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Madeleine |
I've been neglecting this place a bit recently, but I just have to post and second this. I've never seen anything like David's performance last night, and I have seen the show an embarrassing amount of times now. He always ranges (whenever I'm there anyway) from very, very good indeed to excellent and epic, but last night was something else all together. It wasn't so much that he was doing things differently I don't think, but the amount of energy that he was putting into it. Lamarque is Dead was insane. He was giving off this intense energy and getting so, so into it. Vocally, he was amazing. The One Day More entrance was so strong, LiD I've already mentioned, Final Battle was the best I've heard in a long time, actually. Not that it isn't always great, of course! I thought we would get last year's growly 'make them bleed', but unfortunately it wasn't to be. ![]() It's very hard to describe, which is frustrating because I really want to be able to write about it properly. I'm hoping Eppie will have a go, too. ![]() Other highlights apart from David: -Killian as the helpless posh traveller in MOTH. I had never actually seen anybody other than Gavin and Greg in that track, so it was very interesting to see. Killian was so incredibly funny that I spent the entire scene watching him. He was so easy to bully, which George as the drunk was taking full advantage of and stole his glasses. George later fell on the floor, as he does, and Killian was desperately trying to get past him by politely saying "Excuse me please...", which had no effect whatsoever. -Mark Dugdale being a joy to watch as always. Great "Shoot the bastard!" followed a little later by "Enjolras, please! Reconsider, sir!" as he was dragged off stage by David at the beginning of ALFOR. -Mark Hedges as Lesgle being very sweet with Gavroche on the barricade, asking him what on earth he was doing with a gun, and telling him to be careful. -Greg as Thenardier was hilarious. He's definitely my favourite Thenardier. I particularly enjoyed his "Thank you, sir...your silly old sod..." as he backed away from Javert and off stage as Stars was about to begin. ![]() Such a lot of gushing, I'm sorry. But it was a wonderful show. ![]() |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the review, Madeleine.
Glad you enjoyed it so much! I totally get what you said about energy. It's just been incredible the past few shows I've seen, getting better each time. And (on a totally random note, because what you said about Greg reminded me of this): does anyone else ever feel the need to giggle at "everyone about your business clear this garbage of the street", just because it looks like Javert is asking everyone to go away so he can do his damn solo already? |
Eppie-Sue |
Although I do feel bad about seeing the show a ridiculous amount of times, I'm really happy I went and asked for a �20 ticket last night (and that they still had one one a Saturday evening). Saturday evenings are interesting - for some, it's the last show of a long week, for others it's the last show until Monday evening, so you can just basically kill yourself on stage...
I thought the whole show was quite strong, the first hour was definitely more enjoyable than I've seen it on other days recently (I really shouldn't be able to make such comparisons), but from Paris - especially from the Caf� - on, it was insane. I know we're always gushing and all that, but, last night was just out of this world. Completely unexpected - you get used to amazing performances easily if you get them regularly, which doesn't mean you can't appreciate them, but you don't necessarily expect to be electrified and blown away and speechless. It is truly a testament to David's performance as Enjolras that it still happens. I am so grateful, in a way, because Enjolras has been my ... favourite character since I first saw the show over ten years ago, for some kind of reason, and now I'm here and I get this kind of portrayal. And last night was just overwhelming. Funnily, he didn't really do anything randomly differently, quite the opposite, overall the blocking was basically pretty standard, but it wasn't even needed. It's really what Madeleine said, there was an energy and power in his performance that I didn't know existed. I'm sorry that it all sounds so pathetically "fangirl-y", it's just really that I was stunned last night, staring at the stage during "Red and Black", his "RED THE BLOOD OF ANGRY MEN" filling the theatre, and I wasn't surprised there was applause, together with cheers, long before the students ended their chorus. And "Lamarque is dead" was just mental. It's amazing how you clearly get this impression how during that one minute, it all makes sense to him - maybe, at that point, not at all to the others, but it's all clear and you can see the whole image of "the people seizing their rights again, what a beautiful spectacle" being projected into the lyrics, this... flawless grasp on the character and a voice that just ... carries it all. It was madness. It was "ON THE TOOOOMB OF LAMARQUE will the barricade rise!" and "BUT A JUBILANT SHOUT" and ... I could go on for hours. I was shaking in DYHTPS, the chorus was wonderful, there was this... unstoppable fire and pulsating force just sweeping into the auditorium. This whole feeling went on throughout ODM, and when I finally came to speak to Madeleine, we just stared at each other, mouthing: "WHAT." and "HOW." It was so epic. It continued throughout the barricade scenes, every single line, every moment... I really don't know how to describe it. It was wonderful. And it all fits. The one problem with "Epicjolras" of 08/09 that some people might have is that, maybe, it's a bit "too much", but now, the way he plays the character, is so subtle and so "whole", vocally and, especially this year now, acting-wise. It's pretty much the way it should be. I realise that it wouldn't work for other actors, but then, well - it's just this amazing coincidence of the right actor with the right voice, giving it all for a part that seems to have been written for him, being surrounded by the perfect ensemble for this performance. It all makes sense, and it all fits into place. It's such a joy. And the fact that the big, important moments, the insanity, the loudness, the epicness work so well, is only possible because there are these incredibly intense quiet moments that support it all. The sadness of "It is time for us all..." last night was probably even my favourite part. With all the energy that literally leaves you awe-struck in the epic moments that are intended as such, it's the quiet, controlled moments - also the beginning of DYHTPS - that really make the performance to me. And I didn't expect it. At all. Yes, the energy has been insane for the past weeks, but last night was different. I really can't put it into words. Obviously, I don't want to take anything away from all the performances that have been described as amazing, I used the term "Epicjolras" myself a few times. But compared to last night, that was nothing. I have no idea where it came from, and, talking to him, it seems he didn't know either. A few things to add: For Gavroche's Death, the final shot, the one that finally kills him, didn't fire. Jamie, who was wonderful anyway, had to go with it and froze in his position, then pain flickered over his face, he clutched his hand to his side, gasped and slowly sank to the ground. It was almost more effective than what they normally do. With this long essay on Why I Am Dreading Cast Change done, I need to add that I, of course, enjoyed the whole show. The ensemble did a great job - Killian and Mark H were covering Jonathan's, Jeff's and Gavin's tracks, mostly Mark H in Jeff's and Killian in Gavin's, with both of them sharing Jonathan's bit; and the female swings were working hard, as Laura's, Sophie's, Daniella's and AJ's tracks had to be covered. I'd love to write more, but I can't remember much. It's really just that it was overkill on the Enjolras front. |
Fiwen9430 |
I hope Gavin's OK. He was there at the matinee until the end of the barricade scenes, and then he didn't come on after that, which was slightly worrying. And me being the sort of person who jumps to conclusions, wonders if the disappearing flag and Gavin going off have something to do with each other (maybe it hit him as it fell down?).
