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KatyRoseLand |
According to his website he leaves POTO on 8th May, so technically it's possible, but I really doubt he'd come back, at least not so soon. I wish he would though! ETA: Actually, according to someone on WOS, he's extended his contract at POTO, which doesn't surprise me. |
HobNob |
Hasn't Shannon's website just been updated to say he's staying on for another 6 months? I think it has, anyway. I haven't checked myself - I'm all about third-hand news. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, I didn't mean it as a realistic option. It was basically really just "who would I like to see as new Valjean" wishful thinking. I never fully appreciated him in the few months that I saw him, and I regret that now. I hope he comes back.
I also hope that, one day, we'll get Killian as Valjean while David is Javert. So much for my random thoughts of the evening. There will be a small review at one point, as I randomly found myself buying a ticket for tonight's show earlier. Which I then went to see. |
Eppie-Sue |
Because I've run out of original ways to describe my Mizdays...
6.25pm. Box Office. "Tonight's performance" counter just re-opens, two young women have walked up to the one in the middle right before me, also asking for tickets. Box office guy I have never seen before: "Hello!" Me: "Hello, do you have anything left in BB or the Slips, please?" BOG: "Sorry?" Me: "I'm looking for a �20 seat, and I was wondering if you had anything left in row BB or the Dress Circle." BOG: "Yeah, I've got A36!" Me: "It's mine. Thank you. I would love to have that seat!" (explanation: I love A36, it's got emotional value, it was my first �20 seat. Also, it's got enough legroom for my right knee, which hurts a lot. And I'm rarely on that side.) BOG: "That's �20 then, please." (does some computer stuff, talks to woman in the middle who is still dealing with the two young women looking for tickets, too, hands me my ticket.) Me: "It says A0." BOG: "Yeah, A35 and 36 were just sold together." Me: *gives women in the middle The Evil Stare* BOG: "It's the same price, opposite side." Me: " Um, yeah ... with awful legroom. I'm sorry, I can't just sit in there yadda yadda moan moan knee etc." BOG: "Okay, what I can do is, I can give you A34 for �20 then." Me: "... uh." See, my problem is... with the exception of A0, 1, maybe 2, 35 and 36, the Slips are rubbish! I don't want to sit there if I have the choice, especially not in a seat like A34 that faces inwards and is generally shit. Eventually, I said Yes because I felt bad for the guy. One minute later, I regretted it, because I could easily have gotten a student discount ticket, silly me. So, I was in A34, Dress Circle. PEOPLE. NEVER get that seat. Seriously. NEVER. It's just as awful as I thought it would be. And the two young women from the box office were next to me, and they were in my seat. ![]() Heh. Why am I telling you this? To avoid ever hearing about how much A34 sucked from you, I suppose. Don't get it. It's a rubbish seat. And you normally have to pay �32.50 anyway. As for the SHOW. The first half was pretty much dreadful, not because of the cast or anything, heaven forbid, but yeah, due to the seat and due to legroom turning out to be a problem when my knee started hurting like hell. Therefore I moved to an aisle seat in row B in the interval, which was the best thing ever, because suddenly I could actually enjoy the show. You won't get a proper review from me, really, just a few notes. People off: Rebecca, Lorraine, Nancy, Killian, Bowman, Joe, Dylan which means... Natalie as Fantine, Rachel as Mme Th�nardier, Helen as Eponine, Jonathan as Valjean; Katy and Emma sharing the girls' tracks, Mark H and Greg the guys'. Jonathan sounded good but a bit ill, he was coughing, too. Poor guy. Acting-wise, once again much love for how human his Valjean is. Maybe even a bit too human. I can't describe it very well. It's fascinating, because it doesn't look like acting. I liked Natalie a lot better than the last times I've seen her, her voice was definitely a lot stronger, and the low notes during IDAD sounded better than before. Rebecca pretty much owns the low notes, but Natalie is doing a good job. Helen - not too sure. I've definitely seen and heard her a LOT better. I'm glad she's staying, because her performance as understudy is reliably good, but she doesn't stand out to me as Eponine, I find her OMO rather anticlimactical. Nancy might struggle with a few of the big notes from time to time, but it's nothing overly noticeable, and she really puts her heart into the the climax, whereas Helen's second half just... disappears. I do love the "bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiind" though, one of the best notes I've heard tonight. I really liked Rachel Bingham as Mme T today! I go through different stages with her, it seems. She did something wonderfully awesome - the broom, that Little Cosette had put on the table in the back, was close to tumbling to the floor, so she put her hand on it, and just as I thought: "Oh she should totally use it to terrify Cosette", she grabbed it and held it as if she was going to beat Cosette any second at "ENOUGH OF THAAAT!" - great! It worked so well! Random things that made my night: MARK DUDGALE WAS THE DRUNK AT THE WEDDING ONCE AGAIN. Bloody hilarious. Stumbling to the floor, actually grabbing the lily that Jonathan always takes, too, showing it to people, letting it seemingly talk to people, dancing with the couples, getting into their way, entertaining everyone on stage, looking like a complete idiot. Epicjolras. Still. I've never loved "Lamarque is dead" as I do at the moment. It's so amazing. As was everything. Highlight was Markfeyrac being very much in favour of JVJ just having 'shot' Javert, and, seemed to "applaud" louder than ususal with his gun, getting an impressively loud and furious "COURFEYRAC YOU TAKE THE WATCH!!!" David was still singing "They will do what is right!", as Greg and Mark H were needed in the other tracks for Upon These Stones. GOOD, SO, SO GOOD to have Gavin back! ![]() Jamie has the most convincing and impressive death scene of any Gavroche I can think of. Amazing. So real. "Turning" is still the most pointless song in the universe. I feel sorry for the female ensemble, the guys get all the good stuff and get to run around with guns and get awesome deaths and be criminals and prisoners and drunks, and they get to sing "round and round the roundabout". Spent the song coming up with Top Ten Reasons To Hate Turning. ETA: Also, Jeff has confirmed that he is staying for another year, which is making me very happy. And, I was thinking, as much as I love Gavin as The Bishop, I would really like to see Jonathan as Bishop somehow. Because he could sing it, too, and maybe he would be a more ... brick-like Bishop, kinder and all that. But then, he would have to get rid of the beard, obviously. And not be on as Valjean. Because that would look funny. I also want to see David as Bishop and Bamatabois, but with less than two months to go, I'm not holding my breath. |
MizzieFan |
Thanks for the review Eppie - Sue and yay for Jeff! ![]() ![]() And .. Well, does anyone have any clue when the casting list is going to be published? ![]() ![]() |
pastaeater |
This is my dream too! Don't know what the chance is of it ever happening....... |
KatyRoseLand |
