjean and Javert's bit at the same time in The Confrontation. |
Madeleine |
Nothing wrong with that. I did it last week. ![]() Interesting to hear about Sophie as Mme Thenardier. I'd really like to see her in one of her second cover roles.
That bit made my day a couple of weeks ago. It's brilliant. 'Police Officer Dugdale' got rather angry, to say the least. ![]() There's something about Jeff saying 'It's far too heavy, sir!' at that point that always amuses me too. (in a very good way!) I really don't know why.
I miss both those bits so much. ![]() But I do love how petrified Alistair looks at the beginning of AHFOL, and Thaxton has added lots of new, equally great things into his performance to replace BLEED, I suppose.
![]() How did he not get told off/thrown out?! It sounds both horrific and hilarious at the same time! |
HobNob |
You're really selling this new cast to me :p
Especially this chap. |
belladonnadarling |
Saw the show last night. Javert running into the final confrontation would make sense as he started the run as he left the barricades...or not? In the final confrontation Javert starts to break down which leads to his suicide. Of course he wouldn't be giving off any 'authority vibes' at that moment as his whole world is collapsing. |
Eppie-Sue |
It's the imagery. Earl Carpenter just stood there (and so does Jeff when he's on), being illuminated by the one spotlight, looking cold and quite dangerous. Javert has been calmly waiting for JVJ, like a cat in front of a mousehole. It works so well, he is absolutely superior. That's what I mean.
I think Javert's world should only break down after Valjean has left the stage. Also, what is the possibility of Javert arriving at the exit from the sewers just the moment Valjean appears? Especially considering he knew where he'd have to go and didn't have to struggle throught the depths and dirt of the sewers (and didn't lose consciousness on the way. And didn't have to drag a young man's body with him. And should have had a carriage.)... And HPJ just doesn't have the authority I expect Javert to have in any of the scenes: Intimidating, but not because he's loud or barking orders, but because he's strict and seemingly invincible and absolutely badass. HPJ's Javert doesn't seem to have the dark, biting humour Javert has in the book. I miss Earl ![]() |
MariekeLovesEnjolras |
@Eppie-Sue: Sorry, haven't been around for quite some time. And I stopped visiting regularly because people were like almost killed because they had a deviant opinion or misunderstood bits so that they made 'mistakes'. I didn't like that. Wasn't meaning to blame you for that, just ... that remark ('don't kill me') wasn't only meant to you, but just in general ![]() Glad it's all got better here! |
Eponines_Hat |
What a weirdo. I think I might have thumped him if I was sitting next to him!I definitely don't pay my �20 to hear some knob singing Les Miz! And I'd be too wound up to hear anything else! |
Eppie-Sue |
I wonder what the cast thought. I mean, I find myself mouthing along to one of the "Look doooowns" (Paris) sometimes, being overly excited (anyone from the forums who has ever been next to me, knows what I mean... as soon as the projection saying "Paris" appears, I get this huge, pathetic grin)... Same with the moment they all creep out of the smoke in ATEOTD. And when the Cafe scene starts ![]() |
belladonnadarling |
Standing there looking dangerous....and after only one line he decides to let Valjean go? That doesn't make sense. His world starts to break down when Valjean let's him go at the barricades, denying him an honorable death, being in Valjean's debt.
He would have to run overground though and the exit also wouldn't necessarily be near a street (for your carriage which he 'should' have?). Also there are of course several exits, he might have had to try more than one. Of course, just as your ideas these are all if's. But no option is less or more silly than the other.
I personnally think he does have heaps of authority, but in a different way than your former idol. Doesn't mean it's wrong. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Yes perhaps, but he certainly doesn't SHOW it till Valjean's left.
He was a policeman in Paris in 1832 - he would have had a carriage. In the book, he can get a carriage to follow him as he likes at that point. And losing consciousness and dragging a body through the sewers does significantly lengthen journey time...
SO jealous! Would love to see that. Or see her as Fantine.
If I'd been next to him, I think I'd have had to resort to murder... or at least an elbow or something. It's annoying enough when you get middle-aged men who insist on tapping along to show how well they know the music ![]() |
Elbow |
Ha, do you know those are exactly the same bits that have me grinning too. And Lovely Ladies.