Thanks for the review Eppie-Sue. I can hardly ever get coherent thoughts about a performance onto paper, so I really love reading everyone else's reviews. I would just like to ask a question: -near the beginning of LiD, does David always stand up with such force that he knocks the chair over? The whole of his performance at the matinee seemed brimming with energy and awesomeness, so I can't imagine how good he was in the evening, but it was still amazing. It was just rather sad that he missed his final battle flagwavey moment and had to get shot as soon as he reached the top of the barricade ![]() Overall I found the performance really enjoyable, though I would have to add to the apathy for HPJ as Javert. I just found him boring, though I didn't actively dislike his portrayal (unlike, say Jerome Pradon, whose youtube clips freaked me out). I liked the rest of the cast, and actually got to see some understudies this time! Greg as Thenardier was absolutely hilarious, although I was less sure about AJ's Cosette (a little too much vibrato). She did seem to work nicely with Alistair though, who I really like as Marius even though I know I am in a minority there (and I haven't seen Antony). I thought Jonathan was OK, but maybe he was tired after a week of performances as he wasn't stand-out. The audience were really noisy. Every applause (and there was a lot of applause) was accompanied by whistling, which was a bit distracting. And since when do people start clapping along to Beggars at the Feast? HPJ got booed (is this getting normal for a performance?- both the last 2 times I have seen the show Javert has been booed), but he acted in character and got the rest of the cast laughing. Overall I found the show great, though I think the cast was stronger before October Cast Change (which was the last time I saw the show in London). However it was the strongest performance I have seen so far, especially from Thaxton. And it persuaded me to book another ticket to see it before the current cast leaves. |
riverdawn |
Not per se, no. In fact, he doesn't even always sit down for the beginning of LiD. Some times he sings the beginning of it standing up. But when he does it sitting down, he always stands up forcefully but, no, he doesn't always knock over the stool. It just happens, sometimes, in all the excitement and madness. Actually, I have to say that I love the fact he sits down after Gavroche comes in with the announcement that Lamarque is dead, because it shows that for a moment he is as shocked as everyone else, and then he realizes what an opportunity this is. But, having said that, the first few times I saw him doing it (sitting down), there just happened to be a stool set up so that he could smoothly sit in it, and that was great. But the last couple of times I saw this, there was no stool that he could easily use. He had to physically take a stool from halfway under one of the tables and move it so that he could sit down on it... and frankly, I don't like this nearly as much. First, because moving the stool makes a lot of noise, which sort of hurts the impact of the moment. But more importantly, because it's one thing to portray "wow, I just got this momentous news, I'm going to fall back on this chair for a moment" and it's completely another thing to portray "wow, I just got this momentous news. Let me search around for a chair so that I can sit down on it." It doesn't have quite the same effect. All this, of course, is completely minor quibbling which I forget all about once he goes into the utter and complete insanity that is LiD. I mean, obviously either way it's not a big deal. But if I'm being nitpicky... well.... I have noticed it. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() About the chair thing in LiD - the whole sitting down is rather new, and is part of it every time now, the knocking-the-stool-over started a few weeks ago, probably accidentally, and stayed in. I had to get used to the sitting down in the beginning, but I don't see it as a shocked reaction to the impact of the news, and I don't think it's intended as such, as he often reacts to the "General Lamarque is dead" with a nod and such. To me, it is a reaction to the impact, but only in the way that, well, he has to sort this out and therefore takes a chair to sit down and ponder, and I like that at this point, he is not looking at the others. And it somehow feels right. I agree that the noise the chair automatically makes when it's pulled over to his side is a bit distracting, but it is the most minor quibble I can possibly think of, seriously. All in all, I am in complete amazement and wonder of the energy that I've seen over the past weeks, and I have no idea where he gets it from, especially on matinee days.