If I recall correctly, no cast list was posted last time. We got drips and drabs of information bit by bit, for example, Katie Hall's agency posted on their website that she was going to be playing Cosette, but there was no official announcement, to the point where when I went on the first Tuesday after cast change, I still didn't know exactly who I was going to see! I think we knew who was leaving but we didn't know everyone who was joining. There was no official announcement or anything. | ||||||||
flying_pigs |
Exactly, I'm pretty sure we didn't know who was playing Madame Th�nardier until someone went in the first week. | ||||||||
belladonnadarling |
Re: B
When a singer is vocally in trouble the most likely line he will use is 'I am ill' or 'it's not really in my range'. It's a way of making excuses. Have you ever asked Bowman why he doesn't sing the top note? |
Wandering Ranger |
I do assure you Jonathan is not making excuses and if you'll pardon me for saying so it is out of order to suggest otherwise. He has said that the role of Valjean is out of his range and is uncomfortable for him to sing constantly but when he accepted the u/s I highly doubt he knew that he would have to cover it for this long. | ||||||||
Violet |
Very true. Good singers with good training will be capable of singing notes outwith their natural range, and if required will give them as much welly as possible, but it will be a strain, and to do so repeatedly risks damage. | ||||||||
Wandering Ranger |
exactly which is why the aforementioned comment was unfair. Tbh, if you're going to blame anyone blame the casting directors. They cast him as U/S in a tenor role knowing he's a baritone. | ||||||||
mm10 |
![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Thanks for that. The comment was absolutely out of order, I'm quite surprised and disgusted you'd go so far as to suggest he was making "excuses", belladonnadarling. In case anyone wants to know, it came up a few months ago when he told us that he had been in complete shock back in 2008 to be made understudy because of his range. And he has sung all the big notes, all the high notes, etc. But being on for almost a month is obviously taking its toll. He has never, ever stated that he think he should be promoted, quite the opposite, actually, pointing out that it's a strain for him. It's fantastic that there are people who can sing well outside of their natural range, and Jonathan is one of them. But as Violet said, it's not necessarily good for him. About the new cast being announced - they are still casting Marius and Enjolras at the moment... |
Elbow |
Re: B
Believe me, Jonathan is scarcely "vocally in trouble" in the role. He is not a natural tenor, yes. But can you tell that through is performance? No. He has been in that role for a good few weeks now, and he says it's taking its toll on his voice, and why wouldn't it? He sounds as vocally strong as ever and he doesn't sound like he's in trouble at all, and if he did, I think it would be quite within his rights to blame it on the role being out of his natural range. Good God why are you so millitant? And personally, no I've never asked Bowman why he doesn't sing the top note. I know why he doesn't, it's because he sounds God awful if he does, to put it bluntly. His voice sounds far better and stronger with the low note. Yes, it's a cop out but, I'd rather hear that note than what sounds like a cat in heat. |
Eppie-Sue |
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Antony randomly went on tonight! I will review, I think. I'll try. But to sum the entire review up already - two big WTF thoughts during the show. 1) WHY, with a voice like that, a performance like that, is Antony understudy and WHY hasn't he gotten a promotion? 2) WHY, with a voice like that, a performance like that, has David ever been understudy and WHY THE ---- isn't he the obvious choice for the O2?! Seriously... (I'm in a good mood, actually. Heh. ![]() |
mm10 |
So was the rumour about Rhydian not true or was that for the O2 concert? On the point of the "one" note I thought we'd discussed that already (I thought it was one of our better "discussions" actually) so I'm sorry to see it being dragged up again. |
Eppie-Sue |
He definitely auditioned for Enjolras at the Queen's. It just means that there is no decision yet. |
MizH |
Have any of the principal cast confirmed that they're staying for another contract? There's a few people that I'd really like to stay on. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
David is leaving, Nancy is leaving, Alistair is leaving, HPJ is leaving.
I think Martin Ball is staying. But... that's all I know of so far. |
MizH |
After seeing the tour, I hope Martin Ball does stay. I need to see a good Thenardier! I hope Lorraine Bruce stays too, she's my favourite Madame T. I'm a bit gutted about HPJ leaving. I know he's not particularly popular with the internet community, but I think he's great. I was expecting Nancy and David to leave, it's unusual for an Eponine and Enjolras to stay for more than 2 years. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
Technically, it's even unusual for them to stay for more than one year. I think there have only been one or two other Enjolrases to do that, so... yeah. And I imagine the option to stay was there, for both, and at least with him, there somehow was the wish, too, really, but of course there is a point when you have to move on, and especially after being headhunted for the Donmar... About the other principals - it really is interesting. Again, I'm not expecting Bowman to stay, for numerous reasons, and I don't think it would be good for him at all. Emily... I have no idea. She's getting a bit old for Cosette, too. I suppose Rebecca will leave after this year, and I don't know about Lorraine. I would like to see a new, really good and vocally stronger Mme Th�nardier, but then, Lorraine really isn't too bad and with her, at least we know what we can expect... ETA: so far, I've got... leaving David, Nancy, Alistair, Antony, HPJ, Mark D, Katy, Sophie, Laura, Joe, and Killian and Mark H with a very high possibility staying Jonathan, Helen, Simon S, Jeff, Dylan, Martin B with a very high possibility. and I believe Gavin and George are staying, too... |
Eppie-Sue |
It's just been posted on the WOS boards.
They have got to be kidding. They are not seriously considering casting an Enjolras for a few months? And they aren't really going to allow someone to just come in like this? With no respect for the role? Going from a perfomer who gives it all at every single performance, matinee days or not, going on stage when he shouldn't, to someone who "does not want to get tied into giving the same performance twice a day"?! Bloody HELL. |
pastaeater |
If this is the case then I really despair at the thoughts behind the casting - maybe you could understand it if it was someone with very high profile and strong reputation.....but Rhydian?? Honestly, what is the point?! |
pastaeater |
Oh dear.......I'll be very disappointed if Killian leaves. ![]() |
BarkateerJenny |
I can confirm it's true, Sam is going to be Eponine!! ![]() |
BlueEyedGirl |
So I've just decidet to postpone getting a new computer, and instead going a second time to London and see the show ![]() Does anyone know if it's possible to get tickets for the BB-seats when you don't live in England? |
riverdawn |
Yes, it's no problem getting BB tickets from outside of England, as long as you have a credit card (doesn't need to be a UK credit card).