Oh I hate that too! He was doing a bit of tapping as well. I had a pretty good view of him. It was quite off putting actually ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
1) I wasn't talking about Earl Carpenter in particular. 2) I'm far from being an Earl-fangirl, thank you very much. That said, I really miss him, if only for the "The man of meeercy comes again - and talks of JUSTICE!" And his suicide was amazing. Oh, I love how the ensemble works together, though, especially the students. They play so well off each other, everyone. The other day when I was watching the cafe scene from Dress Circle slips... they were discussing and arguing and making fun of each other and Alistairmarius was being teased and Davidjolras was drumming his fingers on the table and Markfeyrac was being all agitated and Gavinferre looked at Davidjolras with a "Do we have time for this? I say NO." expression and Jeffstudent was joking around with Martintaire and awwwww! ![]() |
Elbow |
Jeff has new Javert dates, yay!
I saw David Shannon as Phantom tonight - AWESOME. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Wow - you got in there quick! Would love to see that. I'm glad he was good. Haha - this London Cast Change thread now seems to have gone so far off-topic as to encompass all London cast changes in general! ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Oh! I am seeing this on Saturday - can't wait! Lots of understudies on at the Miz the next couple of weeks. How is Antony doing as Marius? Cant wait to see Jeff/R! next week ![]() |
Ricey |
Seeing the matinee on saturday. Can't wait. And why does everyone seen to have gone off topic???? |
Elbow |
^ I know, one would almost think that none of us know how to start new threads. ![]() We should really start a review thread. Speaking of reviews. I went to the Les Mis matinee today. It was pretty perfect really, Lorraine Bruce was off (Rachel Bingham was back and covering.) Alistair was on holiday so Antony was on, and... best of all Laura Medforth was off! (Gosh I'm so horrible.) But that meant there was no crying barricade woman, YAYYY! Sadly though, Gavin was also off, as was Camilleri and Sophie Jossilyn, which was a shame. And it sure gave the swings a lot to do! Killian was covering Antony's track, Greg, Gavin's and finally Hedges was on for Camilleri... which meant... Hedges as Montparnasse. I've said this before, but I like Mark hedges, BUT HE IS NOT MONTPARNASSE. IT JUST ISN'T RIGHT. So firstly, I have to say I am a bit speechless. I knew Antony would be better than Alistair, but... having seen him I was just sat there thinking "Why wasn't he cast?" He was fantastic and the best live Marius I have ever seen. I mean, to be honest, I'm not really a Marius fan, I find the part and his character boring. I liked Jon Robyns, but I never really saw him as Marius. But Antony was lovely! Perfect for the role, and in my opinion his voice is about 100 times better than Alistair's. (And I feel so bad saying this about Alistair, because he seems like such a lovely chap and he has improved loads since he's started, but I can't help it, I just.. he's just not my taste? That's a good way of putting it, right? While I have utter respect for anyone on stage, I just don't like his voice. Baaaaaaaaaa. Yes. Like that.) And Antony did the "Cosette...*blank* I don't know what to say" thing, which I love. And he made me laugh loads in The Robbery. He punched Hedgeparnasse in the face and looked incredibly proud of himself in a "Yeah, check me out..." kind of way and then when Montparnasse got the knife out he went "Arghh! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry!" it was really great. Him and Emily Bull work wonderfully together, and I can honestly say that I've never enjoyed the Cosette and Marius scenes as much as I did today. Master of The House was funny as usual. Simon picked up Jeff's plate and threw Jeff's "food" at George. George licked it. George then picked up the wooden spoon and flicked some "food" at Simon, who was outraged, while Jeff just was sat there with a look of utmost indignation on his face while shouting "Hey! That's my dinner!" Simon Bowman was the best I've seen him this afternoon. He might be gradually improving? I really don't like the way he rubs Fantine's neck with his nose when he's carrying her. At all. He needs to stop that. David Thaxton seemed back on form again tonight. I think he forgot that he's meant to be quiet when removing himself from uber snazzy death position though, there was a massive THUD when he jumped off from behind the barricades, really loud! I got the giggles. Oh oh, and Rachel Bingham as Madame T - I enjoyed her performance, (betterthanlorrainebutthatgoeswithoutsayingreallydoesn'tit.)What I liked about her, is that she was playing it less for laughs, and she was a lot more subtle. And actually quite scary. So yes, great show, as usual. |
aquirkofmatter |
Oooh, I was at yesterday's matinee too; I sat in a proper Dress Circle seat (not restricted view, I mean) for the first time, but I definitely prefer the view from the stalls.