Yeah... they sometimes clap along. Most of the times it's matinee audiences. Stupid. And the booing happens all the time now, happend with Earl, too, happened on tour as well. Apparently people think it's panto and Javert is the villain. ![]()
Yes to all of that. The June-October cast from 2009 was probably my favourite cast, and I wish at least Shannon and Earl had stayed. Breaks my heart. There was a different atmosphere to it, and it seemed more "whole" (although that feeling was even stronger with the 08/09 cast). That said, there are cast members who have definitely become better over the last six months. And there are those that never let anyone down with their performance and still outdo themselves. |
riverdawn |
Well, I did say it was a very minor quibble. ![]() I agree, it's not exactly shock so much as "ok, this has happened and now I need to figure what I need to do, so I'm going to think about it a moment.". I like that part of it very much. As for the energy etc., you have no arguments from me. The last few shows I've seen have been beyond epic and beyond spectacular. Especially the one on Thursday which, as I said, was perhaps the most brilliant I'd ever seen. ![]() |
KatyRoseLand |
Bit off-topic (although technically on-topic since it's about cast change) - I just saw on the website of Guildford School of Acting that Sophie Josslyn will be joining the UK tour of The Sound of Music, so she must be leaving. I'll miss her, she's a great Factory Girl! | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Tonight was AWESOME. And I really wasn't expecting it, what with an apparently amazing show on Saturday, there being still lots of understudies (Jonathan Valjean, Natalie Fantine, Greg Thenardier, Rachel Mme T, also no Gavin, Antony or Chloe) and David having to do half a gig afterwards. But, yeah, it was really amazing. | ||||||
MizzieFan |
Thanks for all the reviews! ![]() I really hope to see the musical live myself this summer or this autumn ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Back from the show tonight, bit of a small cast. I think Madeleine still wants to write something about the insanity that went down on Monday - ![]() Um, so, yes, small cast. Bowman still off (apparently stranded and generally unavailable for a while), Martin B off (I'm assuming/hoping standed as well), Gavin off, Antony on holiday; so Jonathan as Valjean, Greg as Th�nardier, and Mark H and Killian in Jonathan's, Antony's and Gavin's track (mostly Killian in Gavin's and Mark in Antony's). There were also people randomly covering - like yesterday, MARK DUGDALE AS THE DRUNK AT THE WEDDING. Brilliance. Um, girls were a few people short as well. With Rebecca, Lorraine, AJ and Chloe off, Natalie was on as Fantine, Rachel as Mme T; and Katy, Emma and random other ensemble girls were covering all the empty tracks, with lots of them singing lines they normally don't sing etc. It was, overall, a good show. I thought it got considerably better in the second half. Natalie seemed quite ill, vocally, which was sad, as I love her voice very much, but the strength is just somehow missing. Jonathan was good, he's been on for ... ages now, hasn't he?! It must take a toll on his voice, being not really in his range, but he's coping well. I really loved the Epilogue. I've seen Alistair stronger than tonight, I can't bring myself to truly like Greg, and Rachel Bingham... I don't know. She's not scary, really, and she's not that funny either, although the mouthed "much there" in MotH is well done. HPJ... yeah. HPJ. Does anyone else get the impression he bends a bit in his knees when he's singing? I can't really describe it well. In good news, David is still being epic, vocally and acting-wise. Amazing energy. God knows how after the past days and the late night gig last night and all, but "Lamarque is dead", in all its insanity and loudness, was probably the highlight of the show for me. If not that then probably the Final Battle, which was the clearest and strongest I've heard in a long time, which is definitely saying something. Bless. Even though I assume the performances on Saturday and, from what I hear, Monday, must have been exceptions (no surprise there), tonight's wasn't lacking anything at all. So, all in all, Epicjolras. I loved Nancy tonight, I don't know what it was, I just really liked her. She didn't particularly stand out, but ... in a very good way. And while, yes, some of the high notes at the end of OMO sometimes sound a bit strained, she makes up for all of that with her acting. I'll miss her a lot. It was good to have Emily back! She was wonderful. Just... yes. Wonderful. I never realised how much I liked her. : ) And, yes, ensemble. Mark D as Drunk in the wedding. With... ruffled wig and ... staggering around, slapping people with his shoe, making fun of the dancing at the end, jumping around in the background, pointing at people, stumbling a bit... Fun. Although the crazy hair was probably the best part. I can't think of much more. But yeah. Good show, which got considerably stronger when we got to Paris. The barricades were the best part. Oh, and we were sitting in front of two American girls who knew the show a tiny bit (as in, they knew the very main characters and the famous songs), and judging by what they said in the interval, they loved Jonathan ("his voice is great"), adored Nancy and were also really looking forward to OMO, and then gushed about David for a while. As in "the guy who was at the front when they made that triangle". Turns out, they were talking about One Day More. But yeah, they first tried to justify it with "his voice is so strong!", it then reached "and he's gorgeous" and ended with "so, yeah, I'm in love with him". I thought it was hilarious. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
And the ridiculous amount of red on his face!
I'd love to be able to write something as well, but I don't really know what to say. It wasn't so much anything in particular, just everyone being epic. And I could watch that Cafe scene a hundred times and not get at all bored. |
riverdawn |
Yes, he does bend his knees a little and then straighten up when he goes for the bigger notes. To be honest, I don't mind it at all. It is sometimes easier to get big notes out if you make a bit of a physical movement to go with them (at the very least, I know that I find it easier, although of course I'm not a professional singer by a long shot...). I actually have to say that while I still stand by some earlier criticism of him, I think both his diction and his use of facial expressions have improved dramatically over the past few times I've seen him. Anyway, thanks for the reviews. I would certainly be happy to read more about Epic Monday. ![]() |
Pan |
Hi, newbie to the forum, basically quick question
When is this casts last day of performing, I'm sure it is out there, most likely easy to find but it is 3.30 in the morning so my brain isn't exactly in work mode. |
flying_pigs |
June 19th.
Sad day. |
Pan |
Thankyou (:
I'd been trying to stay away from looking at the cast since my Mam said two years ago we could go and it kept getting delayed or having to cancel or whatever..but I became curious. Now I'm in love with DT's arms...voice. I mean voice ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Regarding cast change... As far as I know, auditions are going on atm... for the principal parts as well. I have a vague idea who's staying and leaving in the ensemble, and I suppose about half of them will stay, but principals... no idea. Only that David, Nancy and Alistair will leave, really. Surely, there will be some kind of announcement in the next two weeks (no idea who they're looking for with Eponine, but who knows... Enjolras might be a familiar name).