Just call the box office (there's a number on the Les Mis website) and ask them if they have seats in the BB rows for the dates you want. I've booked at least 3 tickets for BB from the US. |
Eppie-Sue |
Before the 19th June, that is?! ![]() |
BlueEyedGirl |
Cool thank you for the quick response ![]() |
BlueEyedGirl |
Yes of course ![]() |
riverdawn |
Speaking of which, I'm going on Friday for what will be the last time (at least for the foreseeable future, as I'm heading home for good. I'll obviously be back in London sometime, maybe even in the winter, but, you know, last time for now, certainly last time for this cast ![]() |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Heh. Remember the bit where I moaned about not seeing Antony? Well, guess who has no self-restraint and is going down to London next week... (I'm choosing to blame Eppie-Sue, who didn't exactly discourage me ![]() |
riverdawn |
Well, I'm going for the *last* time on Friday... I'm not promising not to go sometime between now and Friday ![]() ![]() ETA: In fact, I have no self-control and have already bought another ticket for this week... ![]() |
BarkateerJenny |
will new cast be on from 19th june??
is that their opening night?? |
Eppie-Sue |
No, the new cast's first night is the 21st. The current cast finishes on the 19th. ![]() |
Fiwen9430 |
It aggravates me that my uni's moving out day is always cast change day. ![]() ![]() |
beyondthebarricade |
5th June's Barricade Day too! AND I'M GOING WHEE ![]() |
BarkateerJenny |
ahh ok cool!! looks like ill be going 23rd then ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
So, will you just be going because of Samantha Barks as Eponine then?! Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she's good and all. But if you get the chance to see the show before and can do it before, why not go now and see a cast that works perfectly together, to get an overall impression, before seeing a largely new cast that yet has to grow together?! I'd do that, at least. | ||||||||
Wandering Ranger |
any word on who they have for Valjean then? I know Eppie Sue mentioned Marius and Enjolras hadn't been cast. Then, Rhydian was said to be doing Enjolras for a bit but no word yet on our favourite tenor. Any word? | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
No, nothing so far, or at least nothing that can be made public. If we knew something and were allowed to post it here, we would, I'm sure.
The discussion on WOS is already big enough, but I just need to say - I'm speechless and upset about the "Rhydian Roberts wants to do a short stint as Enjolras" rumour. I can't believe they would even consider it. |
BarkateerJenny |
yes I will be going just to see Sam!! and no I'm not going to see it before because I'm not even meant to be spending money at the mo as it I don't want to see it before Sam's in it! |
Eppie-Sue |
... alright then.
I saw the show Saturday night. I actually wanted to review, but I can't be bothered right now. Ugh, laziness. I might. Just one note - as a joke, one of the FOH people handed me one of the summaries they have ready for people, on a plain white sheet, the basic story, a bit longer than what they have in the programme and brochure. And it mentions Enjolras, twice. I never understood why the slightly shorter summaries don't do that. I mean, honestly?! at least "led by Enjolras" could be fit in there, that's three words, just to mention the guy's name, for God's sake. No one ever knows what he's called. The irony of having him in all the posters, on the buses, on all three large pictures on the side of the theatre, on the facade (... which they could really change already...), on the back of the brochure, on the first page of the brochure, in the centre of all the barricade/ODM/revolution photos, a solo shot over a whole page and then to not mention his name in the plot summary confuses me. Especially as no one catches the "Enjolras!" before "At Notre-Dame the sections are prepared" anyway. |
riverdawn |
Well, I guess at least they mention his name somewhere! I honestly don't know why it's not in the summary in the program. I just bought a book of sheet music from the show, and they have a brief summary of the plot at the beginning and there they do say "the students, led by Enjolras..." I have no idea why they haven't bothered with it in the program itself. |
Eppie-Sue |
It's silly and it doesn't make sense. Boo, discrimination!
Anyway. I saw the show last night. So instead of giving you a review of the Saturday evening show (which, overall, was good and exciting and had Alistair experiencing microphone fail half-way through ALFOR, which was awkward, so he wasn't on stage for the entire bit of Valjean at the barricade/The First Attack, thankfully came back for Valjean's Revenge, so "Marius, rest!" could actually happen...), I'll review last night. Okay, so. People off: Bowman (still quite ill it seems), Alistair, Thomas and George; and Rachel and Chloe. Oh, and Emma. so... Jonathan as JVJ as usual, Antony in his last week as Marius ![]() OH AND MARK DUDGALE WAS THE DRUNK AT THE WEDDING AGAIN. It was a good show. No one was The Best I've Ever Seen Them, but everyone was good. Oh, I need to point this out: HPJ has started to move in "Stars" - on Saturday already - which threw me off completely when I first saw it. He puts his hand over his heart after "God be my witness". I know this sounds like I'm mocking him but this is HUGE. About Antony - see, I saw him last Thursday, and he as absolutely amazing there, so I had a very good comparison, which is why I noticed, at least in Act 1, that he wasn't sounding too strong, really, especially in Look Down, In My Life and at the end of the Attack On Rue Plumet. So I got a bit worried. He pulled ECAET off beautifully, to be fair, and I really don't think anyone else noticed much... and it's a testament to how comfortable he is in the role, vocally, that he really held his own in the counterpart ("One more day before the storm"/"Do I follow where she goes" etc) bit in ODM. It's easily the strongest part of his performance, vocally, I think, I'm impressed by it every single time. But yeah. Talked to him later, and apparently he really was having problems and even thought about going off, so all in all, kudos for making it through. But this might also mean that Joe gets to go on for a performance... which would be sad for Antony, as it's his last week as Marius, but great for Joe, of course, as he's leaving, too. Jonathan is still human!Valjean, and I'm enjoying it. To be fair, I find myself getting bored at parts like Valjean's Confession, but that really isn't Jonathan's fault. Valjean isn't the character I'm hugely intrigued by, and my problem with everything after the Final Battle is that there is no ensemble (except for Turning, but that is so staged that it doesn't count) until the Wedding. So it's basically the same every single time. I think it was the first time after weeks and weeks that Martin Ball and Lorraine were on together again! I remember that he was off for at least two and a half weeks in April (probably also partly due to The Icelanding Volcano Ash Incident), and then she was on holiday for two weeks... but I really do love them together, and I do enjoy Lorraine's performance. If nothing else, at least she's terrifying. Speaking of terrifying, "Lamarque is dead" (which happened without stool-throwing and "ON THE TOOOMB!!! OF LAMARQUE" and all that on Saturday, while still being loud and awesome) was EPIC again. So there was a stool thrown and a proper shout for "jubilant SHOUT" and everything. There are only a few bits in the show that manage to make me forget I'm in a theatre and that I've seen this way, WAY too many times every time I see it, and David's "Lamarque is dead" (and the Final Battle) are definitely right up there. Amazing. We are so, so, so lucky. I hate that it often comes across as if we're taking it for granted, labelling it ("Epicjolras" and such), not thinking about it properly, because it's very special and it's greater and deeper and more intense than we should expect. I am dreading cast change, not because of who's going to take over, but simply because this is the way it's supposed to be. It's even more than that. It's so much more, really, and it all means a lot. So, uh, yes. Killian as Montparnasse. Dude. I love that so much. If I had to pick one ensemble role that I would like to see him in regularly, Montparnasse would be it. Not that I don't like Thomas, honestly, I adore him. And I adored John Jo. But Killian is perfect. He's not as swirly as John Jo was, and he's not as slick as Thomas, but it totally works for the character. He's pure DANGER, and he's enjoying it - the character is enjoying it. He uses the knife as an extension of his arm, and his interaction with Nancy as Eponine is GOLD. There is nothing that even comes close. They're so comfortable with it. Other plusses of having Killian in Thomas's track (although, vocally, he's obviously wasted...) are that he gets to throw the flag to David in DYHTPS, and he just knows how to do that perfectly well. It looks so much better, because it takes this HUGE arch over everyone and doesn't go directly at David's head. ![]() Whew, this is becoming an ESSAY! Oh yes, MARK THE DRUNK. Whee! I had no idea his wig could be so loose and so... all over the place. He was wonderful. Mark is a very camp drunk, and my favourite bit must have been when he was standing in the middle of the dancing couples swirling around him, pressing his fingers against his temples and clearly being awfully dizzy. Sadly, I couldn't see him for some time near the end, before everyone lined up for the dance off stage, sitting in A0, but I believe he was harrassing Simon and Jeff and then leaned over to half-yell at David!waiter, apparently trying to tell him his life story. So, overall, quite good. ![]() Oh, and Gavin is definitely staying! |
riverdawn |
Thanks for the review. It sounds like lots of fun!