This was exactly my reaction!! My friend and I pretty much spent the interval going "How did he not get it over Alistair?" (Much thanks to the lovely FOH guy who let me hop around to the house entrance and left the door open while waiting to let me in; I got to see Antony and Mark rehearsing the Parnassepunch, which was hilarious. The showpunch was better than the rehearsalpunch. It was a great fakepunch, though - Alistair's are quite camp, in comparison to Antony's (though not as camp as Jon's were!))
He was also waving his arms and bobbing his head, albeit unknowingly, over the top of the barricade. (Old people give you funny looks when you're laughing at a stage full of dead people.) I really enjoyed HPJ's performance yesterday, I definitely enjoyed it more than Bowman's - I think it's because the only thing really that bugs me about HPJ is how strong his accent is, and I'm gradually maturing and overcoming this obstacle. He does have a beautiful voice, it's just the pronounciation. Rachel was a good Madame T, although from where I was sitting she didn't seem all that scary. It was nice not to have a constant grate-y voice. I did find it hilarious that at the end of Lovely Ladies, Brenda came on with Jeff in place of Rachel... I swear, she was only just up to his elbow! Swing-wise, Killian, Brenda and Katy were great... I didn't get to see the cast board as I hopped in, though, so I wasn't expecting Greg!Bishop until it happened and then I was a little disappointed - he just can't pull it off and carry the notes as well as Gavin can, and as the pimp in Look Down he's just not scary. I do enjoy the extra skipping circle that he and David do in Beggars, though! Oh, and the kids we had yesterday were great - I've seen that Gavroche before, but not the Cosette (Idon'tthink) and she didn't make me hate Castle on a Cloud, for once! |
Muscialperformer92 |
How is the new Cosette (Emily Bull) ? I am so sad Katie Hall has left allready- she was AMAZING as cosette- ![]() ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
Ha ha he did this last time I went too. It was very funny! |
Eppie-Sue |
... people, people, he always does that. Heh. It's what cheers me up after being all teary-eyed from... ALFOR on, basically xD It's this "NO THEY DIDN'T REALLY DIE" moment, and I kind of love it. But, yeah... it does destroy the whole scene a tiny, tiny bit xD It's all quiet and then there's a THUD!
Oh I'm so glad you all seem to like Antony as much as I did when I went in September! : ) Am tempted to swing by the box office and get a ticket tonight. Surely they'll still have a student discount one available... I need to go. *addict* ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
I notice it in BB, but I didn't think it would be audible from halfway back in the DC! And speaking of ALFOR, it doesn't normally get me teary, but yesterday I cried. I blame Antony. |
Madeleine |
I can't believe I hadn't noticed it before the other week when you nudged me and pointed it out. ![]()
I thought she was honestly the best Cosette I've ever seen. Her acting is adorable and she has a beautiful voice. So I wouldn't worry! |
Eponines_Hat |
Has anyone discussed this with David? I wonder if he knows how loud it is? Speaking of BB advantages (or disadvantages!) I always giggle when I see Nancy fussing with her cap in the wings before OMO. Its great you can hear all the little ad libbed lines from there, too |
Elbow |
Yesterday the was more of a thud than usual though, it really was hilariously audible ![]() ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Heh, sure, let's mention it to him: "O HAI. You're not exactly defying gravity, getting out of the corpse position, you know that right? 'KAYTHXBAI."