ETA: As my most wonderful friend, Katfeyrac, has just found out... HPJ is, apparently, leaving. (YAY.) |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Ooh. I'm afraid he's one of the three cast members I would like to see go, although of those three he is by far my favourite. I don't actively object to him, so much as I would like to see someone better and, well, different, in the role. Another of the three is leaving, I believe. And as for the third ... we'll have to wait and see. |
mm10 |
Three?? ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Actually, I think you know who the third is! ![]() |
mm10 |
Don't think I know her. Ok so which 2 of the 3 are definitely leaving?? (I'm trying to be subtle here but don't think its working ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
We don't know anything about Simon Bowman, but, without any bias, I can't imagine he'll stay. Partly because it's been a long time since a Valjean has gotten such a negative reception at the Queen's, and also partly because I don't think he can play this role anymore. He's been off a lot in the past months and he struggles vocally. I'm sure he can do something out there that suits him better, really. | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Laura Medforth is the sobbing woman. She sits with Gavin in MotH, is the bag lady in Paris and the really prominent whore in the EPK. She is one of the two women who dies on the barricade, and spends most of it crying and scrwaming No! Which doesn't make sense at all because she chose to stay despite Enjolras telling the 'women and fathers of children' to leave because 'the people have not stirred'. She also annoys me a lot in ATEOTD where she is constantly looking ridiculously shocked or throwing her head back and laughing. Also her whore in Fantine's Arrest is kinda annoying, and her sobbing after ALFOR. Basically, she just massively overacts. And not in a Bowman way, which has been described as 'grand', which, despite being far from my taste, I can understand people liking. Just in a pantomimey way that consists of lots of silly faces. |
Wandering Ranger |
Just a thoughtif and I mean IF Simon Bowman leaves is it something they would offer Jonathan? He's been basically carrying that role for ages it'd be better than having someone new in. That said, would he be comfortable doing it 8 times week, it did seem a little high for him particualrly that top B flat. |
Eppie-Sue |
It's true, he's been carrying that role for two years as a very reliable understudy for three different Valjeans, and he's never been involved in a cast change, really, as Sarich left in October (I think?! Correct me.) 2008 and then Shannon left a year later.
I doubt they'll offer him the part, though, and somehow I'm not sure if it would be good for him, as it's technically out of his range. I know that the high notes that he hits (except for the "one" at 24601) must strain his voice somewhat, and he pulls it off so well, but I can't help but think that eight shows a week wouldn't be healthy. Although, theoretically, he more than deserves it and did already get immense praise back in July 2008. |
Wandering Ranger |
true trueand also, he might suffer from the "Too Good as an U/S to lose" syndrome that others suffer from. I just know when I saw him he was epic even with the high notes which I know, as a baritone, are not easy. Having never seen or heard anything of Simon Bowman I can't really comment on his possible departure. Bit dissapointed about HPJ though he's my fave. Does he respond if you send him your programme with a request for an autograph? |
KatyRoseLand |
Re: true true
I've never tried, but he is really nice, I'm sure he would. Give it a go! ![]() |
Wandering Ranger |
lol I will! Funny thing was I went to the stage door and got talking to someone I didn't know with the result he walked out and away before I could nab him! Just for the record, Jonathan isn't leaving is he? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Doesn't look like it, no. Bless him. |
Wandering Ranger |
good good, I really wanna see him do it again. Is there a date for Simon Bowman coming back? Just on another whats the address to right to? Is it simple C/O Hans Peter Jannsenns, the Queens Theatre? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
... I honestly wouldn't be able to tell you. I'm not crazy about autographs to begin with. I suppose!? And it's "Janssens", just avoid any embarrassement. ![]() And the last thing I wrote about Bowman off/Jonathan on still stands, I believe
Wandering Ranger |
LOL thanks Eppie Sue for that! That would have been most embarassing, rather like the time I presented dear old Greg with a picture of Martin to sign. Fortunatley Greg found it most amusing! ![]() |
riverdawn |
Not that I've ever done this, but from what I've read elsewhere, yes, it is quite common to address the letter to the actor at the theatre and give the address of the theatre. So that should be fine. |
Eppie-Sue |
That's what they all say. Kidding. Kidding. |
Wandering Ranger |
thanks riverdawn for the advice, that's what I'll do.
Eppie-Sue - lol. to tell you the truth the one I was talking to said "go after him" but I thought I'd best not since chasing him down the street going "you're awesome!" might be a little bit OTT lol Also, on the replacements point, what is the feasiblity of JOJ returning after the tour? I can't see it myself but a few friends were saying how awesome that would be. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I can't see this happening. From what I understand, the main reason JOJ accepted the role on tour was because he was told he could do something different with it. I can't imagine he'd want to go back to a production in which he has counted many years straight after. |
Wandering Ranger |