But ooh... now you have me worried about Antony being off . Not that it wouldn't be nice to see Joe (whom I've never seen in the role), but... well... I was really hoping to see Antony. Well, I'm going twice this week so hopefully he'll be one for at least one of them... ![]() |
SarahBvK |
Does anyone know how much longer Jonathan will be on for? I guess it depends on when Simon Bowman comes back if indeed he does come back. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
A little while longer, apparently. Probably this week, and if Bowman isn't back next week, then Simon Shorten and Killian will go on, it seems, as Jonathan is going on a well-deserved holiday... | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Well, if Bowman is off because he is ill, then I really think there is no way of knowing when he'll be back on. I don't suppose anyone can guess at that. |
BarkateerJenny |
have any of you that commented about Samantha Barks actually seen her in anything live?? | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Who exactly are you referring to? As far as I can tell looking at the posts, I said that I'd never heard of Samantha Barks in my life (and therefore have no opinion, one way or another, about her casting), someone else said "oh, well" without saying any more, one person said they liked her in "I'd do anything" and someone else said they didn't much like her there. Those were, as far as I can tell, all of the "comments" on the topic. Frankly, most of the people in this forum are here because they like Les Miserables, the show. We each have our favorites (and our non-favorites), but ultimately we are here to discuss the show. I'm not sure what can be gained here by opening a big discussion about Samantha Barks - before you or anyone else has seen her in the role of Eponine. After cast change, when the new cast appears, I'm sure everyone will look forward to discussing all of the new performers in their various roles. |
Eppie-Sue |
Alright. As far as I can check back, only two or three people commented on the casting. The reactions were mostly positive, one saying that they liked her on IDA, the other one being that they actually liked seeing her live on the Cabaret tour. The only doubts that were expressed were as to whether she's suited for the part or if she can pull it off, which are natural and certainly justified. I'm sorry, but right now, I don't think anyone can say much about if she'll be good or not. She's been cast and that's it. What can be said, however, is that there is a cast that is leaving in six weeks, and this cast includes a very popular Eponine, mainly actually due to her acting and to how much she invests into the character and how secure she is with that, getting the balance right between what the musical and the book demand of her. That said, Joe is on as Marius tonight. That was to be expected... |
BarkateerJenny |
I didn't mean it as a "how dare you say that, you haven't seen her" kind of way, I was just asking who has actually seen her live, that's all...and give her a chance, wait til she actually starts to decide whether she can pull this off or not...and I know from reading this that you all obviously love the current cast so you're going to moan about them going anyway |
Eppie-Sue |
Oh, I didn't realise we weren't allowed to wonder if a new actress can do justice to a highly complex character, that is hard to pull off considering she's been reduced to part of a "love triangle". Of course, you're welcome to judge us for loving a cast and being sad to see them go. Sorry. |
pastaeater |
Umm - I don't quite understand your "all guns blazing" approach. I said that I had seen her live in Cabaret and liked her - I thought that she had improved a lot since I'd Do Anything. I'm not quite sure how you can take that in a negative way! Obviously, there are people on here who have seen the current cast a lot and will be sorry to see them go, but I think that most people will go to see the new cast members with an open mind. Moving on.......... any news on Killian, whether he is staying or going? |
BarkateerJenny |
I didn't say you weren't allowed to wonder if she can do justice to the character that is already soo well known and played. All I'm trying to say is give Sam a chance before jugding what she can do...I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you, your opinions or the current cast, that's the last thing I want to do. I'm sorry if you think I'm being mean or whatever, I really didn't mean it to come across like that...all I'm doing is supporting my friend, that's all |
Eppie-Sue |
As long as we're still waiting for an announcement who the next Enjolras will be... no news.
No one has judged her. We've taken note of the fact that she was cast, but as long as we haven't seen her, we're not going to talk about her, see?! (before anyone argues I'm being a hyprocrite: It's different in the Rhydian case because of the idea of it being a short stint, which is a concept that is certainly worrying.) Also - as much as I like the idea of you supporting a performer, if you count how many autographs you have of her, you're not her friend (referring to former signature here). And a random note, with an attitude like this - coming into a forum and telling people they have to give someone a chance, when no one has said anything against her or is in the least interested to discuss her because there's nothing there to discuss, you're not doing her any favours |
BarkateerJenny |
I didn't mean for it to sound negative, and I appreciate your comments. I'm just trying to prevent anyone judging Sam before she's been given a chance as obviously this is a big thing to take on and a complete change from Cabaret, but I have no doubt she'll take it all in her stride and be very successful in it...I didn't mean to aim it at anyone in particular, and obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion and I know that some people don't like Sam anyway. All I want is for people to support her or to give her constructive criticism... |
Eponines_Hat |
I'm sure Samantha will be fine - never heard of her before so I am reserving judgment - but I will miss Nancy so much in that role. She just breaks my heart. I bet she will land something fabulous though.
Sorry for fangirling ![]() ![]() |
riverdawn |
But that's the point. So far no one has really expressed any opinion, because there is nothing on which to express an opinion. After cast change those of us who are around will no doubt go and see the new cast (probably more than once), and then people will I'm sure be happy to discuss the new cast members, including Samantha Barks - and give their opinions, both negative and positive. But until that happens, there is just really no point at all in discussing Samantha Barks in this forum because we have yet to see her as Eponine and therefore there is nothing for us to talk about. |
Elbow |
I went to the show tonight, and it was a really good one, despite the orchestra sounding a bit... off.