Okay, so, I totally went to see the evening show, and I was in D/C A36 (actually 35, but the person in 36 didn't come and, legroom aside, 36 pwns 35). It was definitely one of the best shows I've ever seen. It was brilliant. Off: Rebecca, Alistair, Lorraine, Gavin, Thomas, Laura Natalie was on as Fantine! Big whoop, because she's f'ing amazing. I love her so much as Fantine, it makes me want to never see Rebecca again, which is so unfair, because Rebecca is really good! But Natalie is so... innocent at first and then she becomes this... poor, pitiful creature and her voice is so wonderful. I've seen her a few times already, and she was just extraordinarily good today. Kudos. Especially for "Come to me". (and her dress is so pretty! and IDAD was fantastic!) Yeah, Bowman and HPJ... nothing new. Well, I get used to them, I think... HPJ didn't annoy me at all, actually, but I don't care about Javert anymore, he doesn't leave any impression. Bowman was alright in a few scenes, but he irritates me a lot in others. Whatever. ANTONY! OH MY GOD. Antony. See, I really don't care for Marius. At all. I loved Jon, but I didn't suddenly start caring for Marius because of him. Now, Antony... I'm speechless. I mean, I have seen him before, and I know I went ZOMFG there, too, but... he was so good and his acting was amazing! I can't even describe how good he was. He actually added so much to the character, from "Look Down" on, and.. oh AHFOL was gorgeous and ECAET was heartbreaking. And he actually acts in "Valjean's Confession"! Whooooo. And can I please say again how awesome the Enjolras-Marius-counterpart passage in ODM is when you've got a Marius that's as good as on par with Davidjolras? I really like Alistair and all, and he has improved so much, but ... I really, really hope Antony will stay next year and be made principal. Because he's brilliant. And aw, his Marius is so IN LUV. And not pathetic. Most of the time. Okay. Moving on... Uh, Emily? Emily was good. Nothing new about her, but I thought she worked very well together with Antony. I think, stricly speaking of the couple, I preferred Alistair with Katie, but Antony is so much better with Emily! She got loud laughs for the "running after him NOOOO turn around quickly! he mustn't notice!" moment in AHFOL. She was good. Nancy was fierce! God, Rue Plumet Attack! ![]() Ah. David. : ) Sounded completely pissed off at "Marius, you're late!" which I loved, was awesome and epic and whatnot, and tonight was probably my favourite "Dawn of Anguish" ever. Some moments were a tad bit quieter than usual, but, honestly, maybe I was just imagining things... massive cheers and all at the end. He was great. Oooh and! xDDD Random Blocking Changes Episode 189! Today it was a bit in the Caf� scene, quite a lot in DWM, but I kind of expect that now. No, no, the big O.O moment was in "Night of Anguish". You know, there are normally two versions: Either he just stands there, all still, hands holding the gun, or he turns and gives Javert the Evil Stare before/while going "She is the first to fall..." ... no, not today. I don't know either. Today, Monsieur decided to WALK UP TO ANTONYMARIUS, PUT HIS GUN ON THE BOXES, KNEEL DOWN AND LAY HIS HAND ON HIS SHOULDER AND TALK TO HIM. Yes. I have no idea. I sat there with a o.O expression. Then he got up, went "She is the first to fall" etc. to all the others and THEN walked back to give Javert the Evil Stare of Doom. It doesn't sound like much, but if you're used to nobody actually moving in that scene, it was ... huge. xD Oh ![]() Ah and the THUMP from jumping down wasn't very audible. ![]() ETA: THE FIGHT WAS AWESOME. heeh. Martin Ball was his usual good self. I like him, but there's not much to say about him, I'm sorry ![]() Rachel Bingham! Oh, I liked her. I saw her back in September at her first performance, and this was much better! A Mme Th�nardier who can actually sing! ![]() Okay, so, I've commented on Killianparnasse... Kudos to Katy Hanna and Brande Moore for covering three tracks! Very impressive! OH! AND THERE WAS NO SOBBING WOMAN YAYAYAYAYAY! ![]() My new favourite Gavroche, Jamie, was on, he's incredible. He's so tough! Ah, and the energy on stage was amazing. It was really, really good. |
Madeleine |
As much as I hate to say this, I'm not sure I like the sound of that. I really appreciate the moments of silence and stillness...and this reminds me of Sobbing Woman in that way. But maybe I would think differently if I see it live at some point.
I love that that was directed at me. ![]() ![]() But it makes me very happy. ![]() Sounds like a great show! |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, I'm totally biased, of course, but it was alright. I mean, it's not something I'd love to see more often, but it didn't take anything from the scene, to be honest. It was all silent, just not still. And it... kind of worked. He pulled it off, somehow, because there were no hasty movements or anything. But, yeah. I don't know either. I really sat there, going O.O On a more positive note - the thing I love most about D/C A 36 is probably seeing him whipping the flag on the cart one more time when he's already in the wings at the transition from DYHTPS to "In my life" - almost all the lights are out and no one actually sees it ![]() |
aquirkofmatter |
At Wednesday's matinee, he sang "She is the first to fall..." whilst crouched next to Antony and then stood up for the Stare. It was really weird, but sort of worked... but nothing is as bad as the sobbing woman! |
Eponines_Hat |
Just back from the show... so much understudy love!!