I can't to be honest. In theory its not that unlikely since others (HPJ for instance) have left then returned but JOJ doesn't seem the type to do that unless, as you say, he can do something different with it. I just hope they get someone who is available since its a shame to have a principal who has so much time off. Has Simon Bowman been ill or something? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Oooh dear, I fear my response will be a bit controversial. Here goes nothing. I both can't and don't want to see it. I can't see it because JOJ said he wouldn't play Valjean again, and only made an exception for the tour because he said he'd get a lot of liberties with the character (I'm not really sure I can see that, and if it's the case, then I don't like it) and because it's, well, the shiny, new, special production that is getting all the hype. I know this sounds bitter, but obviously that is more tempting than the old thing back in London. I doubt he'd want to come back, he really seems to stand for everything that the tour is about and doesn't seem very interested in the West End anymore. "Never say never" and all that aside - I think for him, as much as he has been connected with Les Mis, it's more about his choice in the matters and his performance than being part of Les Mis per se. I don't want to see it. I want to see a new, fresh Valjean, and I'm sick of the JOJ hype. I think he's great, but I also think that the comments on how "Les Mis isn't the same without him" are completely pathetic, as there have been many other great Valjeans in the past and in recent years. Sure, it would be a lot of hype if he returned (which obviously could only be in 2011, not in two months), but as long as he doesn't do it as just one of the whole cast and not THE John Owen-Jones, and for the character and his love for the show instead of hype, I don't see it and don't want to see it happening. ETA: That said, I'd rather see him returning than a Valjean that disappoints, again. And yes. Bowman has been ill, then on holiday, then stranded and God-knows-what. |
Wandering Ranger |
nah not controversial at all, perfectly valid arguments those are and very well phrased might I add. I fully agree a fresh, new Valjean is whats called for and if what I saw is anything to go by then the show hasn't suffered at all since he left. The standing ovation was akin to what one would expect on opening night and not a midweek matinee. The tour will be over soon but the London production will still be there when the tour is a mere twinkle in the mind. | ||||||
riverdawn |
Don't worry, I've done my fair share of fangirly things in my time... some of them I might even be willing to share (others are much too mortifyingly embarrassing)... just not that particular one. ![]() |
Quique |
Their goal is to "replace the old version with the new." They "hope the new version will take precedence over the old." Closing the tour soon and continuing on with the London production will obviously work against their plans and hopes for the future of the show. I'm just waiting for their next move. |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm not 100% sure, but I think Martin Ball is staying for another year, people. ![]() |
MizzieFan |
Oh, I absolutely love him ![]() Still hoping Bowman doesn't stay for another year ... ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, and as he mentioned it himself in his blog and talk on WOS has already begun anyway, I think it's alright if I say now that Rhydian Roberts auditioned at the Queen's last week. For Enjolras, obviously. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Killian Valjean. | ||||||
pastaeater |
Is that wishful thinking?! Or did he play the part last night? |
Katfeyrac |
He's on today. | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
He's on today, yes. Saw the matinee and am seeing the evening show. So ---- fantastic. The whole cast is on fire, the guys are covering like mad, people singing lines they normally don't sing and in tracks they've never covered IT'S AWESOME. I'm so happy I get to see him again. ![]() |
riverdawn |
He's on today and he is brilliant! Best Bring Him Home I have ever heard, hands down. | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
He was indeed excellent. Wish I could see the evening show too. He's just so Valjean. | ||||||
Lauraa |
He was wonderful, my dad says that he was his favourite performer at the show today ![]() |
riverdawn |
Huh... I was going to write a review of the matinee, but I'm not sure there's any point as it looks like half the forum was there. ![]() Anyway, just to say again that KillianValjean was incredibly incredibly amazingly good. His characterization was excellent and he sang so very beautifully. Lovely lovely high notes. Really just wonderful. And there was really a sense that everyone else was kind of hyper and doing their best to be excellent in part because Killian was on. It was really a lovely show. There were quite a few men off. In addition to KillianValjean (which meant of course not only Bowman but also Jonathan and Simon off) we had Greg as Thenardier, Thomas as Bishop and Mark Hedges as Combeferre. There was a whole lot of people singing other people's lines and stuff. David had to sing "they will do what is right" in Upon These Stones, which actually worked quite well, as of course one must assume that Grantaire is really trying to annoy Enjolras in that scene, so it makes sense for Enjolras to respond... (although of course it also makes sense in the usual version where someone else responds and Enjolras sort of implies that it's not even worth the trouble). David was excellent, again, today. Really, I don't know how he can keep up the energy like that. It's madness. Today it was also obvious that the stool-tipping in LiD is now a deliberate part of the action (sitting in BB you could actually see him grabbing the stool and pushing it over with his hands). Mark Dugdale was on as First Traveller in MOTH and was absolutely hilarious. He also sang "here's to pretty girls who went to our heads" in DWM, after which Antony handed him the wine jug, and there's was a beautiful little Courfeyrac/Feuilly moment with hugging and stuff. In fact, both MarkFeyrac and AntonyFeuilly were on top form today, especially in the cafe scene where they both gave MartinTaire stern looks and went "Sit down!" "Sit down sir!" Anyway, I'm sure there was all kinds of other stuff... but I don't remember much of them. Mostly this was just very much Killian's show. He was so spectacular! I was so happy to have gotten a chance to see him! |
Eppie-Sue |
On my way home, one of the best shows I've ever seen tonight. The combination of Killian bloody owning that part and delivering the best BHH I've ever heard, and EPIC Epicjolras killed me. Am SO hyper.
ETA: Hah, suddenly the bus driver decided he wanted to get home, too, and due to my poor typing skills, the moment I posted this I was already almost home. Will try to review somehow. Oh my God so epic. |
pastaeater |
Wow - it sounds fantastic. He seems to be an amazingly talented person! Hope he is staying on after cast change. | ||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I still haven't got over how good he was. In fact, I don't think I've got over the fact that I saw him at all. I had completely resigned myself to missing a one-off event last time. I nearly didn't go yesterday either!