So, firstly, I had Joe Evans as Marius. I think I am practically the last �regular� to see his Marius. And AW, I loved it. It�s amazing, our three current Marius� each portray Marius completely differently. They all have their own take on it and it�s fabulous. Joe was wonderfully awkward, incredibly smiley and showed that he could perform a lead role effortlessly. I loved his interactions with Eponine. He was wonderfully awkward and just didn�t know how to respond to her advances. He seemed both oblivious and confused by her, and patted her on the head. It was as though he regarded her as a little sister, not in that he seemed close to her but just in the way that he didn�t even see her as a girl. He was excellent in the wedding too. Barely making eye contact with Thenardier and just kept a smile plastered on his face so�s not to arouse any suspicion from the wedding guests. Yeah, he was great. A strong ECAET too. Killian was Montparnasse and excellently creepy, as usual. I think Montparnasse is my favourite Killian ensemble role. HPJ did something odd. It was a sort of Bowman-esque blooper. He said �Can this be true..... eh...... ........... YOUR AGE!� he recovered quite well though and managed to carry on after that. He has added a little to his performance. He touched his chest in Stars (as Eppie-Sue mentioned) and turned his head in The Robbery. Small steps, ay? Jonathan.... Aaah Jonathan. Truly still my favourite Valjean. He just manages to be so natural. His Soliloquy was so strong tonight. I loved it. The audience were a bit crap though, and I had to start the applause (I also had to do the same for ECAET, which I was sad about because Joe sang it very well and then there was just... silence.) I enjoyed Rebecca�s acting in her arrest today. When Jonathan came on into the scene, she quickly re-adjusted her skirt, which I liked. I also love that when she was led away, she seemed to have no idea what was happening, she looked unsure of whether she was being led to prison or to hospital. Thaxton is still putting 120% into it. LiD was so strong, there was a jubilant SHOUT and stools being thrown about (this sentence is making me laugh. Stools thrown about. Ha.) I missed Antony there though, I love his shouting after CAAAALLLLL. Thaxton got me thinking about the whole Rhydian thing again. I think if he really wants the role then he should go to a show before cast change and just watch Thaxton, then he�ll see what having that role means, how taxing it is, how much chemistry you have to have with the rest of the cast and how hard it is. It�s not a role you can do by halves. You have to be prepared to put your all into it; it�s a hugely difficult role. If he just wants a casual summer job, he should apply for front of house, not Enjolras. I�m not saying he couldn�t do the role at all, I�m just reiterating what has been said really � it�s the attitude of �Oh, I�d like to do this for a couple of months�. Not to mention, that it would only leave the actual new Enjolras 9 months with the cast to get into the role, which seems unfair and puts the whole performance of the show at risk. It doesn�t seem fair on the other cast members. Anyway. It might never happen. Fingers crossed. Back on to Thaxton though � I really think he�s going to keep this going until cast change. Yay. And I am so glad that Gavin has decided to stay. He�s so good. I wonder if they�ll swap around the tracks a bit like they did last year. I liked that. Anyway, I am incredibly tired, so shall stop writing now. It was a great show tonight though, lots of energy. |
HobNob |
Stools ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
I second that. ![]()
The thing with Rebecca is - I like everything she does. I don't disagree with any of her acting, but for some reason, I don't find it particularly touching. It's not that it's too subtle, I love subtlety, it just doesn't strike me as very convincing. I don't know why. Maybe it's because her Fantine never seems to be actually ill?!
Yes to all of this. I think the "problem" is that the way it is right now, it looks effortless. To make this role look effortless, though, you have to put the utmost effort into it. I'm not sure as to how much sense this makes, but I really think that's it. It's reached a level of "wholeness" where everything just flows, and the ensemble can rely on that. I said that to Elbow last night: It's not the ensemble's job to hold all of this together, just like Enjolras is the leader of their group and of the revolution, the performer must be in the very same position. It's not enough to just sing those big lines and have the others repeat them, it has to be believable, and it's not the ensemble's job to make it believable, which is hard enough considering how chaotic the barricade scenes can get and how little background the revolutionary movement gets. The audience has to take this seriously and to think they know the context. And for that, you need an Enjolras who knows the context, and who takes it very seriously. And, right now, that's the case. Every step is right, every look and every ad-lib and every interaction and every intonation and just everything fits perfectly, and none of it is automatic, everything always has the thought behind it or is relatively spontaneous (the changes in blocking just being one example). But it takes a lot of work and time to get there, and especially with someone like David, who had the essence right from the very beginning and who can rely on a voice that carries the lines perfectly, it also demands dedication and the wish to display these subtleties and depths and to make it right, not easy. ETA.
MizH |
Can anyone tell me if Jeff Nicholson staying through cast change? Sorry if it's been answered before. | ||||||||
Lauraa |
Yes, he is ![]()
pastaeater |
Nothing much to add except that I am ![]() |
riverdawn |
Looks like Antony is back on for tonight (at least, looks like he was on for the matinee). | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
hello from the interval. nothing interesting to report so far except that someone managed to lose the flag both in LID and DYHTPS. Am amused. | ||||||||
Pan |
I get so excited reading your reviews! Tickets are finally booked, C of the stalls for Barricade Day ![]() |
riverdawn |
Back from tonight's show. No strength to write a proper review right now but
a) was fun! b) I love Antony's Marius (in case this hasn't already been made clear before ![]() c) yes, the flag was dropped, while I was there, again (twice). This now makes 20% of all the shows I've been in, I think. ![]() and finally, got to hear two bits of ad-lib I hadn't heard before: - MarkPoliceman in the Runaway Cart saying "Please! I need everyone to just STAY CALM!" and more importantly, I finally managed to hear something of what MartinTaire is saying to DavidJolras over the injured Marius in the Final Battle. Just as David was getting up to leave I heard something that sounded like "Enjolras! It's suicide!" (Well, duh...) |
Eppie-Sue |
This was a LOT of fun. The whole show, at least from Paris/caf� on, felt slightly ... off. Not in a bad way, just in a very special and fresh way, as if some people were having a lot of fun on stage tonight. The ensemble was amazing, even if slightly quieter at moments like On Parole, Runaway Cart, Lamarque Is Dead, which was unavoidable, considering Antony and Jeff, two of the most vocal ones weren't there/not in the ensemble.