I was running late and so I didn't check the board before going in...and so when the announcer said that Jonathan Williams would be on for JVJ I nearly squealed! And he didn't disappoint: tortured; complex and just lots of little moments that I think he does really well (like his "drink from the pool" is great!) Hugh cheers for him at Curtain Call. He seemed a bit surprised by it which was kinda sweet! OMG Natalie IS Fantine! I had high expectations after reading good reviews of her on here, but she lived up to them and more. I actually cried during IDAD which I have never done. It was so emotional and the best bit? When she left the stage at the end of the song, she didn't do the cheesy blocking where she stops and looks over her shoulder. It was great! She just embodies this real innocence and vulnerability, but you can see that she is still trying to cling to some pride during ATEOTD. Her death was really believable and you could see in Fantine's Arrest that she was really not well (you know sometimes they seem fine and when JVJ says "she needs a doctor" its a bit like ?????? But she was all weezing and stuff and seems to have real trouble getting up after she is thrown to the ground. she just drags herself a round a lot and it's all very sad and pathetic ) So yeah, she is great and I would love to see her again! Antony did really impress me as Marius. I liked his voice and that he holds his own next to Thaxton rather well. I do wish he was a bit more manly and less wet still. The Fight was a bit more like a Shove. And he seemed a bit like a little boy getting told off by his big brother in R+B. I had half hoped that there would be a little more fight in him like Jon Robyns!Marius where he was all like "This is my R+B and you are going to listen to it damn it!" Still, I think he worked really well with Nancy (for some reason, I think Nancy was better with him than I have seen her with Alastair) and his ECAET was so tortured. Thaxton was subtle Enjolras again tonight. R+B was very understated (blocking- infront/behind the table til the last verse when he sat next to Marius) Not much else I can add. He never fails to give an amazing performance and The LiD was amazing - but it always is. One thing I will say - Has anyone else noticed that he does a lot of hair grooming and shirt collar adjustment at the top of the barricade during the Javert/JVJ scene? It always makes me giggle because the others all all totally still on the barricade and he is always adjusting some piece of clothing. I'm guessing it is in character but...??? Oh, and you can here the THUMP from the barricade from the dress circle slips (great seats btw!) ![]() HPJ - hmmmm... Is it me or does he just seem to have a range of one emotion? I know he is supposed to be unyielding and stone and all that... but I just find it so boring. Surely he could add pissed off or indignant to his repertoire at least (especially when JVJ dares to suggest they arrested the wrong man) He does have a great voice, though. Interestingly didn't really get much of a cheer at curtain call. But then he's not a nice character, so that may be why. (The audience did go crazy for the Thenadier's more than usual today. I really dont know why audiences loves them so much. I mean, I'd be lying if I didn't giggle sometimes at the things they do but they are sooooooo evil! People seem to forget they beat Cossette and sold her to someone they thought might not have "correct" intentions.) Emily was fine - but I feel a bit bad for her following on from Katie in that role. Katie's voice just soared; Emily seems a bit flat in comparison. She is a lovely enough Cossette. Just a bit bland, uncomplicated. Not very interesting IMO. Two random observations: So the Eppie-Bopper in me kinda misses the kiss in ALFOR. (yes, you can shoot me now) I'm ok that it is gone - it does make it more like the book - but then surely they should do the kiss on the forehead? I just feel like she gets a touch cheated with the new blocking. There was definitely some crazy blocking in Beggars at the Feast that I haven't seen before. Gavin and David did a crazy, legs everywhere skip in a circle in the middle of the stage before joining the line of wedding guests. I guess they have done it before but I have never seen it. I almost lost it completely! It was hilarious! oh and the sobbing woman was back in the form of Katy Hana. grrrr.... At least she sobs more quietly! |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
YES! ![]() Clearly I watch him way too much! I don't think it's necessarily a conscious thing - he might not even be aware of it - or at least that he does it so much. I know I always fiddle with my hair without realising it, anyway! ![]()
Sometimes when Laura Medforth's off there is a sobbing woman, and sometimes there's not. Does that mean that Katy Hanna does what she's told and Brenda Moore doesn't?? Still, sobbing woman is nearly worth it for the seriouslypissedoff!Enjolras we get! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm sorry, I had to go capslock! She is so good. And her voice is gorgeous! And you are totally right, of course. She IS Fantine. I wish I could have gone tonight. Jonathan!JVJ. He told me he'd be on today and I gave him a sadface: ![]()