But seriously, is there anything this man can't do? His acting was wonderful, but it was his voice that made him so special, to me at least. It's just so well suited to the role. Talking of which, someone amazing has put some audio on YouTube! Here's BHH. |
riverdawn |
Ah, what a moment worth re-living! Honestly, when that song is sung well it really touches me to the core - and he sings it so very very well! ETA: Someone on the WoS has posted that Samantha Barks (no idea who that is except what google tells me) has been cast as Eponine. Anyone know where this information is coming from? I haven't seen any official announcements... |
Eppie-Sue |
I have it on good authority that it's correct. Ah well. |
flying_pigs |
Hmmm, don't know what to think about this, if it's true. I really liked her on I'd Do Anything (in fact I wanted her to win), but I don't know if she'll be able to pull off Eponine. | ||||||
riverdawn |
Ah, thanks for this. To be fair, while I'm curious about who they are casting, there's basically very little chance I will have any idea who those people are (unless they are people from within the current cast). Even the so called "celebrity" castings people have mentioned have no meaning to me, as these are all people who are, at best, celebrities in the UK. Most of them are names I've never heard before. So, basically, I'm curious about all these announcements, but for the most part they mean nothing to me. ![]() |
riverdawn |
ETA: Oh, dear... please say that the Bowman-as-Javert rumor is not true.... (and sorry about the double post, accidentally hit the wrong button). |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I saw that. Crossing my fingers! At least HPJ won't be able to boast about being the only principal to have played Valjean and Javert in London. If that's any consolation?! :s | ||||||
pastaeater |
I saw her on I'd Do Anything (and didn't like her) but to be fair later saw her in Cabaret tour and thought she had improved a lot.......although what this says about her ability to play the part of Eponine I have absolutely no idea..... ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I'd rather it stayed that way until someone who actually has the range for both and can act the parts comes along. Like I've seen Killian do. Like I could see David managing. With all the talent out there, how desperate would it be to go for this option?! It's ridiculous, whether true or not. |
BlueEyedGirl |
(Disclaimer: I just want to apoligize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes - English is not my first language but hope you get the point ![]() I hope it's okay to talk a bit here about the friday show... I finally made it to London this thursday despite vulcano ashes and broken airplanes, and went to see the show friday. Based on all your wonderful reviews I was expecting an amaaaaazing show, but I wasn't expecting THAT! - It was beyond amazing! (Granted I've only seen two different productions in Copenhagen so I don't really have a lot to compare with). Jonathan, Natalie and Greg was on (I'm not quite sure if anyone else was off but Killian and Mark Hedges seemed to be covering a lot of traks - but maybe that's business as usual ![]() Being an Enjolras-fan I obviously was looking forward to David and WAUW! He was even better than expected. I litterally could't take my eyes off him during the caf�-scene. Both me and my friend, who had seen the Copenhagen production not so long ago, agreed that the sets seemed to work som much better here. They seemed so dynamic, like they weren't just "sets" but the actors seemed more comfortable interacting with the pieces (if that makes any sense). Also the use of lighting worked better (I think) than the Copenhagen production - like the sewers where you, just through lightning, get the feeling that Valjean actually drags Marius all the way through the sewers. Also the acting from almost all of the cast was great - you could really tell that the cast really knew the characters and the blocking seemed so natural. All in all I loved it and I managed to get a picture with David after the show so that totally made my evening ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
![]() I'm really, really happy to hear you had such a great time. It's amazing to hear from people who are not "regulars" like us, and who are blown away - even after reading all the praise this cast (and some performers in particular...) get here on the forums. As for understudies/covers - I'm sure there were quite a few on. The Mme Th�nardier you saw was an understudy, too, that was Rachel Bingham; and a few guys in the ensemble have been off recently, so for example the Bishop you saw was the second cover. The swings have truly been covering like mad, too (especially on Saturday, when Killian suddenly had to go on as Valjean). But, yes, after all the expectations, it's lovely that it still amazed you. The pure drive and the security with the character/interactions on stage is truly exceptional, especially once it gets to Paris. I've, obviously, always loved the caf�/barricade scenes the most, but the energy right now is still a step up from everything I've seen before. |
BlueEyedGirl |
Thanks for clearing that up, I had a feeling I missed some. But I can say that at no point in the show did we feel that we were watching understudies, they did a really amazing job! And I was so ready to see the show again saturday, but I had promised my friends that if they came along with me to see les mis, we also had to go see a show where "not everybody died in the end" (I believe were there words), so we went next door to see Hair ![]() |
Pan |
I need to squee :3
Mam said we can go the last Saturday of May ^__________^ Words can not express how excited I am that I'm finally going to get to see something I adore so much. |
Eppie-Sue |
Just a note for everyone - if you want to see Antony as Marius a last time, the May dates (3rd-8th) are last chance for an indefinite time... | ||||||
riverdawn |
![]() Was going to go anyway that week, as its my last week here.... but now I've gone and booked a ticket to make sure.... |
eponine5 |
I'm really not too happy with any of the casting rumours (can I still pretend they're just rumours?) around at the moment. I wasn't a fan of Samantha Barks on I'd Do Anything and can't see the Bowman-Javert working. Then again, we can still hope that they'll surprise everyone who's doubting them now. | ||||||
Elbow |
So, I went to the show last night. I really enjoyed it (duh) since I hadn't see it for a good couple of weeks. Jonathan was on, Rachel was on and Helen was on. Killian, Joe, Thomas and Dylan were off.
Jonathan was smashing. It's lovely to have a Valjean that takes you on a proper journey during the show, that you really feel for by the end. I think for me, he does this better than anyone. I've definitely hears him stronger vocally, but another positive with Jonathan is that there is so much more to his performance than his singing, even though he does have a beautiful voice. Rachel Bingham was a bit "meh" if I'm honest. She mainly just went through the motions. And I seem to have a different opinion of Helen every time I see her. Sometimes I think she's amazing and I prefer her to Nancy and other times there are little bits of her performance that I notice that irritate me. I think her accent can be irregular, she'll prounnounce the same word differently within the the same couple of lines ("withouT a home with-ow a friend") if that makes sense. I do like her though, her voice is pretty, and her big notes are brilliant. Mark Hedges as Montparnasse still isn't right. I like him in every other role (especially Thenardier) but just not Montparnasse. He made a very good Joly though. I think I've gone on enough in the months since Emily joined about how much I love her as Cosette, but I've finally found some critisism! That sounds like I was looking for it, I wasn't, I just happened to notice. I feel there is more she could do in The Robbery. When the Patron Minette grab Valjean, she doesn't seem to have much of a reaction. Considering how much Cosette cares for Valjean you'd expect her to maybe make an attempt at running forward or at least some distress, but (yesterday at least) there was nothing. I still love her portrayal though. Jeff shouted very loudly and distainfully "well, what did he expect!?" when Valjean is thrown out of the inn at the begginning. I found that amusing. And I was glad to see Gavin back, since he'd been off for a good week. His character in Master of the House just never gets old. He must have hit George with that spoon over 20 times yesterday. Laura Medforth was very vocal in her wails yesterday. Yup. Thaxton appears to have gotten fiercer too. To the extent that his sheer awesomeness seemed to blow out his stall from underneath him in Lamarque is Dead. His Final Battle was ever so strong, I haven't seen it him that strong for a while actually. So yes, a good show. If there are any strange errors in this review, blame the iPhone. It likes to correct me to odd words, and I'm too tired to notice. |
riverdawn |
Jonathan is still on as Valjean? That's a really long time now...