Yes, the flag incidents. That was awkward. Somehow David ended up on the table, holding the flag, and the next second, it wasn't there anymore. So Lamarque Is Dead happened without flag. Which didn't take anything away from the intensity and the loudness and all that, it was just a bit unusual. And there is a reason why the flag is in that picture normally. Of course it then still had to be given to Combeferre after the first verse of DYHTPS, as it should be, so Mark, who picked it up from wherever it had landed, had to hand to to David after a sharp nod from him, and he then handed it to Gavin, who then handed it to Killian, who then handed it back to Mark. It was all very much Capture The Flag. And it didn't end there, because the wonderful, beautiful arch that it took - which I've described in my Monday review with so much awe - as Killian threw it went, you guessed it, straight past David, reducing the flag to a sad crumbled red piece of cloth on the floor. Heh. So, that was a bit unfortunate. I was entertained at least. Not taking anything away from the performance, though, which was fantastic. Antony was sounding really good, especially at the "Somebooodyyyy's HEEEEEEEEEERE" ![]() What I really enjoyed were the dynamics between Antony's Marius and David's Enjolras. I think it worked really well, in the sense that Marius is this rather unexperienced and impulsive guy, who has to be brought down a notch or two sometimes. With Alistair, you don't get the same impression, but as Antony is so strong and expressive, David's reaction can get more authoritative. And I love them as policemen in Fantine's Arrest. One note - HPJ, I thought, sounded weaker than usual. The end of "Stars" (which is, actually, "staaaaaaaaars") was quite a bit shorter than usual, and "reprieved" as well and I thought he sounded like he had to strain more or he spoke some lines rather than singing them. With Jeff off right now, that could mean Killian as Javert. That's all I can think of right now. Oh, and the audience was AMAZING. Curtain call was MASSIVE. Just wow. ETA: Oh I have to add something! Gavin is awesome. Gavin, as David rushes up to wave the flag (which, yes, is technically suicide), actually looks at him with the most WTF expression as if he's going: "And what do you think you're doing?" You can just imagine the exasperation: "I stop paying attention for one minute and you go and KILL YOURSELF?!" He also pretty clearly told him that this wasn't a good idea, or something of that extent. Which reminded me of Mark screaming "ENJOLRAAAAAAS!" the other night as David got "shot", which was heartbreaking. |
mastachen |
It's interesting to note that after a year away from the boards, this particular thread is still going strong as ever. | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Oh, this is one of my favorite parts of his performance. I'm not sure if it is or isn't in character for Marius. That being said, I like that, for even a moment, someone talks back to Enjolras and implies that he can't just go about annexing people to his cause left and right when they had nothing to do with it in the first place. I think it adds complexity to the interaction, so that yes, Enjolras is the great shiny leader, but there are times where he's so caught up in the ideal that he loses some of the humanity. The "Her name was Eponine!" that Antony does seems to me to say "look, she was a person, not an ideal" and I quite like it. But of course, this is a matter of differing tastes. ![]() |
SarahBvK |
Thanks for the review Eppie-Sue. Was Jonathan on? He goes on holiday soon doesn't he? Hoping to see him as JVJ on Saturday. | ||||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Yes he was on. And he goes on holiday next week. | ||||||||
SarahBvK |
Thank you. | ||||||||
Eppie-Sue |
So, HPJ is actually off tonight, but Jeff is apparently back so he's on. Jonathan, Jeff, Antony. I'm happy. | ||||||||
SarahBvK |
Would love to see Jeff as Javert again. | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Just saw this myself. Hope he's still on tomorrow, as I don't think I've ever seen Jeffert. |
flying_pigs |
Jonathan, Jeff AND Antony??
I'm jealous of who ever is there tonight, report back! |
Eppie-Sue |
Will do. ![]() ETA: Now THAT's what I call a good show. Win. Vocally, the strongest set of male principals I've ever had, methinks. Some kind of review to follow later. |
riverdawn |
Sounds awesome. Still hoping to have the same set of male leads tomorrow. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
So. Before I review... As londonlesmis is posting a new cast list, I thought I'd copy it and post it here...
Martin Ball Amanda Jane Callaghan Francesca Leyland Daisy Maywood Jeff Nicholson Helen Owen Simon Shorten Dylan Williams Jonathan Williams Strangely, they haven't put up Samantha Barks yet, and Gavin is missing from the ensemble list. Hmpf. But the list of covers looks like Daniella is leaving. Oh, and I think I should add that, apparently Rebecca is staying as Fantine. |
Elbow |
Pfft, they know no more than us. They got loads wrong last year.
REVIEW! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Alright then. Review. I�ll try. The problem is that there was nothing extraordinary about this particular show, apart from the fact that, well, it were Jonathan, Jeff and Antony on together, and that�s pretty amazing, considering I�d rank them right up their with my favourite performers in their respective roles. Antony is, after all, my favourite Marius. And Jonathan and Jeff on together is just amazing, they work very well off each other, and one can only imagine how good they�d be if they got to go on together more often�
As I was in the middle of row B, Stalls, I was in one of the best seats imaginable. Close enough to see the most subtle bits, to hear ad-libbing, but also far enough back to get the impact of the entire stage. And I concentrated a lot on the principals, today, too. So, Jonathan. I think he�s changed quite a bit over time. Vocally, he was pretty amazing tonight, best I�ve heard him in a while. And for the first time in weeks, he actually went for the high �ONE� at the end of �Who Am I�, and pulled it off. I was so happy. Not that the song is about that note in any way, but it just sounds so good. The Soliloquy was also very strong and he got instant, loud applause after the �begiiiiin�, which was lovely. Acting-wise, there are still all those bits I love, and I�m happy overall. There are moments in On Parole and in Valjean�s Confession that I think he could work on. Now that he�s played the part almost every day for at least four weeks, as far as I can remember, I think he�s gotten used to certain ways to play certain moments, and I can�t really pinpoint it, but I�m not always sure it works. Jeff. Oh, Jeff. I loved his entire performance so much. He acts. He actually acts. I agree that HPJ has improved a little over time, acting-wise, but it�s still minimal compared to what he could and should do. Sometimes, Jeff expresses a bit too much for my liking � I don�t think Javert has to display smugness to appear smug, if you know what I mean � but I can�t and won�t criticise him right now. He was really, really good. Vocally, I have definitely heard him stronger than last night, but that might be because he was off the day before, after all. �Stars� was brilliant. I loved it so much � I remember crying my eyes out when I saw the tour and I got to experience Earl singing and acting it again� it�s a beautiful and important song, and Jeff does it a lot of justice. Also, the funniest moment of the evening was little William Edden as Gavroche up against Jeff, who, well, is the tallest of the cast. That was hilarious. At least for simple minds like me� Aaand Antony. Due to him, I�m noticing how big of a role Marius really is. Don�t get me wrong � I do like Alistair a lot, and I enjoy his performance, but Antony stands out so much more, and obviously I�ve also been paying a lot of attention to him. I don�t think Marius is vocally the hardest part or anything � I�d rank Valjean, Javert and Enjolras way above him, simply because with them, it�s so important that they deliver, vocally, with all the big moments � and I think you can�t play Marius horribly wrong, but apart from Valjean, he is the only one that basically interacts, in some way at least, with every other principal character (well, not so much with Fantine�), so it�s quite important how he approaches that, and I think all three performers in London, while all portraying completely different types, are doing a marvellous job of getting it right so it works for them and it works for the show. There are some quibbles with his performance, sometimes, mostly vocally � he is very strong, but some parts might still need some polishing (but so do his Feuilly parts. And look what I�ve done! Polishing! Feuilly! I made a polish joke. I�m feeling so clever, I hope someone got it.), and we can�t forget he�s 20 and he�s vocally still developing and everything. There are very strong parts � and I count the soft moments as very strong, too, because his voice suits the �romantic lead� very, very well � and while there is nothing wrong, ever, I just think if he had more time with the character, he could adjust better and figure out better suited ways to sing some of the lines. As for the others� Of course I was watching the