*cough* What do you mean? ![]() It goes like this: Hair - check. Vest - check. Trouser legs - check. Wristbands - check. *stands still* Oh. Shirt Collar - check. To be fair, you're really not supposed to watch the students on the barricade there. ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
I just love it because I always think he's inner monologue at that time must be "hmmm.... how could I try to look a bit more sexy here? what if I do this with my hair and flick my collar up....?" Enjolras is meant to be godlike in his beauty.. must be hard to live up to ![]() ![]()
The show wasn't even over (in fact, I think she hadn't even died yet) and I was thinking how cool it would be if she took over in June. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I've just got a mental image of DT shopping for men's beauty products and asking a sales assistant what will make him look most like a god ![]() "I want to look like Apollo. What do you suggest?" |
Eppie-Sue |
... heeeh. I'm not even going to comment. ... Well, surely the other students adjust their costumes as well, but they can do it at random moments, seeing as they're not in the spotlight the entire time. It's v. entertaining, though. I'm sad to hear there wasn't much of a Fight there! It was actually very intense on Thursday... Oh, and was there random "Night of Anguish" blocking?! And how about the stupid hat thing in "Drink With Me?" *curious*
Yes, same here! I also want Antony to take over. Oh please. Pretty, pretty please. |
Eponines_Hat |
Ummm... nothing out of the norm with "Night of Anguish" -I was a bit disappointed coz I wanted to see the blocking you had all been talking about on here. The only difference seemed to be a bit more sympathy from Grantaire and Marius was really upset and for longer than usual. The "Drink with me" blocking was pretty much the same as normal, but no cheesy hat thing. It wasn't replaced by extra hug time or anything. Grantaire picked the hat up and sort of showed it around to everyone a bit, but didn't try to give it to Enjolras. Guess he learnt his lesson last time! |
Eponines_Hat |
'scuse the double post, but..... BHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
By the way, does anyone know any dates for Jonathan JVJ? I really want to see him, but I could never do Mondays while he had that slot, and now I never know when he'll be on. The problem is, I can only do weekends, except in the holidays. ![]() |
Eponines_Hat |
So, I loved the understudies so much yesterday I went again tonight
![]() Simon Bowman only did Act 1 and was then replaced by Jonathan for Act 2. It was interesting to see the two JVJs in the same show! Bowman is growing on me. I think if he can leave off the cheesy hand gestures ("I feel my shame inside me like a knife" insert wooden stabbing motion here) then I might grow to quite like him. Jonathan definitely plays JVJ more like Shannon did. Which makes sense. He did understudy him for a year! Oh and William's did the most amazing BHH I've seen in a long long time. Just brilliant! I really really really like Antony as Marius. He was much tougher today - really shoving David back during the Fight and ECAET was just ![]() ![]() and Natalie = <3 I just love her in that role! I think she might be my favourite Fantine yet. Oh... and I owe HPJ an apology. He was really quite impressive tonight and did have a pretty expansive range of emotions. Must have had an off night last night. His suicide was so impressive that there was rather awkward applause from the audience after ![]() btw.... does anyone know what DT says to Grantaire before climbing to the top of the barricade in The Final Battle? I can never make it out and I really want to know! |
Ricey |
It can be confusing seeing two people playing the same role in the same performance. It happened to me when I saw POTO today (Shannon was great as Phantom!) and one of the people was ill so they only lasted the first half. Couldn't blame them, they looked really sick. Anyway, back to the topic...
If Antony is better than Alistair, why didn't they cast him as the principle and Alistair as the understudy? Was there some confusion with casting? And the eyeliner part sounds funny. |
Eponines_Hat |
Hey I was there for that, too! I have decided I am a jinx on shows!
It's probably just my personal preference. I like Marius less wimpy. Cammack probably has different ideas |
Ricey |
It was probably me. I always have bad luck. When I saw Phantom, understudy half way through. When I saw Les Mis, someone who was near me decided to cry really loudly during my favourite song, right at the bit where it was quite quiet.
A wimpy Marius isn't good. The charcters bad enough but making him wimpy would make it worse (sorry, I've never really liked marius. Whenever it was his part in a song and he'd sing about cosette in my head I'd always think "oh shut up!!!". Not that I had anything against Jon though, just hated his charecter) |