Though I'm not a Bowman fan, I sincerely hope that nothing tragic has happened there. Thanks for the rest of the review... sounds like a good show. I think Emily indeed doesn't do a lot during the robbery, although to be honest I don't ever much notice because I always get "distracted" by whatever is going on between Marius and Montparnasse at that particular moment. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
No, nothing tragic, as far as I know. Heavens, I honestly don't want to sound lax here, but it's nothing worryingly serious, I think. And Jonathan is really feeling the strain on his voice, he actually said for that reason alone he's hoping he'll be back soon-ish, but from what I've heard it might still be this week at least. And, um, YAY REVIEW. I know exactly what it is about Helen. I really do like her - I didn't at first, but that had to do with the fact that, I think, September were some of her first performances, and I thought she had been on as understudy the year before, already, when really, she had been in the cast, but not as understudy. So I probably expected too much. But yeah. I like her voice. I'm still not sure if she's Eponine to me. I hope she stays u/s Cosette next year, as I really, really want to see her again. Very glad to hear Gavin is back, too. So glad that it makes me want to go and see the show now. You never know. He might be leaving. Which would be the five main students leaving - Enjolras, Marius, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Feuilly. And we don't know about Martin. Ah. Re: David - it will be interesting to see if this does actually last till the 19th June. I can't imagine it. It's stunning and, yes, sheer awesomeness. I find myself sitting there and only thinking: "There is no way anyone can follow this." ... note how cast change is everywhere in this post. AAH. Make it go away, make it disappear. |
riverdawn |
I found myself thinking that as well... in a way it feels like he's trying to finish his run with a resounding BANG, like it's "you thought it was epic so far? Just WATCH!" But if that's the case, I wonder if he didn't get there a little too early... There are still almost two months before cast change... although, I guess, if anyone is capable of keeping this level of energy up till then, it's David. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I know what you mean, yeah. But for what it's worth (and not that you've implied it, just a note!) - I'm very sure it's not a conscious decision, and it's not about performing a certain way (or performing for the audience), it just... happens. I do, however, think it has to do with the impending finality of cast change. It's a big deal. |
mm10 |
I was wondering the same thing myself so I�m relieved to hear it�s nothing serious and I don�t want to start the whole Bowman thing up again (I think we all know everyone�s opinion on that by now) but I can�t help thinking it�s a shame he wasn�t offered the same deal as David Shannon from the start and then maybe none of this would have happened. After all it is 10 years since he last played it (for a proper run I mean) so I guess now that he is 10 years older he is feeling the strain. Although if Jonathan Williams is starting to feel it now after a only a few weeks maybe the powers that be need to look at having a proper alternate schedule that so many other shows already do (and then people would have a better chance of seeing who they want.) And if the Javert rumour is right (and that�s a very big if � I make a point of not believing anything that is posted anonymously on WOS as those people clearly have nothing better to do with their time than stir up trouble) then it is probably an attempt to keep him. Anyway sorry for bringing it up again but it seems pretty clear now that he won�t ever play Valjean again (not for a proper run anyway) so I�m feeling a bit sad about that right now |
riverdawn |
I absolutely agree. Whatever has been going on there, I don't even think it's the kind of thing one *could* do with a conscious decision. |
Eppie-Sue |
Two things, though: Simon Bowman could have asked for the same deal. Why should they offer him a deal? As far as I know, David Shannon wasn't offered this deal but asked for it after the cast change in June 2009. It's not really up to the stage management, directors, etc. to offer him to have a day off. And obviously Jonathan is feeling the strain, and you can't compare it by saying it's "after only a few weeks". Again, he's a bass/baritone, not a tenor like most of the others that play Valjean. He's not supposed to be able to go eight shows a week singing in a range that is technically isn't qualified for. Let's not forget this. ETA: If it comes across slighty adversary! Not intentional, just felt the need to point this out. |
belladonnadarling |
Why do you think Williams is a baritone, let alone a bass/baritone? As a singing teacher I am sure he is not. The part is perfect for his type of voice. If he's feeling the strain it's because he's not yet used to the strain of carrying such a big part and of course he should stay well away of the top note in Who am I. His voice is obviously easier on the top than for example Bowman's. So for Bowman it's a much bigger strain. And if W is not supposed to sing 8 shows a week, then you have your answer to your question why he didn't get the part in the first place. |
Eppie-Sue |
Re: B
He, himself, would know, wouldn't he?! Also, the idea of him taking over hasn't come up once after we realised that and noticed that he is putting his voice under a lot of strain for this role at the moment, thank you very much. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Thanks a lot, Eppie-Sue, I was trying to forget this! I really really really want to see him again. I've only seen him once before (actually, I think it was a two show day, so twice) but I'm not around on that Saturday, and I really don't think I can come down in the week with exams etc coming up... So that's rubbish. I'm also glad Gavin's back. I enjoyed Thomas!Bishop, but the students aren't the same without Gavinferre. Re: the Bowman/Jonathan thing, I agree that it's important to remember that Jonathan is out of his range with Valjean. He wasn't cast on the basis of having to do, what, possibly three consecutive weeks? Whereas Bowman was cast as principal, so I would expect him to be able to cope. But perhaps they could put Simon Shorten on for a few shows to give Jonathan a break? Or Killian? |
mm10 |
It's a pity people didn't remember that when all the "why was Bowman cast when Williams is right there" posts were going on ![]()
Well as I said before it�s not uncommon for people in the more challenging roles to be only contracted to do 6 out of 8 shows so I don�t see why they couldn�t do that for JVJ as I would consider it to be pretty challenging |
KatyRoseLand |
He used the phrase "They made me an offer I couldn't refuse"... but he could still have meant that he'd asked for some sort of alternate schedule and they offered him a day off every week I suppose. Thanks for the last few reviews, it feels like forever since I last saw the London production but I'm going in a few days, thankfully!! |
Eppie-Sue |
First off, once again, since Jonathan has actually had to go on for week after week in the last month, I doubt anyone who knew about his problems with the immense strain that it naturally is for him, has suggested he should take over as principal. And, more importantly, the arguments that were made in favour of Jonathan were not only about the singing, but also very much acting-related. I would still rather see Jonathan than Bowman as principal, but I know that it is painful for him. And with everything numerous posters (not the regulars alone) have said, they were very impressed by him, even after he had to go on for show after show, so it isn't actually too obvious to the majority, whereas Simon Bowman noticeably goes flat in Bring Him Home, puts a lot of air behind his voice, etc. It is not just about a few high notes. There is a difference. |
Orestes Fasting |
For what it's worth I would be more interested in seeing Bowman as Javert than as Valjean. Most of my problem with his Valjean is that the role doesn't sit well in his range--his head voice is very thin and unsupported, but lower down and when he's putting more force behind it, it's quite powerful.