show without knowing that Rebecca is, apparently, staying for a second year (from what I overheard), but in hindsight, I�m not sure what to think. I liked Rebecca a lot last night, but I also think I�ve seen her enough. Of course that is not a criteria � obviously the casting can�t pay attention to what people who have seen the show so many times want � but then, I felt I had seen everything she could give after the first week of seeing her, too. I do like her, but I don�t get the feeling that she brings much to Fantine�s character. It�s so difficult, I�ve said it before � she doesn�t do anything wrong, but she also doesn�t make any moment stand out to me. It should be interesting to see if anything will change in her portrayal in the new cast. I hope so, not just because I very selfishly think that I don�t want to see the same Fantine for yet another year, but also because I don�t think she blows many people who only see her once away. That said, I think it�s lovely that after being in the show before years ago, understudying the part in 08/09 and playing it for a year, she still wants to be in Les Mis. : ) Oh and I do hope they�ll do something about her wig. Natalie�s is so beautiful, but Rebecca�s just looks ridiculous. The way the front is done, especially, not flattering at all. David is still putting 120% into it, it seems, most notably in �Lamarque is dead�, which happened with the flag today ![]() I have to add something about The Fight. I wasn�t sure whether to do it here or at Antony�s or Jonathan�s paragraphs. xD It was INTENSE. With Alistair, he really wants to go and get himself shot, but it�s pretty clear that a No from David is definite and there is no way he�ll make it over the barricade. Yeah, not so much with Antony. Antony really went for it, got positively insane and put up the most impressive fight, both against David and then against Jonathan. And Antony is a bit more, well, threatening than Alistair anyway, he�s just built differently. So David actually really had to fight back to keep him in his place, and as much as I love the cold and authoritative reaction to Alistair, last night was pretty epic. Antony was THIS close to actually getting through. And it was heartbreaking when William, as Gavroche, sang his line about already being there and David turned around and yelled out. Also, David�s Enjolras totally wouldn�t accept any blame for Gavroche�s death. Therefore, it�s good that no one dares to blame him (as opposed to other productions), it�s all quite the opposite. Oh, and you know what�s scary? The Jump from the very middle of the front row(s). Yes. I�ll stop here with the principals. Emily, Nancy, Martin B and Lorraine, I felt, were as good as usual, and while the same can be said for Rebecca and David, I thought with the current news about Rebecca staying and the discussion re: casting an Enjolras for a small stint, it would make sense to write a bit more about them. Plus, I�ll use any excuse to ramble about Enjolras and ensemble, anyway. Speaking of ensemble. Apart from Antony, Jeff and Jonathan missing, obviously (I can�t remember the last time I saw Jonathan as Lesgles. Feels like ages. It�s truly become the swing-role now�), Thomas wasn�t there either, and Chloe and Daniella were off. All swings were there, which led to Greg in Antony�s track up to Paris, then he was in Thomas�s track which was frustrating because with Killian RIGHT THERE, I want to see HIM as Montparnasse, not Greg ![]() Katy was in Daniella�s track, which I do love quite a bit as she actually struggles against the policemen in Fantine�s Arrest, and Emma was in Chloe�s track. Not sure if I like her Madeleine, Chloe is truly great there. Okay, so, random ensemble moments: I am so grateful that Gavin is staying. His Bishop is just awesome. The way he looks at Valjean right before he goes off stage after �I have bought your soul for God� is absolutely stunning, and he just is Combeferre to me, now. And the way he pays attention to David as Enjolras and the look he gives him when David hands the red flag to him after his DYHTPS verse, it all happens with such gravitas, and how he is by his side and the way they talk about whatever-they�re-talking-about in the caf�, and the way he stares at Martin as Grantaire and is so irritated that David has to put his hand on his shoulder and say �Combeferre. Combeferre!� a few times � I believe on Wednesday he even had to explain that, yes, he would take care of this � I love it all so much. I also can�t imagine him with a different Enjolras or a different Courfeyrac. He and Mark work so wonderfully together, both being so serious about the revolution, only that Mark�s Courfeyrac is all hyper and Gavin�s Combeferre is all solemn� Can it please all stay the way it is RIGHT NOW?! Please. They all get it so right. Oh, and I love how he is the first one to arrive at Fantine�s Arrest, and how he watches it all, and when Valjean walks off, right at the very beginning of The Runaway Cart, he raises his hand a bit and walks after him quickly, as if to tell him what he witnessed. Which of course doesn�t happen because LOOK OUT IT�S A RUNAWAY CART. I watched AJ in ATEOTD today. That sounds fairly random, but as I knew that she�s the one that runs up to Fantine afterwards as if to comfort her, I thought I�d pay attention, and oh, I loved her. She has to sing all these ghastly lines about how Fantine is a slut and everything, but she doesn�t sing them with much energy or fury, she watches her with a look of pity and concern, and it is so clear that she doesn�t agree and she feels sorry for her, but she can�t stand up against the other women. So good. What else�?! Ah. I know Laura Medforth is getting a lot of criticism for being over the top from us, and I think I need to add that as much as I do like her as the bag woman, because it works for her, I wish she could tone it down a bit. The way she mutters and moves around distracts from the scene that should really focus on Marius and Eponine. It�s quite loud and you can�t ignore it. She�s ensemble, and while I�m all for fully exploring the roles and giving it all for them, it would be nice if that happened in context, e.g. supporting the scenes instead of making it all about your one character. That said, she saved the First Attack today by getting shot. Technically, Greg should have been the one to hand David/Enjolras the bullets, as he was dressed as Bahorel (btw, David actually referred to him as �Bahorel!� when he told him to lower his gun as Valjean climbed over the barricade, I believe) � but, for some reason, he also had to sing Jonathan�s �See how they turn and run!� line after the attack, so he couldn�t get shot. I�m not sure if the list they have for moments like these backstage didn�t include the �someone needs to get shot in order for Valjean to save Enjolras of the sniper� scene � it would have been terribly awkward if there hadn�t been anyone to get shot, and I�m quite fascinated by the thought how they would have pulled it off, but yes. In the first seconds of the attack, Laura noticed there wasn�t anyone to get shot, put her gun aside and quickly went into that spot. Well saved. Whew, I think I can�t think of much else. As I said, one of the strongest sets of male principals I�ve ever had. I think my overall favourite would be seeing Shannon, Earl, David, Antony and Martin B back in September� but I�m not even sure if that ever happened. I think I only saw Antony with Jeff, not with Earl. But yes. One of those casts. Awesome. Oh, and kudos to all those that had to sing during the quiet moments last night � it sounded like there constantly someone choking on Dress Circle. Seriously. It was annoying. They just didn�t stop coughing. If it�s so bad, just leave the auditorium instead of ruining it for everyone else. Ah, and the group of teenage girls?! They loved it, judging by, um, curtain call screams. ![]() NO THIS ISN'T LONG AT ALL. |
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
![]() ![]() ![]() ETA: That bit about Daisy Maywood certainly seems to be correct. She's also here. (Apparently she's 5'1'' and doesn't weigh anything ... ![]() Also, Francesca Leyland is here, if you're interested. They both seem to be quite dance-orientated, which is a bit wasted in Les Mis. |
SarahBvK |
Thank you for the review Eppie-Sue. Hope to see Jonathan tomorrow and the added bonus would be if Jeff was on as Javert. | ||||||||
riverdawn |
Update fron interval:
HPJ is back on, and i'm not complaining because during The Robbery he saw one of the pamphlets on the floor, picked it up, read it and then crumpled it up in disgust. |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, he did that the other day, too. Last week or something. He's moving. |
KatyRoseLand |
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but Martin Neely is staying!! ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Ah, the last time I asked him he wasn't sure yet. Glad to hear he's staying, but can't imagine him with a different Enjolras at all. Heh. | ||||||||
l'ivrogne transfigur� |
Agreed on both counts. But hopefully he'll be able to teach the new Enjolras a thing or two about appropriate E/R interaction. |
riverdawn |
So.... erm... I guess this is going to constitute my last review, at least in the foreseeable future, as I'm done with my time in England for this year and I'm going home.