And no, I'm not a huge fan of his interpretation of Valjean, but I could see him doing a good job as Javert. Look at Drew Sarich--a dodgy interpretation of one role doesn't prevent a great performance in another role. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
I've thought about this a bit. And in some respects, I agree - I certainly think he would be much more comfortable vocally. I am also willing, until proved wrong, to believe that he may be good in terms of characterisation and such - we'll just have to wait and see, but my main worry is his general acting. Those who don't like it call it overacting, but even his fans comment on the 'grandness' or 'emotiveness' of it. So, while I really dislike, and others do like it, I can't see it working particularly well for Javert. It might be going from one extreme to another if he follows HPJ. But then again, he may pull it off very well, and the character may be more suited to him than Valjean is. |
Eppie-Sue |
I'm sorry, maybe I've seen Simon Bowman too often, but ignoring his upper range problems - I can't imagine him singing songs like Stars and Suicide with the needed power behind his voice. There are some big, powerful notes in there, and the main problem I've had with his voice recently was that he didn't seem to be able to carry these notes and to hold them. Examples would be in The Bargain, his voice often just disappeared while he tried to carry the "[and I stand here in her] plaaaaaace". I'm very sceptical if it would work out. I'm more willing to give him a chance as Javert than as Valjean for one more year, but his expressive acting, as l'ivrogne has pointed out, would have to change dramatically in order to suit Javert. | ||||||
riverdawn |
I think that I have more potential of liking him as Javert, because I do like some of his lower range and I think he can be quite powerful on occasion.
But I agree with what some of the others have said - it really depends on how he acts the role. Because if he goes at it the same way he has gone at Valjean I certainly wouldn't enjoy it. Frankly, the last few times I've seen the show, I've quite enjoyed HPJ's performance and thought that he was acting, in a subtle way. I think I'd prefer that form of subtlety, even if sometimes it's a bit wooden, to over-expression in that role. But I guess this is all in the theoretical at this point, so we'll wait and see... |
Eppie-Sue |
So, apparently Scott Garnham is joining the cast in June. He'll be covering Marius and Enjolras (as someone from the current cast was offered to do, but decided to leave...), so he'll either be Courfeyrac or Feuilly, I suppose. Huh. | ||||||
riverdawn |
Interesting. As usual it's someone I've never heard of before, but watching some clips on youtube he seems to have a pretty good voice. |
Orestes Fasting |
Yeah but that sits in a completely different part of the voice from Javert's stuff. I'm not an expert on the male vocal registers, but it's pretty easy to see that that comes at the end of a fairly long, high passage and he has to slowly add a bit of chest-voice power to it. Which is not easy to do, especially if your voice is a little lower. On the other hand, building up to a money note at the end of a baritone song like 'Stars' is quite a bit easier--you just let rip, you don't need as much dynamic control, and your voice isn't fatigued from singing high. I mean... I'm a mezzo with an upper extension. I can sing above the staff, I just can't hang out there. I sound like a soprano version of Bowman if I try to sing the upper part of the flower duet from Lakm�, and my voice sometimes craps out on the very same notes that would come out beautiful and shimmering if I were singing 'Haba�era.' Not that I'm comparing myself and my vocal crap-outs to professional singers, it's the principle of the thing--register is more important than range. I remember being impressed by Bowman's lower range and his 'belty' parts, especially in the prologue before I had a chance to see how weak his upper range is. He would probably make a better Javert than Valjean. |
Eppie-Sue |
So, um, apparently Chloe Hart will join the cast?! (let's treat this as a rumour for the time being.) | ||||||
beyondthebarricade |
Goodness. As who? Madame Thenardier? |
pastaeater |
Can you tell us who (decided to leave)? Or give us a clue at least!! |
beyondthebarricade |
I think it's been mentioned that both Mark and Antony are leaving. | ||||||
Wandering Ranger |
sorry if I'm being thicker than Marius' stack of books here but where has this Bowman as Javert thing come from? I checked back through the thread and couldn't see it. I cans ee it working personally owing to the deeper voice he seems to have and tbh his top notes sound more strained than Jonathans. At least Jonathans are consistently the note they are supposed to be. Whoever takes over as Valjean better be a tenor who can handle the notes rather than a baritone who can but who screws his voice up in the process.
On a compeltely unrelated note some funnies for ya |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, the infamous blooper reel has made an appearance again. And hello Thaxton constable at 00:39.
I think there should be a London one out there at one point... The rumour about Bowman as Javert comes from the WOS Forums, where someone posted they would need a new Valjean as Bowman had been cast in that role. |
Wandering Ranger |
oh I see! So, just by way of asking, who would we all like to see as the new Valjean? | ||||||
Eppie-Sue |
David Shannon. He'd be one performer that I really wouldn't mind coming back. Basically just someone fresh who can sing the part properly and understands the character. And who works well with the rest of the cast. | ||||||
Wandering Ranger |
is he staying in POTO though? Don't get me wrong he was very good but I just can't see him doing Les Mis again when he just started Phantom, he'd never get out of POTO I don't think. I've actually got an open mind this time, not too sure. |