So, erm, naturally I was a bit emotional. I was in A12, which let me tell you was just about the best seat I've ever been in - like in BB you still miss out on the lighting on the stage, but other than that you see basically everything, and as it's right in the middle you also get a more balanced sound in the music, and you get the full effect of the staging and...gosh... it was brilliant. So basically there was a part of my head that was just enjoying the show and getting emotional because of the show itself, but especially towards the end there was another part of me that was going "ah! This is the last time I'm ever seeing David Thaxton's Enjolras, Mark Dugdale's Courfeyrac, Nancy Sullivan's Eponine" etc. etc. So... erm... yeah... But this being my last review, let me try and do it properly (although probably not very coherently) : So, a lot of people were back on today. Still Jonathan as Valjean, and still Antony as Marius, but HPJ was back (as I've said) and George and Jeff were also both back... Killian was in Jonathan's track, Mark Hedges in Antony's, Greg was on as Montparnasse. Jonathan was amazing. He's clearly really building Valjean in detail, and there were lots of great little touches, like the fact that in the Bargain during "there are treacherous people about" he gets really mad, like he's outraged about the very idea, or that in the prologue when he goes for "never forget the years, the waste" he is looking at his reflection in the pool, rubbing his beard, assessing the changes that time has made to his appearance. It was just perfect, because to be honest I sometimes find the whole "drinking from the pool" bit a bit awkward, but he really gave it meaning. Most importantly, his BHH was just stupendous! Obviously his strength is more in the lower, powerful parts, but those parts he just does so so incredibly well. He actually got a BRAVO! from the audience at the end. I've said before that I've actually grown to like HPJ, and today I particularly liked him. I already mentioned the fact that he picked up the leaflet and read it, which was a nice touch. He also got his voice back, so there was a really great "Reprieved" and "Stars". I enjoy Rebbecca every time, and today she was very good at looking ill in the death scene. She looked positively green as the stage turned around. I LOVE Antony's Marius so much. I agree with what Eppie-Sue said the other day, that his strongest bit vocally is the counter-point in ODM. It's kind of great to have someone that can hold his own to David in that part. I also really love his ECAET, especially the fact that as he goes to "here they talked of revolution" he has this bittersweet smile. It's very touching. I'm not sure if maybe Emily is coming down with something, or if maybe there was some kind of microphone malfunction, but she sounded quite weak for most of her parts (I was worried for the high note at the end of AHFOL and the reprise, but she hit them very well). Nancy was AMAZING today. She was so emotional during OMO and ALFOR, and I got teary just looking at her. And ALFOR also got applause, which was...erm... a little awkward. Someone started the applause and a few people joined and then other people did it but sort of halfheartedly because it is a death scene, after all. And David... well... David. First of all, let me say that A12 is a really good seat for the cafe scenes. ![]() Oh, and GavinBishop was wonderful today. "for God...." lasted forever! So beautiful! As for other random stuff: First, let me say, I really love Mark's policemen, in all their various types, but especially "vicious policeman" in the first Look Down and his "Go on! Get out of here!" before Stars. Also, after Eppie-Sue mentioned it, I paid attention to Gavin during Enjolras' flag waving at the Final Battle and yes, he does give a heartbreaking look and today there was also a bit of "Enjolras! Enjolras, get down from there!" which was kind of poignant because it reminded a bit of his "Grantaire, get down from there!" In random point of hilarity, Bamatabois' hat fell into the orchestra pit today. Not onto the net but into the pit itself. I was sitting right behind the conductor, who managed to continue conduction while making sure that all was well. Killian was one of the drunks in MOTH and he had me giggling hysterically the entire time, because he kept nearly falling off of his chair and saying all kinds of weird things. He was, however, quite disappointing as the drunk at the wedding. I was expecting something funny, but other than the fact that his pant-flap was half open and his shirt a mess, he wasn't a very funny drunk there. I love how mean Antony is in ATEOTD, laughing at "oh yes, the virtuous Fantine", yelling "slut" at random moments... and today in the part just before IDAD when the three men are there and they laugh at her, he grabbed his crotch and made lewd gestures at Fantine. It was very...erm.... And, well, gosh, I could probably go on forever because there are always these wonderful little things that go on everywhere and this cast is just so incredible and I can't believe I won't see them again (although I can't be too sad as I am going home! yay!) Also, let me say that certain members of this forum are very very sweet for coming to the stage door just to say goodbye to me, and for letting some of the cast members know that I was leaving so I got to talk to them and say thank you and stuff.... and Mark Dugdale and Jonathan Williams were incredibly incredibly sweet and both gave me hugs, which I totally wasn't expecting because it's not as though I talked to them very much but...awwww.... ![]() So, erm, yeah - it really has been a great year in terms of Les Mis. I've seen the show 21 times, plus one time for the tour (and saw between 5-6 different Valjeans, by the way), and I had a great time and I've met some lovely people (yes, I mean you lot) and it was really great. It made it much easier to be away from home. Of course I'm still going to stick around here, reading reviews and making silly comments and I'm particularly curious to hear reports of the new cast when they make it. ![]() |
Eppie-Sue |
Lovely review. I'm glad you had a great time last night, at the stage door, too. ![]() And on that note, next week, Mon-Wed, are Mark's last Enjolras dates. Yes. Sad. |
riverdawn |
Huh, it looks from Jeff's twitter like it's Jeffert again today...
Couldn't have been on yesterday? |
Eppie-Sue |
Yes, small male cast. Bowman, HPJ, Alistair, Thomas, Martin N and Dylan all off... should be interesting. | ||||||||
riverdawn |
huh. If Martin N is off and Jeff is on as Javert, who is on as Grantaire? | ||||||||
flying_pigs |
George Miller I assume ![]() |
riverdawn |
Ah, thanks. Wasn't sure who was "second cover" for Grantaire. |